The Use of Chat-Bot Capabilities As A Type of Modeling in Intelligent Learning

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The Use Of Chat-Bot Capabilities As A Type Of

Modeling In Intelligent Learning

Nurassyl Kerimbayev Vladimir Jotsov Zhanat Umirzakova
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University University of Library Studies and Information Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
Almaty, Kazakhstan Technologies Almaty, Kazakhstan
2022 IEEE 11th International Conference on Intelligent Systems (IS) | 978-1-6654-5656-2/22/$31.00 ©2022 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/IS57118.2022.10019627 Sofia City, Bulgaria ORCID - 0000-0003-4215-7930

Al-Farabi KazakhNational University
Almaty, Kazakhstan

Madina Bolyskhanova Galina Tkach

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
Almaty, Kazakhstan Almaty, Kazakhstan
ORCID - 0000-0003-2616-206X ORCID - 0000-0002-8503-4263

Abstract – The use of chatbots these days is reflected in almost The introduction of innovative artificial intelligence
all spheres of activity: from e-commerce to industry and technology makes it possible to integrate chatbot systems into
education. In this study we have highlighted some important various aspects of education. Chatbot technology can provide a
features of using chatbots in the educational process, studied the personalized approach to learning. At the same time, linguistic
practice of their use in higher education institutions, which
and cognitive approaches to the development of dialogic agents
allowed us to identify the main advantages and disadvantages of
their use, as well as to formulate general recommendations aimed are particularly important for intelligent learning. An agent
at improving the effectiveness of their use in the educational refers to a robot or virtual assistant. The agent is capable of
process. Among other things, the paper considers the prospects acting to achieve the goals set for it by the user. With the
and theoretical aspects of the relevance and effectiveness of using application and development of agent technologies based on
chatbots in the educational process, acting as a tool to improve the methods and means of artificial intelligence, the transition from
interaction between teachers and students in terms of data to knowledge becomes promising. And this demonstrates
organizational and methodological issues. This article considers the effective use of chatbots in the field of artificial intelligence
artificial intelligence and the use, advantages and disadvantages of in the learning process, closely related to the creation,
using chatbots in the virtual learning of future teachers of
accumulation and transfer of knowledge.
computer science. An analysis and classification of chatbots is
made and proposed. The results of the experiment consisting in Before applying such new technology, it is necessary to
the application of the developed in the course of the study chat-bot understand what factors influence the student's intention to
in the educational process are presented. Teachers and students in accept or reject this technology in higher education [4].
the specialty "Informatics" took part in the experiment. The Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the most transformational
experiment proved the effectiveness of the chat-bot application in technologies of our time, and many industries have begun to
the classroom. The results confirm our hypothesis that for explore the use of this technology to improve user experience
effective organization of intelligent learning teachers need and optimize operations. This study used a survey method as its
appropriate virtual assistants in the form of chatbots. The results data collection method to examine the perceived impact of
of this study allow us to improve the experience of using chatbots
technology adoption on participants' behavioral intentions
in the educational environment with the help of intelligent
modeling. regarding the adoption of chatbot technology in higher
Keywords – artificial intelligence, chatbot, virtual interlocutors, Chatbots play a particularly important role in what is known
digital technology, intelligent learning as intelligent learning, programs that mimic a teacher's
behavior. Such programs can test students' knowledge by
I. INTRODUCTION analyzing their answers, provide feedback, and create
The field of knowledge associated with the creation of personalized learning plans [5]. It is necessary to note the
artificial intelligence systems is currently under active importance of using chatbots, as well as the tasks that can be
development. AI enables users to precisely evaluate search solved in the learning process. The classification of bots is
queries, receive personalized recommendations on multimedia given according to the types of tasks they perform and their
platforms, make use of the facial recognition algorithm in place in the educational processes. In addition, this study
smartphones—and also interact with natural language describes methods and techniques for training chatbots working
conversational user interfaces, so-called chatbots or voice in learning management system.
assistants [1]. Scholars present various typologies and The use of chatbots these days is reflected in almost all
classifications of chatbots [2], empirical studies of motivation spheres of activity: from e-commerce to education. In this study
to use chatbots [3]. we highlighted some important features of chatbots in the

