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(00:00) This is a human tooth. Just a few minutes ago it was a beautiful shade of white,
with hardly any cracks or damage. But after being dropped into a glass of celery juice, you
can see just how fast the acids in the juice ate away at the tooth, making it shriveled, weak,
and disgusting to look at.
(00:19) It may surprise you that something as healthy as celery juice can cause this kind of
damage to your teeth, but it’s true. A recent, groundbreaking study published in the journal
Nutrients that was looking at current farming practices discovered that a whole host of
foods, such as cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes, fish, eggs, beef, pork and chicken, could
contain hidden acids that are causing your mouth to rot from the inside-out, leading to
cracked, stained, cavity-filled teeth, itching and bleeding gums, destroying your smile and
making you feel self-conscious constantly, no matter how healthily your food choices are or
how regularly
(00:51) you brush your teeth or visit the dentist. Big food companies are literally washing the
food you eat in mouth-wrecking acids before sending them to your local produce aisle but
scientists have recently discovered an amazing “acid-proofing method”, that not only
protects your teeth from further decay but miraculously rebuilds your teeth and gums
thanks to an ancient Roman self-healing mineral lost for over 2000 years.
(01:17) Rediscovered only recently by a team of researchers from MIT, this mineral is a
close cousin to what makes up your teeth. That is why it is now being considered as a
major candidate for regenerative dentistry. This ancient, self-healing mineral has been
shown to completely regenerate teeth and give them back not only their clean beautiful look,
but also the structural strength to last decades longer.
(01:38) That means your teeth will heal and restore themselves, turning back the clock on
your dental damage. No more swollen, itchy gums, cracked, plaque-filled teeth that
constantly look yellow no matter how much you brush them. No more covering your mouth
when you smile, no more shooting pains through your teeth when you take a sip of cold
water or eat an ice-cream, no more bad breath at any hour of the day.
(01:58) Thanks to this self-healing mineral, you will have stunning pearly whites that will
make your dentist envious. And this solution has nothing to do with any brushing
technique, buying some expensive machine to clean your gums, painful procedures, or
some new toothpaste in the supermarket aisles. This all-natural solution has its origins in
an Ancient Roman secret that has made 2000-year-old buildings stand without a single
crack in them, all thanks to a self-healing mineral that has been hidden from the public for
thousands of years. But as you’ll discover in the next few moments, this
(02:29) highly-effective Roman secret helps soothe itchy, swollen bleeding gums, protects
against cracked, rotting teeth that make you feel self-conscious when you smile, clears
nasty plaque in your mouth and helps your teeth look as good as new again, giving you
that Hollywood-movie smile! You will no longer worry about bad breath and discolored
yellow teeth, or the fear and pain of biting into food.
(02:54) All without changing how you brush or floss and without stepping a foot in a
dentist’s office. I know it works because this is exactly what happened to me. You see, for
years, I was humiliated by my teeth. No matter how much I brushed or flossed I constantly
had cavities, my teeth were stained, rotten and decaying and my gum line was receding so
badly that it exposed the roots of my teeth…causing shooting pain with every bite I took.
(03:15) To make matters worse, my breath stank like rotten eggs, even after I brushed and
used mouthwash and as the years went on, a couple of teeth from the back of my mouth
began falling out, even though I was still a young man! It killed my confidence, and I
became a recluse, not wanting to meet my friends or family or even go outside at all
because the pain of loneliness was better than the humiliation of other people seeing my
nasty teeth and judging me.
(03:42) But today, thanks to this ancient Roman self-healing mineral, things are completely
different. People assume I got dentures, and their jaws drop when I tell them they are my
natural teeth that I was born with. Even my dentist who hasn’t seen me in one year couldn't
believe that I went from this… to this. My teeth are whiter, brighter, and healthier than
they’ve ever been.
(04:03) My gums aren’t receding like they used to and they’re not itchy, sore and bleeding
anymore. My smile has never looked better. And the constant pain and sensitivity I was so
used to has disappeared. My family and friends can’t believe it. They keep saying I must
have gotten veneers or that I have fake teeth and are simply shocked to realize that it’s the
same old teeth I’ve always had.
(04:23) Transforming my teeth, gums, and smile has completely changed my confidence
levels and my desire to go out and talk to people. Yet the best part is that I was able to do
all of this without paying thousands for painful dental procedures. But here’s the thing.
(04:40) I’m not telling you this to brag but rather, to show you how YOU can get a
“Hollywood” smile with strong, pink gums that keep your teeth squarely in place and white,
beaming teeth that give you unshakable confidence. This ancient Roman secret is so
effective that it’s been used by tens of thousands of men and women to forget about
cavities, bad breath, and painful, bleeding gums.
(05:04) People like Samantha, who said “My teeth have never looked so good, you guys!
Sensitivity is gone, my gums aren’t bleeding so much anymore, and I feel so much more
confident. Thank you so much for sharing this with me!”. … Or Adam, who said “I used to
cover my mouth with my hand everythime I talked. I would never smiled for photos
because I couldn’t stand the sight of my teeth.
(05:26) My wife was heartbroken because she knew how embarrassed I was about my
smile, but we simply could not afford to spend thousands of dollars to fix each tooth. Now,
I am a new man. I smile with pride and confidence and I love all the compliments I am
getting.”… Or Dan, who shared “I hated the taste in my mouth and the smell of my breath.
(05:51) I would check it every couple of minutes, just to make sure I wasn’t making people
run for the hills. And my teeth looked so yellow, I was scared to wear any white shirt
because you could just tell how stained all my teeth were. This solution has saved me and
my marriage. Now I can kiss my wife without a worry and everyone asks me where I got
my teeth done.
(06:15) It’s so satisfying to see their wide eyes when I tell them it’s all me.” … If you want to
restore your gums, teeth, and smile, then you owe it to yourself to hear what this is
because it will completely transform your smile from something you need to hide every
time you laugh, to bright, white teeth that will make you feel ready for any close up your
kids want to post on Facebook.
(06:37) Even if you’ve tried every solution out there, even if you’re considering serious
dental work or dentures and even if everything you’ve tried in the past has failed. You owe
it to yourself to watch this video to the very end because I promise that what you’ll learn
has the power to transform your life.
