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The Gauss’s Law is given by:


∯ E⋅ dA= Qϵ
S 0

Where ∯ represents an integral on a closed surface.


By the geometry of problem, it’s convenient to work in spherical coordinates, placing the Earth at the origin. A closed
spherical Gaussian surface of radius equal to the radius of the Earth with its center located at the origin should also be
Inside the Gaussian surface E=E r^ =−110 r^ (the field go toward inner), and the surface element
dA=R sin θ dθ dϕ r^ , where R is the radius of the Earth. Substituting
θ=π ϕ =2 π
∫ ∫ 2
E R sinθdθ dϕ r^ ⋅ r^ =
θ =0 ϕ=0

π 2π
∫ sinθ dθ ∫ dϕ= Qϵ
0 0 0

2 Q
−E R ( cos ( π )−cos ( 0 ) ) ( 2 π −0 ) =

Solving for Q
Q=E 4 π R ϵ 0
N −12 C
Substituting E=−110 , R=6371000 m, ϵ 0=8.85 × 10 2:
C Nm
Q=−496772 C


To move a charge q from a one point A to another point B, within an electric field originated by another charge Q, the
required work is given by

qQ qQ
W A → B= −
4 π ϵ 0 rB 4 π ϵ 0 r A

Where r A ∧r B are the distances from origin of the system to point A and point B, respectively. In this case, the charge q 1
is considered as the origin.
To set up the four-charge configuration, it’s necessary to move the charges from their initial state of res-. All charges are
initially infinitely far, so the charge 2 is moved from infinity to a distance a from charge 1. After, the charge 3 is moved
from infinity to a distance a from charge 1 and to a distance √ 2 a from charge 2. Finally, the charge 4 is moved from
infinity to a distance √ 2 a from charge 1, to a distance a from charge 2 and to a distance a from charge 3.

Calculating all works due to the displacements of the charges.

1 q1q2
W 12= −0
4 π ϵ0 a

1 q1q3
W 13= −0
4 π ϵ0 a

1 q 2 q3
W 23= −0
4 π ϵ0 √2 a

1 q1 q4
W 14 = −0
4 π ϵ0 √2 a

1 q2 q 4
W 24 = −0
4 π ϵ0 a

1 q3 q 4
W 34 = −0
4 π ϵ0 a
The second terms are nulls because the initial distance of the charges is infinity for all charges. Adding all the works

1 q2 q3 q1 q 4
W= (q1 q2 +q 1 q3 + + +q q +q q )
4 π ϵ0 a √2 √2 2 4 3 4
Considering that q 1=−q ,q 2=+q , q3=+ q , q4 =−q

( ) ( ) ( )
2 2 2 2
1 2 2 q q 2 2 1 2 2q q 2
W= −q −q + + −q −q = −4 q + = −4+
4 π ϵ0 a √2 √2 4 π ϵ0 a √2 4 π ϵ 0 a √2
−12 C −12
Substituting ϵ 0=8.85× 10 2
, a=0.49 m, q=6.97 pC=6.97 ×10 C
−12 −12
W =−2.305 ×10 Nm=−2.305 × 10 J

a) The time t1 a ball takes to go up to its highest point is calculated through the equation

v f −v i
v f =v i +a t → t=
m m m
In this case, a=g=−9.8 , v i=27.0 , v f =0 (at the highest point the ball loses its velocity to zero)
s s

m m
s s
t 1= =2.75 s
−9.81 2
The time t2 a ball takes to go down to the starting point is the same time it takes to go up to its highest point. Thus, t2 = t1

Adding t 1+ t 2, the time t that the ball is in the air is obtained

t=5.5 s
b) The greatest height reached h is given by

1 2
h= y f − y i=v i t + g t

( ms ) ( 2.75 s )− 12 ( 9.81 ms ) ( 2.75 s )

h= 27 2

h=37.16 m
c) The half of the initial velocity is 13.5 m/s. Then, the first time is

m m
13.5 −27
s s
−9.81 2
t=1.38 s

a) The Newton’s Law of Cooling is given by

=−k (T −T a )
And the solution that satisfices the differential equation is
T =T a + ( T i−T a ) e

Where Ta is the temperature of the ambient, Ti is the initial temperature and k is a constant.