978-1-6654-5656-2/22/$31.00 ©2022 IEEE

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educational process, gave examples of their use in higher A study by Ni, P., Okhrati, R., Guan, S. et al. proposes a
education institutions, which allowed to identify the main Text2GraphQL task model which is essentially based on an
advantages and disadvantages of their use, as well as to improved pipeline consisting of a language model, a pre-trained
formulate general recommendations aimed at improving the plug-in adapter, and a pointer network. This allows the model
effectiveness of their use in the educational process. Among to copy object tokens from statements, generate appropriate
other things, this paper considers the prospects and theoretical GraphQL operators to extract the graph database, and build a
aspects of the relevance and effectiveness of using chat-bots in correction mechanism to improve the final result. Experiments
the educational process, acting as a tool to improve the have proven that the proposed method has some
interaction between teachers and students in terms of competitiveness on analog datasets. This research is important
organizational and methodological issues [6]. in the study of artificial intelligence [15].
Modern messengers and chatbots in the distance learning In higher education, low teacher-to-student ratios can make
program have the potential to become effective tools in it difficult for students to get immediate and interactive help.
education. The results show that chatbots, which are part of the Increasingly used in a variety of scenarios such as user
instant messaging application, are still in the early stages of experience, productivity, and health care, chatbots may be one
becoming artificial intelligence teacher assistants, the specifics way to help faculty better address student needs. Yet few
of the tasks facilitate feedback between teachers and students, empirical studies in information systems have examined the
as well as conduct within the distance learning programs of effectiveness of pedagogical chatbots in higher education, and
higher and secondary education [7,8]. The results obtained in even fewer discuss their potential problems and shortcomings.
the study are aimed at the implementation and integration of This study addressed that gap in the AI literature by examining
unique chatbots in the process of distance learning, as well as the possibilities, challenges, effectiveness, and ethical issues of
the creation of modern tasks that support online transfer of using chatbots as pedagogical tools in business education [16].
audio and video files on a remote basis. Interaction with chatbots is an increasingly common
A chatbot is a chat program that imitates human phenomenon in our daily lives. While research on human-
communication using text or voice. Chat-bots help to automate computer interaction provides insight into the role of chatbots,
tasks, working according to a set algorithm. They dialog with the active role of users is largely ignored. A study by Nguyen,
the user, executing his requests, replying to queries or T.H., et al. solves this problem. Based on the concepts of social
entertaining with their answers. They are developed on the basis presence and social signals and using abductive logic, they
of machine learning technologies and neural networks. A chat- identified six types of human-chat-bot interactions, which
bot is created and trained for a certain range of purposes by and differ according to basic characteristics, including direction,
for humans [9]. social presence, social signals of users and chat-bot, and user
In the process of active development of messengers one of effort. The findings help us understand the nature of human and
the fastest growing environments for communication, in terms chatbot interactions in the context of user service and inform
of audience and content, has become Telegram. Gatulin R.R., the design and evaluation of chatbots [17].
& Kolupae-va D.A. consider the main features of this platform The negotiation mechanism using chatbots has been used in
and the prospects of its use in a positive context - in higher Open Learner Models to increase the accuracy of the learner
education [10]. The relevance of the work is due to the rapid model and provide opportunities for student reflection. The use
development of the Internet, the increasing number of people in of chatbots that allow discussion of natural language has shown
the network and the growing need for accessibility and positive results in student learning [18].
convenience of educational technology. The appeal of social chatbots lies not only in their ability to
The introduction of AI-based technologies, especially respond to a variety of user requests, but also in the fact that
chatbot systems, has opened up a number of new opportunities they can establish an emotional connection with users. The
for various industries. In education, chatbots are used not only latter is done by satisfying users' need for communication,
to develop students' interaction skills, but also to help teachers affection, and social belonging. To facilitate the promotion and
through automation [11]. adoption of social chatbots, their design should focus on user
A chatbot is an intelligent agent capable of interacting with engagement and consider both intelligence quotient (IQ) and
a user to answer a series of questions and provide relevant emotional quotient (EQ). Users must want to interact with the
content [12]. Likewise, a chatbot can be understood as a social chatbot. As we become the first generation of humans
program that mimics and processes human communication, ever to live with artificial intelligence (AI), it is our
allowing people to interact with digital devices as if they were responsibility to design social chatbots to be useful and
talking to a real person [13]. responsive, so that they become everyday-life and help society
The introduction of chatbots into pedagogy has at large [19].
personalized online learning and made learning materials With the development of technology, the importance of
available to students anywhere, anytime. Wartman, S. A., & speech emotion recognition and semantic analysis research has
Combs, C. D. argued that education is evolving in sync with increased. The research is mainly applied in companion robots,
changes in the professional sphere, requiring the use of artificial technological products, and medical purposes. A study by Lee,
intelligence (AI) in teaching and learning [14]. MC., Chiang, SY., Yeh, SC. et al. proposed a communication
system with speech emotion recognition [20].

