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Research on Construction Supply Chain Management in E-business


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Minmin Zhang , ,Jinhui Wang , Jian Zhang
1 School of Management,China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing), Beijing, China
School of Public Policy, University of Maryland, College Park,USA
3 State Nuclear Electric Power Planning Design & Research Institute, Beijing, China
China National Construction Machinery Corporation, Tianjin, China

partnership with other partners and enhance market

Abstract - With continuous economic development competitiveness.
and scientific and technical progress, global market E-business is a technology of business transaction
competition is becoming increasingly stiff. Elementary via Internet, which not only quickly provides customers
knowledge of the supply chain management and e­ with comprehensive and dynamic information but an
business of construction enterprise were introduced in economical public communication platform free from
this paper. Some problems of existing supply chain time and space constraints. E-business fit well with
management of construction enterprise in e-business characteristics of supply chain management l l -2J. Basic
environment were analyzed. Measures and key factors features of e-business are high efficiency, convenience,
for strengthening supply chain management of integration, safety and coordination. Models of supply
construction enterprise in e-business environment chain management of construction enterprises on the basis
were discussed. It's proposed that cooperation and of e-business are established in this paper, so is the
communication be reinforced and good relationship matched operation system.
between suppliers and contractor be well maintained The significance of this paper lies in introducing
and third-party logistics and JIT delivery system be advanced management mode namely supply chain
made better. Supply chain management and e­ management into construction industry and proposing a
business are effective tools for construction enterprise kind of integrated supply chain management mode
to save cost, shorten construction period and improve meeting the demand of construction enterprises.
quality. E-business provides low-cost and convenient
information support to supply chain management.
Supply chain management of construction enterprise II. METHODOLOGY SUPPLY CHAIN
in e-business environment is important for improving MANAGEMENT & E-BUSINESS OF
competitiveness and economic and social benefits of CONSTRUCTION ENTERPRISE
construction enterprise
A. Supply chain management
Keywords - Construction enterprise, supply chain,
supply chain management, e-business Supply chain management thoughts had been
embodied by the "Quick Response (QR)" of U.S. textile
and clothing industry in the middle of twentieth century,3,.
I. INTRODUCTION Supply chain is the network structure formed by upstream
and downstream enterprises providing products and
Construction enterprises are the pillar of national
services to end users during the process of production and
economy due to their large capacity of employment and
circulation. SCM (supply chain management) gradually
high degree of association with other industries. Therefore,
becomes a kind of advanced management modes with
it is urgent to change the existing state of high
good perspectives r41- It systematically regards core
consumption but low efficiency of construction
enterprise and upstream and downstream enterprises as an
enterprises via management innovation. In light of this
integrated supplier, effectively integrates and manages all
case, supply chain management may be used to study the
activities related to production so as to adapt to the
effective demand of construction enterprises at first, take
development of enterprises and cooperation among
the general contractor as the core enterprise and link
enterprises r5-61-
suppliers of materials and equipment, subcontractors and
SCM refers to a set of methods for effectively
the owner into an integrated functional network chain via
integrating suppliers, manufacturers, producers, dealers
controlling information flow, materials flow and capital
and retailers to produce merchandises to minimize system
flow during the whole process from acceptance of the bid
cost under the precondition of ensuring service level and
to construction, final acceptance of construction and after­
delivering merchandises of proper quantities to right
sale services. Therefore, more and more construction
places in appropriate time.
enterprises begin to utilize supply chain management
method to improve organizational performance, meliorate
B. Supply chain management of construction enterprise

978-1-4244-3672-9/09/$25.00 ©2009 IEEE


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efficiency and reducing direct cost and management cost.
The supply chain of construction enterprise covers E-business not only greatly increases the benefit and
the whole process of construction. It starts from the improves efficiency of construction industry, but
effective demand of the owner and links the general facilitates the realization of transverse combined
contractor which is the core the chain, suppliers of production of construction enterprise and benefits the
materials and mechanical equipment, subcontractors, implementation of supply chain management. E­
design units, consultancy units and the owner into an procurement based on supply chain has been very popular
integrated network via information flow, materials flow in foreign construction industry and many professional
and capital flow r71 agencies have been providing procurement management
Supply chain management of construction enterprise services to enterprises of nodes in a supply chain, such as
aims to meet demand via materials flow, information flow management methods and procurement standards. So far,
and capital flow. Capital flows from the owner to general many domestic construction enterprises have begun to pay
contractor, then to subcontractors and suppliers. importance to information management and e-service of
Information flows from the owner to contractor, design construction projects. Extra large construction enterprises
institute, suppliers and manufacturers. The process of and most first-class construction enterprises have built
materials flow has a close bearing on the saving logistics Internet website. The number of computers of domestic
cost of construction enterprise. Materials flow from construction enterprises has been growing year by year
suppliers of materials and equipment to general contractor and e-mail has become a universal information exchange
and subcontractors. Supply chain management includes tool used by construction enterprises. Under the impact of
coordination of information flow, materials flow and the Internet, construction industry has a deeper
capital flow among multiple companies l8J. Therefore, recognition of e-business. E-business will completely
materials inventory of every construction enterprise shall change traditional business modes of construction
be as less as possible. The supply chain model of enterprise and radically change the whole economic
construction enterprise is shown in Figure 1. environment of construction enterprise. However, there
are some obvious limitations and deficiencies for China's
construction enterprises to have e-business, for example,
Materials flo.v
Materials Desicnsuppl2r there is short of overall planning of software development
suppliers and development capital most are low-level
Capitalflo.v redevelopment llO],
Capital Desicn
Subc:onlracted works COIIItructian promc1s