When t=0, victim’s temperature is 98.6°, thus Ti = 98.6°. The temperature of the ambient is always Ta = 40°.

Now, if T=88°
88 °=40 °+ ( 98.6 °−40 ° ) e
88 °−40 ° −kt
98.6 °−40°
ln( 98.6 °−40 ° )
88° −40 °

−ln (
98.6 °−40 ° )
88 °−40 °
To know the time in which T=88° is necessary to know the value of k. Substituting t in the equation for T=86°.
−k (t +1)
86 °=40 °+ ( 98.6 °−40° ) e

( (98.6 ° −40° )
88 °−40 °
−k +1
86 °=40 °+ ( 98.6 °−40° ) e
ln ( 98.6 ° −40° )
88 °−40 °
−k ¿
86 °=40 °+ ( 98.6 °−40° ) e ¿
ln (
98.6 °−40 ° ) −k
88 °−40 °
86 °−40°
=e e
98.6 °−40°
86 ° −40 °
98.6 ° −40 °
88 ° −40 °
98.6 ° −40 °
Applying natural logarithm both sides

ln ( 86°
88° −40 ° )
−40 °

k =0.043

−ln ( 98.6 °−40 ° )
88 °−40 °
At 7 AM, t = 4.64 hours. Thus, 4.64 hours have passed since the death of the victim. It is approximately are 4 hours, 38
minutes and 24 seconds.

The murder occurred at 2:21 AM.

b) If Ti is between 98.2° and 101.4°, the biggest error Δt in the time is given by the difference in t for Ti = 98.2° and Ti =

t 1=
−ln ( 98.2 °−40 ° )
88 °−40°


t 2=
−ln ( 101.4 °−40 ° )
88 °−40 °

| ( 98.2 ) + ln (
101.4 °−40° ) −(ln ( 88 ° −44 ° ) −ln ( 98.2 °−40 ))+(ln ( 88 °−44 ° )−ln ( 101.4 ° −4
88 °−40 ° 88 °−40°
°−40 °
Δ t=|t 2−t 1|= =
0.043 0.043

Δ t=1.24
So, the biggest error in the time of death is Δ t=1.24 hours, in other words, 1 hour 14 minutes and 24 seconds.


The Gauss’s Law is given by:


∯ E⋅ dA= Qϵ
S 0

The problem must be solved in spherical coordinates, placing the conducting spherical shell at the origin and considering
a closed spherical Gaussian surface of radius r (where R1 < r < R2) with its center located at the origin.
The surface charge density is defined as σ = , where dq is an element of charge and dS is an element of surface.
The net charge Q inside the Gaussian surface is given by Q=q+σ 1 (4 π R1 ), where σ 1 is the surface charge density on
the inner surface of the spherical shell and 4 π R1 is the inner surface of the shell.

Using the Gauss’s Law and considering that the electric field inside a conductor is zero.
q+σ 1(4 π R1)
σ 1= 2
4 π R1
b) The charge of a conductor is concentrated on its surface. In other words

aq=σ 1 ( 4 π R21 ) +σ 2 ( 4 π R 22 )

where σ 2 is the surface charge density on the outer surface of the spherical shell.

