Advanced Editing Tips in CapCut

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(45) 7 Advanced Editing Tips in CapCut Video Editor.

- YouTube


in today's video i'll be giving you guys seven advanced editing tips within the cap cut video editing app i'll
be showing you guys things like how to do reaction videos using the picture-in-picture tool how to add a
subscribe button onto your videos how also to add your social media handles onto the screen so people
can see where you're at i'll even be showing some color grading and how to do some cinematic effects
within this editor so if that sounds interesting be sure to watch this video through till the endand if you
already know any of these tips or tricks the time stamps are down in the description so you can skip
ahead to the next tip now without further ado let's jump into this tutorial editing tip number one i'm
going to be showing you guys how to do picture in picture which actually should be called video in video
because it allows you to place videos over the top of other videos for example if you have a reaction
channel or maybe a gaming channel and you want to have that little screen in the cornerwhere it shows
you gaming this is how you'll do that so here i am in cap cut i'm actually on my ipad for this so that way i
can have a mouse hooked up but what we're going to do is go into overlay add overlay and then we can
go and select whatever videos we want so i'm just going to go to my recents and we're just going to click
on this random video of me and click add so there we go that video is over the top of our other video
you can actually move it around on the screen you can shrink it with yourfingers so let's just shrink it like
that i could put it in the corner right here and there we go we have that reaction gaming type video and
you also have a whole bunch of different settings down here you can just still the filters etc edit it if you
want to crop it you can do that as well all those effects are right there advanced editing tip number two
i'm going to show you how to use keyframes so you'll notice over by the back button here there is this
button here with these like diamond shapedthings that is actually the keyframe button and basically
how keyframes work is a keyframe is basically the ability to move text or a video or a photo or any kind
of effect from one point to another point that's basically the simplest way to explain it but let me
demonstrate here so what we're gonna do is we'll scroll to the beginning of this video and i'm going to
click the keyframe button and as you'll notice if you look down here there is a let me zoom in actually
there is a pink diamond right here asyou can see it's kind of buried there but there is a pink diamond
that is a keyframe so now what we can do if we scroll ahead let's say right here and we'll place another
keyframe and then what we'll do is we'll take this video and we'll put it in the other corner over here
now what that's going to do is because we place two keyframes it's going to move from one point to the
other point so when i scroll back you'll notice the video actually moves from one side to the other side
so if i actually clickplay here it slides across the screen and what's really cool is you can do this to photos
so you could have a photo go from off the screen slide on screen and then slide back off using keyframes
you can apply keyframes to text um so there's a lot of cool things you can do using keyframes this is just
a really simple example it's not very realistic example but that is how you use the keyframe option
editing tip number three we're going to talk about green screens also talking about adding that
subscribe button ontoyour videos so if you actually go onto youtube there's a whole bunch of green
screen effects that you could use within your videos so what i actually did um i actually recorded a
screen screen video with my ipad i used the built-in screen recorder just recorded the youtube video as
you can see i stopped the screen recording there and so what i'm gonna do is import this screen
recording into my timeline and like i said you could probably do this for a lot of other green screen
effects that are available on youtubejust record your screen oh so what i'm gonna do actually is i'm
going to edit this i'm going to zoom out a little bit with my fingers and i don't want to show all my
settings here so i'm going to trim the video up until right there and i can actually grab this and i'm going
to move it over here there we go and i'm also going to trim the end because i don't want to see my
settings at the end so we'll trim to about right there what i'm also going to do is go over to the crop area
so i'mgoing to click edit crop and then what i'm going to do is choose 16 by 9 because 16 by 9 is the
youtube format and i'm also going to do zoom in a little bit because i want to make sure there is nothing
but green screen on the screens there we go the black bars are gone so now it's just a green screen
there um i'm and then what i'm going to do is i'm going to go to the chroma key click on that now it says
color picker so i'm going to grab this wheel and we are going to move it over to right where the green
screen islet go and we are going to click intensity increase the intensity and that is going to remove the
green screen to a degree so we want to remove it all the way so we're going to do a hundred percent
there we go click the check mark and now we've got that subscribe button so what i'm going to do is
reposition it here real quick shrink it down a bit put it down below right there so let's click play and see
the subscribe button come on to the screen here there we go we got the click and it goes off awesome
and that's exactly what wewanted to do with the green screen effect now for the next editing tip let's
talk about how to add your social media logo uh or your social media handle onto your screen using this
editor so what i like to do is what i do is i go over to chrome and whatever social media uh handle i'm
trying to show i'll look up the png file for it so for this example i just went to google search type in
