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Process of Parenting 9th Edition

Brooks Test Bank

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Student: ___________________________________________________________________________

1. When their infants were three months of age, James McHale found that in his middle-class sample of parents,
about __________ of women and ________ percentage of men suffered from clinical levels of depressive

2. Dr. Harvey Karp believes newborns would benefit from an additional __________.

3. Marc Bornstein describes social caregiving as __________.


4. James McHale's research, parents' prebirth negative predictions about lack of support and cooperation with
the other parent came true only when babies were __________.

5. In the first two years, according to Jean Piaget, the baby's __________ are his or her sources of knowledge.

6. Before the age of two, boys and girls are equally likely to show __________ behaviors but after two, boys
showed a significantly higher rate of the behavior.

7. The term __________ refers to guidance in which parents step in to give the child support in order to achieve
the desired goal.

8. Attachment is defined as _________.

9. Fathers are most likely to engage in play and caregiving with the baby when the marriage is __________.

10. To reduce deaths from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends
that infants should be put to sleep __________ with a ____________.

11. Dr. Karp believes that in the womb, babies have a powerful _________ reflex that the Cuddle Cure triggers
after birth.

12. __________ was the main factor in decreasing parents' cooperative alliance in the first year of life..

13. A major goal of the child-rearing method known as RIE (Resources for Infant Educarers) is to provide
support so infants and toddlers ___________________.

14. Children's play is more sophisticated when they play with ____________.

15. T. Berry Brazelton and Stanley Greenspan believe parents require ____________ that supports parents'
efforts and children's growth

16. Parents' imaginary play with toddlers is fun and enjoyable for them both, but has little effect on children's
later development.
True False

17. Toddlers cannot go beyond their own emotional reactions to help another in distress.
True False
18. When mothers are trained to help children elaborate and talk about events, children have richer memories of
True False

19. In most parts of the world, infants sleep with a parent, and most toddlers sleep with or near a parent.
True False

20. Attachment parenting requires that mothers be at home, so it is very difficult to have employment outside
the home.
True False

21. Fearless children who are energetic, curious, and self-directed benefit from firm discipline with negative
True False

22. Because premature babies are survivors, our culture has a positive view of them.
True False

23. Babies pattern their own moods on mothers' emotions.

True False

24. In helping parents deal with their fussy babies, the Fussy Baby Network focuses on the marital relationship
and ways of improving it so parents can work together to deal with the bay's crying.
True False

25. Incorporating both parents' points of view in solutions to infant care-giving leads to practices neither parent
carries out well.
True False

26. Parents reported in the study of care-giving in the first year that thy were satisfied with the amount of time
they had with their family.
True False
27. Ways of soothing crying infants differ from one society to another.
True False

28. To prevent potential problem behaviors, parents divert children's attention to alternative behaviors that are
True False

29. A New Zealand study found that more than fifty percent of children slept at least five hours at night by three
months of age.
True False

30. Typical parenting routines provide a rich variety of language and vocabulary for young children.
True False

31. The five ‘Bs' of Attachment Parenting include all of the following EXCEPT:
A. bonding.
B. bottle-feeding.
C. bed sharing.
D. baby wearing.

32. Mothers do well with their premature infants when they adopt a(an) ________________ view of their
child's future outcome.
A. realistic
B. optimistic
C. wait-and-see
D. all of the above

33. An Enhanced Visitation Program that reduced the rate of child abuse for mothers at risk for abuse involved:
A. anger management training.
B. training in parenting skills.
C. training to empower mothers.
D. training to support children's health.
34. In Florence Goodenough's study, parents of children with many temper outbursts were
A. aware of children's needs.
B. inconsistent and unpredictable in discipline.
C. firm when conflicts arose.
D. A and C

35. Dr. Karp's five-step program for helping newborns settle into their new world includes all of the following
A. swaddling.
B. shushing.
C. silencing.
D. sucking.

