BDP - Final Major Project - Madhushani (S232599)

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British School of Commerce, Colombo

MBA for Executives

The Business Development Proposal

Launching new online platform “The Full Cart”

to fulfil daily essentials of the customers who are
interested in online shopping

Student Name :G.K.Madhushani Dilukshika

University Student ID : S232599

Module Lecturer : Dr. Lester Massingham

Module Tutors : Ms. Apsara Hewage

Mr.Nagendram Skandakumar

Mr. Priyanka Nishantha

Mr. Thiwanka Pathirana

Word Count : 12042

Date :28/07/2021
All your desires under one roof

Executive Summary

With the COVID-19 pandemic, people get used to the new life patterns and styles. Where the
people are utilizing new methodologies and procedures to fulfill their requirements. Health and
safety were the first priority during this pandemic period. Also due to the pandemic, time to
time most of the countries are going through lockdowns, semi lockdowns, curfew situations,
and travel restrictions where people face different challenges while fulfilling their daily
requirements. Hence, people around the world move towards online shopping stores.

Even though Sri Lanka is a developing country, some areas in the country are moving towards
online shopping. But the main matter is unavailability to fulfill all the requirements by one
store. This is a timely requirement and can be considered as an opportunity to develop a
business based on this opportunity.

Before establishing or developing a business, it is required to conduct a market feasibility

analysis and required to identify the potential of establishing a business. Hence, it is required
to prepare a project proposal report with identifying and analyzing the background.

This report presents a business development proposal for a business named “The Full Cart”.
The full cart is an online shopping platform which is developing in order to satisfy the daily
requirements of customers during the COVID-19 pandemic period. This business proposal
basically presents the feasibility of implementing the full cart business. The report presents the
business proposal through the chapters of introduction, literature review, research
methodology, data / results analysis and the business model, discussion, conclusions, and

Table of Content
Executive Summary ................................................................................................................. iii

Table of Content ....................................................................................................................... iv

List of Tables ............................................................................................................................ vi

List of Figures ..........................................................................................................................vii

1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 1

1.1 Background of Online Stores in Sri Lanka ................................................................. 1

1.2 Business Opportunity Gap and Feasibility for Online Shopping Platform ................. 1

1.3 Research Problem ........................................................................................................ 2

1.4 Research Questions ..................................................................................................... 3

1.5 Research Objectives .................................................................................................... 3

1.6 Theories and Models Related to the Research Study .................................................. 3

1.7 Assumptions related to the Research Study ................................................................ 5

1.8 Chapter brief ................................................................................................................ 6

2 Literature Survey ............................................................................................................... 7

2.1 Introduction to the proposed new business ................................................................. 7

2.2 The Concept Statement ............................................................................................... 7

2.2.1 The product / Service ........................................................................................... 7

2.2.2 The segmentation and Target Market .................................................................. 8

2.2.3 Unique Selling Points .......................................................................................... 8

2.2.4 Location ............................................................................................................... 8

2.2.5 Those who involved ............................................................................................. 9

2.3 The Window of Opportunity ....................................................................................... 9

2.4 Critical Review of Relevant Literature & Relevant Theories/ Models ..................... 11

2.4.1 Customers and Customer Daily Requirements .................................................. 11

2.4.2 Purchase Intentions and Online Shopping ......................................................... 12

2.4.3 Risk Associated with the Online Shopping ....................................................... 16

3 Research Methodology .................................................................................................... 17

3.1 Research Background Statement ............................................................................... 17

3.2 Overall Research Design ........................................................................................... 17

3.2.1 Research Approach ............................................................................................ 17

3.2.2 Research Design................................................................................................. 18

3.2.3 Research Strategy............................................................................................... 19

3.2.4 Research Instruments ......................................................................................... 20

3.2.5 Data types and data collection methods ............................................................. 20

3.3 Research Ethics ......................................................................................................... 21

3.4 Limitations and Obstacles related to the Research Work ......................................... 22

4 Data / Results Analysis & the Business Model ............................................................... 23

4.1 Data Analysis ............................................................................................................ 23

4.1.1 Product or Service Feasibility ............................................................................ 23

4.1.2 Industry Feasibility ............................................................................................ 25

4.1.3 Market Feasibility .............................................................................................. 27

4.1.4 Organizational Feasibility .................................................................................. 28

4.1.5 Financial Feasibility ........................................................................................... 30

4.2 Business Model of “The Full Cart” ........................................................................... 32

4.2.1 Business Drivers of the organization: “The Full Cart”: ..................................... 34

4.2.2 Priority Customers of the organization “The Full Cart”: ................................... 34

4.2.3 Superior value proposition: ................................................................................ 34

4.2.4 Channels which are using by “The Full Cart”: .................................................. 34

4.2.5 Competitors and Competitive Strategies: .......................................................... 35

4.2.6 Relationships:..................................................................................................... 35

4.2.7 Key Activities: ................................................................................................... 35

4.2.8 Key Partnerships: ............................................................................................... 35

4.2.9 Identity of the Full Cart Company: .................................................................... 36

4.2.10 Cost and cost budget of the Full Cart company: ................................................ 36

4.2.11 The Revenue Streams and Cashflow: ................................................................ 36

5 Discussion, Conclusion and Recommendations .............................................................. 37

5.1 Proposed Vision and Mission.................................................................................... 37

5.2 Marketing Plan .......................................................................................................... 37

5.3 Operations Plan ......................................................................................................... 38

5.4 Human Resource Plan ............................................................................................... 39

5.5 Risk Assessment........................................................................................................ 39

5.6 Financial Plan ............................................................................................................ 40

5.6.1 Quarterly based cash outflow budget ................................................................. 40

5.6.2 Budgeted Income statement ............................................................................... 41

5.6.3 Budgeted Statement for Financial Position........................................................ 42

5.6.4 Ratio Analysis .................................................................................................... 44

5.6.5 Cost Management .............................................................................................. 45

5.7 Schedule for Implementation .................................................................................... 45

5.8 Conclusion................................................................................................................. 45

6 References ........................................................................................................................ 47

7 Bibliography .................................................................................................................... 51

List of Tables
Table 1.1: Product or service development theories .................................................................. 4
Table 2.1: Sri Lankan Online Shopping Platforms .................................................................. 10
Table 4.1: Competitor Summary.............................................................................................. 25
Table 4.2: SWOT Analysis for "The Full Cart" ...................................................................... 29
Table 4.3:Initial Capital Distribution ....................................................................................... 30
Table 4.4: Initial Startup Capital Breakdown .......................................................................... 31
Table 4.5:Working Capital Requirement ................................................................................. 31

Table 5.1: Marketing Plan of The Full Cart Company ............................................................ 37
Table 5.2: Cash Budget for the year 2022 ............................................................................... 40
Table 5.3: Cash budget for the year 2023 ................................................................................ 40
Table 5.4: Cash budget for the year 2024 ................................................................................ 41
Table 5.5: Budget forecaster for the year 2022, 2023, 2024.................................................... 41
Table 5.6:Budget Statement for the year 2022 ........................................................................ 42
Table 5.7: Budget Statement for the year 2023 ....................................................................... 42
Table 5.8: Budget Statement for the year 2024 ....................................................................... 43
Table 5.9: Current Ratio Calculation ....................................................................................... 44
Table 5.10: ROCE calculation for the Full Cart ...................................................................... 44
Table 5.11 Gantt Chat of Implementation of Full Cart ............................................................ 45

List of Figures
Figure 2.1 : Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. ............................................................................. 11
Figure 3.1: Hypothetical Structure Related to the Research Work .......................................... 18
Figure 4.1: Year over year change in daily e-commerce spending.......................................... 23
Figure 4.2: Ecommerce consumer sales variation during the COVID-19 pandemic .............. 24
Figure 4.3: Porter's Five Force Model for "The Full Cart" ...................................................... 26
Figure 4.4: Key digital statistics of Sri Lanka ......................................................................... 28
Figure 4.5: Business model canvas for "The Full Cart" .......................................................... 33
Figure 5.1 : Human resource involvement stages .................................................................... 39

1 Introduction
1.1 Background of Online Stores in Sri Lanka
With the increment of the internet-based technologies and with the development of novel
technological applications, people started to fulfill their day today requirements with the
support of technology. Online shopping stores or online shopping platforms also known as e-
commerce platforms, as it is carrying out the buying and selling process with the use of digital
technologies. This is a method which has deviated from the traditional method of shopping
(Withanagamage & Wattegama, 2017).