(06:52) Look, I have to admit, when I first discovered this information I was sure I'd heard it
all before. All the toothpaste ads make it seem like dentists know everything about tooth
health and how to keep your mouth in good shape. But as I discovered, nothing could be
further from the truth. After everything I’d been through, I didn’t believe that I could be one
of those people with white, gleaming teeth, healthy gums and a happy smile without
spending thousands of dollars on the dentist. And I want every single person out there
struggling with dental pain and the look of their
(07:23) smile to be able to fix it. Which is why I’m so excited to share all of this with you
today. My name is Jim Grant, I’m from the great state of Michigan, and I want you to know
that I’m not a dentist, or some talking head medical expert you’ll see on TV. For over four
decades, I worked in the construction industry, putting in long hours and hard work to build
everything from homes to commercial buildings before finally retiring a few years back.
(07:48) And while I’ve been blessed with a lot, I'd also been carrying around the shame of
my dental nightmare. So I know how hopeless it can feel when your teeth are cracked,
rotting, and yellow, as if they are falling apart. When your gums are swollen, itchy, and sore
and when they’re bleeding all the time - especially when you brush your teeth.
(08:08) And all of this is happening even though you try your hardest to take care of your
teeth. Brushing, flossing, going to the dentist for check-ups, using mouthwash and maybe
even teeth whitening products that only seem to work for people in commercials, but not
for you. Well, this is exactly what was happening to me.
(08:24) It destroyed my self-esteem and confidence and made me want to hide under a
rock rather than have to talk to people. My gums had receded so badly that it exposed the
roots of my teeth and every time I ate something, brushed my teeth, drank water – or even
breathed too deeply - It hurt like heck! From morning to night, I would get shooting pains
through most of my teeth and I felt like I was living in a nightmare I couldn’t escape. The
thing is, it hadn’t always been this way.
(08:50) Growing up, I’d always taken care of my teeth. I’d had braces and almost never had
cavities, which is why I couldn’t understand why this was happening to me now. The worst
part is that I was trying everything I could. I paid my dentist a small fortune, and accepted
all the procedures he said I needed, like deep cleanings, dental filling, scaling and root
planing for the gums.
(09:11) I would fix one issue only to see a new cavity pop up, or feel pain in a new spot.
Nothing is more crushing than paying thousands and after finally finishing the procedure,
seeing bleeding on the other side of my gums. And I tried all the usual solutions too. I was
brushing my teeth after every meal, flossing two to three times a day. I tried countless
kinds of toothpaste and antibacterial mouthwash.
(09:32) I tried to stay away as much as possible from the foods that I knew harmed my
teeth, such as sweets, fizzy drinks, sugary cereals. But nothing seemed to help. And I even
tried weird alternative treatments like coconut oil pulling (which tasted really nasty and
made me feel like throwing up!) These are all things you've probably tried as well, wasting
hundreds of dollars.
(09:53) I became so ashamed of my teeth, that I started going out less and less. It got to
the point where I would only leave the house to go to work, avoiding any kind of social
interaction. Because I was terrified of what people would think about my teeth and I never
wanted anybody to see them. And when I really had to go outside, I had a whole bunch of
tricks so that no one would ever get a look at my ugly teeth.
(10:11) Worst of all, it had been quite a while since my divorce and I hadn’t been on a date
in years. I’d completely given up on finding a partner and was resigned to spending the
rest of my life alone. However, the worst moment of all came at my daughter’s wedding.
And while telling this story to you is very painful for me, it’s important that you hear it
because this is what will help YOU to rejuvenate your teeth and gums, forget about
cavities and get the confident smile and pain-free mouth you deserve. You see, it was my
beautiful daughter’s big day. She was marrying a charming
(10:40) young man she met in church, and I couldn’t have been happier for them. However,
as happy as I was for my daughter, I was terrified. For one, I was petrified of ruining her
wedding photos as I didn’t dare to smile properly and show my teeth to anyone. But even
worse, as the father of the bride, I had to give a toast in front of 236 guests, with my
terrible teeth on full display for everyone.
(11:06) And worst of all, I had to sit next to the mother of the bride, my ex-wife, who left me
years ago for a much younger man. Not only was this guy 20 years younger than me, with
a ridiculous 6-pack, but he had perfect teeth and an arrogant, annoying grin that always
seemed to show them off, always getting all the attention.
(11:23) I simply had to do something with my teeth before the wedding, so I built up the
courage to make a dentist appointment. It may sound childish, but after all the procedures
to fix my teeth, I had become quite scared of the dentist’s office. But as scary as going to
the dentist was, the thought of 200 people staring at my ugly teeth at the wedding was
even scarier.
(11:43) So I made one more visit to the dentist and asked him what I could do to look
good, even if for just one night. He sighed and said there was one thing I could try and
suggested a pair of cover-up dentures that go just over the teeth. He gave me a pair to try
on, and while they did cover my teeth, they were pretty uncomfortable. But the discomfort
was better than all the guests seeing my real teeth.
(12:02) So the dentist took a mold of my teeth and said he’d make me my own pair, and
that they’d arrive just in time. For the first time in months, I felt some relief that it would all
be okay. Thankfully, my dentures arrived in time and the wedding ceremony went perfectly.
My darling daughter looked out of this world, with the biggest smile on her face and
everyone could see how happy they were together.
(12:22) We took some photos (which I normally hated, but didn’t mind with my new
dentures in) and had a beautiful meal. Then the time came for my toast. I picked up my
notes, cleared my throat, looked around the room to see so many friendly faces, all smiling
back and began delivering the speech I’d been working on for months. And that’s when it
(12:43) My dentures fell out, leaving my crooked, cracked, and yellow teeth on display for
every single one of the guests. Everyone around the table tried not to look shocked or
laugh, until my ex-wife looked up at me and said: “Jim, you dropped your teeth!” The room
erupted with a mix of laughter and awkwardness. I tried to laugh it off, and pretend like I
wasn't humiliated.
(13:04) So I cut the speech short and I left the wedding as fast as I could, missing the very
moment I had waited for the entire evening - the father-daughter dance. I was holding back
tears the entire time and I felt the whole world collapse around me. Will my daughter ever
forgive me for this? I’m sure you can imagine the shame, embarrassment, and anger that
consumed me. But there was no escape.
(13:24) I’d humiliated myself and my daughter, and the texts the next day of “Don’t worry
about it Jim” didn’t help at all - and in fact, only made me feel worse. For the next few
weeks, I refused to leave the house. Until I hit my breaking point and decided to take the
matter into my own hands. I could not live like this anymore. These are my golden years
and I cannot just waste them hidden in my house, lonely and sad.
