Effects of Personal Ethical Principles

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PROGRAMME: Bachelor of Arts in Ethics and Organizational Leadership

6th INTAK E:

FULL NAME OF STUDEN T: Reuben Mbara PIN: P2303936

EMAIL ADDRESS: rbnmbara@yahoo.com

CELL: 0773325428 ID. NO.: 63-1129765-N-25




ASSIGNMENT TITLE: Analyse the effects of personal ethical principles in the execution of
any business of your choice.


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• I understand what is meant by plagiarism
• The implications of plagiarism have been explained to me by the institution
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Personal ethics refers to a person’s beliefs about what’s right and wrong and guides individuals
in the decisions they make. Personal ethics refers to a person’s beliefs about what’s right and
wrong. They are often developed based on a person’s beliefs, values, and life experiences. Some
common personal ethical principles include honesty, integrity, respect for others, and fairness.
Your unique ethics will determine how you handle certain situations at work as well as how you
grow and develop within your career. Ethical expectations constrain a person’s behaviour by
providing expectations on how to behave. However, different people may have different personal
ethical principles based on their own values and life experiences. Ultimately, personal ethical
principles are deeply personal and vary from person to person, Personal ethics may be
determined by religious practices or how someone was raised.

There is a framework of ethics underlying our lives on a daily basis, helping us make decisions
that create positive impacts and steering us away from unjust outcomes. We are all encouraged to
make ethical choices and apply ethics in all areas of our lives. There are many occasions your
personal ethics will play a role in your behavior in professional settings. No matter your line of
work, it’s important that you maintain unshakable personal ethics in your professional
relationships and how you interact in the workplace

The effects of personal ethical principles in the execution of a business can be significant. Let’s
say that we’re analyzing the effects of personal ethical principles on a restaurant business. A
restaurant owner who holds the ethical principle of honesty may be more likely to be transparent
about the ingredients and preparation methods used in their food, this includes avoiding
misleading or false claims about the food, as well as providing accurate information about any
potential food allergens. Through the growing trend of diners requesting allergy-friendly and
allergen-free menu options. If a restaurant is upfront about the ingredients used in its dishes, this
can allow diners to make informed decisions about what they are eating. For diners with food
allergies, this can be a matter of health and safety. In addition, this type of transparency can help
to build trust with customers, which is essential for any successful business.

This could lead to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty, as well as a positive reputation
for the restaurant. The ethical principle of fairness may lead the restaurant owner to treat their
employees fairly and provide them with a good working environment. This could lead to lower
employee turnover and increased productivity. Overall, the personal ethical principles of the
restaurant owner could have a positive impact on the success of the business.

A restaurant owner who has a personal ethical principle of animal welfare may choose to serve
only ethically-sourced meat and dairy products Another way that transparency about ingredients
and preparation methods can benefit a restaurant is by helping to promote a culture of ethical and
sustainable food sourcing. This can be especially important for restaurants that are part of the
farm-to-table movement or that make claims about the sustainability of their ingredients. By
being transparent about where their food comes from and how it is prepared, restaurants can help
to build trust with customers who are interested in ethical and sustainable food practices.

Personal ethical principles can have an impact on all aspects of a restaurant business, from the
menu to the décor. For example, if a business owner has a personal ethical principle of
environmental sustainability, they may make decisions to reduce the business’s environmental
footprint. This could include using sustainable materials, reducing waste, or investing in
renewable energy. These decisions could positively impact the environment and also improve the
business’s reputation with customers and employee, they may also choose to use
environmentally-friendly décor and furniture, using sustainable materials could mean choosing
locally-sourced ingredients, using recycled paper products, or using biodegradable packaging.
Reducing waste could mean composting food scraps, recycling cooking oil, or donating unsold
food to local food banks. Investing in renewable energy could mean installing solar panels or
wind turbines to generate power for the restaurant. Each of these decisions could have a positive
environmental impact while also benefiting the business’s reputation.