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Aspects that can affect the virtual experience of users with III. MODELING AND ORGANIZATION OF
chatbot applications are poorly understood. INTELLIGENT LEARNING
Thus, this research aims to empirically investigate the main Digital media and AI-based technologies such as chatbots
factors influencing users' interaction with virtual streams using can support stimulating self-coaching processes [1].
chatbots with artificial intelligence. The conceptual model was Understanding modeling in learning can be ambiguous. In the
based on flow theory and the technology interactivity model. educational process, modeling can be used as a learning tool
This model was extended to include the influence of both and as a way to organize the content that students need to learn.
readability and transparency. Data were collected through an Modeling can also be considered as a meta-subject result of
online questionnaire sent to users of courier, parcel, and express education, a universal educational action that ensures the ability
mail services. The statistical results largely confirmed the role of schoolchildren to transform educational material into models
of readability, transparency, personalization, responsiveness [23]. Modeling is seen by us as a complex activity, consisting
and ubiquitous connectivity in shaping the virtual chatbot flow of the analysis of the studied material; transforming it into a
experience, which in turn has a significant impact on both sign-symbolic language, i.e. into the model; working with the
quality of communication and satisfaction. This research opens model and correlating the results obtained with its help with
new horizons for researchers and practitioners to consider reality. All the presented components of modeling as an activity
aspects other than satisfaction and intent to use, to facilitate and have their own operational component, means that are the
accelerate the success rate of chatbot applications. subject of students' assimilation. Modeling is understood in this
Nevertheless, some areas were not fully addressed in the current case as a method of cognition and is associated with the
study, which may be worth considering in future research, as construction and study of the model of the object of study.
described in the relevant subsection [21]. Modeling tools can be tools that help in the process of this study
Creating and training an intelligent dialog agent has long to represent and gain knowledge about the original object. The
been a dream of mankind and a huge challenge for scientists transformation of the studied material is always finding the
and programmers. Until recently, it was still only a dream. ratio of the part and the whole, establishing patterns and
However, modern technologies such as deep learning and relationships, criteria for classification and aligning the
neural networks are giving language teachers new hope by elements into a single system, and this is all modeling.
providing them with intelligent chatbots capable of learning Possessing competencies associated with various ways of
through communication just like humans. Today, the transforming educational material, the teacher of any academic
availability of chatbots helps create a new educational scenario subject will be the organizer of the student's work with the
for foreign language learners. It suits their fast-paced lives well, content of the academic subject, and not just a translator of the
allowing them to multitask and making the work of ESL information being studied.
teachers much easier and more efficient. Thus, chatbots can From the point of view of modeling, intelligent learning
represent a major component of microlearning [22]. agents are a complex distributed multi-user information system
Chatbots use artificial intelligence to maintain a meaningful that can be adequately represented using multi-level
dialogue with the user in natural language. Serious operation of architectural models, which is in line with modern software
a chatbot is possible only on the basis of a well-structured design trends. A multi-level detailed model with logically
knowledge base. separated software layers developed during the study by the
In many countries, there is a close integration of agent- team of authors is shown in Figure 1.
based technologies with technologies from other fields. Our
study deals with the integration of chatbots and intelligent
learning. For our study, of particular interest are the
possibilities of applying the agent-based approach to
educational content. The purpose of this study is to study
educational chatbots, to develop a chatbot model for
communication in the field of educational services.
In order to determine the capabilities of the chatbot in
intelligent learning, data were collected and analyzed from a
sample of participants using chatbots and having positive or
negative experiences. The study was conducted in the form of
a survey. Metrics for evaluating the quality of virtual assistants
were used as criteria for the effectiveness of using a chatbot for Fig. 1. Modeling a chatbot for predictive learning
information support of the taught discipline. The metrics were
adapted to the subject area under consideration. The results of The principles of educational modeling are now actively used
the survey were processed using content analysis. by teachers with the use of graphic models in the activities of
the teacher and the students themselves. The development of
graphical models is now considered the most effective way to
develop the cognitive processes of students. Modeling is quite