(13:40) Instead, I spent the next 9 weeks learning more and more about how the mouth
works and digging deeper and deeper into medical articles, clinical studies and scientific
experiments, desperate to understand why my teeth and gums (as well as those of millions
of Americans) are so messed up, no matter how much we brush, floss, and watch our diet.
(14:01) That’s when I made the first astounding discovery that would change my life
forever: after many sleepless nights, I managed to get to the real root cause of all dental
issues and I could barely close my mouth while skimming through all the undeniable proof.
You see, while we are all obsessed with brushing and flossing, It turns out that the root
cause of thin, cracked teeth, and itchy, bleeding gums actually doesn’t have anything to do
with our oral hygiene routine.
(14:26) But instead, it all comes down to one thing: Our saliva. That might sound weird but
it’s true. You see, there’s nothing more important for your dental health than your own
saliva. It is your saliva that dictates whether you’re going to have healthy pearly-whites or
decaying teeth and foul breath.
(14:42) And here’s why: Your saliva is in contact with your teeth on a daily basis. It reaches
every nook and cranny of your mouth and gums and healthy saliva is a good indication that
your teeth and gums are healthy too. The problem is, unhealthy saliva can also be the
cause of stained, rotting teeth, itchy, receding gums or constant throbbing pain. And it all
comes down to its pH level. pH is a measure of how acidic something is.
(15:03) Healthy saliva should have an almost neutral pH. However, most of us have acidic
saliva, and I will tell you in just a few seconds how to tell if you have it too. You see, the
more acidic your saliva becomes, the more it can erode your teeth from the inside out, just
like actual acid.
(15:20) This has been proven by scientists many times. For example, a major study that
involved 300 people found that people with more acidic saliva tended to have more decay
and more tooth loss. Similar to how battery acid destroys everything it comes into contact
with, acidic saliva can significantly degrade the quality of your teeth and gums.
(15:42) Dentists and scientists have a name for this process: Dental erosion. This is when
the acid in your saliva eats away at your teeth, gums, and enamel, causing puffy, inflamed
gums, sensitivity and pain and even drag you into a pit of despair where you become
resigned that this is the way things will always be. Have you ever felt that way? Now, a
huge problem is that dental erosion is difficult to detect until it’s too late.
(16:04) Because acidic saliva isn’t noticeable. You don't feel a tingle on your tongue or get
acid reflux. In fact, a group of dentists at the UT Health Science Center in San Antonio,
Texas has taken to calling this problem a “silent and destructive phenomenon.
(16:20) ” So why is dental erosion becoming a bigger and bigger problem nowadays? Well,
you often hear about common culprits being blamed like soda, juice, pickles, yogurt,
energy drinks, etc. And although those things can definitely increase acid levels in your
saliva, the real culprit, the real reason our dental erosion is getting worse and our teeth are
decaying faster than ever before, is something that I was just about to discover.
(16:41) You see, as I kept going down my rabbit hole of research, while ignoring everything
mainstream media had to say of course, I came across something really eye-opening. It
was a research article talking about the insane amount of acids that are added to our
foods. You see, starting in the 1950s, following World War II, the entire food system
(17:02) In order to feed a booming population, the big food companies added increasing
amounts of preservatives, artificial flavors, artificial colors, and other chemicals to make
food last longer and it’s well documented that this rise has correlated with all kinds of other
health issues. What you probably didn’t realize is how it’s been responsible for our
worsening dental problems too.
(17:23) Because these acidic additives are EVERYWHERE. From the cereals or sandwich
you eat in the morning, to the meat you slap on your barbecue and the beer you drink after
work. And the ‘healthy’ salad you eat - it’s not healthy at all. You see, even what we believe
is healthy food, is in fact filled with acidic additives.
(17:43) For example: Did you know that foods like cucumbers, artichokes, cauliflower,
peppers, and fish that you buy at the supermarket are often “acidified”? Unfortunately, this
applies to meat too. According to studies, more than 70% of all pork, beef and poultry meat
sold in America is ‘enhanced’ or acidified to maintain its color and to keep it from drying
(18:01) Why? Because it makes the greedy food production companies more money!
These additives artificially make the food last longer, which means they can hold more
stock in their warehouses and factories. And those are just a few examples.
(18:18) Butter, curry powder, cooking oils, pie fillings, salads, milk and cheese, jams,
bread, chicken, wine… The list goes on and on. And that’s just one example. Artificial food
coloring? Yep, also acidic. Ever seen “guar gum” on your list of foods? It’s in ice creams,
sodas, and tons of gluten-free items. Yet it’s extremely acidic. And so is xanthan gum,
which you find in soups, syrups, and more gluten-free products, and the list goes on and
(18:42) Pretty crazy, right? It’s no wonder your gums are becoming weaker and your teeth
are showing cracks no matter what you try. Even when you try to eat healthily, you’re
bathing your mouth in acid every day because of big food companies. That’s why no
matter what toothpaste I used, how much I flossed, or even how often I went to the dentist,
it didn’t help.
(19:03) Because those solutions do NOTHING to treat the root cause of my problems -
which is acidic saliva. It’s no wonder I was struggling and fighting a losing battle and this
explains so clearly why people struggle to improve their dental health as they get older!
Just like how waves constantly batter and erode the shore, acidic saliva constantly chips
away and erodes your teeth from the inside out.
(19:23) Now sure, some people get lucky, and they have naturally healthier teeth that are
better able to withstand the acidic saliva in their mouths but what about the rest of us who
aren’t so lucky? After considering all of this, It was clear that I needed to find a two-part
solution that would: 1.
(19:40) Protect teeth from this constant acid bath they’re dealing with… 2. Go to work
fixing the damage that’s already been done. At that moment, I had no idea what that
solution could be. Honestly, after reading through all the studies, articles and books, my
head was spinning. I was so tired that I couldn’t focus on anything properly, so I decided to
do the only thing that always managed to take my mind off things: go on one of my favorite
history channels and watch documentaries.
(20:06) Little did I know that something so apparently small, like turning on my TV at the
right time on the right channel, would help me end teeth problems for thousands of
hard-working Americans and for myself, saying goodbye to throbbing or shooting teeth
pain, ugly stained teeth, swollen gums and rotten breath. I am going to share it all with you
in just a couple of minutes. And how all of this happened by sheer luck.