In Sri Lanka, there exist considerable amount of online shopping platforms which are enabling
to fulfill the requirements of the individuals. When considering the available online platforms
in Sri Lanka, it is clear that there exist several types of platforms. Some online platforms are
only having an online store while others are continuing physical store simultaneously. Another
method of Sri Lankan online shopping store classification is, Shopping store which is selling
products from one seller or by one owners products and services, while other category
facilitating to sell the products and services of different sellers (Daraz, 2020).

While observing the online shopping store establishments and user patters, it is clear that with
the technological advancement, number of online shopping stores as well as number of online
shopping platform user are increasing day by day. The COVID-19 pandemic can be considered
as another scenario which has made considerable influence to the online shopping platforms
and buying behavior of the customers in the Sri Lanka (Logan, 2020).

1.2 Business Opportunity Gap and Feasibility for Online Shopping Platform
When considering the available online shopping platforms leading platforms which are running
without having a physical store is Daraz, Catme, UK store,, Kapruka, Bigdeals etc.
There exist some online shopping platforms which are carrying out by the physical store
owners. Some of such platforms are Odel, Keells, Arpico, Swarnamahal, Abans, Softlogic etc.
Also, Sri Lankans are using several international platforms as well. Some of such platforms are
Aliexpress, Ebay, Amazon etc. (Sivaneswaran, 2019).

With the COVID-19 pandemic, the online buying patterns has accelerated due to the safety
requirements. People who was not familiar with the online shopping experience also get started
to use online shopping platforms to fulfill their daily requirements. Hence, this can be

considered as a one potential scenario to establish an online shopping stores (Amaratunga, et
al., 2020).

While considering the available shopping stores, most of they are facilitating only a range of
product or services. They are limited to specific area. But with the COVID-19 pandemic at the
lockdown periods and semi lockdown periods people were looking for platform where they can
fulfill their daily requirements through one platform. But while going through available
shopping stores it is clear that people can’t fulfill their all requirements from only one platform.
Hence, they have to visit different stores and have to order different times where it is wasting
the time and consume additional cost for the deliveries. Hence, there exists a requirement of
potential platform which can help to fulfill all the requirements from only one shopping

With this new normal, people are getting used to new patterns and they will continue the
patterns they followed during this COVID-19 pandemic period. Hence, after people getting
used to online shopping, they will continue it even after the pandemic due to the benefits saving
the time, easiness etc. Hence, establishment of online platform to fulfill the daily requirements
from one potential shopping platform can be considered as a timely requirement.

1.3 Research Problem

The COVID-19 pandemic totally changed the lifestyle of people around the world. With the
COVID-19 pandemic people around the world started to face for different types of challenges.
One of the leading challenges was to find out some methods to fulfill their daily requirements
during the lockdowns and semi lockdowns.

When considering the scenario in Sri Lanka with the COVID-19 pandemic, during the
lockdown and semi lockdown period, supplying their daily requirements can be identified as a
major issue. During the pandemic period people started to move for online shopping as it is a
safer and good solution for the issues arrived during this period. At the same time several
shopping stores which only had physical stores also started to serve their customers with online
shopping store facility. But major issue identified in the currently operating online stores is
inability to satisfy all the requirements through one shopping store or one shopping platform.
The available shopping platforms are only offering limited range of product or services. Hence,
the customers required to visit several stores to fulfill their all requirements where it consume
much time and enhance the delivery cost as well.

Development of online shopping platform or a shopping store, which is helping customers to
fulfill their all needs through only one platform can be identified as a timely requirement.

1.4 Research Questions

The research questions related to the research work can be summarized as below.

• What are the potential products that is required to sell through the online platform
during this COVID-19 pandemic period?
• What are the customer expectations related to the online shopping platforms?
• What are the possibilities of implementing online shopping platform?

1.5 Research Objectives

Research Aim: The aim of the research project is to introduce an online shopping platform
which is selling all the products that is fulfilling the daily requirements during this pandemic

Research Objectives:

• To identify the potential products that is required to sell through the online shopping
• To identify the customer facility requirements expecting from the online shopping
• To identify the potentials to implement online shopping platform.

When developing an online shopping platform, it is required to identify the main requirements
of people and their expectations related to the online shopping platform. Also, it is required to
identify the potentials of implementing such an online platform. Hence, the research is basically
consisting of three parts where 1st part understands the product requirements of people where
it is possible to satisfy through the online shopping platform. The second part of the research
is required to identify the expectations related to online shopping platforms. Thirdly it is
expecting to identify the potentials of implementing such an online shopping platform.

1.6 Theories and Models Related to the Research Study

Basically, this research work consists of three parts. The first part is dedicated to identifying
the potential products that is required to sell the second is to identify the required facilities that
are required to include into the online shopping platform. The third is to identify the potentials

to implement the online shopping platform. Separate analysis has been conducted for the three
different sections with the use of different theories, concepts, and source of evidences.

In order to identify the customer requirements, product and service-related expectations the
below theories, concepts and source of evidences can be utilized. Some of them are,

• Maslow’s hierarchy of needs

• Means – end approach
• The service quality dimensions.

In order to develop the online shopping platform, it is required to use the below theories,
concepts and sources of evidences.

Table 1.1: Product or service development theories

Source Process type Phases Focus

Ulrich et al. Product • Planning Product design,
(2003) Design • Development of the manufacturing and
concepts marketing
• System level design
• Detail design
• Testing and Refinement
• Production Ramp up
Cooper (2001) Stage gate • Discovery The quality of market
• Scoping execution, market
• Business case building orientation, resource

• Development focus, the gates where

• Testing and validation the decisions are made.

• Launch
Ulman (2003) Generic • Project definition and General product
planning development approach.
• Specification definition
• Conceptual design
• Product development
• Product support

Andreasen et al. Integrate • Investigation of needs The interface between
(1987) product • Product principle product design,
development • Product design production and

• Production preparation marketing

• Execution
Ottoson (1999) Dynamic • Concept development and Creativity and end user
product administration. dynamic organization
development • Product development
• Process development
• Marketing and sales
• Production
Source: Author’s own work adapted from Ulrich et al. (2003); Cooper (2001); Ulman (2003);
Andreasen et al. (1987) and Ottoson (1999).

To identify the market potential of implementing an online shopping store below, theories,
concepts and evidences can be utilized.

