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Amphibia-Reptilia 38 (2017): 225-231

Short Notes

Potential distribution of the endemic imbricate alligator lizard

(Barisia imbricata imbricata) in highlands of central Mexico

Armando Sunny1,∗ , Andrea González-Fernández2 , Maristella D’Addario1

Abstract. Barisia imbricata imbricata is an endemic anguid lizard living in the highlands of central Mexico, mainly in the
Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt, but its current distribution is not well defined. For this reason, it is critical to make a systematic
study in order to determine the potential distribution of this subspecies. We considered 13 environmental and anthropogenic
variables recognized to be important to determine the presence of B. i. imbricata; we also used eight presence-only modeling
methods and selected three to generate an ensemble model. The Maxent algorithm was used to obtain the most important
variables. The variables with highest contribution to the model were: maximum temperature of the warmest month, altitude,
Abies forest and Pinus forest. From the estimated potential distribution (9614.1 km2 ), 8053.4 km2 (83.8%) are located in the
Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt, 3821.4 km2 (39.7%) are located in natural protected areas and 2418.2 km2 (25.2%) are in crop
fields. The whole potential distribution is highly fragmented and characterized by the presence of human activities, which
could have long-term consequences, increasing extinction risk.

Keywords: conservation, ecological niche model, endemic species, ensemble model, habitat suitability.

Land-use change is the main factor affecting mentation could also have long-term conse-
the distribution and diversity of reptiles (Castel- quences, including increased inbreeding prob-
lano and Valone, 2006; Ribeiro et al., 2009). ability (Frankham, Ballou and Briscoe, 2005;
This group is extremely sensitive to local habi- Allendorf and Luikart, 2007) and loss of ge-
tat changes because of its low dispersal capacity netic diversity, thereby increasing extinction
and small home ranges (Huey, 1982; White et risk (Newman and Tallmon, 2001). Natural pro-
al., 1997; Castellano and Valone, 2006; Ribeiro tected areas can help to preserve habitat patches
et al., 2009). Some studies indicate that be- of threatened reptile species and minimize the
tween 15 and 44% of the world’s reptile species factors that are causing their decline. Therefore,
are threatened (Böhm et al., 2013; Ceballos et it is necessary to know the potential distribution
al., 2015). Habitat loss has the greatest nega- of a species in order to make informed man-
tive effect on biodiversity related to land-use agement decisions for its conservation. Unfor-
change (Fahrig, 2003). However, habitat frag- tunately, basic ecological information is insuffi-
cient and the actual distribution of many reptiles
is unknown or imprecise.
1 - Centro de Investigación en Ciencias Biológicas Apli-
It is essential to determine accurately the dis-
cadas, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México,
Instituto literario # 100, Colonia Centro, 50000 Toluca, tribution of B. i. imbricata to ensure its long-
Estado de México, México term conservation, especially because this en-
2 - Laboratorio de Biología Evolutiva, Facultad de Cien- demic anguid lizard lives in the highlands of
cias, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, In-
central Mexico, mainly in the Trans-Mexican
stituto literario # 100, Colonia Centro, 50000 Toluca,
Estado de México, México Volcanic Belt (TMVB), one of the areas most
∗ Corresponding author; e-mail: disturbed by grazing, agriculture and the pres- ence of the biggest metropolitan areas of the
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© Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden, 2017. DOI:10.1163/15685381-00003092
226 Short Notes

Figure 1. Potential distribution of B. i. imbricata showing ANPs and biogeographic provinces used to build the distribution
model with the training points (circles) and testing points (triangles).