(20:29) The documentary that came on talked about the marvel of Roman buildings that
are still standing after thousands of years, wars, and catastrophic natural disasters. The
host of the show continued sharing something that would completely transform the
trajectory of my life. You see, while most buildings only last 100-200 years, the Romans
had created buildings, aqueducts, and even statues that were two thousand years old
without a single crack in sight.
(20:54) These constructions had survived the fall of the Roman Empire, sieges and riots in
the city, and even acid rain! For example, the Roman Pantheon, still intact 2000 years after
it was built, still holds the record for the world’s largest dome of unreinforced concrete. The
reason behind its strength and resilience had been a complete mystery and had obsessed
archaeologists and historians for decades.
(21:18) But just recently, researchers have potentially discovered the secret: Roman
concrete was just different from anything else on the face of the earth. I mean, just look at
this thing: It looks in better condition than many of the buildings in my block, and it is all
thanks to a special ingredient that made the roman concrete indestructible and gave it
“self-healing properties”.
(21:38) When it rains, this special self-healing ingredient would mix with the water, turning
into hard material that would fill in any existing cracks, leaving the building even more
sturdy than before. This is what made their buildings so strong and durable, as if they were
some living regenerative thing. And then, when I heard what the ingredient is, I realized it’s
a close cousin of the stuff that makes up our teeth.
(22:03) I couldn’t get it out of my head for days… the roman buildings lasted so long
because they were basically made of… tooth material? Could this ingredient, given it being
so close to the natural composition of our teeth, be a solution? I had to find out everything I
could about this special material.
(22:20) Researchers from MIT clearly described how this Roman concrete actually works
and what gives it the self-healing properties. See, when the concrete of the Roman
buildings cracks, it exposes this special tooth-like material that’s mixed inside it. This is a
special form of calcium carbonate and when an acid substance, let’s say acid rain or diet
soda, comes into contact with it, the calcium carbonate reacts to that, forming an extra
hard calcium carbonate, gluing the crack back together and therefore allowing the crack to
heal. The carbonate calcium in the Roman concrete
(22:46) wasn’t just any type of calcium. The Romans had one extra trick up their sleeves -
they were way ahead of their time and they processed this calcium using a special
warming process that unlocks its powerful healing capabilities. A group of scientists named
it “thermal calcium”. And get this - coming into contact with any kind of acidic substance
actually makes it even stronger and helps it heal back quicker.
(23:11) Now, of course, I couldn’t just assume that since this calcium carbonate is similar
to the one that covers your teeth, it would just work like that. I had to test and retest to
make sure it was safe and that it would also give the same results. If it didn’t work, it would
be no better than your average toothpaste or mouthwash, just another useless thing to put
in your mouth.
(23:30) I had to create a similar form of this “thermal calcium” for our enamel and teeth and
make it absolutely safe to consume. And sure enough, after going through another
hundred internet pages and after weeks of sleepless nights, I finally had a breakthrough. I
uncovered a special thermal calcium mixture, that the moment it enters your mouth and gets
in touch with the calcium from the enamel in your teeth, it reacts to the temperature in your
(23:51) And with the very acidic saliva that is destroying your teeth and gums, sealing the
microscopic holes that allow acid and bacteria to get in and rot your smile, strengthening
your teeth, bonding everything back together. It's completely safe and doesn't have any
weird taste. And the most fascinating fact - In time, it also helps neutralize your saliva and
maintain a healthy PH balance in your mouth, promoting remineralization to your enamel.
(24:19) Basically, the longer you use it, the more this material hardens and makes it last
even longer in the future because this soothing thermal calcium mix just fuses with the
calcium from the enamel in your teeth, not only gluing every crack, but also creating an
invisible shield against any future damage, especially since it is constantly being
“rewarmed” at the perfect temperature of 98.
(24:40) 6 degrees in your mouth and it also happens to be an essential mineral for the
formation of collagen, giving it the incredible ability to triple-reinforce your gum tissue,
helping your teeth and gums reclaim their original glory. Remember though - it was not just
any calcium that I needed. It was a proprietary blend of “self healing” thermal calcium for
our enamel and teeth, made from calcium carbonate and calcium phosphate, another
mineral that is naturally found in strong, healthy teeth.
(25:07) And if the science was right, it could protect my teeth from the acidic saliva that
was destroying my teeth and gums. The same way that thermal calcium has been
protecting these buildings from thousands of years of acid rain. I thought back to that
horrible moment at the wedding and how I wished I had known this back then. But then
something unexpected happened.
(25:28) As I kept researching, I found a couple of other ingredients that can make this
thermal calcium blend even MORE powerful! It seemed that when you combine the
highest-quality form of self healing calcium with other proven and powerful ingredients, it
compounds the effectiveness and makes the mineral work even better! It becomes
something that has the power to not only protect you from tooth decay and gum diseases
for years to come but can also help you TRANSFORM your teeth, making them whiter
than they’ve ever been, with fresher breath than you’ve ever had. So what are these
ingredients? Well, the first one was an
(25:59) incredible ingredient called lysozyme. Lysozyme is actually found in saliva. It’s what
gives the saliva its antibacterial properties, fighting against bacteria and maintaining a
healthy environment in the mouth. One study shows higher levels of lysozyme protects
against dental cavities and improves “oral immunity.
(26:19) ” By keeping your mouth clean, more of the “self healing” calcium can get in touch
with the enamel and strengthen your teeth better. I was so excited to discover lysozyme as
it was clear it had the power to strengthen and reduce bleeding in gums, fight off bad
breath, preserve your teeth and so much more. But it gets even better because I found that
when mixed with “clove oil” it can really help to neutralize the acid in your mouth, alleviate
tooth pain and even reduce bleeding in the gums! Cloves were used in the traditional
medicine of ancient civilizations, such as Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine, to treat a wide
range of
(26:51) ailments including toothaches. But also as a breath freshener and to mask bad
odors. Also, a test-tube study made by the Dows Institute for Dental Research showed that
the compounds extracted from cloves were found to stop the growth of two major types of
bacteria that contribute to gum disease.
(27:11) I found out that the most potent type of clove is the Kanyakumari variety, found only
in India, and that to preserve its amazing properties, the dried flower buds have to be
distilled at a precise temperature to obtain the purest oil. I really felt like I was onto
something important here. Imagine being able to repair and restore your gums, and have
strong, bright, healthy teeth without the need for invasive treatments.