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effectively used in teaching, not only in preparing teachers for The analysis of five chatbots used in education showed that
lessons, but also in the system of training teachers in the local they are virtual assistants in the form of chatbots. Table 1 shows
educational environment. a comparative analysis of existing chatbots. The analysis shows
Thus, modeling is considered both as a result of education, that the BorisBot platform and ManyBot were featured in all of
and, most importantly, as a tool that is effectively used in the rankings analyzed. Since the platforms BorisBot and
professional pedagogical activity to develop the creative ManyBot are an effective solution for creating chatbots without
activity of students. To use modeling in teaching, it is necessary programming skills, we integrated the two platforms to create a
to consider the classification of modeling tools, in which the chatbot in the discipline "Methods of teaching computer
main role is played by the model and the experiment. The use science". The main advantage of these platforms is the number
of models allows you to correctly build an experiment, and it, of built-in integrations. The platforms are protected by
in turn, refines the model and provides, with the help of models, encryption. The disadvantage of ManyBot is the lack of ready-
the acquisition of new knowledge. Experiments can be mental made templates for education.
and material. Models are also divided into two groups: real and
ideal. Ideal models can be mental and informational. A real TABLE I. COMPARISON OF CHATBOT PLATFORMS PRESENTED IN
model is a reduced or enlarged copy of the object under study,
it is often used in a material experiment. Material models are № Criteria for comparison
used by teachers in teaching as visual aids, simulators. In ideal Features

to conduct knowledge control

modeling, reality is replaced by processed information If the

Price of use (free +/paid -)

There is an opportunity to
There is a pattern of
information is fixed on any of the media and is available for

Dialog function

implement in

study, then this is an information model. If the information is


presented in the mind of the person, then it is a mental model.
The use of mental models as a method of scientific knowledge
makes it possible to form scientific and theoretical thinking,
which is necessary in modern science, which has a model
character, as well as creative activity.
1 Integrates with popular + + + + +
The Chatbot-Artificial Intelligence Interaction Framework messengers Telegram,

(CI-AI) is seen as an architecture learning approach, a Facebook and Web without

transformer for task classification, with an emphasis on natural programming. Modern
human-machine interaction [24]. development solution for
educational projects.
The digital transformation of society, the emergence of
Flow XO

2 Integrates with all popular + - + + +

innovative technologies and IT specialties actualize the messengers, including
problem in the field of education and require changes in the Telegram, integration with
methods and approaches of intellectual learning. Changes are almost 100 services.
3 Integrates with popular + - + + -
needed not only in curricula and programs, but in the very form

messengers Facebook,
of presentation of educational material, consultations and Telegram, VKontakte and
knowledge control. Innovative transformation of the Viber. Chatbots connect
pedagogical system is impossible without taking into account messengers with 1300+
the specifics of the digital generation, their multitasking, services.
4 Integrates with popular - - + + +
creativity, focus on success and freedom of expression, focus messengers Telegram,
on self-improvement. However, the current generation is Facebook messenger, Weiber,

characterized by restlessness and a tendency to stereotyped VKontakte and Odnoklassniki

thinking. Modern students easily find ready-made solutions to without programming in the
visual editor. The bot works
educational problems on the Internet, quickly processing large with media files and knows how
amounts of information. But they lack critical thinking, to send requests to APIs of
analytical and communication skills. Students really prefer third-party applications.
communication in social networks and instant messengers to 5 With Manybot provide + - + + +
Telegram bot, without a single
personal meetings and visits to the pages of university websites. line of code. The bot is capable
Dissemination of information about scientific events, grants,

of sending pictures, videos. Is

world professional achievements is traditionally carried out not limited by the length of
using websites and bulletin boards. The functionality of social messages. With Manybot easy
to set up offline updates via
networks allows not only to raise awareness of students, but RSS. Supports languages
also to unite them and graduates. With the spread of instant Russian, English, Spanish,
messengers and social networks, chat bots, programs that use Italian, Arabic, Hebrew.
artificial intelligence, are gaining popularity. They are used to
automate routine actions, predict events, make decisions, and The creation of the bot is aimed at developing students'
generate content. interest in learning new technologies and introducing them to
the most popular programs. The chatbot can be used starting
from the zero stage of training.