country (CONAPO, 2010; Sunny et al., 2015). bution with the current system of natural pro-
The TMVB is also one of the biogeographic tected areas in Mexico.
zones with the highest species richness and en- To address these issues, we used information from
demism across the country; for example, it is databases and data collected in fieldwork. Firstly, we de-
the most important region in terms of endemic fined the study area, considering the biogeographic zones
that include records of B. i. imbricata and the surrounding
amphibian and reptile species and the second biogeographic zones where migration could take place. The
in terms of species number (Flores-Villela and biogeographic zones are: Altiplano Sur (As), Sierra Madre
Oriental (SMor), Golfo de México (GM), TMVB, Oaxaca
Canseco-Márquez, 2007). B. i. imbricata inhab-
(Ox), Depresión del Balsas (DB) and Sierra Madre del Sur
its mixed Abies-Pinus woodlands, its altitudinal (SMs), with a total area of 673 690.9 km2 (fig. 1). These
range is from 1800 to 3000 m a.s.l. and it is biogeographic zones have a variety of habitats, such as
high mountain forests, deciduous forests and cloud forests,
listed under special protection by Mexican law among others (INEGI, 2013).
(SEMARNAT, 2010), but its threats and the ac- Secondly, we obtained historical information about
tual distribution of its populations are unknown records of B. i. imbricata from scientific literature (Ramírez-
Pérez, 2008; Bryson and Riddle, 2012; Cruz-Elizalde
(Canseco-Márquez et al., 2007). and Ramírez-Bautista, 2012; Sánchez-Jasso et al., 2013;
The hypothesis of this study is that anthro- Muñoz-Brito, 2014), databases of herpetological collec-
pogenic activities have fragmented the distri- tions (REMIB, UNIBIO, GBIF, HERPNET, VERTNET and
IREKANI) and field work carried out from January 2013 to
bution range of B. i. imbricata, leaving iso- September 2014. The sampling localities were in the moun-
lated populations in patches of Pinus-Abies for- tains and natural parks of the TMVB, in areas where small
est. The objectives of this study were: (1) to alpine grassland species were found (Muhlenbergia sp.).
Thirdly, the field surveys were not conducted in the
determine the potential current distribution of same sites as those reported in literature or databases, nor
B. i. imbricata, using ecological niche model- near those sites, to avoid overfitting. When we found an
ing; (2) to determine the most important habitat imbricate alligator lizard, we recorded the geographical
coordinates. Between 1964 and 1990 significant changes in
features associated with the presence of B. i. im- land use and vegetation cover occurred in Mexico (FAO,
bricata; and (3) to compare the predicted distri- 2001; Domínguez-Vega et al., 2012), so we used records
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Short Notes 227

