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Moonbase 9: Echoes of the Unknown

A state-of-the-art human research 2. First Contact:

facility located on a distant moon known as
Illyria. The moonbase is set near an ancient The party accidentally activates a dormant
ruin filled with alien technology. Most of the Orlanian AI, which warns them of impending
original research crew has vanished under danger and an ancient Orlanian protocol.
mysterious circumstances. Players must decide how to approach this
newfound entity and gain its trust.
Main Lore: 3. Pirate Invasion:
Moonbase 9 was established to explore and study Space pirates, led by the notorious Captain
the alien ruins on Illyria. Korr, attack Moonbase 9 to plunder the alien
Legends suggest that the moon was home to a long- tech.
extinct alien race, the Orlanians. Players, along with the NPC crew, must
Space pirates are interested in the alien technology, defend the base, resulting in potential
believing it holds immense value. alliances, betrayals, and tough choices.
NPC Characters: 4. The Orlanian Protocol:
1. Captain Sarah “Sable” Jones (Female): The players uncover that the Orlanians
initiated a protocol to protect a powerful
Head of security for Moonbase 9. artifact that can reshape realities.
Suspicious of the real reasons behind the If the pirates gain control of this artifact, they
establishment of the moonbase. would become unstoppable.
Resourceful, tactical, and with a hidden past 5. Moral Dilemma:
tied to the space pirates. The artifact’s power tempts everyone. Players
2. Dr. Aric Mitchell (Male): must decide whether to harness its power,
Lead archaeologist and xenobiologist of destroy it, or safeguard it.
Moonbase 9. Their choice impacts not only the fate of the
Enthusiastic and driven to uncover the moonbase but potentially the entire galaxy.
mysteries of the Orlanians. 6. Endgame:
Holds a deep respect for the alien civilization. The artifact’s decision leads to first true
3. Lt. Luna Zheng (Female): contact with the Orlanians, revealing that they
Communications and tech specialist. aren’t extinct but in deep stasis.
Young, idealistic, and incredibly skilled with Players must choose how to engage: Assist
alien tech. the revival of the Orlanians or leave them in
Believes in establishing peaceful stasis due to potential risks.
communications with any surviving Orlanians.
4. Ryker “Rust” Valen (Male): Endings (Depending on Player
Former space pirate turned Moonbase
mechanic. 1. Alliance: Players forge an alliance with the
Cynical, witty, and very familiar with the Orlanians, ushering in a new era of galactic peace
darker side of the cosmos. and cooperation.
Has a personal vendetta against the space 2. Distrust: Players decide not to awaken the
pirates. Orlanians, keeping them as legends and protecting
the universe from potential threats.
Plot Points: 3. Temptation: The artifact’s power corrupts, leading to
1. Discovery: a tyrannical rule over the galaxy.
4. Sacrifice: The artifact is destroyed to prevent any
Players arrive at Moonbase 9 and get misuse, but at a great personal cost to the players
acquainted with the base and its mysterious and Moonbase 9.
Initial exploration of the alien ruins reveals
more questions than answers.
Lyria’s Extended Historical Records
Entry 1: Orlanian Genesis and chambers, and most importantly, protect the Star’s
Cosmic Harmony
Whisper. My creation was a part of this final act. As
Lyria, I was entrusted with the wisdom of eons,
Audio Transcription: standing vigil over our legacy. My primary directive: to
“When the cosmos was young, our ancestors, guided by preserve, to guide, and if the stars align, to rebuild the
the cosmic ballet of stars, were drawn to Illyria. This Orlanian dream.”
moon, with its unique confluence of energies, was the
perfect cradle for our civilization. Here, in the heart of
dense forests and jagged mountain ranges, we built
An’lyra, our capital. It wasn’t merely a city but a
symphony of architecture and nature, where every
structure resonated with the universe’s melodies.
Technologies were developed, not to conquer nature,
but to harmonize with it, creating an era of unparalleled
peace and prosperity.”
Entry 2: Unity Festival and the
Myth of Star’s Whisper
Audio Transcription:
“As cycles passed, traditions formed. The most revered
was the Unity Festival, observed when Lysandra
shielded us from Elyon’s brilliance. Families, scholars,
artisans, all gathered in a dance of gratitude,
reminiscing our journey and the blessings of Illyria.
Amidst these celebrations, tales of the Star’s Whisper
were whispered - an artifact of immense power, said to
embody the cosmos’ very soul. While many considered
it a mere legend, scholars believed its existence could
rewrite destinies.”
Entry 3: Elyon’s Warning and
the Orlanian Protocol
Text Record:
“Dark days befell our civilization when anomalies were
detected within Elyon, our twin star. Its core’s instability
threatened to unleash a cataclysmic radiation burst
upon Illyria. Panicked, yet united, we invoked the
collective wisdom of our greatest minds. The verdict
was clear: survival required drastic measures. Thus, the
Orlanian Protocol was born. Grand chambers, fusing art
and technology, were erected to house our people in
temporal stasis. This deep slumber was a gamble, a
hope that future generations or external saviors might
find a way to reverse the impending doom and revive
our civilization.”
Entry 4: The Beacon’s
Guardianship and Lyria’s Oath
Audio Transcription:
“As a safeguard, at An’lyra’s core, we placed a beacon—
a guiding light for potential allies, and a sentinel against
those with ill intent. It would monitor Illyria, the stasis

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