In restaurant business, business ethics is one of the key issues because in the competitive market
conditions, it is very important to provide services at high level. In order to protect the reputation
of the restaurant chains as well as some small independent eateries, it is required to set high
standards of conduct according to the established code of ethics. A restaurant owner who values
fairness could use this principle to guide their decisions in a number of specific situations. In a
restaurant business, the fairness ethical principle could be applied in several ways. For example,
if a customer complained about the quality of their meal, the restaurant owner might offer a
refund or another form of compensation, regardless of whether the customer’s complaint was
justified. This would ensure that all customers are treated fairly and equally, regardless of their
individual circumstances.

Similarly, if a supplier raised their prices, the restaurant owner might have to decide whether to
pass on the cost to customers or absorb the cost themselves. Fairness would dictate that the
restaurant owner consider the impact of their decision on both their business and their
customers.. Another example would be to make sure that all customers are treated fairly and have
the same access to the restaurant’s services, regardless of their background or personal
characteristics. A restaurant owner who values fairness might also make an effort to source their
ingredients from suppliers who treat their workers fairly. Finally, a restaurant owner might take
steps to ensure that the business is not contributing to inequality in the community, by donating
to local charities or supporting other initiatives that promote fairness.

The equality ethical principle is closely related to the fairness ethical principle, but it places more
emphasis on ensuring that everyone has the same opportunities. In a restaurant business, this
might include hiring and promoting employees based on their qualifications and performance,
rather than on their gender, race, or other personal characteristics. It might also include making
the restaurant’s facilities accessible to people with disabilities, and ensuring that the menu offers
a variety of options to accommodate different dietary needs. The goal of equality is to create a
level playing field, where everyone has the same opportunities to succeed.

Another aspect of the equality ethical principle is ensuring that all customers are treated equally.
This might include having a dress code that applies to all customers, and not allowing certain
customers to receive preferential treatment. It might also include ensuring that all customers have
access to the same menu options, regardless of their dietary restrictions or preferences. This can
create a sense of fairness and equality for all customers, which can lead to increased loyalty and
satisfaction. Ultimately, the equality ethical principle helps to create a level playing field for both
employees and customers, and can have a positive impact on the success of the business.

In addition to being honest and transparent, the integrity ethical principle also involves acting
with integrity even when no one is watching. This means following through on promises, and not
cutting corners or taking shortcuts. It also means upholding high standards, even when it might
be easier to do otherwise. This type of integrity can create a strong foundation for a restaurant
business, and can help to build a positive reputation in the community. For example, a restaurant
that is known for its integrity might be more likely to attract and retain loyal customers.

One example of how the integrity ethical principle might be applied in a restaurant business is in
the kitchen. The chef might commit to only using the freshest ingredients, even if it means
paying more for them. They might also make sure that all food is prepared to the highest
standards, even if it takes a little longer. This type of integrity can help to ensure that the food is
of the highest quality, and that customers are satisfied with their dining experience. It can also
help to create a positive work environment in the kitchen, as employees know that they are
expected to uphold high standards.

Accountability is about being responsible for one’s actions, and being willing to take
responsibility for the outcomes of those actions. In a restaurant, this might mean being
accountable to customers by providing a high-quality product and service, and taking
responsibility for any mistakes or problems that arise. It might also mean being accountable to
the staff by providing fair wages and a safe working environment. The accountability ethical
principle is important because it helps to ensure that a restaurant is being run in an ethical and
responsible manner.

There are several ways that a restaurant might demonstrate accountability. For example, a
restaurant might:

- Have a system in place for customers to provide feedback, and take that feedback
seriously. This is an important way for a restaurant to demonstrate accountability. Allowing
customers to provide feedback shows that the restaurant is open to hearing about any issues or
concerns, and is committed to resolving them. It’s also important that the restaurant actually
takes the feedback seriously, and makes changes based on what customers have said. There are
several ways to gather feedback, such as:

- Surveys

- Online reviews

- Social media comments

- In-person conversations
- Focus groups

- Anonymous feedback boxes

The important thing is to make it easy for customers to provide feedback, and to make sure that it
is taken seriously.