• SWOT analysis.
• PESTLE analysis.
• Market segmentations.
• Marketing Mix
• Porter’s five forces analysis.

1.7 Assumptions related to the Research Study

While conducting a research, it is required to use some assumptions. In this research basically
focused on the customer requirement identification and online shopping platform development.
While conducting the research it has assumed that the product which is required as per the
customer expectations are available to buy from the suppliers. This is the major assumption
during this research work.

While conducting the research another few assumption has been utilized and they can be
summarized as,

• Assumed the collected data from the secondary sources are credible and
• Assumed that selected sample size and the segment is accurate.
• Assumed that the customers who are using the online shopping facilities will be
continue the shopping styles after the pandemic.

1.8 Chapter brief

The chapter 1 present the Introduction where it is describing the background of the research

The chapter 2 present the Literature review where it is describing the already published
information and findings related to the research study.

The chapter 3 present the research methodology where it describes the way research has been

The chapter 4 presents the results section where is presenting the results obtain through the
data analysis.

The chapter 5 presents the discussion, conclusion and recommendations as per the findings of
the research work.

2 Literature Survey

2.1 Introduction to the proposed new business

During the lockdown time frame, individuals get into online shopping. On the off chance that
they have a decent stage where they can request and purchase the everyday basics or essentials
from one online platform that will be profited. Even after the pandemic, individuals will follow
the online stages as they are saving their time and having a few additional advantages. The
advancement of online stages to satisfy their prerequisites can be considered as an ideal
necessity (Verma & Naveen, 2021).

This business is fundamentally focusing on the clients who are hoping to satisfy their
necessities without visiting the actual store because of the pandemic circumstance for
wellbeing purposes. After the pandemic, individuals who are having occupied timetables will
proceed with the practices which they became accustomed to during the pandemic time frame.
The pandemic danger is high around the Colombo area. Henceforth, individuals in the Colombo
region searching for a stage where they can satisfy their shopping necessities. To start with, the
business is hoping to conceal the Colombo district and, then, at that point expecting to grow it
over the country (AMarathunga, et al., 2020).

The vast majority of the online shops are selling just explicit items. Thus, individuals are
satisfying their necessities through various online shopping platforms. This is certainly not
something simple. Thus, in the event that it is feasible to purchase everything from one online
platform, it will be simple and easy for the clients. Consequently this "The Full Cart" will
empower to purchase foods, day by day fundamentals and essentials, toys, clothing,
stationaries, and so forth from one stage (Mehta, et al., 2020).

2.2 The Concept Statement

2.2.1 The product / Service
Basically, this is an online shopping platform where it is enabled to buy the products which are
required to fulfill the daily needs of an individual. This platform if covering up all the daily
requirements from only one shopping plat form. The range of products may include all the
daily essentials like foods, beverages, fruits and vegetables, grocery items, clothing, toys,
medicines etc.

Basically, this online platform not only provide products to the customers, but also it is trying
to provide good service to the customers such as good customer care, delivery to doorsteps,
etc. (Reilly, 2020).

2.2.2 The segmentation and Target Market

The targeting customer segment is the customers who are familiar with the technological things
who are also called as techno customers. To carry out the online shopping activities, customers
required to have a proper knowledge to operate digital devices such as mobile phones,
computers or laptops, smarts devices etc. Most of the times the targeting people segment is not
biased to any gender, but basically focusing on the customers who are in the age range of 18-
65 as they are the people who are familiar with the technology (CFI, 2020).

Also, family is the main target customer segment who are hoping to buy their daily essentials
during the pandemic period.

2.2.3 Unique Selling Points

Before the COVID-19 pandemic, there exists few online shopping stores like Daraz, Kapruka,
Taks, etc. But with the influence of COVID-19 pandemic people started to fulfill their
requirements through online shopping platforms. Hence, different physical shop owners stated
to sell their products using online platforms. Some of the examples are Keells, Arpico, etc. But
when considering the available platforms, it is hard to fulfill all the requirement by visiting
only one platform. This is a major issue which is facing by the customers, because when they
are buying the products from different platforms, it consumes much time and it enhances the
delivery cost. Hence, as a solution for this issue, it is required to implement an online store
where it is having ability to buy the things whatever the things customers are required (Tyagi
& Pabalkar, 2021).

2.2.4 Location
The people who are living in the Colombo area is the customers targeting at the initial phase.
Colombo is the area which is possessing higher risk due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the
majority of people familiar with the technological things. Hence, Colombo city area has been
identified as the potential location to implement the shopping store.

2.2.5 Those who involved
Basically, this project is going to implement by a team with supplying the required products
from the different suppliers and hoping to deliver the products to the customer door steps
through the delivery team owned by the online shop.

2.3 The Window of Opportunity

COVID-19 pandemic makes a considerable effect to the online shopping and e-commerce. Due
to the pandemic, with the lockdowns, semi lockdowns, curfews, and working from home
abilities, the lifestyles of the people move into totally different path. Hence, these patterns
effected on the traditional shopping negatively while they are making a positive impact to the
online shopping stores.

During the COVID-19 pandemic period, people move towards the process where they can stay
safe. They also make more attention towards the protection. Hence, prices, quality become less
attention factors. The online shopping stores became a proper solution to the customers as they
can fulfill their requirements buy following a secure method (Meyer, 2020).

Also, some of the online stores started to follow special handling mechanisms with ensuring
the safe and protection for their customers. This is another reason for attracting customers to
the online shopping (Sivaneswaran, 2019).

Online shopping mechanism can also consider as a secure method where is having very low
risk in the spreading of the virus. Basically, it consumes some time to pack the product and
shipping. Due to this reason it reduces the virus effect spreading. Also, the online shoppers also
have introduced the non-contact deliveries to their customers to ensure the security. Then
people can keep them away for several days and then they can consume the product they have
ordered. This is a big advantage of online shopping which can be observed from the online
shopping facility (OECD, 2020).

Also, it is possible to order the products from the locations where the virus risk is less. This is
also can be considered as a one method to ensure to COVID-19 virus spread.

Also, during the COVID-19 period, due to different reasons some productions were interrupted
in some areas. Under such scenarios, people from those areas are unable to fulfill their daily
requirements. But through the online shopping mechanism it is able to deliver the products
from a distance location. This can be considered as a big benefit of online shopping during the
COVID-19 pandemic (OECD, 2020).

When considering the buying behaviors of customers during the pandemic period there exists
observable patterns. The shopping behaviors are varying as based on the age groups, genders,
revenue, or the income of the consumer.

At the beginning there was a panic buying scenarios which has been appeared instantly if
different points. At the panic buying scenarios, some products vanished from the stores and
due to that people move for the online shopping as the second solution. Also, they have move
for the online shopping as it is a quick solution and ability buy any quantity without any

Also, the shopping during the pandemic period effected on the online stores based on the items
they are selling. More revenues were obtained by the grocery shoppers, health and pharmacy
item sellers, mask sellers etc. (OECD, 2020).

When considering the available online stores in Sri Lanka, they are covering only limited range
of products. As an example, people can’t buy clothing items from Keells while they can buy
grocery items. Most of the currently established online stores in Sri Lanka limited to range of

Below table summarize the online shopping store details in Sri Lanka.

Table 2.1: Sri Lankan Online Shopping Platforms

Name of the Product and Services Limitations/Disadvantages

Platform offering by the platform
Keells Super Food items, glossary items, Clothing, Shoes, smart devices, Food like
toys, gift items, baby care birthday cakes are not available.
items, medicines The user friendliness of the platform is less.