36. A mother of a newborn worries her baby is not normal because he sleeps only twelve hours a day. What do
you tell her?
A. All newborns sleep at least eighteen hours a day.
B. Twelve hours is outside the normal range of infant sleep.
C. Twelve hours of sleep is within the normal range of infant sleep.
D. none of these

37. In the first year of a child's life, parents are in what Ellen Galinsky terms the __________ stage.
A. image making
B. nurturing
C. dependent
D. providing

38. Fussy Baby Network provides parents with

A. explanations for babies' crying.
B. direct suggestions on how parents can reduce crying.
C. support for parents so they find their own solutions to reduce crying.
D. A and C.

39. At eighteen months of age, toddlers

A. understand others have different desires from their own.
B. assume others want what they want.
C. are focused on their own needs and have little interest in what others want.
D. are focused on what others want from them.
40. A meta-analysis of the effectiveness of parenting programs for expectant and new parents found that the
A. affected parents' stress levels and marital adjustment but not babies' development.
B. affected parents' care-giving behaviors but not parents' stress levels.
C. improved parents' marital adjustment but not their care-giving behaviors.
D. had positive effects on parents' care-giving behaviors and babies' development.

41. Toddlers reduce negative feelings in all of the following ways EXCEPT
A. using transitional objects.
B. looking away and soothing themselves.
C. going to bed.
D. asking parents for help.

42. Babies cry less in the first three months when

A. A. they are left alone in an infant seat.
B. B. mothers carry them about three hours a day.
C. C. parents ignore the crying.
D. D. parents talk to them from a distance.

43. By age _____________, children begin to use pronouns such as "I, me, mine" to reflect an increasing sense
of self.
A. twelve months
B. eighteen months
C. twenty-four months
D. thirty months

44. Temper outbursts peak in the second year and are most likely to occur when children are
A. distracted from play.
B. busy with play.
C. hungry and tired.
D. interacting with peers.

45. In comparison to babies whose mothers received no special guidance, irritable babies whose mothers
received suggestions for stimulating and responding to the babies
A. were more likely to have secure attachments at 12 months.
B. showed few effects of guidance when babies were twenty-four months old.
C. were less involved with peers at 24 months.
D. A and C
46. New Zealand study of sleeping patterns of infants revels that at twelve months of age
A. one-third of babies do not sleep more than five hours at night.
B. only one-third of babies sleep eight or more hours.
C. only 50 percent of babies sleep eight or more hours at night.
D. over 70 percent of babies sleep eight hours at night.

47. At six months of age babies

A. have rudimentary visual skills and see about the distance of eight to ten inches.
B. can detect differences in quantities of objects observed.
C. focus primarily on their own actions.
D. A and C

48. Empirical study of infants crying and sleeping behaviors

A. gives parents information for making choices in care-giving behaviors.
B. reveals Western forms of parenting have no advantages over attachment parenting.
C. suggests attachment parenting requires more time but reduces infants' crying and promotes their sleeping.
D. suggests attachment parenting has no advantages over Western parenting.

49. When parents of three-month-old babies were in the process of forming a coparenting alliance, they
A. were not in conflict but out of synch.
B. argued until they arrived at a compromise.
C. ignored problems as they arose.
D. each took responsibilities for certain areas of care-giving.

50. Parents can advance children's language skills in the second year if they
A. wait to see that children are paying attention to what they say.
B. wait until children ask what an object is called.
C. are clear in what they are labeling.
D. A and C

51. Thirteen- and eighteen-month-old children whose parents directed positive affirming words to them
A. came to expect only positive words.
B. used primarily positively toned words with family members.
C. ignored parents' comments.
D. A and C
52. Mothers' sensitive and supportive care-giving in infancy predicts all of the following behaviors EXCEPT
A. reduced resting levels of stress hormones.
B. positive secure attachments.
C. dependence at age two.
D. self regulation at age two.

53. Negative interactions with parents in infancy

A. are brief and last only a few seconds.
B. increase likelihood of toddler noncompliance.
C. have few effects in the toddler or later years.
D. A and C

54. In England a longitudinal study of sleeping in the first four years revealed that
A. the large majority of parents never coslept with babies.
B. the majority coslept with babies in the first three months but discontinued by twelve months.
C. one-third of parents coslept with babies in the first year but gave it up by two years of age.
D. about one-third of parents coslept with babies the entire four years.

