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Fee Schedule


Gastrointestinal Profiles
Gastrointestinal Profiles SPECIMEN CLINICIAN RRP
2200 GI Effects® Comprehensive Stool Profile Stool £290 £355
2205 GI Effects® Microbial Ecology Stool Profile Stool £165 £200
2207 GI Effects® Gut Pathogen Profile Stool £129 £157
DIG01 CDSA (Comprehensive Digestive Stool Analysis)™ Stool £150 £210
DIG02 CDSA/P (Comprehensive Digestive Stool Analysis/Parasitology)™ Stool £185 £245
DIG03 CDSA 2.0 ™ Comprehensive Digestive Stool Analysis 2.0)™ Stool £205 £260
DIG04 CDSA/P 2.0™ (Comprehensive Digestive Stool Analysis 2.0/Parasitology)™ Stool £245 £300
DIG05 Comprehensive Parasitology (CP) Stool £130 £160
DIG06 Parasitology (P) Stool £86 £108
DIG07 Microbiology Profile Stool £80 £100
DIG09 Calprotectin Stool £45 £65
DIG10 Gut Immunology Stool £135 £168
DIG11 H. pylori Stool Test Stool £70 £90
DIG16 Pancreatic Elastase Stool £90 £105
DIG18 Yeast Culture plus KOH Prep Stool £59 £76
2337 SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth) - 3 Hour
Breath £125 £150
2306 SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth) - 2 Hour
Additional Add-On Markers for specific stool tests listed above (as specified by parentheses)
2202 Campylobacter (GI Effects 2200, 2205, 2207) Stool £30 £40
2203 Clostridium difficile EIA (GI Effects 2200, 2205, 2207) Stool £45 £55
2204 Escherichia coli EIA (GI Effects 2200, 2205, 2207) Stool £25 £40
2205 Helicobacter pylori EIA (GI Effects 2200, 2205, 2207) Stool £65 £85
DIG08 Macroscopic Examination for Worms (CDSA, CDSA/P, CDSA 2.0, CDSA/P 2.0, CP, Para.) Stool £25 £35
DIG33 Eosinophil Protein X (CDSA, CDSA/P) Stool £35 £40
2336 Stool Zonulin Family Peptide (GI Effects 2200, 2205, 2207,CDSA/P 2.0) Stool £30 £40
2338 KOH Preparation for Yeast (2200, 2205, CDSA, CDSA/P, CDSA 2.0, CDSA/P 2.0) Stool £15 £20
Immunology Profiles
Immunology Profiles - Combination Pricing SPECIMEN CLINICIAN RPP
Full Combination (Profiles 1000 - 1006) Serum £450 £560
Any other combination priced per below:
Single Profile (Choose from 1000 - 1006) Serum £120 £140
Each additional profile (Choose from 1000 - 1006) Serum £55 £70
Immunology Profiles - Individual Pricing
Individual Profile Price £120 £140
1000 IgE Food Profile Serum
1001 IgG Food Panel Serum
1002 IgG Vegetarian Serum
1003 IgE Inhalants (25 IgE inhalants + Total IgE) Serum
1004 IgE Moulds (15 IgE molds + Total IgE) Serum
1005 IgG Spices Serum
1006 Coeliac Profile (Gluten Sensitivity) Serum
1107 Allergix IgG4 Food Antibodies 90 Profile (requires immediate centrifuging) Serum £155 £185
1008 Allergix Bloodspot IgG4 Food Antibodies 30 Profile Bloodspot £95 £113
IMM16 TGA - Tissue Transglutaminase Blood £25 £35
IMM17 Secretory Immunoglobulin A (sIgA) Saliva £45 £66

