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My Mother At 66 is a poem about a mother and her daughter. One fine day,
the poet was driving to Cochin airport from her parent’s house. On the way,
her mother was sitting beside her. She also mentions that her mother’s age is
sixty-six. While the old lady was dozing, her mouth remained open. Her face
was faded and pale. She looked like a corpse.

As a little girl, the actual thought of losing her mother upsets her. Thus, to
drive away from her stressful consideration, she begins watching out at the
trees, which seem, by all accounts, to be running as she drives a vehicle. She
likewise sees little youngsters hurrying out of their homes to play outside.
This helps her to remember youth and excellence.

The summary of the poem My Mother At Sixty Six depicts the dilemma of a
child seeing her mother getting old. The lifeless and pale face of the mother
pained the poet’s heart. In the poem- My Mother At 66, the poet’s mother
seemed to have been lost in her own world. In My Mother At Sixty Six
explanation, you will find that the poet then turned her attention towards the
window and looked at nature that was full of activity and life. Here, she shows
the contrast between the world outside and the inside gloominess.

The poet is harmed and pitiful and shifts her attention outside the vehicle to
drive the unwanted sentiments. She changes her awful mindset. The scene
from the window of the vehicle is of rising life and energy. The quick-running
green and enormous trees near the happily playing kids address life, youth,
and imperativeness. The poet here is recalling her youth. In her adolescence,
her mother was youthful and wonderful. Though presently, her mother is
encircled by the dread of losing her life, which makes her uncertain and

My Mother At 66 summary further tells us that the daughter reaches the

airport and waits far away from her mother and as she bids goodbye to her,
the image of her old, pale face strikes her. She compares how one grows old
and starts looking like the faded moon in the winter.

Mother At Sixty Six summary further states the pain that the daughter feels
on getting separated from her mother. Here the fog is an obstacle for the
moonlight. The poet suddenly feels sad about getting separated from her
mother as she felt in her childhood. She hopes to see her mother again. She
expects her mother to enjoy her life and not to cry in front of her.

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