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Licenciatura en Lenguas Extranjeras

Anexo G: Formato de Diario de Reflexión

Student Teacher’s Name: Carlos Ramos Date: 28/07/2023
School: I.E 20 DE ENERO Grade: 7th University teacher: Carlos Hernandez
Number of hours: 6

1. What went well during my teaching activities this week? Why?

This week I could only give classes in 2 courses and in one of them I think I did quite well, I could
teach them about the perfect present and at the end of the class my students told me that they
had understood and I could notice it in the activity I did, most of them were able to perform the
exercises without problems, however, in the other group it is very difficult to teach them when
the disposition of the students is almost nil and they are not interested in learning at all.
2. How did I feel? Why?
After my students' vacation I was able to rest mentally and return to class cold-headed and
willing to do my best.
3. What challenges did I face when What strategies am I going to implement
doing my teaching activities this week? Why? next week to overcome the challenges
4. This week the biggest challenge was identified? Next week I think I will teach
that my C course students are very messy and in a similar way the topic that is being
most of them have the attitude that they don’t spoken this week, I think I work effectively
mind losing or winning the subject, it is very and I think that’s the way my students will
difficult to get to them and when they are not understand the topics that come in the
willing to learn future

5. Was my previous strategy effective?

How? Why?
My strategy when teaching them about
thematics was effective and even some of my
students told me that they had understood
the thematics and that it was easy to do the
activity in class
6. If I could do again the teaching activities I did this week, what would I do differently?
I would like to improve my classroom management and make constant use of English

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Resolución No. 015153 de 2022 – 6 AÑOS

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