Kapruka Cake, Gift items, Toys, High price.

Foods, Fresh flowers, Bad reputation.
Clothing’s etc. Delivery delays.

Kelly Felders Clothing Limited to clothing items. Delivery delays.

Abans Electric Items Limited to electric items.

Source: Author’s own work (2021)

2.4 Critical Review of Relevant Literature & Relevant Theories/ Models
2.4.1 Customers and Customer Daily Requirements
When considering the today’s lifestyle, with the influence of globalization people are
possessing some complex requirements. When considering the decade or two decades back,
the requirements of consumers are not complex as today. With the technological development,
life patterns and social trends requirements of people has been changed significantly. People
always moving for the things which are providing ability to carry out easier than the previous
method. Hence, the requirements are changing day by day. With the development of
technology, technological solutions come to each and every scenario. Hence, people stated to
find easier and comfortable solutions for their daily activities (Prebreza & Shala, 2021).

When considering the lifestyles and life patters, people have different requirements with
compared to the requirements decade back. Time to time requirements are changing as per the
change of the lifestyles and the availability of the products. These requirements are changing
due to different reasons.

The requirements of people are associated having a relationship with the Maslow’s hierarchy
of needs. The Maslow’s hierarchy of needs are presented in the figure below (Cherry, 2021).

Figure 2.1 : Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs.

Source: (Cherry, 2021)

As per the Maslow’s hierarchy or needs basically requirements or needs of an individual or a
human being can be categorized in to five categories namely self-actualization, esteem needs,
belongingness and love needs, safety needs and physiological needs. These have arranged from
top to bottom and the down layer is required to satisfied before satisfying the needs in the
higher levels.

All these needs are categorizing in under four categories namely basic needs, psychological
needs, and self-fulfillment needs. The physiological needs and safety needs are coming under
basic needs, while belongingness and love needs, and esteem needs are coming under the
psychological needs. The self-actualization is coming under the category of self-fulfillment

When people are failed to fulfill these basic needs, they caused for different challenges for the
well-being which are finally affecting towards illnesses and different problems. Without
satisfying basic needs, people will be failed to sustain as per the self-determination theory
(Sakan, et al., 2020).

2.4.2 Purchase Intentions and Online Shopping

The purchasing intentions can be considered as a psychological activity which is supported by
the decision made by the customer. The purchasing decision making process, basically consists
of few stages. When consumer is having a requirement, the first thing they do is search about
the product or service-related information. Sometimes the consumers are taking this decision
based on their past experiences while sometimes it is affected by the external environment
factors. After collecting sufficient data for the decision from different sources, the consumers
are starting to move on to the final decision by comparing the available information. Asper the
literature, person’s behavior is depicting the person’s attitude towards the behavior and where
it is determined by the beliefs related to the attitudes (Chen & Ruseell, 2007).

When considering the online purchasing related factors, there exists five types of external
factors which are illustrating the purchase intention of the consumer. They are situational
factors, personality of the consumer, experiences related to the previous shopping experiences,
product related factors, and trust related to the online shopping (Monsuwe, et al., 2004). When
considering the consumer related online buys behavior depends on the factors like income, age,
educational level and gender. Basically, people in young age having more interest of
technological applications and online shopping than the people who are in old ages. Also the
people who are possessing a good educational background are more likely to carry out their

shopping activities through the online shopping stores compared to the other people (Bruke,

Some situational factors also effecting towards the online shopping decision and online
shopping behavior. Some of such situational factor is lack of mobility, time pressure, and need
of special items, geographical distance, and attractiveness of the alternate products. When
people are possessing a busy schedule, they are trying to save time through the processes where
it is possible. Online shopping is a one way. Also, people can do the online shopping at any
time of the day. That is another advantage which is related to the time factors. The consumers
who are having mobility problems like vehicle unavailability etc. can choose this online
shopping method as a good solution for their matter. Also, some products are not available at
the places where the consumers are living in. Hence, through the online shopping it is
facilitating to buy something which can’t be found form their nearest locations. Through the
online shopping people are able to buy products from the different countries as well. When
consumers are required to buy some customize products it also can facilitate through the online
shopping option (Monsuwe, et al., 2004).

Product characteristics are mainly affecting towards the consumer online shopping behaviors.
Depending on the product characteristics like tangibility, customization ability people choose
the best shopping method among the traditional shopping and online shopping. The product
which can buy through the inspection of available product specification can be able to buy
through the online shopping stores. If they are going to buy a product which they are familiar
with they can buy them through online shopping without any consideration. But, while buying
a new product customer are required to go through product specifications, available customer
reviews etc. before making the buying decision. Also, they will able to chat with the seller. But
still there exists some products which can’t buy through the online shopping due to the product
characteristics. Some of such products are perfumes, cars etc. (Upton, 2008).

The previous shopping experiences are having big impact towards the online shopping
behavior of a customer. If they had a good online shopping experience like, obtaining a product
with satisfied properties or if they have obtained the product with a better quality than they
expected, they are like to carry out the online shopping again. Most of the times the first-time
shopping experience is affecting towards the online shopping behavior. If they had bad
experience in the first-time online shopping, the probability of coming back for the online
shopping is very less as per their own experience. But when they are having a great experience

at their first time online, probability of moving for online shopping is very high even they have
bad experience in another time. Hence, the experiences related to the online shopping having
a great influence towards their future shopping behaviors and to make buying decisions (Shim,
et al., 2001).

The security and trust are influencing towards the online shopping behaviors of the customers.
When consumers are having lack of trust related to the online shopping like whether they will
deduct higher amount that the amount assigned for the product from their credit cards or
whether the product will not deliver after the payment are some of the examples for the trust
related issues. Mainly these can be summarize as security in transactions related to the online
shopping like payment security, information privacy and customer privacy, policies related to
the product returns, shipping guarantees related to the products (Lee & Turban, 2014).

Price is another factor which is attracting towards the online shipping or traditional shopping
experience. While buying a product through online shopping or by following the traditional
method, it is possessing a great effect as the prices for same product are difference in the two
scenarios. People paying more attention to the price promotions. When it comes to the online
shopping, the consumers are making the buying decision based on the factors like price as they
are unable to touch or check the quality by their own. When there exists a promotion in online
shopping, people are more like to buy products through the online due to the promotional
attractiveness. Basically, through the promotion’s customers are attracting more customers
towards the products and people buy some product even they haven’t had a requirement of
those products where it is having a promotion. Hence, promotions basically changing the
buying behavior of the customers. Also when they buying a product due to an available
promotion, they also influence to buy some products from the same store (Jilang &
Rosenbloom, 2005).

Consumers are more responsive for the pay less and discount alerts. When a consumer move
to a shopping store with intention to buy something, they are more attractive buy the products
which are having discounts. But the consumers who are not having any intention of a buying
something can be attracted toward any shopping store or they can be attracted to buy something
from the stores through eh alerts like save more or free gift. This method is following by the
shop owners who are required to attract customers for new products. Also, the customer
demand can be enhanced through the price promotions. Price promotions having different

advantages like, increase the number of purchases over time and ability to adjust supply and
demand (Lab, 2016).

