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In an essay of at least 300 words, discuss the significance of teaching and studying Social Studies

(Araling Panlipunan) in the context of the Philippines. Include examples and arguments to support
your points.

Social Studies also known as Araling Panlipunan is about the study of past that includes
people, event and societies. Social Studies is about geography. Why? Because its about the
examination of the Earth physical features, climate and the factors influence human activities, it’s also
included here the topic about maps, region, global issues and climate change. Social Studies is about
Civics and Government its talk about the exploration of political system, structures of government,
our rights and responsibilities, democracy and also rules of law. Social Studies talks about economics,
this is about the study on how the societies produce, contribute and consume a good and foods
services. Social studies is about culture and sociology, that talks about the examination of human
societies, it includes our culture norms, values and institution. Social Studies is about global issues
that talks about the exploration of international relation. It includes the topics about globalization,
conflicts of international and the global organization. Social Studies is about environmental studies
that talks about the consideration of environmental issues and the impact of it in the society. We all
know that Social Studies is not only memorizing, events, dates, places, people or any facts but also
about encouraging our classmate, friends, family to think critically about the world that we had.

We all know that Social studies is very important because all of the topic is related here.
How Social Studies help us? First, it helps us to have deep understanding of our lesson especially when
we talk about the cultures, traditions and heritage of other country. For example, Mr. De Leon might
study in Northern Luzon which had a numerous number of IP group (Indigenous people) like Igorot.
Through Social Studies Mr. De Leon can explore the unique and different culture of IP group and
through this he can understand and compare his culture, traditions to IP culture and traditions,
through this he can understand the two different culture and traditions. Second student will be aware
in our culture and history. For example, a teacher discussed about in contribution of Lapu- Lapu and
Dr. Jose Rizal, through this the student will know and understand all important event and all
contribution of the two important people. Lastly the student will be aware in their rights and
responsibilities. For example, the teacher teaches the student about the rights of every people,
he/she teach the rights and responsibilities of every people especially of a student, through this the
student will know and learn the importance of their rights and they will know heir responsibilities in
their country.

In n conclusion Social Studies or an Araling Panlipunan is vital or one of the most

important subjects here in Philippines. Because it helps the student to have a better understanding in
different event or important event, people, place, date that we should know especially the important
people that have a huge contribution in our country. Through this subject we can get the knowledge,
skills and values that we need to discover and apply in our self. Through this subject we can be
responsible inn all things and in all action that we do. Through this we can discover the things that we
not know that can help us to understand the things in our surrounding.

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