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An educational chatbot meets the general didactic principles of 3. The practical section includes descriptions of practical
teaching IT subjects: accessibility, consistency, activity, work, videos demonstrating the process of performing work
awareness, visibility, regularity. and reporting forms.
In this study, we propose a smart learning system that can 4. In the middle of the semester, an intermediate midterm
be used as a personal virtual teacher assistant to improve control takes place, during which students receive an
student learning. We show an intelligent learning modeling of assessment of their work, therefore, this section describes the
such a system and present an initial implementation consisting criteria for obtaining an assessment and the results themselves.
of a chatbot that can be asked questions about the content and 5. Credit requirements are described in the appropriate
organization of the training course. With knowledge extraction section.
algorithms, it is possible to continue fine-tuning and improving 6. The "Feedback" section is necessary to obtain students'
the model even after deployment. To achieve this goal, a group opinions about the subject for its further improvement.
of methods of a theoretical and empirical nature was applied: 7. The category "Frequently Asked Questions" contains
analysis of scientific literature on the topic under consideration; questions and answers to them and is regularly supplemented
study of advanced pedagogical experience; pedagogical by the teacher.
experiment; methods of mathematical processing of research 8. The chatbot has a closed structure, so if the student does
results. In the field of teaching IT specialties, various types of not find the necessary information, he can return to the start
chatbots are used. They allow you to automate a number of page and write directly to the teacher.
processes, such as consultations, knowledge control through The use of chatbots to create tests and surveys allows us to
testing, feedback in the form of student surveys in order to use electronic testing as a tool for formative assessment,
identify weaknesses in the organization of the educational regularly receive information on the progress of the learning
process, as well as timely information support for students on process and provide feedback to students, while encouraging
various issues. them to reflect. Application of digital didactic tasks promotes
To evaluate the effectiveness of using a chatbot as an the involvement of students in the virtual learning environment,
information support for the discipline being taught, the course allows to keep their attention and interactive participation in the
Methods of teaching computer science was chosen, for which a educational process. In turn, the teacher, analyzing the results
virtual assistant was developed. According to the algorithm, the of surveys and tests, can fully monitor and evaluate the level of
chat bot introduced into the educational process is classified as mastering knowledge, skills and abilities of not only entire
limited, in appearance - to push-button, in functionality - to groups, but also each student individually. Using the Borisbot
mixed, as it combines the capabilities of both communication platform, a testing module was created and integrated into the
and functional virtual interlocutors. previously created chatbot. Figure 3 shows the implementation
The tasks of an intelligent system include supplementing the interface of the student testing developed in the course of the
data received from a person as a result of artificial paraphrasing. study chatbot.
This allows you to generate a large set of training data,
transform and perform natural language processing.
The chatbot was developed in the virtual assistant
constructor Manybot for Telegram, WhatsApp, Viber,
Facebook, Instagram, VKontakte and Odnoklassniki and is
open for use in Telegram. The start page is shown in Figure 2.

Fig. 3. Demonstration of chatbot operation in test mode

As a result of the dialogue, the user receives the necessary

Fig. 2. Start page of the virtual assistant support. The result of the dialog between the user and the
chatbot is an organized learning process. If the user's question
The chatbot in question has the following content. is not answered in the chatbot's database about the resolution of
1. Section schedule of online consultations, which is the problems reported by the user, such suggestions will be
regularly updated by the teacher. based on the interpretation of the users' messages during the
2. A section of theoretical material containing links to video dialog. Interpreting users' goals based on their own
conferences, video clips or lecture material, additional literature representations of them as messages to the chatbot may seem
on the topics under consideration or links to it. challenging, but such assumptions can probably be made with
reasonable certainty.

