BBDH 4103 Human Resource Development

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The purpose of this assignment is to develop learners’ ability to discuss how training

needs analysis is designed and trainings are implemented and evaluated in a selected



Select any organisation that you are familiar with. Explain the design phase of training

needs analysis for a particular training programme in that organisation. Explain the

implementation and justify the evaluation used for the selected training programme in

that organisation.

1.0 Introduction on the selected organisation and a particular training programme.

2.0 Explain the design phase of training needs analysis for a particular training

programme in that organisation.

3.0 Explain the implementation of a training programme in that organisation.

4.0 Justify the evaluation done for the selected training programme in the


5.0 Summary

Anda berasa PENING sebab tak siap tugasan lagi sebab sibuk dengan kerja. Jangan risau

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adalah hampir sama. Sekiranya anda semua berasa pening sebab dah takdea idea, sibuk
menguruskan kerja sehingga tidak ada masa untuk membuat tugasan anda

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