When considering the shipping options, it can be considered as a method to attract more
customers to the online shopping store. Basically, there exists a shipping charge for the online
stores as they have to deliver the product and handle the product very carefully. But sometimes
people attracted to online shopping as they have possibility to pay additional charge for
delivery options. When consumers are required to deliver any item sooner, they can move for
the quick delivery option and can attract customers who are required to deliver the product
quickly. And some consumers like to deliver some products to another location where they are
not living at. This is another reason for attracting customers to the online shopping stores due
to the delivery options. Ability send it as a gift with a wrapping or a gift message is another
method where it charges more than the shipping cost. But people coming for the product and
they are buying product from the store due to that ability (Jiang & Rosenbloom, 2005).

Quality is an important factor when product is selling through the online shopping stores.
People expecting quality products always. Sometimes people move for the product with high
price due to the quality. When observing the online shopping patterns, it is clear that, people
are moving towards the products due to the higher price as they are believing that products
which are possessing high price have higher quality. Also, people go through reviews and when
product is having high rating and positive reviews, they prove that the product is quality and
the service of that shopper is having a high quality. Due to that factor customers are ready to
pay more amount to the product due to the quality (Jiang & Rosenbloom, 2005).

Also, consumers in who are coming to the online stores seeking for product varieties from
different brands. As an example, if the consumers are possessing an ability to purchase any
product by comparing serval available products, it attracts more consumers due to the customer
preference of choosing product. The consumers also getting an ability to compare the prices of
product they are interested of, through different stores and this attract customers to the online
stores (Liu, et al., 2008).

When considering the price factor, it is possessing a significant influence on the online
shopping behaviors. When the cost of shipping can be neglected while comparing it with the
travelling cost and the cost for the psychology. Also when they are able to buy more products
from one shopping store it is providing ability reduce the shipping price where it attract more
customers to the such store (Jayawardhane & Wright, 2009).

2.4.3 Risk Associated with the Online Shopping
The amount of uncertainty associated to the shopping experience is considering as the risk
associated with the online shopping. These risks can be summarized under few categories
namely, reliability of the website, reliability of the delivery process, privacy and security etc.
These risks are associated with the psychological goals, performance goals, time goals, money
goals and effort which has been invested to attain those goals (Park & Stole, 2005).

For a person who is carrying out online shopping for the first time having a risk as it is a new
experience for them. For the people who are not familiar with the technology, online shopping
can be considered as a challenge for themselves. For these customers, having risk buying wrong
products, make payments mistakenly etc. (Park & Stole, 2005)

While people buying a product like clothing, perfume, they are having unsecure feeling due to
the inability to touch them or see them. They made a purchase with an assumption of quality,
color etc. Also there exists a possibility to destroy the product during the stage of shipping and

The risk factors are higher in the online shopping compared to the traditional shopping
methods. Hence, this is a disadvantage for the online shoppers and hence, they are required to
take actions to reduce this risk.

3 Research Methodology
3.1 Research Background Statement
With the COVID-19 pandemic, people adopted to the new normal where it is people give their
priority to protection and safety. People started to follow some healthy behaviors where they
are reducing the human interactions during their day today activities. When people are required
to buy something started to follow some safety methods. Among the available methodologies
leading safe method which can be used to fulfill their requirements is use of online market or
online store facilities. Currently there exists larger number of online platforms which are selling
different items and so many companies introduced online shopping store facility to their
customers to reach their online store. But the main matter existing is unavailability of potential
platform where client can fulfill their all-daily requirements using only one online store.
Basically, while using one online store to buy their required products and services, then
customers will have so many benefits such as, saving the time and delivering costs. Hence,
development of potential online shopping store can be identified as a timely requirement.

While developing the online store, it is required to consider main three factors namely,

• Identification of customer product and service requirements which are required to fulfill
through the online shopping stores.
• Identification of the online store related expectations of the customers.
• Identification of potential of implementing a online platform which is facilitating
customers to purchase their all requirements through only one online platform.

These can be identified as a timely requirement. Through the identification of these

requirements, it will provide an opportunity to develop a potential software which can be attract
more customers.

3.2 Overall Research Design

3.2.1 Research Approach
This research is conducting with the intention of establishing an online platform which can be
utilized to fulfil the daily requirements using only one online platform. Hence the research
required to gather data related to the customer preferences and to search the potential of
developing the implement an online store in the marketplace. To gather the required data, it is
required to find information related to the customer requirements, customer expectations
related to the online platforms, and to potential to implement an online platform. The data is
expected to gather from the secondary data which is available at the difference sources.
As the first step, it is required to identify the data which are required to gather. Hence, it is
required to develop a hypothesis and conceptual framework as per the current intentions. As
the next step, then it is required to gather data. To gather the data, it is expecting to use
secondary data sources like research papers, books, magazines, published sources etc. Through
these secondary data sources, it is expecting to gather quantitative as well as qualitative data.
After gathering the required data, it is required to conduct an analysis to obtain the final output
of the research where it provides all required data regarding the platform development. At the
end of the study, it is expecting to develop and implement an online store for the customers in
Colombo area.

3.2.2 Research Design

The research is going to conduct on the developed hypothesis. The below figure is showing the
developed hypothesis related to the research work where it is expecting to develop an online
platform for the customers in order to fulfill their daily requirements.

Customer's Product

Successful online shopping Customers Online Platform

platfrom RelatedExpectations

Potential to Implement an
Online Shopping Platform

Figure 3.1: Hypothetical Structure Related to the Research Work

Source: Author’s own work (2021).

The above diagram depicts the hypothetical structure of the research. Basically, research
assumes that the customer’s product requirements, customers’ expectations related to the
online platforms and potential to implement an online shopping store are possessing an impact
towards the success of an online shopping platform. Hence above hypothesis can be denoted
as below.

H1: The product expectations of the customers have significant impact to the success of
the online shopping platform.

H2: The customer’s platform expectations have significant impact to the success of the
online shopping platform.

H3: Potential to implement an online store have significant impact to the success of the
online shopping platform.

This research work consists of three categories. At the first stage of the research, it is expecting
to identify the customer product requirement which are affecting towards the online shopping
platforms. In the second stage of the research, it is expecting to identify online shopping
platform requirements which are affecting towards the online shopping platform. As the final
stage, it is expecting to identify the potential to implement the online shopping stores.

Through the collection of quantitative and qualitative data for the above three processes, it will
be able to identify the online shopping platform requirements which are driving the company
towards the success.

3.2.3 Research Strategy

Research strategy can be simply defined as overall plan which is following for the research
study. Basically, strategy is guiding the research through the strategy development, strategy
execution and strategic evaluation processes while driving the research towards the success
(Johanneson & Perjons, 2014).

In this research work quantitative and qualitative data will be collected through secondary
sources. The secondary sources which have been used are research publications (journal
papers, conference papers), thesis and research reports, books, articles, websites, etc. Some of
these documents or the sources are available online while some are available in hard versions.
Through the collected data, by following an analysis it will be able to identify the requirements
related to the online shopping platforms. The data will be analyzed with the use of different
theoretical concepts, statistical analysis, etc. Through the identification of these information, it
will provide a good foundation to develop and implement an online shopping store.

Through the identification of client requirements, the company will be able to develop the
online store as per the requirements of the customers. Hence, more customers will be attracted
to the online shopping platform, as this platform has identified all requirements of the
customers. Hence, basically the conductance of this research, it will be able to develop a

shopping store which will be able to develop as per the requirements of customers where it will
create customer satisfaction.