(27:32) That’s exactly what’s possible with this incredibly unique mixture of ingredients – in
exactly the right quantities. So I began to think about how I could get my hands on these
incredible ingredients. But it turned out to be really difficult. When it comes to handy work, I
can do pretty much anything.
(27:48) But I’d never done anything like this before. And frankly, I didn’t have the slightest
clue about where to start. Which really frustrated me because I’ve always been a “do it
yourself” kind of guy. However, I did have someone in my corner who I thought could help.
One of my best buddies, who I’ve known since high school, is a retired dentist and one of
the smartest guys I’ve ever met. Unfortunately, for all his experience as a dentist, he was
never able to help me much.
(28:12) But he was always interested in holistic approaches. So I gave him a call and told
him everything I had discovered. He was massively skeptical, but agreed to keep an open
mind and more importantly, he agreed to read through the research I’d found. So I emailed
him all the peer-reviewed clinical studies I’d uncovered, hoping and praying that my friend
would be as excited about this discovery as I was. The next morning, I woke up to a text
from my friend saying “Call me ASAP.” I called him,
(28:39) and he was stuttering and stammering and could barely get the words out. He told
me he was sorry for doubting me and said he felt like an idiot for not knowing about this
after all his years as a dentist.
(28:56) I told him that I wanted to find a way to harness the power of my discovery and have
a smile I was proud of. And if it worked, to potentially help thousands of people to do the
same. My buddy said that he was in, but that if we were going to do this, we needed to do
it RIGHT. He immediately came over so we could discuss how we could bring this idea to
life. The first thing he did was pull out a sheet of paper that contained a list of ingredients.
(29:17) And he said that we should add these ingredients to our formula. First on the list
was myrrh. A traditional remedy for the gums, myrrh is used to freshen breath and used
topically for gum sores, irritation from dentures, and canker sores. One study that involved
40 individuals found that gum health significantly improved when participants used
myrrh-containing toothpaste compared to regular toothpaste.
(29:37) Next, we added wild mint - which fascinatingly has been used since Roman times
in dental care and healing. In fact, mint’s health benefits and great effects on teeth are the
reason why most dental products are flavored with mint. I wanted the real deal and the
most powerful mint available.
(29:55) And by reading studies completed only a couple of years ago, I found out that the
most potent type of mint is a variety from South Africa, called wild water mint. Now this
variety was perfect, because it not only helps stop cavities from advancing, but it also
breaks down the plaque in your mouth. But we didn’t stop there. We also added Xylitol.
(30:16) You might have heard of Xylitol before, but you might not know just how good it is
for dental hygiene. A team of dental students performed an experiment to see the effects
of xylitol. Instead of brushing and flossing their teeth, they chewed on xylitol candies. The
results? They actually had lower dental plaque levels after the week was over than they
did before it started.
(30:35) That’s how they discovered Xylitol has the power to starve the bacteria in your
mouth, and leave it helpless in front of antibacterial ingredients. And finally, the last
ingredient is a special type of Mediterranean sea salt that has been shown to be especially
effective when combined with xylitol and lysozyme. In fact, Italian researchers have found
that combining xylitol, lysozyme, and this special sea salt made such a powerful tooth
remedy, that it beats out modern toothpaste.
(31:00) Actually, back in the days, Chinese toothpastes were made of a variety of
ingredients, including salt, herbal mints, and ginseng. And even today, people in some
regions still brush their teeth with water and salt to stop gum bleeding, and remove stains
and tartar. But you should never use the salt you find in stores. Unfortunately, this type of
salt is so processed that it loses all its health benefits.
(31:21) That is why we chose a special Mediterranean sea salt, harvested through the
natural evaporation of seawater. It is rich in minerals, contains zero microplastics, and it
has all 84 essential trace elements required by the body. This type of sea salt is also
interesting because it was used by the Romans, Egyptians, and all kinds of other ancient
cultures to improve oral health.
(31:42) The next step was to find someone who could produce this for us. For the most
potent effects, we decided it should be in the form of a chewable soft candy, something
that stays and melts in your mouth, strengthening your teeth and sealing microscopic holes
that exist in your teeth, not only gluing every crack, but also creating an invisible shield
against any future damage. We called a number of my friend’s contacts to see who could
do it.
(32:08) However, everyone we spoke to told us that either they didn’t have the proper
equipment to do it or that it would cost an absolute fortune and it would just be way too
expensive to make the numbers work. I thought about quitting multiple times. But we kept
going because we knew the potential this had to change lives.
(32:29) Eventually, after weeks of work, we finally got in touch with someone who could
bring our idea to life. We told the manufacturer about our idea to create a soft chewable
candy from this special “thermal calcium mix” and the other ingredients. I knew that it
would be difficult and that it would be expensive. But I told him I was willing to do whatever
it takes. So he got right to work with his incredible team and I patiently waited for the
(32:49) A few weeks later, he called me and said they’d not only been able to source the
highest-quality form of our seven ingredients, but he’d also uncovered an amazing method
of treating the calcium in a special way needed to get the best possible results. So the next
step was to send a sample pack out to me. One day, I came home from a hike in the
woods, and right at my front door, there was a package waiting for me. I was so excited I
sprinted towards it. But something weird happened.
(33:13) I’d been waiting for this day for months, thinking I’d be so excited when it finally
arrived. But instead, I was nervous and scared. What if it didn’t work? What if it was like
everything else I’d gotten disappointed about that had just been a giant letdown? What if
I’d drained a big portion of my savings for nothing? But I put my skepticism aside and
decided to give it a try.
(33:34) I took one, put it in my mouth, and was happy that it tasted quite good! It tasted just
like a delicious candy. It took about a minute to slowly dissolve and after that, my work was
done for the day. I felt peaceful knowing I’d taken a big step, and went about my day as
usual, taking just one dental candy a day immediately after brushing my teeth.
(33:55) I’ll be honest, the first few days were a bit tough. Because while I knew it was
going to take some time to work, I was feeling impatient and I was still nervous that I
wouldn't see any results. But then, like the flip of a switch, everything started to change.
(34:10) My teeth and gums were hurting less, the cracks in my teeth didn’t look so
concerning anymore, the discoloration was fading and my mouth and breath just felt
cleaner. It was as if the ingredients were being mixed in with my saliva and reinforcing my
teeth, making them stronger by the minute. After a few more weeks, it kept getting even
better. I had the confidence to be more social and started going out in public much more.