- Make it easy for customers to get in touch with a manager or owner if they have a
problem. . If customers have a problem, they should be able to easily find the contact
information for the person who can help them. This could be displayed prominently on the
restaurant’s website, social media pages, or signage. Additionally, the restaurant should have a
clear process in place for customers to follow if they need to make a complaint. This might
include filling out a form, sending an email, or calling a specific phone number.

- Hold regular staff meetings to discuss any issues that have arisen, and to brainstorm
solutions. During these meetings, staff members can share any issues they have encountered,
and the team can brainstorm solutions together. These meetings can also be used to discuss any
changes that have been made based on customer feedback. By involving the staff in these
conversations, the restaurant is showing that it values their input and is committed to improving
the customer experience. Additionally, it can help to build a sense of ownership and pride among
staff members.

- Take action to address any issues that have been brought to their attention. Once a
restaurant has received feedback from customers or staff, it’s important to take action to address
the issues that have been raised. This might include:

- Making changes to the menu or service offerings.

- Updating training materials for staff.

- Revising policies or procedures.

- Making changes to the physical space.

- Apologizing to customers who have had a negative experience.

- Providing compensation for customers who have had a negative experience.

- Following up with staff members to ensure that the changes are being implemented.
Taking action is an important way to show that the restaurant is taking accountability seriously.

- Make it clear to staff that they are expected to uphold the same standards of
accountability. A restaurant’s staff members are often the first point of contact for customers,
and they play a key role in the customer experience. For this reason, it’s important to make sure
that staff members understand that they are expected to uphold the same standards of
accountability as the restaurant itself. This can be done in a number of ways, such as:

- Including accountability as a core value in the company’s mission statement.

- Providing training on accountability and customer service.

- Holding staff members accountable for their actions, including addressing any issues promptly
and fairly.

- Rewarding staff members who demonstrate a high level of accountability.

When managers are unethical—or tolerate unethical behavior—business suffers. It’s very easy to
rationalize small breaches of ethics by saying, “Who’ll ever notice?” or “Who’s it going to hurt?”
or “It’s just a drop in the bucket.” But there’s a big connection between ethics and the bottom
line. It’s also worth noting that personal ethical principles can affect the relationships between a
restaurant business and its suppliers. For example, a restaurant owner who values fairness and
sustainability may choose to work only with suppliers who pay their employees a fair wage and
who use sustainable farming practices. This could lead to higher costs for the restaurant, but it
could also lead to increased customer loyalty and a more positive reputation in the community.
Ultimately, personal ethical principles can have a significant impact on the success of a
restaurant business.

Personal ethical principles can have a significant impact on the success and reputation of any
business. This is because personal ethical principles guide decision-making and shape the
internal culture of a company. Whether it’s a hospital, a technology company, or any other type
of business, the personal ethical principles of the people running it can have a lasting impact on
the business itself, its customers, and its employees. Ultimately, businesses that embrace ethical
principles are more likely to be successful and create a positive impact on the world around

Algrim P (2021) “Examples of Ethics – Personal, Business, Why They’re Important” Available
at https://www.algrim.co/2294-examples-of-ethics Accessed on 5 November 2023

Career + Life (2022) “The importance of ethics in the restaurant and foodservice industry”
Available at https://careertrend.com/list-6678067-code-ethics-restaurants.html Accessed on 5
November 2023

Glassdoor Team (2021) “Personal Ethics: What They Are and Why They’re Important”
Available at https://www.glassdoor.com/blog/guide/personal-ethics/ Accessed on 4 November

Organizational Behavior and Human Relations (2019) “Business Ethics in the Workplace”
Available at https://courses.lumenlearning.com/wm-organizationalbehavior/chapter/business-
ethics-in-the-workplace/ Accessed on 4 November 2023

Thompson D (2018) “Code of Ethics in Restaurants” Available at https://careertrend.com/list-

6678067-code-ethics-restaurants.html Accessed on 5 November 2023

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