Considering that σ 1= 2
4 π R1

aq=−q +σ 2 ( 4 π R 22 )

aq +q=σ 2 ( 4 π R 22)

σ 2= 2
4 π R2
c) Due to the Gauss’s Law, the outer surface of the shell must be considered. Using a closed spherical Gaussian surface
of radius r = R2 with its center located at the origin
θ=π ϕ =2 π
∫ ∫ 2
E R 2 sinθdθ dϕ=
θ =0 ϕ=0

where E is a constant, and aq +q is the charge of the outer surface. Solving the integrals
π 2π
2 ∫ sinθ dθ ∫ dϕ= aq+
0 0 0

2 aq +q
E 4 π R2=
E 4 π R2 ϵ 0=q(a +1)
E 4 π R2 ϵ 0
N −12 C
Substituting E=7500 , R 2=1.7 m, ϵ 0=8.85× 10 2
C Nm

q=4.02∗10 C
a) The electric flux is defined by
Φ=∯ E ⋅dA

In the case of a cylindrical Gaussian surface, it is composited by three parts: left end of the cylinder (bottom), body of the
cylinder and the right end of the cylinder (top).

Φ cylinder =∯ E ⋅dA=∬ E ⋅ dA+ ∬ E ⋅dA +∬ E ⋅dA
S ¿¿ body ¿

The problem asks for the magnitude of the electric flux Φ ¿ through the right end of the cylinder.

In the right end of the cylinder the electric field is constant because if x = 2.7 m, then ¿ 5.6 i^ .

[ ] ( )
ϕ =2 π ρ=0.21 ρ=0.21 m 2
ρ2 N ( 0.21 m )
Φ ¿=∬ E ⋅dA=E ∫ ∫
ϕ=2 π
ρ dρ dϕ=E [ϕ] ϕ=0 =(5.6 ) (2 π )
¿ ϕ =0 ρ=0
2 ρ=0 C 2
Φ ¿=0.78

By the Gauss’s Law

Φ=∯ E ⋅dA=
S ϵ0

Q=Φ ϵ 0

Φ cylinder =∯ E ⋅dA=∬ E ⋅ dA+ ∬ E ⋅dA +∬ E ⋅dA
S ¿¿ body ¿

In this case the second integral is zero because the unit vector on the surface of the cylinder body is perperdicular to the
direction of the electric field.

Calculating the first integral, in the left end of the cylinder, where E=2.9 i^ and −i^ is the unit vector on the surface
of the left end of the cylinder

[ ] (( )
ϕ =2 π ρ=0.21 m 2 ρ=0.21m 2
ρ 0.21 m )
¿=∬ E ⋅dA =E ∫ ∫ [ ϕ ] ϕ=0 =−(2.9 N )
ρ dρdϕ i^ ⋅(− ^i)=− E (2 π ) ¿
¿¿ ϕ =0 ρ=0 2 ρ=0 C 2

Φ ¿=−0.4

( )
2 2 2
Nm Nm −12 C
Q=Φ ϵ 0= −0.4 +0+0.78 (8.85 ×10 2
C C Nm
Q=3.63 × 10 C
Q=3.63 × 10 C is the net charge enclosed within the cylinder.
For the equilibrium of the electron is necessary that the attractive force by uranium F u be the same in magnitude as the
attractive force by iron F i . Considering the charge of the uranium ion q u, the charge of the iron ion q i=2 qu and the
charge of the electron q e

|F u|=|F i|
1 1
|qe|∨qu∨ ¿2 = 2∨qe ∨¿ q u∨ ¿ 2 ¿ ¿
4 π ϵ0 r 4 π ϵ 0 ( R−r )
1 2
= 2
r (R−r )

( R−r )2=2 r 2
2 2
2 r −( R−r ) =0
2 2
r +2 Rr−R =0
r +120.6 r −3636.09=0
Solving the quadratic equation

r 1=24.977 ,r 2=−145.577

Taking the positive solution

r =24.977 nm
Now, the magnitude of the force on the electron from the uranium ion is

|F u|= 4 π ϵ ¿ qe ∨¿ q u∨ ¿2 ¿
0 r
The magnitude of the charge of the uranium ion is the same as the magnitude of the charge of the electron.
−19 −9 −12 C
Considering ¿ q e ∨¿ ¿ qu ∨¿ 1.6 ×10 C , r=24.977 nm=24.977 ×10 m , ϵ 0=8.85 ×10 2

|F u|=3.69 ×10−13 N

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