(34:32) My family all noticed as well and kept commenting on how big my smile was and
how happy I seemed. My buddies noticed too and asked if I’d gotten them fixed while I was
on vacation. Things just keep getting better. And before I knew it, my teeth were two or
three shades whiter, and my gums felt better than ever.
(34:48) I felt like I’d never need to set foot in a dental office ever again. My confidence
came back and I felt like the man I used to be. Women were giving me smiles and staring
at me like I was a movie star or something. Heck, even my ex-wife seemed to notice. But
my favorite moment of all happened with my daughter. To my relief, she did not hold a
grudge for me, almost ruining her wedding.
(35:08) She knew very well how upset and self-conscious I was about my dental issues
and that I only tried to look and feel my best for her. One day we were hanging out, and
she said “Dad, let’s take a picture.” Now, this was something that I’d never said ‘yes’ to
before. But I wanted to make my daughter happy. So I said, “what the heck, let’s do it.
(35:29) ” We took the picture, but I didn’t do my normal “grumpy old man smile” that hid my
teeth. Nope, I smiled as big and wide as I could, showing off my teeth in all their glory. My
daughter was staring at the photo, and when I asked what was wrong, she said: "Dad, your
teeth look perfect! I wish mine looked like yours.
(35:44) " Then she posted the photo on Instagram, and immediately the comments rolled
in. And for a moment, panic went through my whole body. I could imagine the nasty
comments that might come in but to my surprise, the comments were so kind. N
(36:02) ot insulting my teeth, but complimenting them! "Wow! Your dad has a celebrity
smile!..." "His teeth are so white and shiny - what's his secret?" One of her friends even
called me a silver fox, which really made me blush! Things continued to get better as my
gums became pinker and weren’t sore anymore. I could eat chewy foods like steak without
feeling like I’d pull a tooth out and I could drink a cold beer or soda with no sensitivity.
(36:23) Which made it so much more fun to go out with my buddies again. In fact, one
night, I was out for some drinks with old work friends I hadn’t seen in a while. They were
stunned at how incredible my teeth looked, thinking they must be false. I laughed, told them
they were not, and said, “I’ll show you my secret, but you gotta keep it between us.” They
leaned in, and I told them about the dental healing candy.
(36:43) I explained all they had to do was put it on their tongue each day, let it dissolve and
it would do all the work. When I got home, I sent them all a supply of this dental soothing
candy and while some of them were still pretty skeptical, they agreed to give it a try. A few
weeks later, we all met up again.
(37:03) They were blown away by the results! All of their teeth were whiter and healthier,
and one of my buddies who had really bad teeth before and a lot of discoloration – well, he
couldn’t stop smiling! Sure, his teeth weren’t as good as mine yet but I knew that if he kept
taking it, the results would only improve. They all asked if they could have more. But
unfortunately, I was running low and didn’t have any more dental healing candy to give
(37:22) So I knew I had to get my hands on more. I called our manufacturer and told him
about my results and explained that my friends were practically begging me for more! He
was so happy to hear it and said that he’d given them to a few of his staff - as well as taking
them personally - and he was seeing similar results. So it was clear what we needed to do
(37:41) I decided to invest even more of my own money to mass produce these healing
candy and help as many people as possible. After all, they worked so dang well and were
so effective that we’d be stupid not to. And it would be so selfish to keep this secret all to
(37:57) So, after months of work and preparation… I’m proud to introduce PowerBite. This
powerful and delicious candy is designed to quickly and easily rejuvenate even the most
damaged teeth and gums. Since its release, it has provided relief for over 150,000 people.
People like: A.J., 44, from Nashville, Tennessee, who told us “My constant tooth pain made
it impossible for me to enjoy simple pleasures, like sipping a hot cup of coffee or biting
into a juicy apple.
(38:31) Ever since I got these candy chews my teeth never felt better…and it feels like a
miracle that i can eat again without pain.” … J. K. , from Buffalo, New York, who told us “so
I used to shy away from family photos because my yellow, stained teeth. Just The idea of
those images being shared on social media or hanging on the wall just made me cringe.
But After using the candy chew for a few weeks, my teeth are now dazzling white, and they
also feel sturdy and healthy.
(39:02) I'm no longer embarrassed to show off my smile and can finally enjoy being part of
those cherished family moments without fear.” … M.Z , 52, from Quincy, Massachusetts,
who said “I felt so embarrassed about my teeth that even playing with my kids at the park
was difficult. When my daughter asked why my teeth looked different from her friends'
parents, it was a wake-up call.
(39:27) But Since using this candy chew, my teeth look and feel so much better, and I can
finally play with my kids without feeling like I need to hide my smile.” … As soon as you
start using this dental healing candy, you'll begin to feel a transformation taking place. It
will immediately go to work, reacting to the temperature in your mouth, the calcium in your
enamel, and with the very acid saliva that is destroying your teeth and gums, strengthening
your teeth and sealing microscopic holes that allow acid and bacteria to get in and rot your
smile, maintaining a healthy PH balance in your mouth, promoting remineralization of your
(39:57) enamel. Many people report that they can feel the difference in minutes, with their
teeth feeling stronger by the day. And in just a matter of days, you'll start to see a subtle
but clear difference in the appearance of your teeth and gums.
(40:12) You'll notice that the yellow staining and discoloration caused by years of neglect
will start to fade away as your teeth begin to look brighter and whiter. The itchy gums and
bad taste in your mouth will become a distant memory. You'll be able to enjoy your favorite
foods without worrying about tooth pain or sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures.
(40:29) And the receding gum lines that once plagued you will become healthy and pink
once again. You'll go from being self-conscious and ashamed, to feeling confident and
proud to show off your stunning smile once again, simply by chewing one of these
delicious soft candies for 60 seconds a day. We use only the purest ingredients in this
dental healing candy.
(40:50) Every ingredient is tested and certified for purity by third-party labs to ensure the
highest quality. This means this dental healing candy doesn’t contain toxins like poisons or
harmful metals and it's made with love and attention to detail in a state-of-the-art facility
that follows all the rules set by the FDA and adheres to Good Manufacturing Processes
(41:12) This dental healing candy is also proudly made in the USA! Honestly, it is no
wonder that since we released it to the public, it’s been hard to keep it in stock. In only 4
months, we've sold well over 117,400 packages, and that number is climbing every day.
People all over the USA, who've been suffering from embarrassing dental issues, finally
have an all-natural solution that works.
(41:33) And they're telling their friends and families too. But, with such high demand, it's
only a matter of time before we run out. And due to supply chain issues around the world,
restocking will take us a long time.