55. When comparing the crying and sleeping patterns of babies whose parents used attachment parenting with
crying and sleeping of babies whose London parents used Western European forms of caregiving and those
babies whose parents used a Danish form of European parenting, researchers found all of the following
A. babies of attachment parenting had lower levels of unsoothable crying at ten days and five weeks.
B. babies in all three groups reduced their crying by twelve weeks of age.
C. infants of London parents spent more time crying and fussing at ten days and five weeks than infants in other
two groups.
D. infants of London and Danish parents were more likely to sleep five or more hours without waking at twelve
weeks than infants of attachment parents.

56. Give four ways in which parents help children achieve self-regulation in the second year.
57. Describe four ways in which the parenting of parents of premature babies born at 26 weeks differs from the
parenting of children born full-term.

58. Describe five ways in which the Fussy Baby Network helps parents cope with babies' crying.

59. Describe four qualities of parents that help to maintain a secure attachment with toddlers.

60. Describe six ways in which parenting programs have been found to help expectant and new parents.
c7 Key

1. When their infants were three months of age, James McHale found that in his middle-class sample of parents,
about __________ of women and ________ percentage of men suffered from clinical levels of depressive
24; 13

Brooks - Chapter 07 #1

2. Dr. Harvey Karp believes newborns would benefit from an additional __________.
trimester in the womb

Brooks - Chapter 07 #2

3. Marc Bornstein describes social caregiving as __________.


Brooks - Chapter 07 #3

4. James McHale's research, parents' prebirth negative predictions about lack of support and cooperation with
the other parent came true only when babies were __________.
irritable and fussy

Brooks - Chapter 07 #4

5. In the first two years, according to Jean Piaget, the baby's __________ are his or her sources of knowledge.
perceptions and motor activities

Brooks - Chapter 07 #5
6. Before the age of two, boys and girls are equally likely to show __________ behaviors but after two, boys
showed a significantly higher rate of the behavior.

Brooks - Chapter 07 #6

7. The term __________ refers to guidance in which parents step in to give the child support in order to achieve
the desired goal.

Brooks - Chapter 07 #7

8. Attachment is defined as _________.

an enduring tie to a person who serves as a source of security

Brooks - Chapter 07 #8

9. Fathers are most likely to engage in play and caregiving with the baby when the marriage is __________.

Brooks - Chapter 07 #9

10. To reduce deaths from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends
that infants should be put to sleep __________ with a ____________.
on their backs; pacifier to suck on

Brooks - Chapter 07 #10

11. Dr. Karp believes that in the womb, babies have a powerful _________ reflex that the Cuddle Cure triggers
after birth.

Brooks - Chapter 07 #11

12. __________ was the main factor in decreasing parents' cooperative alliance in the first year of life..
Marital distress

Brooks - Chapter 07 #12

13. A major goal of the child-rearing method known as RIE (Resources for Infant Educarers) is to provide
support so infants and toddlers ___________________.
maximize their capacity for self-regulation and purposive activity

Brooks - Chapter 07 #13

14. Children's play is more sophisticated when they play with ____________.

Brooks - Chapter 07 #14

15. T. Berry Brazelton and Stanley Greenspan believe parents require ____________ that supports parents'
efforts and children's growth
a community

Brooks - Chapter 07 #15

16. Parents' imaginary play with toddlers is fun and enjoyable for them both, but has little effect on children's
later development.

Brooks - Chapter 07 #16

17. Toddlers cannot go beyond their own emotional reactions to help another in distress.

Brooks - Chapter 07 #17

18. When mothers are trained to help children elaborate and talk about events, children have richer memories of

Brooks - Chapter 07 #18

19. In most parts of the world, infants sleep with a parent, and most toddlers sleep with or near a parent.

Brooks - Chapter 07 #19

20. Attachment parenting requires that mothers be at home, so it is very difficult to have employment outside
the home.

Brooks - Chapter 07 #20

21. Fearless children who are energetic, curious, and self-directed benefit from firm discipline with negative

Brooks - Chapter 07 #21

22. Because premature babies are survivors, our culture has a positive view of them.

Brooks - Chapter 07 #22

23. Babies pattern their own moods on mothers' emotions.


Brooks - Chapter 07 #23

24. In helping parents deal with their fussy babies, the Fussy Baby Network focuses on the marital relationship
and ways of improving it so parents can work together to deal with the bay's crying.