instagram png and then it's gonna pull up these photos now you'll notice some of these have those
white and gray squares as thebackground so if i click on this photo here you'll notice it has all those
white and gray squares behind it um that is what we call a png photo which means it's a transparent
background now you do have to be careful because some of the images out there on the internet are
actually jpegs with the white and gray squares you need to make sure it's a png file so sometimes you
may just have to download a few different photos to find a real png photo you also want to make sure
you're on chrome the web browser uhwhat i've found is chrome actually saves it as a png and not as a
jpeg so what i'm just gonna do is hold down my finger i'm gonna click save image and then we're gonna
head over to the video editor here here real quick and then what we're gonna do is add an overlay i'm
gonna go to photos click on instagram yep click add as you can see it doesn't have a background i'm
going to shrink that down with my hand there we go it's a decent size put it in the corner here for now
and then whatwe're gonna do is we are going to add text so i'm gonna click add text there we go i'm
gonna type in my text for my instagram handle all right there we go i have my text added and then what
i'm going to do is scroll down and put it right next to my instagram handle i may actually change the size
of this real quick make it a little smaller and then i'm going to go to style and i'm going to change the
font here and make it look a little bit better now i like this font called anton and i'm also going to do is
space it out alittle maybe like that i'm going to add some shadow there we go i like that check put it right
there and there we go now we have my instagram on here now you could also take this a step further
and add transitions to both of them so instead of it just appearing we can actually do then is when it
slides on they both slide up at the same time and onto screen you could actually go in and in both of
those add transitions and that'll add a more professional look tip number five let's talk about color
grading a bit so youcan actually color grade within this app all you have to do is click on the video and
the first part we can go to is filters so there's a lot of built-in filters within the cap cut app so we can click
on a few of these just see what looks nice i'm actually kind of digging this nature one and i'm actually
not gonna do full blast well maybe i will i kind of like all those dandelions lighting up in the background
so we'll do full blast on this filter of nature and we're just going to click the checkmark and then what i'm
also going to go do is click on adjust which will also bring up all these other settings that we can tweak to
get a very nice look so uh there's no particular like rules per se when i believe when it comes to color
grading because it's all style it's all about what you like uh for me i like things with a little bit less
contrast that's just how i feel uh sometimes i like to add saturation uh especially when it's like flowers
and stuff so we'll add a little more saturationyou can also adjust the highlights and the shadows uh we
won't mess with that one don't need that one the color temperature you can make it warmer or you
could give it a colder look for this we're gonna do a bit of a warmer look because it's kind of like a
summer day maybe we'll add some fade there like that which just is kind of like that uh fady stuff so
we're now a little bit of fade click check and there we go now we have a really nice looking video using
that filter and adjustment presets nowthe next tip which also adds to this is getting those cinematic
black bars on your video just adding black bars anywhere makes anything look cinematic so what we can
actually do to achieve that let's click back uh what we can actually do is click on this video we go to edit
we can go to crop and we can actually choose some of these presets here so for example this two by 35
by one you notice how it kind of cropped in there we can then adjust it so i'm gonna adjust it maybe
zoom in a little bit just so my flowers lined upclick the check mark and as you notice you got those black
bars on there and it's actually applied only to this video um because our project is in a 16x9 aspect ratio
so you want to make sure that if you are doing this effect you make sure your format is 16x9 but then
you click on the video and change edit crop and then choose that to the two by thirty five by one and
then that will give you a 16 by nine aspect ratio for youtube but then the clip itself is cropped in to two
by thirty five by one thus giving it thiscool cinematic black bars added to your video last but not least tip
number seven is to use the zoom in effect so right here in my timeline i've got this cool uh time lapse
that i created so i've got the clouds moving the cars are zooming by real fast it's pretty cool uh what i
want to do is do a slow zoom in while the cars are flying by i feel like that'd be really cool so in order to
do this we're actually going to use our information we learned from keyframes so what we can do then
is we're going to click on this videowhich click keyframe over here so we've added a keyframe we're
going to scroll to the end of this time lapse right here select this again i'm going to click add another
keyframe and then we're just going to pinch with our fingers i'm going to zoom in a bit move it over right
to where the cars are like so that looks great and now when we go to the beginning we're going to do a
slow zoom in i'm going to click play here and show you so now it's not only a time lapse there's now a
slow zoom in while thistime lapse is happening which just adds to the cinematic effect of this time lapse
now if you want to learn more about how to make videos on your smartphone be sure to subscribe to
this channel and i'll see you guys in the next videos and maybe check out this video right here

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