(41:48) That’s why it's crucial that you place your order for as much of this dental soothing
candy as possible right now. The last thing we want is for you to interrupt your treatment
before your dental health is fully restored. Because in that case, further dental issues are
not only possible, but likely.
(42:04) In fact, from what we’ve seen and what our customers tell us, the best results are
seen when someone uses this dental healing candy for at least 180 days. That not only
restores your dental health for good, but also gives you the best chance to keep your teeth
and gums healthy and protected against future issues. Make sure to secure your supply
today and say goodbye to the discomfort and embarrassment of poor teeth.
(42:25) We’ve gone to great lengths to ensure that this dental healing candy is affordable
to every American who needs it. After handpicking the best ingredients, negotiating
production, and keeping costs low, I'm proud to offer you this game-changing formula at
the lowest possible price.
(42:41) You’ll never have to spend your hard-earned money on ineffective treatments and
costly dental procedures again. And you can say goodbye to the fear and anxiety that
comes with dental visits. This dental healing candy is only available on this website and
only while supplies last. We never want to go big with this solution and produce it on an
industrial scale because we know that would simply lower the quality.
(43:03) We will only make as much as we can keep an eye on. So if you see this dental
healing candy anywhere other than this website, know that you are not getting the real
deal. We will never sell on Amazon or eBay because we will simply never be able to
ensure proper quality control if we go that big. This dental healing candy can protect your
teeth and gums now and for the years to come.
(43:23) You can say goodbye to the expensive, side-effect-filled alternatives that provide
only minor and temporary relief. Watch as your teeth transform from yellow and stained to a
healthy, shiny white. Experience the relief as your itchy gums and bad breath disappear.
No more hiding your smile from your loved ones or covering your mouth when you talk.
(43:42) No more running away from social events because you're afraid of what people
might think. Think of how great it will be to feel like your old self once again. When you
invest in this dental healing candy today, you’ll pay less than you would for a 15-minute
dentist visit, painful diagnostic procedures, and costly dental treatments.
(44:02) Yet unlike any of those approaches, this dental healing candy is what I believe to
be the only real chance of restoring your dental health and confidence once and for all.
Plus, when you consider the fact that there's only one facility in the world that meets our
quality control expectation that each soft mineral candy contains the purest and most potent
form of these ingredients on the planet, today’s special low price is a bargain, if you ask me.
(44:24) Because this is not about making money. This is about reclaiming your dental health
and confidence, not only for myself, but for all the other people such as yourself tormented
by shame, pain, and fear of judgment over their dental problems. That is why I have
negotiated hard to bring you this solution for as little as $1.50 a day.
(44:45) That’s right, for our most discounted package, you will spend less than 2 bucks a
day to say goodbye to dental issues for good. But this special discounted package is only
available today, on this webpage, and only while supplies last. It’s the deepest discount
we’ve ever offered, and we’re only doing it because we know what a difference this will
make in your life.
(45:06) For six packs of this dental healing candy, you will invest only $49 per pack. And
this gives you the highest chance to restore your teeth and gums to their former glory AND
prevent future issues from creeping back in a couple of weeks or months. And if you
choose your package right now, you will risk absolutely nothing.
(45:23) Because we want you to be certain that this dental healing candy is right for you,
we offer every single person a 60 day no-questions asked money-back guarantee. That
means you have a full 60 days to “test drive” this dental healing candy for yourself.We
know you'll be thrilled with your results. But if for any reason you're not 100% satisfied with
your order, simply contact our friendly support staff, send back all the bottles, even if
they're empty, and they'll issue a refund. You know what? If you
(45:52) buy our 6-bottle package and your teeth heal faster than expected, feel free to send
us back the bottles you haven't used, and you'll get your money back for every single one
of them. You may also consider saving them for your friends or family.
(46:07) That's how confident we are that this solution can work wonders. To put it bluntly…
If, for any reason, you are not thrilled with our solution — you pay nothing. That's just how
we believe business should be done. Either you love our product, or you don't pay a dime.
(46:22) What could be simpler than that? And because you're covered by our 60-Day No
Hassle money-back guarantee… Why not take advantage of our 6-month highly
discounted package? It really is the smartest option. I mean, you're protected either way. If
you love this dental healing candy, you're locked into our lowest rate of just $49.00 per
bottle, saving more than anybody else.
(46:42) And if this solution doesn't work for you, then you simply ask for a refund and lose
nothing. No matter what happens, you truly only have everything to gain and nothing to
lose. And that’s STILL not all you get when you invest in our 3 or 6-month packages.
Because we’re also going to include two bonuses worth a total of $109, completely FREE.
The first bonus you’re going to get is our 2-Minute “Sparking Smile” Guide… Which is a
collection of easy tips and tricks that help whiten your teeth and strengthen gums even
FASTER ─ in less than 2 minutes a day. Inside, you’ll discover: The 10-second “mouth
swish” method that removes ANY
(47:18) traces of plaque… The fruit peel that gives you an instant glow after rubbing it on
your teeth… The weird 1-minute tongue exercise that strengthens teeth… The 30-second
“gum massage” that stimulates new gum growth (you can use a toothbrush or your fingers.
It’s fast, easy, and gentle)... The daily tooth detox diet (includes 15 foods that will detox
your teeth and remove bacteria and toxins naturally)... And much, much more.
(47:45) The second bonus you’re going to get is our Total Body Detox After Tooth & Gum
Decay. Most people have probably heard that your mouth is the “gateway to the body.”
Meaning that when your teeth and gums are compromised, it becomes easy for dangerous
bacteria to seep into your bloodstream and body. This wrecks your metabolism, causes
brain fog, and even leads to more serious problems.
(48:06) Which is why it’s so important once you fix your smile to focus on detoxing your
body. Inside, you’ll discover: The 3 BEST fruits to filter harmful bacteria from your blood…
The 7-day “smoothie protocol” that cleanses the entire body from head to foot… The weird
“lemon peel” trick that sucks out toxins from your feet… The simple 1-minute “focus tea”
recipe that eliminates brain fog… And more.
(48:29) Both guides are yours free when you buy the 3-pack or 6-pack on sale, and you'll
get access to them immediately. But that’s not all. Because when you order the discounted
three-month or six-month package, you’ll also get free shipping, which is an additional
saving of $9.95. But both the special multi-bottle discount and the free shipping are limited.