3.2.4 Research Instruments

The research instruments are the tools which are using to carry out the research activity. In the
different stages of the research work, it is required to use different tools. Basically, research
tools are using mainly for the data collection, to measure or evaluate the data, analyze the data
and to represent the data. Depending on the subject area, the data types, research methodology,
it is required to use different tools. These tools are making the researching process easy by
reducing the complexity and, simultaneously they are helping to enhance the efficiency,
effectiveness, and accuracy of the results (DiscoverPhDs, 2020).

The research instruments or tools utilize for this research work can be summarized under the
stages of the research.

Literature reviewing stage: At the literature reviewing stage, to organize the details found in
the literature and to keep the documents organized, have utilized Mendeley software. Also, to
download the research papers and eBooks, research paper and eBook downloading tool has

Data collection stage: While collecting the data, as it is required to collect data from different
sources Mendeley software, research paper and eBook downloading software has been utilized.

Data analysis stage: In order to conduct the quantitative analysis, Microsoft Excel software
has been utilized.

Data representation stage: To represent the data, Microsoft Excel and Microsoft word has
been utilized.

Report writing stage: To optimize the report writing process, Microsoft word, and Mendeley
software has been utilized. To make the grammar corrections Grammarly software has been

3.2.5 Data types and data collection methods

Generally, while conducting a research work, data collection plays a major role. To prove the
research finding, as an evidence it is using collected data. Collected data can be categorized in
to two categories namely primary data and secondary data. Primary data is the data which is
directly collected for the research activity. Secondary data are the data, which is utilizing for

the research activity, but they have collected by someone else for another purpose. Also,
collected data can be categorize as qualitative and quantitative data. The qualitative data
represents the data which are possessing attribute or a quality. The quantitative data is the data
which can be numerically measured (QuestionPro, 2020).

When it comes to the data collection methodologies, there exists different data collection
methodologies. Some of the primary data collection methodologies are interview surveys,
questionnaire surveys. To collect the secondary data, it will be possible to go through online
sources, the resources available at libraries etc.

For this research activity, the secondary qualitative and quantitative data has been gathered.
Also, to collect those secondary data, the online sources has been utilized. The used sources
are research articles like journal papers, conference papers, reports, published thesis
documents, books, online web-based sources.

While seeking for the data, there were considerable number of data sources related to the
required areas. Hence, carefully selected the trusted sources and resources which are carrying
out the accurate results.

3.3 Research Ethics

While conducting a research work, ethical aspects play a major role. Without considering the
ethical aspects it is hard to drive a research towards success. The main reason is ethical aspects
are supporting to carry out proper research is accurate and proper procure without harming or
destroying anything. The ethical considerations can be summarized into few categories namely,
confidentiality, integrity, honesty, carefulness, environmental friendliness, human and animal
care and protections, and intellectual properties. If research neglect any of the research ethic,
it is possible to take legal actions by the respective parties or the respective authorities. Hence,
while conducting a research work, it is required to follow the ethics guidelines.

This research work is utilizing only secondary data which is already collected by someone for
another purpose and while is at a published level. Hence, it is not required to take any consent
as they are already published data for the public. All the data is gathering from the sources like
research papers, scientific articles, reports, thesis, published data at the web pages, etc. As all
these data are published sources, it is not required to take ethical approval to use those data for
the research work. Hence, this research work is carried out by following the ethical guides.

The data gathering is mostly related to the human aspects and no involvement in environmental
aspects or animals. The privacy concerns are not also much important as the data is not related
to the confidential things. Also, the data which is using for the research work is not harming
for any personal or effecting for any live being. Hence, the research work has no harmful effect
to any surrounding.

3.4 Limitations and Obstacles related to the Research Work

While conducting a research work, it must go through different limitations and obstacles. But
to succeed in the research work, the researchers required to find some methodologies to
overcome the barriers. Hence, while conducting the research works the researchers are trying
to mitigate the effects appears from the limitations.

One barrier is to collect data for the research work due to the COVID-19 pandemic situation.
With the use of primary data, the accuracy of the result obtained from the research work can
be enhanced. Due to the pandemic effect, it is hard to collect primary data through
questionnaire surveys and interview surveys. Also, it consumes high cost for the scenario. To
overcome this issue, the researcher decided to use secondary data instead of primary data.

Most of the research activities has been carried out during the lockdowns, semi lock downs
where it is difficult to collect the data. Hence, all the data has been collected from the data
which is published and available in the online sources.

But while utilizing the secondary data, there exists some reliability issues. Reliability is a major
requirement for a research work, as it is directly affecting towards the accuracy of the research
outcomes. I order to enhance the accuracy; it has been decided to use research papers and
scientific articles which has been published in reputed journals or conferences. Also, while
referring other online sources such as books and magazines, the rating for the magazine has
been considered as it is a one facture which can be utilized to measure the accuracy.

4 Data / Results Analysis & the Business Model
4.1 Data Analysis
The success of an online platform basically depends on three factors as per the developed
hierarchy. They are, customer expectations related to the products selling by the online store,
customer’s online platform related expectations, and potential to implement an online platform.
The customer expectations related to the products selling by the online store and customer’s
online platform related expectations can be discussed under the section of product and service
feasibility, while the potential to implement an online platform can be discussed under industry
and market feasibility, organizational feasibility and financial feasibility. The following
sections will be present the product or service feasibility, industry feasibility, market feasibility,
organizational feasibility and financial feasibility.

4.1.1 Product or Service Feasibility

Customer expectations related to the products selling by the online store:

During the COVID-19 pandemic situation, most of the customers online purchasing behaviors
have been changes. Before the pandemic, people were buying considerable items through the
online shopping stores due to the different reasons. But with the pandemic, the total shopping
behavior changed, and the people started to fulfill their all requirements through online
shopping stores.

When analyzing the trends which are following by the customers, the grocery items obtain a
considerable attention. As it can be identified as a primary need, people started to fulfill their
grocery requirements using the online stores. The comparison of grocery related ecommerce to
other online sources is presented in the figure below (Mayer, 2020).

Figure 4.1: Year over year change in daily e-commerce spending

Source: US Census Bureau (2020)

The above figure shows the online shipping behavior from the January 1st week to 2nd week of
March. With the COVID-19 distribution among the world the grocery shopping compared to
all other e-commerce buying has been increased to 250% and it is showing a considerable

When considering the customer behavior related to other shopping categories through the
online websites can be presented by using the figure below.

Figure 4.2: Ecommerce consumer sales variation during the COVID-19 pandemic

Source: eMarketer-US Ecommerce (2020)

As per the above figure, people were started to buy medical products, baby products, cleaning
products, food and beverages, work from home related products, health and weakness products,
toys and games related products, pets, household products, beauty and care products, outdoor
products, electronics products, sports and fitness products through the online shopping stores.
Hence, they are the products which need to sell through the online store. But the attraction to
the jewelry and luxury, fashion and apparel, auto and tools, bags and travel related product
shows a decrement in the selling’s through the online web sites. Hence, they are not required
to include into the online shopping stores (Meyer, 2020).

Online platform related customer expectations:

When considering about the online shopping stores, customers are possessing some
expectations related to the online shopping stores or the e-commerce platforms. These

expectations also influence by the COVID-19 pandemic and the key expectations related to the
website can be summarized under below topics (Wenzl, 2021),

• Convenience of the e-commerce platform. As per the study by Linnwork’s it says 76%
customers are expecting convenience.
• Expecting easiness in the access over all devices such as mobile phone, laptop, tab etc.
• Omnichannel assessing ability is another expectation related to the e-commerce
• Effortless payment or easiness of the payment methodologies are another expectation.
• Fast, secure, safe, and reliable delivery.