Nutritional Profiles
NUT06 NutrEval® FMV (requires immediate centrifuging) Blood, Urine £495 £605
5204 Add-0n Genomics SNP - APO E (C112R + R158C) Buccal Swab £25 £35
5201 Add-0n Genomics SNP - MTHFR Combined (A1298C + C677T) Buccal Swab £25 £35
5203 Add-0n Genomics SNP - TNFA Buccal Swab £30 £40
5202 Add-0n Genomics SNP - COMT (V158M) Buccal Swab £25 £35
Methylation Panel
3534 Methylation Panel (requires immediate centrifuging) Blood £240 £280
3534 Add-On Methylation Genomics Buccal Swab £100 £120
Metabolomix+ Profile
3200 Metabolomix+ Urine £285 £335
3202 Add-on Bloodspot Essential & Metabolic Fatty Acids Blood Spot £60 £75
3203 Add-on Toxic Element Clearance Profile Urine £50 £60
3204 Add-on Comprehensive Urine Element Profile Urine £75 £95
5204 Add-On Genomic SNP - APO E (C112R + R158C) Buccal Swab £25 £35
5201 Add-On Genomic SNP - MTHFR Combined (A1298C + C677T) Buccal Swab £25 £35
5203 Add-On Genomic SNP - TNFA Buccal Swab £30 £40
5202 Add-On Genomic SNP - COMT (V158M) Buccal Swab £25 £35
ION® Profile
3100 ION™ Profile Blood, Urine £525 £625
3102 ION™ with Amino Acids 40 Profile Blood, Urine £585 £685
3104 Cardio/IONSM Profile (requires immediate centrifuging) Blood, Urine £630 £730
Organic Acid Profiles
MET02 Metabolic Analysis Profile Urine £185 £225
3301 Organix™ Comprehensive Profile Urine £235 £279
3302 Organix Dysbiosis Profile Urine £160 £199
3304 Organix Basic Profile (w/o Dysbiosis Markers) Urine £170 £200
Integrated Profiles
3400 TRIAD™ Profile (requires immediate centrifuging) Blood, Urine £349 £449
3401 TRIAD Bloodspot Profile BldSp, Urine £349 £420
Amino Acid Profiles
NUT01 Amino Acids Analysis, Urine Urine £160 £200
3504 Amino Acids 40 Profile (requires immediate centrifuging) Plasma £185 £220
3506 Amino Acids 20 Profile (requires immediate centrifuging) Plasma £135 £160
3502 Bloodspot Amino Acids 11 Profile Blood Spot £93 £110
3503 Bloodspot Amino Acids 20 Profile Blood Spot £140 £165
Nutritional Profiles
NUT03 Essential & Metabolic Fatty Acids Analysis Blood £135 £165
3509 Fatty Acids Profile - Plasma Plasma £160 £191
3512 Fatty Acid Profile - Erythrocytes Erythrocytes £160 £191
3511 Fatty Acids Profile - Bloodspot Blood Spot £95 £110
Vitamin Profiles
3514 Fat-Soluble Vitamins Profile (A, E, D, K, CoQ10, & ß-Carotene) Serum £135 £155
NUT12 Vitamin D (requires immediate centrifuging) Blood £65 £75
NUT13 B12 & Folate Blood £75 £85
NUT14 Ferritin Blood £45 £55
Health Risk Profiles
MET03 Chronic Fatigue Screen Saliva, Urine £230 £275
MET08 Metabolic Syndrome Profile Blood £225 £255
MET10 Comprehensive Cardiovascular Assessment Blood £135 £158
MET12 Functional Blood Chemistry Profile (requires immediate centrifuging) Blood £210 £245
MET13 CV Health™ (requires immediate centrifuging) Blood £200 £240
MET14 CV Health Plus Genomics™ (requires immediate centrifuging) Blood £430 £500
MET09 Homocysteine Blood £55 £77
Element Profiles
3524 Nutrient & Toxic Elements Profile Blood £125 £149
3526 Toxic Metals Profile Whole Blood £118 £141
NUT10 Elemental Analysis Blood £145 £178
NUT09 Toxic Element Clearance Profile (Timed or 24-Hour) Urine £68 £86
NUT26 Comprehensive Urine Element Profile (Timed or 24-Hour) Urine £105 £120
Oxidative Stress Profiles
MET05 Oxidative Stress 2.0 Blood £212 £255
MET06 Oxidative Stress 2.0 Urine £185 £228
3607 Lipid Peroxides (TBARS) Serum £99 £150