(48:50) When we run out of this solution, it could take us months to make a new batch. So
choose the six-bottle package or any other package below this video right now to secure
your order. This is truly one of the smartest and most important investments you’ll ever
make to free yourself from the embarrassment of bad teeth. So, given everything you’ve
just been told, I am sure you must be really excited to try this solution for yourself.
(49:12) All you have to do to claim your discount is simply click the button below now to
order the 6-month supply or whichever amount makes the most sense to you. After you’ve
selected your package, you’ll then be taken to our secure order page, where you can fill out
your shipping and payment information. We use the same professional-grade, 256-bit
encryption technology as places like Amazon, eBay, and Walmart, so you know your
information is safe with us.
(49:40) Once you hit “enter,” you’ll land on our confirmation page, which will carefully
explain exactly what you can expect with your order. Now, I must warn you, sometimes we
experience temporary “out of stocks.” Obviously, we do our best to avoid this, but that’s
just the simple reality of trying to get a product like this out to so many people placing big
orders all at once.
(50:00) You don’t have to worry though, because as long as you’re watching this video
right now and don’t see any “out of stock” icon popping up anywhere, then we still have
bottles of this dental healing candy left in stock. But I really wanted to make this note for
you because I can’t say for sure when we might run out of stock next, and I don’t ever want
you to be in that unfortunate situation where you fall in love with this solution, only to come
back to this page a month later to find that it’s completely sold out.
(50:25) So that’s just one last reason why our 6-month option is our most popular, because
not only will you get the full benefit of this solution, but you will also have plenty of time to
place a follow-up order if you choose to.
(50:41) So just go ahead and order the 6-month supply or whatever makes the most sense
to you. Now we’re at that point where it’s time to make a decision. You’ve already seen all
of the science behind this breakthrough solution, and heard the remarkable stories of
people like you who have truly transformed their lives in just seconds a day. I stand fully
behind this product, and I’ve done everything I can to make ordering today one of the
easiest, most logical decisions you’ve ever made.
(51:08) No matter which size order you place, you’re 100% protected by our 60-day
unconditional money-back guarantee.Ultimately though, it’s up to you to make a decision.
You’re the only one who can take that first step in the direction of a radically new life. If for
any reason you still feel a little “on the fence,” please don’t let fear or doubt hold you back,
because you’re 100% safe and protected.
(51:29) And when you really think about it, what’s the alternative? I can only imagine all of
the “failed solutions” you’ve tried in the past that left you feeling frustrated, anxious, and
hopeless. I know because I am sure I’ve tried every single one of them myself. But now
you have something completely different right in front of you.
(51:45) You could leave this page right now after hearing everything I’ve shared, but what
will change? You’ll just end up back on that “hamster wheel” of disappointments, feeling
frustrated by how you feel, feeling stressed out by the thought of people talking behind
your back about your bad teeth. You and I both know that’s no way to live. This is why I’m
now reaching out my hand to offer you a way out.
(52:06) You don’t even have to say “yes,” all you have to do is say “maybe.” You could be
just moments away from feeling like you’ve got a new lease on life, enjoying an active,
healthy lifestyle without worry, fret, or fear, and living each day feeling like you’re in control.
And while whatever you decide is entirely up to you, I truly do hope you make the right
(52:28) All you have to do to get started is just choose your package from below right now,
and I’ll see you on the “other side” to help you continue your journey. Regardless of your
choice, I want to thank you personally for taking the time to watch this presentation. I wish
you all the health and happiness in the world. Still here? You might have a few questions and
that’s completely normal.
(52:56) Let me answer a few of the most commonly asked questions now. 1: How does
this dental healing candy work? It’s simple. Because the big food companies add
increasing amounts of preservatives, artificial flavors, artificial colors, and other chemicals
to make food last longer your saliva becomes more and more acidic.
(53:18) Things you would never expect, like vegetables, cooking oils, bread, chicken, meat,
cereals, wine and so much more are turning our saliva acidic… This leads to something
called “dental erosion,” which eats away at our teeth, gums and enamel from the inside
out, causing pain, decay, and destruction… the same way erosion destroys rocks and old
buildings. That’s where the dental healing candy comes in.
(53:40) The moment it enters your mouth, this special thermal calcium mixture reacts to
the temperature in your mouth, the calcium in your enamel, and with the very acid saliva
that is destroying your teeth and gums. It strengthens your teeth and seals microscopic
holes that allow acid and bacteria to get in and rot your smile.
(54:03) And the most fascinating fact… After using up all the “heat” from the acid found in
your saliva, in time, it also helps to neutralize it and maintain a healthy PH balance in your
mouth, promoting remineralization of your enamel. Basically, the longer you use it, the
more this material hardens and makes it last even longer in the future because this
soothing thermal calcium mix just fuses with the calcium from the enamel in your teeth, not
only gluing every crack, but also creating an invisible shield against any future damage...
(54:29) Especially since it is constantly being “rewarmed” at the perfect temperature of 98,6
degrees in your mouth… Your teeth and gums will be bright, healthy, strong, and pain-free
once again. 2: How do I use dental healing candy and when should I take it? It’s so easy.
Just put one soothing candy in your mouth at night, before going to sleep.
(54:51) Let it dissolve in your mouth the same way you would a cough drop… and the
powerful ingredients will go to work… transforming your acid saliva into healthy, clean
healing saliva that reaches every nook and cranny of your teeth and gums… revitalizing
them while you sleep. 3: What is the money-back guarantee again? You will be completely
thrilled with your results using our product.
(55:13) Your teeth and gums will become stronger, brighter, and healthier than they have in
years… the pain will go away… and you’ll feel better and more confident, just like the way
you used to be, but even better. If not, just contact our team within the first 60 days of
trying this solution, and you’ll get a full and prompt refund on your entire order 4: Are there
any side effects? Every single package is formulated with the highest quality, 100% natural
ingredients… and is made right here in the U.S.
(55:41) in an FDA-approved and GMP-certified facility. We go through a rigorous testing
process with every batch we produce, ensuring that you’re getting the purest, safest
product you can hope for. As always, if you currently have a medical condition or you’re
taking other prescription medication, we advise you to show a bottle of this product to your
doctor before you take it, just to put your mind at ease.
(56:02) 5: How can I get started? All you have to do is scroll down below and choose our
6-month package or whichever option sounds best for you. From there, you’ll be taken to
our completely secure checkout page. And that’s it! You can expect your order to arrive on
your doorstep within a few business days.

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