End of Term English

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English Language End of Term Exam

Secondary Classes

Taylor’s Private Academy

This exam consists of THREE sections. Read ALL instructions carefully and
attempt every question.

Section A – Grammar
1) Write the correct form of the adjective to fill in the blank spaces below. 2mks
a) Lions have a ________________ (short) lifespan than elephants.

b) Elephants live ________________ (long) than lions

c) Locusts are ________________ (aggressive) than grasshoppers although they are related.

d) Between the jellyfish and shark, the jellyfish causes the ________ (large) amount of injuries at

e) Sometimes food looks ________________ (attractive) in advertisements than real life.

f) Some of the ________________(generous) people are those with the least to offer.

g) Between cats and dogs, dogs are ________________ (obedient) in my opinion.

h) My mom picked herself the ________________ (elegant) dress from the display.

i) Romeo and Juliet is ________________ (romantic) play we have ever seen.

j) August has been ________________ (hot) month this year.

k) The whale is the ________________ (heavy) mammal in the world.

l) Jerry’s teacher said he is the________________ (polite) student in his year group.

2) Using the following adjectives, use the COMPARATIVE form of the adjective
and form one sentence with each word. 2mks ea
a) witty b) fierce c) nervous d) jolly

English Language End of Term Exam
Secondary Classes

Taylor’s Private Academy

Now, using the following adjectives, form the SUPERLATIVE form of the
adjectives and form one sentence with each word. 2mks ea
a) gentle b) friendly c) great d) funny


3) Punctuate the following sentences, inserting commas and semi-colons where

necessary. 2-3 mks ea
a) One of my favorite books to read is Animal Farm it has so many very important messages for today’s

b) Usually my mother gives me chores to do over the weekend they usually include washing wares
cleaning up after my dog changing curtains and cleaning up my room.

c) Martha has gone to the library her sister took her ball to play football.

d) I saw a magnificent sailfish it was eating a much smaller fish.

e) One of the best times to go hiking is the dry season most people get trapped by rivers when they rise
due to rainfall.

f) Although my favorite movie is an action movie I still enjoy watching romantic comedies from time to

g) I ordered KFC for lunch life’s too short to count calories!

h) The booklist for the new school term included: pens pencils erasers colored pencils textbooks and a

i) There are quite a large number of insects that destroy farmers’ crops tomatoes cucumbers corn and
peppers are just a few that may be affected.

j) We should be arriving on Monday at least I think so.

English Language End of Term Exam
Secondary Classes

Taylor’s Private Academy

Section B - Literary Elements (Tools used in

The below is an excerpt taken from the short story “Hearts and Hands” where a Marshal and a
Criminal are travelling together and encounter a past acquaintance.

Read the below passage CAREFULLY and complete the exercises that follow relating to the setting and
At Denver there was an influx of passengers into the coaches on the eastbound B. & M.
Express. In one coach there sat a very pretty young woman dressed in elegant taste and
surrounded by all the luxurious comforts of an experienced traveler. Among the newcomers were
two young men, one of handsome presence with a bold, frank countenance and manner; the other
a ruffled, glum-faced person, heavily built and roughly dressed. The two were handcuffed
As they passed down the aisle of the coach the only vacant seat offered was a reversed one
facing the attractive young woman. Here the linked couple seated themselves. The young
woman's glance fell upon them with a distant, swift disinterest; then with a lovely smile
brightening her countenance and a tender pink tingeing her rounded cheeks, she held out a little
gray-gloved hand. When she spoke her voice, full, sweet, and deliberate, proclaimed that its
owner was accustomed to speak and be heard.
"Well, Mr. Easton, if you will make me speak first, I suppose I must. Don't you ever recognize
old friends when you meet them in the West?"
The younger man roused himself sharply at the sound of her voice, seemed to struggle with a
slight embarrassment which he threw off instantly, and then clasped her fingers with his left
"It's Miss Fairchild," he said, with a smile. "I'll ask you to excuse the other hand; "it's otherwise
engaged just at present."

1) Identify three 3 phrases or sentences within the passage that describe the setting of the
story. 9 mks.
2) What information does the author give to the reader about each character in the above
extract? 9mks.
English Language End of Term Exam
Secondary Classes

Taylor’s Private Academy

3) Write a short summary of the above passage ONLY of no more than 35 words. 8mks
4) “The young woman’s glance fell upon them with a distant, swift disinterest”
This line taken from the story is an ADJECTIVAL/ADVERBIAL Clause. Underline the correct
answer. 2mks.
5) The writer uses adverbial and adjectival clauses/phrases numerous times throughout the above
passage. Identify 3 such uses of EITHER Adverbial or Adjectival Clauses/Phrases being used.
Recall that an adjective clause is used to add more detail when describing an object, place or
thing and an adverbial clause provides more information relating to the verb.

Section C – Creative Writing

This section consists of THREE (3) questions. Complete ANY
TWO of the following questions.
Read the following instructions carefully BEFORE attempting the questions that follow.
English Language End of Term Exam
Secondary Classes

Taylor’s Private Academy

1. Your favourite Uncle Maurice has decided to start an Outdoor Touring Agency whose goal is to offer a
unique and exciting view of Trinidad to tourists, off the beaten track. He has asked you to write a short
(7-9 lines) promotion/advertisement for his Tour Guide business to encourage more customers.


2. The principal of your school has asked you to write a short report suggesting what type of equipment
the school needs for its playing area and lounge area. Write your report describing the present situation
and suggest what type of equipment you think is needed to improve the environments mentioned.
Make sure to support your decisions and be detailed. 100-150 words. (15 mks)

English Language End of Term Exam
Secondary Classes

Taylor’s Private Academy


3. Having recently experienced World Down Syndrome Awareness day, write a short passage that
details your experiences on that day, your opinions on it, any new information you received and how
you learned from it and finally, conclude your passage with what you believe World Down Syndrome
Awareness day is about. 100-150 words. (15 mks)


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