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Aim for the best

By: Yvon Jane Liane P. Abon

Being a STEM student it was hard for me to catch up in encountering a new lessons or topics that are
needed to know for our courses that we would take in college. These new lessons I found it hard in 2 nd
quarter is all about the tons of formulas and their rules in computing, more perplexing definitions in
scientific or medical words, and their steps in cycles. In encountering these problems, I always asked
myself if I studied really hard or my strategies on my academics still not working. Through these negative
impact it also affect my mentality, which is really hard for me to find motivation to study. I also found it
hard to balance my time in terms of academics or life, that’s why my condition is not doing well in these
past months in this quarter. Losing a motivation is like losing in aiming to be a best or better in yourself.
I think I have things of what I needed in life to studied very well or complete the tasks easily, but I still felt
missing of what kind of motivation or hardwork that I needed in being a student. Because having a
motivation and determination is what I lack right now, and I also have this kind of behavior that I accept
easily of what outcome I received in my performances. But if I change this behavior, I’m scared that it will
also worsen my ego which it really hard for me to control this kind of thoughts. Through these negative
inner thoughts, I’m always feel glad that my friends are here because they’re the reason to keep me stay
in this school. I found that it was really fun to have them in studying together and work together. Like
doing a group activities, experimenting, and sharing information in notes. I wish and hope in the next
semester, I can find my motivation to studied and have a clear determination to get my goals in life. At the
end of this 2nd quarter I need to heal first and find my motivation to work hard with the strength of will,
then fight back again to face these problems in aiming of what kind of best person in myself.

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