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Foreign trade: Contracts II. Linda Chelsea Rivera Avila.

Whitin the parameters of commerce, there are various aspects that establish their function as
essential elements to give place to the purchase and sale of goods, including the provision of
services, which means trade. It is not only focused on the economics that money transactions
represent and the monetary benefit that is obtained by those involved based on the activities of
merchants and markets, but also necessary to take into account the way in which this concept
extends to the legal aspect, as is the case of one of the principal concepts that involve trade and
law, in my opinion, contracts allow us to improve the security of our financial actions, also to
assert our rights as individuals and last but not least, they are a means of establishing a
relationship in the legal aspect, as well as social aspects like marriage.
International commerce represents nowadays the largest source of growth for the economy, more
and more business from all over the world join in it to grow with it, so this constant expansion
leads to the involvement of different countries, therefore, the basis of the contract suits perfectly
to establish order among the international commerce members, which means it considers
everything about a connection through a contract, what is waited from that deal and what are the
parties going to do to accomplish to the previously established purpose without needing to relate
to any other contract, so it makes every single one unique. Basically, when it comes to contracts in
the international commerce it consists of a more complex system because of how specific it must
be, for example, the type of contract used to buy or sell goods and services, even if it is a simple
action in the daily life, when it comes to international commerce contracts the criteria for these
must comply with the complete data of the merchandise or services that are part of the deal, in
addition to taking into account the process of change of ownership, the benefit from the contract
depends on the kind relationship, explaining why each contract is consider as independent from
every other contract.
Taking this concept to apply to a great extent, franchises like Coca-Cola are an example of what
international commerce contracts consist of, and all start with the expansion of a company, taking
the case of Coca-Cola, a drink with a particular flavor that has a unique formula, to maintain the
quality and the same tasty flavor that characterizes the drink, it is necessary to share the recipe as
well as other production requirements or methods of the original plant, with the purpose of keep
a place in the market even outside the environment of origin, though a international franchise
contract companies like Coca-Cola can be assured that any inconvenience that arises because of
the use of the recipe as a trade secret, or intellectual property, will already have a previously
established method to reach its resolution, which is the principal aspect of these kind of
international contracts.
In my opinion, this topic encompasses the most specific, as well as highly important, aspects of
what it is involved between trade and laws, which are the obligations that come along with the
benefit, personally I have a clear perspective of this fact, the main reason is that whenever there is
a benefit implied directed to one party, it will always bring with it an obligation, and this rule, for
referring to it in some way, applies in international trade contracts but also in our day-to-day life
as individuals in a society, so it relates to the development of a sense of responsibility, for
example, in the concept of joint venture it can be found a base concentrated in the obligations,
responsibilities and benefits, because these elements can be divided between two parties to make
less complex the processes that come with this kind of situations, understanding the joint venture
has give me a broader idea of what can be achieved though the taking of advantages within the
system, so summarizing what was stipulated so far, international commerce contracts existence is
the main pillar that makes possible not only commercial activities, but also protection within
international commerce, it means economic growth.

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