These are the basic expectations related to the online shopping stores which required to address
while establishing the ecommerce platform.

4.1.2 Industry Feasibility

Industry feasibility of implementing an online shopping platform during COVID-19 pandemic
can be conduct by carrying out a competitor analysis. Competitor analysis is conducting to
identify the competitor behavior. This is very important for any organization as it will be
helpful for the decision-making process (FOng, 2012).

When considering the online shopping platform which is going to develop the competitors are
the online platforms which are selling the similar products. Hence the competitors for the
company can be summarized as bellows.

Table 4.1: Competitor Summary

Product Category Competitors

Grocery Keells Super, Arpico Super, Cargills Super
Medical, Healthguard, Quickmed
Baby Products Arpico super, Daraz,
Cleaning Keells Super, Arpico Super, Cargils Super, Daraz
Food & beverages Uber eats, Pick me foods
Work from home Daraz,,
Health & wellness, Kemara Life
Toys, Kapruka, Toy Store,
House holds, Arpico,
Beauty & Care,, Spa Ceylon

Electronics Abans, Softlogic, Arpico,
Sports & Fitness,, Decathlon
Source: Author’s own work (2021)

Above table summarize the competitors for the “The Full Cart”, the store which is going to
establish. Hence, before starting the company it is required to consider about the affects coming
from these competitors.

While focusing on the product categories and competitors lists presented in above table, no
online store is facilitating all the product categories. The above product categories are the
requirements during the pandemic period which clients are expecting to fulfill through the
online shopping store. By establishing only one store which is offering all the product
categories, the company will be able to fill the gap presented in the industry. This can be
considered as a competitive advantage for the organization which is going to establish.

To identify the industry feasibility, the Porter’s five force analysis can be applied for the
organization. The Porter’s five force analysis can be presented as shown below.

High -

High- Treat High - Treat

of of New
Substitutes Entrants
The Full

Low- High
Bargaining Bargaining
Power or Power of
Buyers Supplier

Figure 4.3: Porter's Five Force Model for "The Full Cart"

Source: Author’s own work (2021)

When considering the effect from the competitors, the effect is high as most of the existing
online shopping stores are well established. Treats from the new entrants also high, as there
exists larger number of new entrants due to the trends in the online shopping stores. Suppliers
are possessing a high bargaining power due to the availability of the competitors. Buyers are
having low bargaining power as this is an online shopping store as they must buy the displayed
price. There exists high treat from substitute online stores as there exists larger number of
online stores.

4.1.3 Market Feasibility

Before developing an online shopping store or any company, it is a requirement to conduct
market feasibility analysis. Feasibility analysis can be identified as a tool which is utilizing to
investigate to get an idea related to the viability potential, practicability of introducing a new
business to the marketplace. Through this analysis company will be able to predict the
probability of succeeding or failing the new business (Berry, 2017).

When considering the Sri Lankan online shopping store related marketplace, it is showing a
considerable growth during the last year because of pandemic. Most of the businesses which
had physical stores also moved towards online stores duet to the pandemic situation and the
new shopping behaviors of the customers. One of the key reasons for this market trend is safety
and protection which is carrying out by the online stores compares to the physical stores. Also,
product availability and the availability of payment methods drive this new trend.

50% of the online shopping order share is owned by the Western province while Central
province and Northwestern provinces are owning 10% and 9% respectively. While considering
it district wise, Colombo and Gampaha is the leading districts which are owning more than
31% of the online shopping order share (DailyFT, 2020).

When considering the online shopping trends, with the COVID-19 pandemic, FMCG product
category has been indicated a growth which is equal to the two times of the normal time growth.

The below figure summarizes the market details as per the year 2017.

Figure 4.4: Key digital statistics of Sri Lanka

Source: (Watukara, 2020)

But with the COVID-19 pandemic and the due to the new normal significant growth has been
occurred to the number of internet users, active social media users, number of mobile
subscribers, and active mobile social users. They have multiplied by two, three, or four times
to the above-mentioned value and which is showing the significant increase in e-commerce

Basically, the customer segment which is focusing by “The Full Cart” is the techno customers
who are familiar with the technological products and technology. They are the people who are
expecting to carryout online shopping, and they are the people whom that the company can be
focusing at.

4.1.4 Organizational Feasibility

Conductance of feasibility analysis for an organization can be identified as a major role while
developing and implementing a new organization. Through the feasibility analysis organization
will be able to identify the feasibility or potential of establishing the organization in the
marketplace and will be able to identify the probability of succeeding or failing the

Organizational feasibility analysis basically focusing on two categories namely,

• Prowess of management
• Sufficiency of the available resources.

The prowess of management provides brief idea related to the abilities which are holding by
the initial management team who are going support for the organization at the implementation
level. The efficiency of the available resources indicates the abilities and potentials related to
the non-financial resource such as facilities and resources available, human resource,
intellectual property abilities, equipment availability (Berry, 2017).

To identify the organizational feasibility SWOT analysis can be conducted for the organization.
SWOT analysis basically illustrate the abilities and potentials related to the organization under
the categories of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and treats. Through the identification of
these strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and treats, the organization will be able to utilize the
strengths and opportunities effectively to achieve success, while eliminating the weaknesses
and treats.

Below table indicated the SWOT analysis for “The Full Cart”.

Table 4.2: SWOT Analysis for "The Full Cart"

Strengths (S) Weaknesses (W) Opportunities (O) Treats (T)

Easy and Higher Lower profit Growth of the e- Issues related to the
Accessibility margins commerce related security
Higher customer New entrant Rapid growth related Availability of
base to the internet user competitors
Wide range product Unexperienced Safety and
availability management team protection compared
to the physical stores
Lower stock
Availability of
feasible payment
Source: Author’s own work (2021)

As shown by the above table, there exists considerable strengths, weaknesses, opportunities
and treats. By using the strengths wisely and by taking advantages from the available
opportunities company will be able to drive the organization towards success with
eliminating the identified treats and weaknesses.

4.1.5 Financial Feasibility
Finance plays a major role in any organizational as the organizational revenue is depending on
the effectiveness of the finance management. Hence, for a startup business it is worthwhile to
conduct a feasibility analysis for the finances.

Startup Capital Break Down:

The amount of money required to start a business is known as startup capital. This startup
capital is covering up the initial capital requirements of business where the money required to
start the organization (Silva, 2015).

The distribution of initial capital requirement can be presented as shown in the table below.

Table 4.3:Initial Capital Distribution

Startup Expenses Amount (LKR)

Legal 320,000
Logo development 10,000
Promotions 200,000
Website development 500,000
Computers and other equpments 500,000
Deposite and rent for the office and store (1 year) 200,000
Rent for the delivery vehicle per 1 year 600,000
Initial recruitments 50,000
Other 200,000
Total Startup Expenses 2,330,000

Source: Author’s own work (2021)

When considering the initial company establishment requirements, it is required 2,330,000.00

LKR to start “The Full Cart”.

This amount is required to find before establishing the organization. The owner of the
organization required to find the amount which is not less than the initial capital requirement.

The owner of the company required to find above initial capital to start the company. The initial
startup capital distribution for the company is presented in the table below.

