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In-Company Training M

Weekly Journal: 06.09 – 10.09.2021


Supervisor LUCY OMWOHA
06.09-10-09_ Guest Relations Department
During this week, i was now helping out Luca to prepare presents for guests and writing cards.
Different from the first week where i was more of observing, i was now hands on, on carrying out
tasks, although i was still doing it under supervision. Every morning when i started my shift, Luca, the
senior colleague, would print out all the Guest relations tasks for the day and then we would go
through it together. That is, before starting to prepare the presents for the day, we would briefly go
through each task and discuss on ideas of how we would prepare the presents and the type of
presents we would prepare based on the guest’s profile. This briefing would be followed by, the both
of us gathering everything that was needed to prepare these gifts. Luca would write welcome cards
for the Dutch speaking guests and i would be tasked to write welcome cards for the English speaking
guests. An example of the of the gifts we would prepare is a romantic setup for guests celebrating
their wedding anniversary. Adding on, Monday of this week, we had guests who were checking in and
were celebrating their 10th wedding anniversary, thus we had to do a romantic setup in the room. This
included, a welcome card congratulating the guests, decorating the bed with swans ans sprinkling
rose petals on the bed, placing heart chocolates and also placing candles and rose petals in the
bathroom. Further, we also had guests who booked the tower suite but were not celebrating any
special occasion. However because this is the most expensive room at Echoput, we had to prepare
complimentary welcome gift. This included a welcome card, a special Echoput cake and flowers in the
When all the gifts for the day were done and prepared, we would close all the tasks in the system and
then sen dan email to the department manager with an update of what we would have done that day
and if we had any problems. the deadline to prepare and place the presents in the rooms was 14:00.
Further, before the end of the day, we would look at all the tasks for the following day and ensure
everything that is needed for the following day is available, and if not, we would sen dan email to the
manager so that she can place orders for what will be needed. Lastly, we would then look at all the
guest profiles for check-ins for the following day, and ensure that nothing was missed for tasks to be


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