Capitalflo.v Capitalflo.v E-BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT

Capital CarwI
Materials flo.v flo.v Supply chain management is dynamic supply system
in which all partners rely on one another. Supply chain
Equipnalll t... ElPerirg
management of construction enterprise in e-business
leasers Capitalflo.v cOlll1ll�
supplier environment involves capital, ERP, inventory
management, plan sharing, logistics, transport,
procurement and quality management. Major issues are
Fig. I. Supply chain model of construction enterprise introduced as follows:

A. Value analysis of supply chain management of

construction enterprise in e-business environment
Supply chain management of construction enterprise
is a complex and dynamic process which emphasizes the
All nodal enterprises in construction supply chain
full use of internal and external resources, win-win among
have a common objective of providing the owner with
all parties and cultivation of core competitiveness. It is
better products and services and improving the overall
known from foreign experience of supply chain
value of supply chain, especially small and medium
management of construction enterprise, the total project
enterprises, their implementation of e-business provides
cost reduces by 1O%� 15 % on average, the period of technical support for creating more value for construction
disposing suggestions shortens and the degree of supply chain [11l In e-business oriented supply chain
satisfaction of the owner greatly increases 19J. management of construction enterprise, each construction
product shall be reconsidered for its time,cost,efficiency,
C. E-business of construction enterprise labor and client because construction enterprise has
business characteristics like long time duration, fixed
As far as construction enterprise is concerned, e­ location, big risk, much uncertainty and simple products
business is helpful for improving project management configuration and each construction product has different


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supporting supply chain. Moreover, rapid upgrade of supply chain management system r12l Construction
information technology makes the investment for enterprise can integrate self business process, clients,
application of e-business uncertain, so It IS sometime suppliers with those of other partners via e-business,
difficult for construction enterprise to estimate input cost. which helps the enterprise to reduce trade cost within self
Therefore, construction enterprise shall make decisions dominant market, cultivate information sharing,
after reanalyzing the value of supply chain management cooperation and win-win concept to ensure the synergistic
in view of different products, planning design, effect along supply chain and improve competitiveness.
implementation and evaluation. With the increase of construction scale and
complexity, coordination has become one of key factors
B. Relationship between contractor and suppliers of construction supply chain management. Production
activities of nodal enterprises of the supply chain shall be
Many construction materials are used and some are adjusted so as to form an optimized project construction
imported form foreign countries, so the procurement and and operation system and reduce the cost of the whole
supply of materials is one of the key links of supply chain supply chain.
management of construction enterprise. In case of e­
business procurement, online settlement of construction B. Well handling of relationship between contractors and
materials will be delayed due to slow development of suppliers
internet banking, laggard electronic payment system and
imperfect online pay means. All materials suppliers are Construction contractors shall directly contact with
not able to provide materials timely within the guaranty suppliers in e-business environment since most
time due to other uncertain factors. Many factors such as construction enterprises subcontract works, so
machine stoppage, delayed delivery of upstream suppliers procurement activities may be used to stir up their
and dispute between suppliers and buyers will lead to potentials to urge them to continuously innovate to adapt
delayed delivery. to self development. Construction enterprises shall not
apply pressure to suppliers or making various unequal
C. Poor informatization of construction enterprise
treaties for the sake of low price but take active measures
to reduce logistics cost and improve self competitiveness.
Due to low level of informatization and laggard
More importance shall be attached to suppliers of
management methods of construction project, it is unable
construction enterprises and they shall be cooperators but
to timely know cost occurrence, profit and loss of every
not superiors and subordinates.
project and unable to realize process treatment of business
and integrated data management of construction projects.
C. Improvement of third-party logistics and lIT delivery
Therefore, project management soft wares shall be
specially researched and developed for the realization of
Utilization of third-party logistics and realization of
informatization of construction enterprise, which to a
JIT delivery is the optimal choice for realizing integration
certain extent increases the cost of construction enterprise.
of materials supply and project construction. Construction
enterprises are able to dedicate to core business and
improve efficiency after subcontracting with third-party
logistics agencies. The third-party logistics may adopt
groupage and integrated transport to economize the
replenishment of small-amount inventory. It is an
A. Reinforcement of cooperation and coordination
inexorable trend to implement construction logistics and
supply chain management.
Mutual trust among partner enterprises is the premise
Zero inventory is an important objective of the
of sharing information for supply chain management of
construction supply chain management in e-business
construction enterprise while the collaborative e-business
environment. Suppliers and third-party logistics system
is the core of supply chain management of construction
exchanges information via e-business platform, make
enterprise in e-business era. According to the
construction logistics plan and realize JIT delivery. JIT is
investigation sponsored by Gartner Group (U.S.
throughout the whole production process and covers all
consultation company), an enterprise based on
aspects from design to delivery. In addition, it ensures
collaborative e-business is able to effectively reduce
least inventory, waste and space occupation and its
development cost by 25%, trade cost by 30%-70% and
ultimate objective is to ensure smooth and fast flow of
inventory cost by 25%-40%, which greatly improves
profit. In order to successfully implement supply chain
management in construction industry and make supply
chain management a competitive weapon, isolation
among enterprises must be eliminated and various
business activities within the enterprise and with other
E-business lasts throughout the whole process of
enterprises shall be integrated to form an integrated


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