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#_ Becoming a Site Reliability Engineer (SRE) RoadMap

🎓 1. Fundamentals
├── 💻 Basics of Computers & How They Work
├── 🌐 Networking Fundamentals
├── 🐧 Linux Basics and Command Line
└── 🔩 Scripting (Bash, Python, or Ruby)

⚙️ 2. System Administration and Operations

├── 🛠️ OS Concepts and Linux Administration
├── 📊 System Monitoring and Logging
├── 🚧 Incident Management and Troubleshooting
├── 📈 Capacity Planning and Performance Tuning
└── 🧯 Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Planning

🔧 3. Automation and Infrastructure as Code

├── 📜 Infrastructure Configuration with YAML or JSON
├── ⚙️ Infrastructure Provisioning Tools (Terraform, AWS
├── 🧩 Configuration Management (Ansible, Puppet, or Chef)
├── 🧰 Scripting and Automation (Python, Ruby, or Go)
└── 🚀 CI/CD Integration for Infrastructure Code

🌍 4. Cloud Computing and Distributed Systems

├── ☁️ Cloud Computing Concepts
├── 🌐 Distributed Systems Concepts (CAP theorem, Consistency,
Availability, Partition Tolerance)
├── 🗃️ Cloud-Native Storage and Databases
├── 🧪 Microservices Architecture
├── 🌐 Service Discovery and Load Balancing
└── 🧩 Cloud Service Providers (AWS, GCP, Azure)

By: Waleed Mousa

🧰 5. Monitoring, Logging, and Observability
├── 📈 Monitoring Concepts and Best Practices
├── 📊 Log Management (ELK Stack, Splunk)
├── 🚦 Metrics and Alerting (Prometheus, Grafana)
├── 📮 Tracing and Distributed Monitoring (Jaeger, Zipkin)
└── 🧩 Application Performance Monitoring (APM) (New Relic,

🔐 6. Security and Compliance

├── 🚦 Security Best Practices for Systems and Networks
├── 🔒 Identity and Access Management (IAM)
├── 🛡️ Secure Configuration Management
├── 🚧 Security Testing and Scanning
├── 📜 Compliance and Auditing (SOC 2, PCI-DSS, GDPR)
└── 🔄 Infrastructure Hardening Techniques

📖 7. Service Level Objectives (SLOs) and Service Level Indicators

├── 📊 Understanding SLOs and SLIs
├── 🔍 Establishing Error Budgets
└── 📈 Monitoring and Improving Service Reliability

🚀 8. Incident Management and Post-Incident Review

├── 🚨 Incident Response and Escalation
├── 🚒 Conducting Blameless Post-Mortems
├── 📊 Analyzing Incidents and Identifying Improvement Areas
└── 🔄 Iterative Incident Management Improvement

🔧 9. On-Call Practices and Site Reliability Culture

├── 📅 Creating Effective On-Call Rotations
├── 🚀 Balancing Operations and Development
├── 👥 Collaboration with Development and Operations Teams
└── 🤝 Fostering a Site Reliability Culture

By: Waleed Mousa

🌐 10. Chaos Engineering and Resilience Testing
├── ⚙️ Chaos Engineering Principles
├── 🌪️ Implementing Chaos Testing
└── 📉 Learning from Failures and Improving Resilience

🧪 11. Performance and Efficiency Optimization

├── 🏎️ Identifying and Addressing Performance Bottlenecks
├── 📏 Resource Efficiency and Optimization (CPU, Memory, Disk)
└── 🚀 Caching Strategies and CDN Implementation

🔧 12. Automation and Self-Healing Systems

├── 🤖 Automated Incident Remediation
├── 🔄 Self-Healing Infrastructure and Services
└── 🧰 Auto-Scaling and Load Balancing Strategies

🌍 13. Global Deployment and Multi-Region Strategies

├── 🌐 Multi-Region Load Balancing
├── ⏰ Timezone and Global Service Monitoring
└── 🔀 Traffic Routing and Geo-Redundancy

🌐 14. Network and Security in Cloud Environments

├── 🌐 Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) Networking
├── 🔒 Network Security Groups (NSGs) and Firewalls
├── 📡 VPN and Direct Connect (Hybrid Cloud Networking)
├── 🔄 Content Delivery Networks (CDN) (CloudFront, Akamai)
├── 🛰️ Secure Remote Access (Bastion Hosts, VPNs)
└── 🚧 Network Monitoring and Security Tools (Nmap, Wireshark)

🧩 15. Infrastructure and Application Monitoring Tools

├── 📊 Prometheus and Grafana
├── 📮 ELK Stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana)
├── 📡 Distributed Tracing Tools (Jaeger, Zipkin)
└── 🧰 Application Performance Monitoring (APM) Tools (New Relic,

By: Waleed Mousa

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