BIO1A03 PostLab1

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BIO 1A03 Post-lab 1 Assignment

1) Include a screenshot of your results from the virtual micropipette activity (your actual
results and the ideal results must be visible in your screenshot). All four volumes should be
accurately pipetted in the screenshot. (2 marks)

2) Which micropipette would you use to measure and transfer 89 ul? (1 mark)
I would use a P-200 micropipette.

3) Fill in the table with the volume that each of the following micropipettes would dispense. (3

Micropipette: P20 P200 P1000

1 1 0
Micropipette set to: 5 2 7
2 9 3
15.2 ul 129 ul 730 ul
Dispensed Volume (ul):

4) Using the figure below, identify a data point that indicates there are other variables
affecting the relationship (eg. evidence that this is not a cause-and-effect relationship).
Identify the data point clearly with a circle or label. (1 mark)
5) What strength of correlation is represented by the scatter plot in question 4? (1 mark)

A strong correlation represents the scatter plot.

6) Using a set of 10 data points (you make up the values), create a scatter plot that would be
representative of a strong positive correlation. (1 mark)

7) Using a set of 10 data points (you make up the values), create a scatter plot that would be
representative of a strong negative correlation. (1 mark)
8) Attach the appropriately formatted scatter plot you created in Lab 1A using the instructions
in Excel Tutorial #1 and the data in Table 1A-3 for Diploid AMY1 Gene Copy Number vs
AMY1 Protein concentration. You can copy and paste graphs from Excel as images directly
into Word. (4 marks)

9) What is the correlation coefficient (r) that you calculated for your scatter plot of Diploid
AMY1 Gene Copy Number vs AMY1 Protein Concentration in question 8? What strength of
correlation is represented by the calculated correlation coefficient? (2 marks)

The correlation coefficient (r) is 0.556, which represents a correlation with moderate strength.

10) What were your R2 values for trial 1 and trial 2 of the methylene blue standard curve? Given
that you using the same solutions and equipment for both trials, what could explain the
different R2 values between the two trials? (2 marks)
For trial 1, my R2 value was 0.9808 and for trial 2 the value was 0.9928. A potential explanation
for the difference in R2 values is that during the experiment I may have taken slightly more/less
liquid between trials. Thus, I may not have taken the same exact amounts of solution for both

11) Please include the correctly formatted standard curve for your methylene blue standard
curve experiment in Lab 1B. Follow the instructions in Excel Tutorial #2. Include the figure
from the trial that has the highest R2 value. (4 marks)

Grade: /22

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