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A hypertonic solution is a solution that contains a higher concentration gradient outside of the

cell compared to the inside of the cell. This hypertonicity that exists on the outside of the cell

causes the cell to shrink and draws water out of the cell. A hypotonic solution is a solution that

contains a lower concentration gradient outside of the cell compared to the inside of the cell.

This hypotonicity causes the cell to swell and expand because it draws water inside the cell.

The solution that was used in the egg was corn syrup and water . The experiment with the egg

in the water showed an initial mass of 76 grams and after 50 minutes of being in the water the

mass percent change was 5.3% with a final mass of 79 grams. The egg in the water is

considered hypotonic, which causes the egg to expand and draw water into the egg. The

second table is the egg in corn syrup started out with a mass of 71 grams and after 50 minutes

there was a 10.5% with a final mass of 63 grams. The corn syrup is considered hypertonic

causing the egg to shrink and draw water out of the egg into the corn syrup due to its higher

concentration gradient.

Data Table 1: Egg in water

Time Mass(Grams) % Mass change

Initial mass 76g 0

After 10 min 77g 1.3

After 20 min 78g 2.6

After 30 min 79g 3.9

After 40 min 79g 3.9

After 50 min 80g 5.3

Data Table 2: Egg in syrup

Time Mass(Grams) %Mass Change

Initial mass 71g 0

After 10 min 69g 2.6

After 20 min 67g 5.3

After 30 min 65g 7.9

After 40 min 64g 9.2

After 50 min 63g 10.5

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