only from 1990 to 2014. We filtered these data to obtain only NPAs contribute to the protection and conservation of the
one record per km2 to reduce the spatial correlation between subspecies, we assessed the percentage of high suitability
them (Boria et al., 2014). The records obtained were divided area that overlaps with NPAs.
into two groups. The first group was comprised of the oldest
data (75%) and was used to calibrate the models, the second We found a total of 1446 records and
group was comprised of the most recent data (25%) and was
used to validate them (fig. 1).
worked with 126 records after filtering them:
Finally, we considered 13 environmental and anthro- 70 records from databases of herpetological
pogenic variables from the Vegetation and Land Use layer collections acquired between 1990 and 2013,
(series V, 1:250 000) generated by the National Institute
of Statistics and Geography, based on satellite images with
40 records from scientific literature between
a pixel resolution of 120 meters (Landsat TM5) during 2007 and 2011, and 16 records from field
the period 2011 to 2013 (INEGI, 2013). We reclassified surveys carried out between 2013 and 2014
the vegetation map into eight mutually exclusive classes
expressed as proportions (agriculture, cloud forest, Abies
distributed in 12 states (Jalisco, Guanajuato,
forest, Quercus forest, Quercus-Pinus forest, Pinus forest, Queretaro, Hidalgo, Estado de México, Ciu-
Pinus-Quercus forest and grassland). We also included dis- dad de México, Michoacán, Morelos, Puebla,
tance to water sources. Climatic variables, such as annual
precipitation, maximum temperature of the warmest month Tlaxcala, Oaxaca and Veracruz) and in four
and minimum temperature of the coldest month, were ob- biogeographic provinces. Our results indicated
tained from WorldClim (Hijmans et al., 2005). Finally, we that 8053.4 km2 (83.8%) of the total poten-
obtained altitude from the USGS/NASA Shuttle Radar To-
pography Mission (USGS, 2007). tial distribution were located in the TMVB,
No algorithm has been demonstrated to be the best to 544.9 km2 (5.7%) in the SMor, 413.2 km2
define potential distributions in all cases (Hernandez et al., (4.3%) in the SMs, 366.1 km2 (3.8%) in the
2008). When the dataset is relatively small, models could
overfit and predict very different suitabilities, even with sim- As, 222.4 km2 (2.3%) in the Ox and 13.9 km2
ilar performances. In these cases, the use of an ensemble (0.1%) in the DB. The algorithms with AUC
model is a good method to avoid relying too much upon values below 0.850 were: ENFA (AUC/ROC =
any single model. Therefore, we applied eight algorithms.
We used six algorithms of the software OPENMODELLER 0.697), BIOCLIM (AUC/ROC = 0.708), en-
1.0.8 (Sutton et al., 2007): Bioclim (Nix, 1986), climate velope scores (AUC/ROC = 0.777), environ-
space model (Robertson, Caithness and Villet, 2001), en- mental distance (AUC/ROC = 0.786), climate
velope score (Nix, 1986), environmental distance (Hirzel
and Arlettaz, 2003), GARP best subsets new OPENMOD- space model (AUC/ROC = 0.821). The algo-
ELLER (Stockwell and Peters, 1999), and support vec- rithms that performed best were: GARP best
tor machines (Vapnik, 1995). We used the Maxent algo- subsets new OPENMODELLER (AUC/ROC =
rithm in the MAXENT 3.3.3 software (Phillips, Ander-
son and Schapire, 2006) with a logistic output, and cre- 0.854), support vector machines (AUC/ROC =
ated response curves. Finally, we implemented the ecolog- 0.904), Maxent (AUC/ROC = 0.916), and the
ical niche factor analysis (ENFA) using BIOMAPPER 4.0 ensemble model presented an AUC/ROC value
(Hirzel, 2008). We evaluated the performance of each model
with the Area Under the Curve AUC/ROC (Receiver Op- of 0.916. In this case, the high suitability area
erating Characteristic, Hanley and McNeil, 1982). In or- (probability > 0.79) encompasses 9614.1 km2
der to calculate AUC/ROC values, we used IDRISI Selva (fig. 1); 3821.4 km2 (39.7%) of this area was lo-
17.0 software (Clark Labs, 2012). We used the weighted
average formula in the IDRISI calculator to elaborate the cated in natural protected areas and 2418.2 km2
final ensemble model, as it has been demonstrated that it (25.2%) in crop fields (fig. 1). According to
has the highest predictive performance of all the ensemble ENFA, we obtained a global marginality value
methods (Marmion et al., 2009a, b; Zarco-González et al.,
2013). We included the highest three models with the high- of 1.8, which indicates that the observed con-
est AUC/ROC values; AUC/ROC values > 0.85 are consid- ditions in the occurrence sites are different from
ered to have moderate to high performance (Zarco-González the mean environmental conditions. We also ob-
et al., 2013). To simplify the interpretation of the ensem-
ble model, we reclassified the original prediction values (0- tained a global tolerance value of 0.1, which
100) using the mean probability value of the records used to means that this subspecies has low tolerance to
calibrate the models, so that zones with a prediction value changes in environmental variable values. The
greater than or equal to the mean were considered to be of
high suitability and those with lower values of low suitabil- variables with the highest contribution, accord-
ity (Liu et al., 2005). Finally, to evaluate whether the current ing to Maxent, were: the maximum temperature
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228 Short Notes

Figure 2. Variables with the highest contribution to the potential distribution of B. i. imbricata according to Maxent.

of the warmest month (52.3% contribution), al- The AUC/ROC results indicate that the en-
titude (21.9% contribution), the proportion of semble model has a very accurate predictive
Abies forest (17.2% contribution) and the pro- ability that could be better than the individ-
portion of Pinus forests (3.9% contribution). ual models. According to these results we pro-
The probability of detection related to the max- pose the potential distribution of B. i. imbricata
imum temperature of the warmest month was as the plausible actual distribution of the sub-
high in temperatures below 23°C, the probabil- species. Results indicate that the most impor-
ity decreased rapidly between 23 and 34°C, and tant variables are the warmest temperature of
the warmest month and altitude. This subspecies
above 34°C the probability was 0 (fig. 2A). The
occurs in areas with high elevation and cannot
probability of detection related to altitude was
tolerate temperatures higher than 34°C. B. i. im-
very low under 2000 m a.s.l. and high above
bricata is adapted to high elevations and low
3200 m a.s.l. Between 2000 and 3200 m a.s.l.
temperatures because it evolved with the for-
there was a rapid increase in the probability of
mation of the TMVB in the Neogene (Bryson
detection (fig. 2B). There was a positive linear and Riddle, 2012); in fact, the uplifting of the
correlation between the proportion of Abies for- TMVB is considered one of the most impor-
est and probability of detection (fig. 2C). There tant forces driving the evolutionary history of
was also a positive correlation between the pro- several taxa (León-Paniagua et al., 2007; Mc-
portion of Pinus forest and the probability of de- Cormack et al., 2008; Navarro-Sigüenza et al.,
tection, but at the highest values of proportion 2008; Bryson et al., 2011; Bryson and Riddle,
of Pinus forest there was a drastic decline in the 2012), including B. i. imbricata (Bryson and
probability of detection (fig. 2D). Riddle, 2012). The results obtained suggest that
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Short Notes 229

