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JAVA Programming Syllabus

Instructor and Trainer

Er. Amrit Ranabhat(Full Stack Developer, AIT Bangalore)

Introduction to Java

- Overview of Java and its history

- Setting up Java Development Environment (JDK, IDE)

- Your first Java program: Hello World

- Understanding basic syntax: variables, data types, and operators

Control Flow

- Conditional statements (if, else, switch)

- Looping constructs (for, while, do-while)

- Exception handling (try, catch, finally)

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)

- Introduction to OOP concepts (classes, objects, inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation,


- Creating and using classes and objects in Java

More OOP Concepts

- Interfaces and abstract classes

- Packages and access modifiers

- Design principles (SOLID principles)

Collections Framework

- Introduction to Java Collections (List, Set, Map)

- Iterators and foreach loop

- Working with ArrayList, LinkedList, HashSet, HashMap, etc.

File I/O and Exception Handling

- Reading and writing files in Java

- Handling exceptions and errors effectively

- Custom exceptions


- Basics of multithreading

- Synchronization and locks

- Thread pools and concurrency utilities

Java Servlet

- Life Cycle of Servlet

- Handling HTTP Request and Response

- Cookies and Session Tracking

Networking in Java

- Basics of networking

- Working with sockets

- Introduction to HTTP and REST

Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)

- Connecting to databases

- Executing SQL queries in Java

- Handling result sets

Introduction to GUI Programming

- Basics of JavaFX or Swing

- Application through Applets and Java Swing

- Event handling and listeners

- Building a simple GUI application

Unit Testing

- Introduction to JUnit

- Writing and running test cases

- Test-driven development (TDD)

Final Project

- Applying knowledge to a real-world project

- Building a simple application that incorporates various concepts learned throughout the course

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