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“SYNDEO: A Proposed Philippine National Institute for Neurosciences and Hospital

through Neuroarchitecture Approach in Dasmarinas, Cavite”

A Research Proposal submitted in partial fulfillment of the

Subject Requirements for Research Methods for Architecture

Riogie Ungon

Ar./EnP. Gerelson Ray R. Bernardino, UAP, PIEP, M

RMA Adviser

Learning the scope of nervous system plays a vital role in order to comprehend

the basic biology and body function. Defining neuroscience, it refers as a study of the

development of nervous system, following its structure, and how it works. This field of

study utilizes the function of brain and the influence of it on behavior and cognitive

aspects. In present times, it is an interdisciplinary science which liaises closely with

other disciplines including mathematics, linguistics, engineering, computer science,

chemistry, philosophy, psychology, and medicine. Neuroscience is often described as

related to neurobiology but they are different. Neurobiology studies the biology of the

nervous system while neuroscience discusses on what occurs with the nervous system

(Christian Nordqvist, 2020).

From the article of Scientific American, it says that Aristotle came up with a

theory that the brain was a blood-cooling mechanism. The first people who studies brain

are the ancient Greeks, as they gave perception on how the brain works and coordinate

with neural disorders.

Few pioneers in neuroscience world have contributed in history. Pierre Paul

Broca (1824-1880) who’s a French physician, surgeon, and anatomist, worked along

with patients who had brain damage. The Broca’s area, a part of the brain, is in charge

of some speech and some functions. During 19th century, Von Hemholtz discovered the

speed of nerve cells producing electrical impulses. In 1973, Gamillo Golgi utilizes the

use of silver chromate salt to demonstrate the look of neurons. Santiago Ramón y Cajal

speculated in early 20th century that neurons are independent nerve cell units. Year

1906, Golgi and Cajal were awarded a Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for
studying neurons in the brain. When 1950 came, the modern neurology made a great

advancement through the development for aiding stoke, cardiovascular disease,

multiple sclerosis (MS) and other conditions (Yvette Brazier, 2018).

Neuroscience, on the other hand, has a broad field of study with variety of

subfields involving spotlight on the brain and other parts of the nervous system,

connecting them to other zones of psychology and behavior, from social interactions to

mental disorders. There have been different domains in neuroscience, which gives

different meanings in our mental life: cognitive neuroscience, examines the neural

mechanism on how thought processes unfold at the cellular level; social neuroscience,

a field in which the brain works on connections to other people; clinical neuroscience, a

field of study about mental and nervous system illness, including psychiatry and clinical

psychology; developmental neuroscience that showcases the form of brain and nervous

system and how they change; affective neuroscience, it shows the emotional capability

of brain through structures, chemicals, and networks; behavioral neuroscience, refers

on the foundation of brain and rest of the nervous system in regards to behavior; and

computational neuroscience, which uses computer modeling and mathematical

strategies to showcase how the brain works in complex way. These are just some of the

recognized categories that presents the breadth and diversity of neuroscience

(Psychology Today).


Educational neuroscience continues to receive criticisms by having a minimal

impact on educational practice and the issue of practical usage into classrooms. Around

year 1991-2000, the authors Berninger & Corina (1998) said that the possibility of
affirming the relationships between developmental neuropsychology (taught by

Berninger) and cognitive neuroscience (taught by Corina) would be impossible by

educational psychologists whilst they are not trained in research and findings. They

began citing studies from 1980s and 1990s to survey how we learn from the perspective

of their differing fields, including the early research about neuroplasticity, understanding

of dyslexia, and language acquisition through neural processing.From the year of

2000s, it has been recognized that the educational neuroscience has the proficiency to

transform schools, as resulted after 20 years, it served purposes by contributing

scientific validation to some educational practices (Florian Bayer, 2022). During the

struggle of neuroscientists, it became a challenge to transfer laboratory data into

classrooms. The centralization of the education system, regulations, and curricula leave

little room for experimentation. A professor at Freiburg Advanced Center of Education in

Germany, Nicole Vidal, concluded that originating educational practices from brain

functionality is complicated. In addition of Stefan Hopmann, a professor of education at

the University of Vienna, he was also doubtful about neuroscience education, and lack

of reliability on scientific aspects from some publications. Even though it proceeds into

an independent field of study, educational neuroscience is still in emerging development

(Gregory Pavliv, 2022).

● Why should scientists study neuroscience? (2018, October 1).



● About neuroscience - Department of Neuroscience. (2020, February 5).

Department of Neuroscience.

● Brazier, Y. (2018, June 26). What is neuroscience?

● (2022, January 19). Neuroscience in

schools: Between a mirage and a miracle. UNESCO.


● Pavliv, G. (n.d.). Brief History of educational neuroscience: What’s next?


● Fields of Study in Neuroscience | Psychology Today

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