Endocrinology Profiles
END15 Hormonal Health™ Blood £255 £297
END31 Male Hormonal Health™ Blood £299 £339
END07 Reverse T3 Blood £45 £65
END06 Total Thyroid Screen Blood £90 £110
END27 Thyroid Plus Blood £120 £150
Add-on Profiles for Hormonal Health™ and Male Hormonal Health™
4002 Androstenedione £50 £60
4003 Follicle Stimulating Hormone £65 £70
4004 Luteinizing Hormone £35 £40
4005 Prolactin £35 £40
3532 Vitamin D (requires immediate centrifuging) £40 £45
Saliva Profiles
END01 Adrenal Stress Profile Saliva £65 £85
END02 Comprehensive Adrenal Stress Profile Saliva £85 £107
Add-on SIgA (END01) Saliva £20 £22
Add-on Cortisol Awakening Response (END01, END02) Saliva £30 £40
END13 Menopause™ Saliva, Urine £225 £270
END14 Menopause Plus™ Saliva, Urine £315 £378
END10 Rhythm™ Saliva £140 £182
END11 Rhythm Plus™ Saliva £200 £235
END03 DHEA Level Saliva £35 £53
END17 Male Hormones Plus™ Saliva £140 £172
END12 One Day Progesterone/Oestradiol Saliva £55 £80
END09 Melatonin Profile Saliva £55 £77
END16 Testosterone Saliva £50 £72
END41 One Day Hormone Check Saliva £240 £275
Endocrinology Profiles
END23 Complete Hormones™ FMV/24Hr Urine £260 £310
5304 Add-0n Genomics SNP - VDR (END23, END21) Buccal Swab £25 £35
5301 Add-0n Genomics SNP - MTHFR Combined (A1298C + C677T) (END23, END21) Buccal Swab £25 £35
5303 Add-0n Genomics SNP - CYP-1B1 (END23, END21) Buccal Swab £30 £40
5302 Add-0n Genomics SNP - COMT (V158M) (END23, END21) Buccal Swab £25 £35
END21 Essential Oestrogens FMV/24Hr Urine £230 £265
END18 Bone Resorption: Osteoporosis Risk Assessment Urine £85 £100
END19 Oestrogen Metabolism Urine £120 £145
END20 Oestrogen Metabolism Plus FMV/24Hr Urine £195 £230
END25 Urine Iodine Urine £60 £71
END08 Urine Thyroid Hormones (T3/T4) Urine £85 £107
END26 Urine Thyroid Hormones (T3/T4) + Iodine Urine £130 £151
END05 Adrenal - Thyroid Profile (24H) Urine £125 £160

GEN01 CardioGenomicPlus™ Profile ~ Buccal Swab £300 £330
GEN03 DetoxiGenomic® Profile ~ Buccal Swab £330 £360
GEN04 EstroGenomic™ Profile ~ Buccal Swab £450 £500
GEN05 ImmunoGenomic® Profile ~ Buccal Swab £200 £235
GEN06 NeuroGenomic™ Profile ~ Buccal Swab £320 £355

Prices are subject to change without notice. Prices are rounded to the nearest pound.
All kits should be returned Monday through Thursday by next-day delivery.
FMV - First Morning Void collection
~ Available only to suitably qualified clinicians - Contact Genova Diagnostics Europe for details.
Please Check Directory of Laboratory Testing Services and Kit Instructions for specific requirements

46 - 50 Coombe Road • New Malden, Surrey KT3 4QF • 020 8336 7750 •
©2020 Genova Diagnostics All rights reserved 150004 rev 0720 V10

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