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Q1: What does the "G" mean in "G-Man"??

a. Ghost
b. !Government
c. Geronimo
d. Going
Q2: In 2013 how much money was lost by Nigerian scams??

a. !$12.7 Billion
b. $2.7 Billion
c. $956 Million
d. $95 Million
Q3: Which of the following buildings is example of a structure primarily built in the Art Deco architectural style??

a. Westendstrasse 1
b. Taipei 101
c. One Detroit Center
d. !Niagara Mohawk Building
Q4: When was Nintendo founded??

a. October 19th, 1891

b. December 27th, 1894
c. !September 23rd, 1889
d. March 4th, 1887
Q5: What was Mountain Dew's original slogan??

a. !Yahoo! Mountain Dew... It'll tickle your innards!

b. Give Me A Dew
c. Get' that barefoot feelin' drinkin' Mountain Dew
d. Do The Dew
Q6: What is the Portuguese word for "Brazil"??

a. Brasíl
b. Brazil
c. !Brasil
d. Brasilia
Q7: When did the website "Facebook" launch??

a. !2004
b. 2006
c. 2005
d. 2003
Q8: Who invented Pastafarianism??

a. !Bobby Henderson
b. Bill Nye
c. Zach Soldi
d. Eric Tignor
Q9: What is the currency of Poland??

a. Ruble
b. Euro
c. Krone
d. !Złoty
Q10: Which logical fallacy means to attack the character of your opponent rather than their arguments??

a. Argumentum ad populum
b. !Ad hominem
c. Post hoc ergo propter hoc
d. Tu quoque
chitectural style??

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