Draft 1 Icpna

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The transition from primary school to secondary school was a

significant change in my educational experience, discovering

profound differences between the two educational methods. My
experience in elementary school was characterized by a wide range
of extracurricular activities and a very large infrastructure, very
different from the limited and more academically focused
extracurricular offerings in high school. These differences in
extracurricular activities, infrastructure, and teaching methodologies
greatly shaped my educational path, highlighting the various aspects
that influenced my learning experiences.

First, at my primary school I had a wonderful variety of

extracurricular activities, ranging from sports to art workshops that
extended beyond the school day. These offerings not only improved
our skills but also provided avenues for personal development as we
had much more active interaction with our classmates. However,
this changed in high school, where extracurricular activities were
very limited because this school focused on academic support,
offering review sessions on subjects that students found
challenging. While the extracurricular activities in primary school
fostered all-round development, the academic support sessions in
secondary school significantly helped in better understanding
academic subjects, which helped me excel in my grades compared
to primary school.

Second, the infrastructure of my elementary school was remarkably

extensive and had a campus with a cafeteria and multiple play
areas, as well as three sports fields where we could do physical
education without any problem due to the amount of space. This
abundant space not only facilitated various activities such as those I
just mentioned, but also provided a sense of freedom and
recreation. In contrast, my high school lacked a very large
infrastructure like my primary school. This did not have sports fields
or a cafeteria, which resulted in me not having as many physical
education classes as before since this was a more compact and
confined environment that focused solely on academic facilities such
as classrooms.
Third, the teaching methodologies employed at both institutions
significantly influenced my learning experience. At my elementary
school, the teaching approach was often insufficient, as it did not
adequately support reinforcement of the materials learned after
class. This somewhat hindered my ability to solidify my
understanding of the classes. In contrast, high school introduced a
teaching methodology that resonated with my learning style. It
emphasized self-directed learning and provided ample resources for
independent study, resulting in improved academic performance and
a deeper understanding of subjects in me. This method not only
allowed for personal growth but also facilitated better grades and
academic achievements.

In conclusion, the transition from primary to secondary school

highlighted striking differences in extracurricular activities,
infrastructure, and teaching methodologies. While the primary
school excelled in various activities and extensive facilities but
lacked strong teaching support, the secondary school focused on
academic assistance, had smaller infrastructure and emphasized
autonomous learning. Despite these distinctions, both educational
phases significantly influenced my commitment to academic
excellence and personal growth, underscoring the importance of
adaptability in diverse educational environments.

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