Brooks - Chapter 07 #24

25. Incorporating both parents' points of view in solutions to infant care-giving leads to practices neither parent
carries out well.

Brooks - Chapter 07 #25

26. Parents reported in the study of care-giving in the first year that thy were satisfied with the amount of time
they had with their family.

Brooks - Chapter 07 #26

27. Ways of soothing crying infants differ from one society to another.

Brooks - Chapter 07 #27

28. To prevent potential problem behaviors, parents divert children's attention to alternative behaviors that are

Brooks - Chapter 07 #28

29. A New Zealand study found that more than fifty percent of children slept at least five hours at night by three
months of age.

Brooks - Chapter 07 #29

30. Typical parenting routines provide a rich variety of language and vocabulary for young children.

Brooks - Chapter 07 #30

31. The five ‘Bs' of Attachment Parenting include all of the following EXCEPT:
A. bonding.
B. bottle-feeding.
C. bed sharing.
D. baby wearing.

Brooks - Chapter 07 #31

32. Mothers do well with their premature infants when they adopt a(an) ________________ view of their
child's future outcome.
A. realistic
B. optimistic
C. wait-and-see
D. all of the above

Brooks - Chapter 07 #32

33. An Enhanced Visitation Program that reduced the rate of child abuse for mothers at risk for abuse involved:
A. anger management training.
B. training in parenting skills.
C. training to empower mothers.
D. training to support children's health.

Brooks - Chapter 07 #33

34. In Florence Goodenough's study, parents of children with many temper outbursts were
A. aware of children's needs.
B. inconsistent and unpredictable in discipline.
C. firm when conflicts arose.
D. A and C

Brooks - Chapter 07 #34

35. Dr. Karp's five-step program for helping newborns settle into their new world includes all of the following
A. swaddling.
B. shushing.
C. silencing.
D. sucking.

Brooks - Chapter 07 #35

36. A mother of a newborn worries her baby is not normal because he sleeps only twelve hours a day. What do
you tell her?
A. All newborns sleep at least eighteen hours a day.
B. Twelve hours is outside the normal range of infant sleep.
C. Twelve hours of sleep is within the normal range of infant sleep.
D. none of these

Brooks - Chapter 07 #36

37. In the first year of a child's life, parents are in what Ellen Galinsky terms the __________ stage.
A. image making
B. nurturing
C. dependent
D. providing

Brooks - Chapter 07 #37

38. Fussy Baby Network provides parents with

A. explanations for babies' crying.
B. direct suggestions on how parents can reduce crying.
C. support for parents so they find their own solutions to reduce crying.
D. A and C.

Brooks - Chapter 07 #38

39. At eighteen months of age, toddlers

A. understand others have different desires from their own.
B. assume others want what they want.
C. are focused on their own needs and have little interest in what others want.
D. are focused on what others want from them.

Brooks - Chapter 07 #39

40. A meta-analysis of the effectiveness of parenting programs for expectant and new parents found that the
A. affected parents' stress levels and marital adjustment but not babies' development.
B. affected parents' care-giving behaviors but not parents' stress levels.
C. improved parents' marital adjustment but not their care-giving behaviors.
D. had positive effects on parents' care-giving behaviors and babies' development.

Brooks - Chapter 07 #40

41. Toddlers reduce negative feelings in all of the following ways EXCEPT
A. using transitional objects.
B. looking away and soothing themselves.
C. going to bed.
D. asking parents for help.

Brooks - Chapter 07 #41

42. Babies cry less in the first three months when

A. A. they are left alone in an infant seat.
B. B. mothers carry them about three hours a day.
C. C. parents ignore the crying.
D. D. parents talk to them from a distance.

Brooks - Chapter 07 #42

43. By age _____________, children begin to use pronouns such as "I, me, mine" to reflect an increasing sense
of self.
A. twelve months
B. eighteen months
C. twenty-four months
D. thirty months

Brooks - Chapter 07 #43

44. Temper outbursts peak in the second year and are most likely to occur when children are
A. distracted from play.
B. busy with play.
C. hungry and tired.
D. interacting with peers.

