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21.9.23 State o H.P.

V Rustam $ bthes [1995 sc)

HLtn hela that in calc ulating bo o9o cday,
ax per se 9 &l6 h the aeue al clusey
att 189,the hist date ie. the dote o
gravtih \enand shall be txclud eel &i
Shall be added to the lat
Kapil wacl hauso
In this Cse t uns held that the day
o vemand (production) 6hall be inlu
ded in the 60 br 400days On this point
4he Count in this cabe aisecd doubtS
about the Rustam gud¡ment cnd
velen ecl the xe)evence tot the watey
to a lagr bench

Production buil doey net

ret Heet the right
the acused
the regula
Enjpvceent birecto acrte Govt, ol India bcil.
v. kapil Wadhauwan (i0l3 sc) 3JB.
(Hrishik esh Roy. )
T+ Loer held thot the doy o remand
is includeel in bD amd 40 days,qnd
Overruled Rustam case qudquet,
12.9.23. bec- 168 (ead by yous
bec bQ.

kwtt cekt videuce eiden.
awalab le. elease.
Inestigatbn wndr Abond l
"Not steierd evicluNCe. 164 ()
foy uo0olina ob the areuecZ10.
Relea. him - Bonc
0 why he bond it gned?
The bomd is siqned by he accwed,berc
not bond
by the
opiníon o the polite ce.nd even
the police obblces has led the
losuwe epot , the magsthate wmay
take cognizance upon tht nepor
(H4thethe wag
wia stote aso decidos no
to talee cogizanee, Ahen the
then the
(ompkinont may inyon
ble a
text petition in the he aing o'pro
ant oI

ohih,the presence O} the Gteusel

May be reeised
Even the police otbicer intially
believed, thet thete is ho Auhhiuent
eyidence Cagculnt the ese he
mcuy ter heuuing deleased the rthex
aeusd s. 69, n the
couise o inoestigat lon, Hhd ALte
- ciet ewdue gaunt the accr
- Bed any nay le eucharyeshed
apinst the acused soin oheh
Cose,the pNexAee o the aceusec
be xeq eel u/e. Po.

tocays .P.
Pewissiou broau
the wwasetrete.
1 the aeUseel is in poliee
n the iitial h. them he polle
Hice (an e leabe him pes sary ss Lb9
Mel no peovnison s reqded. Houeve
ih me atwed io in utidy. upou a
gcnted byby the wmagie
polite aEmand gcuntd
te, then the police sher wll hbwe
to obtuh the peris si6 o the wagi
Shae or a aelease uls.169.
Atea such a rele cuse, in edthe
) the above case, the police olhicer
L le a clesuae nepoit uoith ieped
to thet atyed, unles the poce
yëer fnd some evidenee agains
hct aeUsed (in thet ceSE, he' kle
a chargesheet).
n buch closuse aepoit, the
wayistaate may not tate tosui}aua
or 4 he's not satis;ed oh the
closuie epot, hen heht way stiu take
the coguijamce. Upon such Vcoguiang
4he acustd dhave to oppear &yove bloe
the magistade ax per the bodecido,
the wayistrate nat
to talke couiyeme them, the buyomat
ox the towplulnant way le proe o
- st pett ton, Lpon the'wtheotng
whlch, the cceed bdl howe to
pec as per the ele asec
he accuwsed can be
unde seC (69, only ELR hts ten
lodged.on dgome tuyestlgtionwi!
har takn plae. ihe accused
be elecsed not on the shuotwee o
I.0. Hel be releoec onthe Ba:
-tuee of s.H0. The 0"orsdg
wel us. l69 elea5 to the hoausence
-ng u/s 0 wpo
cnd abo the bogtnciny
chagestelbtloe he cowpletion
jter mest. "such othee' is poile
Sec. |?6 () to (4)- - venel by
Case DiO

I.0.' dte, time,

wite. day enenthing
hemeral disy/ Cese
Daily boy Gpeitt
Related to to c cae
Police btutibn
Case diay
is a dlocument, uohich relates
to tne tbn. o a pattelar
Cose. The diay Contains the dauy to
dcuy investigatibn o} that puxttcular
Ceuae, and the Varlos Cspeeto oh the
investigatton, oith date, +ime &place

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