this subspecies could be very vulnerable to cli- nus forest (29.6%) in Mexico. Within this bio-
mate change because it is limited by high tem- geographic zone there is only 1346.9 km2 of
peratures. Moreover, the fact that its distribu- Abies forest (1.1%) and 6507.7 km2 of Pinus
tion already includes the existing areas with the forest (5.4%), which are highly fragmented by
highest altitude implies that, as climate change urban settlements (3.4%). In fact, the TMVB
takes hold, this subspecies will be limited in its contains the biggest metropolitan areas of Mex-
ability to shift its distribution upward, increas- ico, the Valle de Mexico that has 2557.4 peo-
ing the possibility of becoming extinct. ple per km2 and it is one of the world’s largest
Although we usually find B. i. imbricata in metropolitan areas (CONAPO, 2010) with a
grasslands, this vegetation class was not se- high percentage of roads (25.3%) and agricul-
lected as an important variable to explain the tural fields (44.7%). Therefore, it is essential
distribution of the sub-species. This may be be- to establish conservation plans in order to pre-
cause there are different kinds of grasslands; the serve the highly endangered patches of Abies-
subspecies occurs in Muhlenbergia sp. grass- Pinus forest (Ponce-Reyes et al., 2012) and con-
lands but not in other kinds of managed grass- sequently the connectivity between B. i. imbri-
lands where the grass is shorter. However, it is cata populations in order to avoid genetic drift,
not possible to distinguish between these kinds bottlenecks, inbreeding, and loss of genetic and
of grasslands with satellite images. allelic variability, which can lead to increased
The proportion of Abies religiosa forest susceptibility to extinction (Frankham, Ballou
(Aguirre-Planter, Furnier and Eguiarte, 2000; and Briscoe, 2005). We found some mountain
Aguirre-Planter et al., 2012) and Pinus forest areas with suitable conditions for populations
(Moreno-Letelier and Piñero, 2009) were im- of B. i. imbricata in other biogeographic zones,
portant to define the distribution of the sub- such as the SMor, the SMs, the As and the DB;
species since B. i. imbricata occurs only in however, in these provinces there are other sub-
grasslands near these forests; this may be be- species of B. imbricata (Canseco-Márquez et
cause coniferous forests favor moisture (annual al., 2007) which can be a biotic component lim-
precipitation between 1000 and 3800 mm) and iting B. i. imbricata distribution.
a cold microclimate (2-24°C) (Sáenz-Romero et We also found that 39.7% of the poten-
al., 2012) preferred by the subspecies. There- tial subspecies distribution is located in NPAs,
fore, the microclimatic conditions of grasslands where land-use change is smaller. Although in
surrounded by forests and of large extents of these NPAs it is not allowed to build houses and
grasslands without forest are very different. The kill wildlife, there are communities that lived
fact that the probability of detection declines there before the government established these
drastically at the highest proportion of Pinus areas as protected. Moreover, local people, as
forest may be because at lower proportions there well as some visitors, believe that B. i. imbri-
is not only Pinus forest but also other kinds of cata is a venomous lizard (Fernández-Badillo,
vegetation, such as Abies forest, so at the high- 2008) and they kill it, contributing to population
est proportion of Pinus forest there is no Abies decline even in NPAs. Furthermore, the federal
(it is almost totally Pinus forest), which is drier government proposes tripling the area of for-
than Abies forest or than a combination of both. est under management, by increasing the area
The ensemble model shows that the highest of commercial forest plantations (National For-
percentage (83.8%) of the potential distribution est Program 2014-2018), so grasslands are be-
is located in the TMVB (fig. 1), mainly because ing destroyed by roller chopping. These grass-
this biogeographic zone has mountains with an lands are also important to the ecosystem, as
altitude between 1800 and 4500 m a.s.l. and the they host a large number of reptile species such
highest amount of Abies forest (91.1%) and Pi- as Barisia imbricate; Barisia herrerae; Cro-
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230 Short Notes

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