Brooks - Chapter 07 #44

45. In comparison to babies whose mothers received no special guidance, irritable babies whose mothers
received suggestions for stimulating and responding to the babies
A. were more likely to have secure attachments at 12 months.
B. showed few effects of guidance when babies were twenty-four months old.
C. were less involved with peers at 24 months.
D. A and C

Brooks - Chapter 07 #45

46. New Zealand study of sleeping patterns of infants revels that at twelve months of age
A. one-third of babies do not sleep more than five hours at night.
B. only one-third of babies sleep eight or more hours.
C. only 50 percent of babies sleep eight or more hours at night.
D. over 70 percent of babies sleep eight hours at night.

Brooks - Chapter 07 #46

47. At six months of age babies

A. have rudimentary visual skills and see about the distance of eight to ten inches.
B. can detect differences in quantities of objects observed.
C. focus primarily on their own actions.
D. A and C

Brooks - Chapter 07 #47

48. Empirical study of infants crying and sleeping behaviors

A. gives parents information for making choices in care-giving behaviors.
B. reveals Western forms of parenting have no advantages over attachment parenting.
C. suggests attachment parenting requires more time but reduces infants' crying and promotes their sleeping.
D. suggests attachment parenting has no advantages over Western parenting.

Brooks - Chapter 07 #48

49. When parents of three-month-old babies were in the process of forming a coparenting alliance, they
A. were not in conflict but out of synch.
B. argued until they arrived at a compromise.
C. ignored problems as they arose.
D. each took responsibilities for certain areas of care-giving.

Brooks - Chapter 07 #49

50. Parents can advance children's language skills in the second year if they
A. wait to see that children are paying attention to what they say.
B. wait until children ask what an object is called.
C. are clear in what they are labeling.
D. A and C

Brooks - Chapter 07 #50

51. Thirteen- and eighteen-month-old children whose parents directed positive affirming words to them
A. came to expect only positive words.
B. used primarily positively toned words with family members.
C. ignored parents' comments.
D. A and C

Brooks - Chapter 07 #51

52. Mothers' sensitive and supportive care-giving in infancy predicts all of the following behaviors EXCEPT
A. reduced resting levels of stress hormones.
B. positive secure attachments.
C. dependence at age two.
D. self regulation at age two.

Brooks - Chapter 07 #52

53. Negative interactions with parents in infancy

A. are brief and last only a few seconds.
B. increase likelihood of toddler noncompliance.
C. have few effects in the toddler or later years.
D. A and C

Brooks - Chapter 07 #53

54. In England a longitudinal study of sleeping in the first four years revealed that
A. the large majority of parents never coslept with babies.
B. the majority coslept with babies in the first three months but discontinued by twelve months.
C. one-third of parents coslept with babies in the first year but gave it up by two years of age.
D. about one-third of parents coslept with babies the entire four years.

Brooks - Chapter 07 #54

55. When comparing the crying and sleeping patterns of babies whose parents used attachment parenting with
crying and sleeping of babies whose London parents used Western European forms of caregiving and those
babies whose parents used a Danish form of European parenting, researchers found all of the following
A. babies of attachment parenting had lower levels of unsoothable crying at ten days and five weeks.
B. babies in all three groups reduced their crying by twelve weeks of age.
C. infants of London parents spent more time crying and fussing at ten days and five weeks than infants in other
two groups.
D. infants of London and Danish parents were more likely to sleep five or more hours without waking at twelve
weeks than infants of attachment parents.

Brooks - Chapter 07 #55

56. Give four ways in which parents help children achieve self-regulation in the second year.

Answer will vary

Brooks - Chapter 07 #56

57. Describe four ways in which the parenting of parents of premature babies born at 26 weeks differs from the
parenting of children born full-term.

Answer will vary

Brooks - Chapter 07 #57

58. Describe five ways in which the Fussy Baby Network helps parents cope with babies' crying.

Answer will vary

Brooks - Chapter 07 #58

59. Describe four qualities of parents that help to maintain a secure attachment with toddlers.

Answer will vary

Brooks - Chapter 07 #59

60. Describe six ways in which parenting programs have been found to help expectant and new parents.

Answer will vary

Brooks - Chapter 07 #60

c7 Summary

Category # of Questions
Brooks - Chapter 07 60

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