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We apply the following categories as a first step in Checking the effectiveness of using a chatbot as an
analyzing dialogue results: information support for the discipline being taught, using the
Relevant response is likely to be used; example of the subject "Methods of teaching computer science"
The appropriate response is likely not used; was carried out at the university department. The experiment
Suggested way out of the situation; involved 100 students and 4 teachers who used the developed
No appropriate help. chatbot during the semester. Questionnaires were offered to the
The categories considered are described and illustrated in subjects, students had to evaluate technical indicators, and
detail in Table 2. teachers - educational ones.
The results of the empirical study demonstrated differences
TABLE II. RESULTS OF THE DIALOGUE in the time and quality of learning with the chatbot developed
The The Suggested way No during the study. At the end of the course "Methods of Teaching

corresponding appropriate out appropriate Informatics" participants were asked the following questions
answer is response is help
probably used probably not aimed at finding out their emotional state and interest in
used learning with the help of a chat-bot (Figure 4):
The chatbot The chatbot The chatbot offers The chatbot
offers support offers support ways out of the offers
1) Was the chatbot interesting to you?
appropriate to appropriate to situation, such as insufficient help 2) Are you satisfied with the results of learning with the
the user's the intended contacting the corresponding chatbot?

intended purpose of the teacher directly. to the user's

purpose, either user through intended goal. 3) Would you like the subjects to be taught using chatbots?
directly in the interactive No options are The results of the study proved the effectiveness of the chat-
chat or through elements, but offered
interactive this is not used bot, which can be used in the educational process in order to
elements used by the user increase interest in learning. In the process of learning students'
by the user
Student: Can I Student: Can I Student: Can you Student: Can
motivation to virtual learning, independence in decision-
get an example get an example give me a concrete you give me a making increases. The chat-bot influences the interaction
of the first task? of the first task? example of the first concrete between a person and the learning environment, allows learning
Chatbot: I sent Chatbot: I sent problem. example of the
you the first you the first Chatbot: I'm sorry, first problem. at a convenient time and provides timely feedback.

lecture, please lecture, please I'm having difficulty Chatbot: I'm

click here. click here. answering. You can sorry, I can't
[Link button]. [Link button]. try to rephrase your answer that.
Student: [Clicks [End of question. You can Please rephrase
link button] conversation]. also ask one of the your question.
professors for help [End of

Metrics for evaluating the quality of virtual assistants were
used as criteria for the effectiveness of using a chatbot for
information support of the taught discipline. The metrics were
adapted to the subject area under consideration. The usefulness
of chatbots to improve the quality of data, effectively can be
obtained from the collection through online surveys [25].
The criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of educational Fig. 4. Results of a survey on learning outcomes using a chatbot
virtual interlocutors can be divided into two groups: educational
and technical indicators. They are the most important from the From the students selected for the experiment, two groups were
point of view of the educational process, since they are the ones formed Control and Experimental, 50 people in each group. The
that are able to show the extent to which the chatbot performs students of the Control group were trained in the discipline
its tasks. These criteria may be different and depend on the "Methods of teaching computer science" in the traditional form
functions of the bot. One of the advantages of virtual assistants of education, and the Experimental group was trained using the
is the activation of learning activities, which consists in the Chatbot. The method of Mann-Whitney U-test was chosen as a
possibility of periodic reminders of the need to complete tasks. statistical research method. Table 3 shows the results of
For example, messages about the timing of video conferences statistical calculations based on the results of the experiment.
or the end of the acceptance of reports on laboratory work. Based on these results, the difference between groups of
Another important criterion is the number of users. If the students was established (experimental group: U = 180,000, p
number of students using the bot is growing, this means that > 0.05, control group: U = 192,000, p > 0.05). Although no
users were satisfied with the bot's response earlier and willingly significant difference was found between the groups, the use of
choose this communication channel. The effectiveness of the chatbot significantly increased the performance of students
communication with a virtual assistant depends on the length of in the experimental group. This result, obtained during the
the conversation path, which leads to the receipt of the desired study, showed that the chatbot in education should be
information and interface of the virtual assistant. implemented in the learning process.

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TABLE III. RESULTS OF EXPERIMENTAL ANALYSIS OF SCORES BEFORE and spending the state grant "Best University Teacher" from the
Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of
Before experiment After the experiment Kazakhstan.
Control Experimental Control Experimental
Quantity 50 50 50 50 REFERENCES
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