Table 4.4: Initial Startup Capital Breakdown

Initial Source of Finance Amount(LKR)

Owners Capital 1,000,000.00
Bank loan 1,500,000.00
Source: Author’s own work (2021)

As per the above table the stratup capital in going to covered by owners capitala and through a
bank loan. Owner is having 1,000,000.00 LKR amount on hand while the owner expecting to
get a bank loan to cover up the other capital requirements. Hence, the total stratup capital is
2,500,000.00 LKR.

The owner will be adding 40% of the initial capital requirement while other 60% capital
requirement is covering by a bank loan.

Working Capital Requirement:

Working capital requirement indicate the money which is required to make a balance between
income and expenditures. The table below illustrate the working capital requirement for the
organization for the first three years.

Table 4.5:Working Capital Requirement

Forecasted income 3,000,000 6,000,000 12,000,000

Net cash inflow 3,000,000 6,000,000 12,000,000
Rental for the property 200,000 150,000 150,000
Rental for delivery vehicles 600,000 1,200,000 2,400,000
Web development 300,000 600,000 600,000
Water, electricity and internet bill 240,000 480,000 720,000
Promotion chargers 300,000 300,000 300,000
Salaries 200,000 400,000 600,000
Loan installment 360,000 360,000 360,000
Other Expenses 120,000 240,000 360,000
Net cash out flow 2,200,000 3,730,000 5,130,000
Opening cash balance 170,000 970,000 3,240,000
Closing cash balance 970,000 3,240,000 10,110,000

Source: Author’s own work (2021)

4.2 Business Model of “The Full Cart”
The business model canvas developed by Alex Osterwalder can be identified as one of the best
strategic management tools which can be utilize to design, describe and analyze any business
model. This model visually illustrates the organization’s value proposition, infrastructure
related to the organization, and the finance related to the organization. Through this model
organizations are expected to assist by alignment of the organizational activities through the
visual illustration.

Basically, this model consists of nine categories namely,

• Business drivers
• Priority customers
• Value proposition
• Competition/ Competitive strategy
• Channels
• Relationships
• Key activities
• Key parameters
• Value chain resources
• Identity
• Cost and cost budget
• Revenue streams and cash flow.

Through the summarization of the organization details under the above categories, the company
will be able to summarize all the strategies and company related aspects.

The rapidly increasing demand towards the safe and protective online customer purchases
due to the COVID-19 pandemic and fulfilling all the requirements from a one online store.
CUSTOM PROPOSITI business with Buying and RESOUR
ERS ON the use of TV Selling CES THE
The techno Providing commercials. products. Financial FULL
customers opportunity to resources CART

who are purchase their Presence on Delivery of to initial
buying required social media products to stage.
products product platforms and doorsteps. “All your
from the through a safe marketing Human desires
online method. trough social resources under
platforms. media. to carry out one roof”
Fulfill all the the internal
requirements Search engine activities
from one optimization and
online delivery.
shopping store.
COMPETITI Holding HIPS resources
VE positive and Carrying out to manage
STRATEGY strong partnerships the website
Providing relationship with banks and
opportunity to with suppliers. and finance customer
buy all the companies in relationship
product order to fulfill s
categories financial
through only requirements.
one online
shopping store. Establishing
with suppliers.


Initial Capital requirement = 2,330,000.00 LKR CASHFLOW
Bank loan, Sales

Figure 4.5: Business model canvas for "The Full Cart"

Source: Author’s own work (2021)

4.2.1 Business Drivers of the organization: “The Full Cart”:
Business drivers of any organization or business represents the activities which are driving the
organizational operations and finance towards the success. When considering the activities
caring out by the organization “The Full Cart”, the finance and operational successes are
driving by the customer attraction through the safe and protective buying experience and
providing range of products offerings through the online website. Hence, the organizations
success driver is the customers attraction through the above strategy where it drives
organizational operational activities towards success and finance towards revenue.

4.2.2 Priority Customers of the organization “The Full Cart”:

Priority customers are the key customer segment that the organization is focusing at. As the
business is e-commerce platform, the key customer segment is the customers who are familiar
with the technology. This customer segment is known as techno customers as they are the
people who are familiar with the technological devices, new technologies and like to follow
the novel technological trends. Hence, the organization is basically focusing on the techno
customers from Colombo area, as the business is initially hoping to serve for the customers in
Colombo area.

4.2.3 Superior value proposition:

Value proposition is the main value or the targeting value which is hoping to provide by the
organization to its customers. The Full Cart is promising it’s customer to deliver their
requirements in a safe and secure method and providing opportunity to fulfill the customer’s
all requirements during the pandemic situation from only one shopping store where it is
enabling opportunity to save customer’s time and money.

4.2.4 Channels which are using by “The Full Cart”:

For a startup company promotion are playing a major role. Without promotions company can’t
attract customers to the organization. Hence, in order to attain a revenue customer attraction is
a must. Therefore, organizations are using different strategies to attract customers to the
organizations. In this scenario, customers are technological customers. Hence, to attract
technological customers organization can use digital marketing techniques such as TV
commercials, presence in the social media platforms and carrying out promotional activities
there, and search engine optimization can be taken place.

4.2.5 Competitors and Competitive Strategies:
While organization is sustaining in the marketplace, they are required to compete with the
competitors. As the market is consists of potential competitors, it is required to take competitive
moves and required to implement some competitive strategies. While considering the
competitors and competitors positions, The Full Cart has chosen a strategy where providing all
product categories which are expecting by the customers from the company. There is no
company which is offering the whole product. Hence, this company has identified it as a good
opportunity to attract customers to the organization.

4.2.6 Relationships:
No company can sustain in the marketplace alone. All the companies are required to build up
relationships with some other organizations and people. When considering the full cart
company, basically the company is required to work with the suppliers as the full cart is
expecting to carry out the buying and selling through their website. Hence, it is required to
keep good and positive relationships with the suppliers. Also, the company required to work
with different categories of suppliers as the company is hoping to offer higher range of products
through the website.

4.2.7 Key Activities:

Any company or organization is carrying out few key activities to satisfy their customers Based
on the business, the key activities are varying from one organization to another. Through the
identification of key activities of the organization, they will be able to provide priority to the
key activities to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of the key activities. The key activities
of the full cart can be summarized as below.

• Buying and selling the products which are offering for the customers.
• Delivery of the product to the customer door steps.

4.2.8 Key Partnerships:

The partners are the people who are working with any company or organization. To carry out
the organizational activities in an effective and efficient manner, it is required to carry out the
partnerships. Some of the partnerships holding by the full cart company can be summarized as

• Carrying out partnerships with banks and finance companies in order to fulfill financial

• Establishing positive relationships with suppliers.

Through the partnership, the company will be able to have several benefits.

4.2.9 Identity of the Full Cart Company:

The company full cart is having its own identity. As the company is an online shopping store,
the company decided to name it as “THE FULL CART” where it is highlighting the company
with its name among the competitors. Also, company as established an own mission statement
to drive the company towards success. The established mission statement of the company is
“All your desires under one roof”, where it is highlighting the availability of all products in the
full cart shopping store.

4.2.10 Cost and cost budget of the Full Cart company:

While establishing or initiating a company, it is required to pay higher attention to the costs
associated with the company and the budgets. As the costs and budgets are having a
considerable contribution to the final revenue of the organization, organizations are required to
pay more attention to control the cost and budget.

While establishing a new organization, it is a must to create a budget for the organizational
activities. Initial capital requirement indicated the amount of money required to start the
company. While calculating the initial budget it is considering all the amounts required. For
the full cart shopping store, it has been considered the location or store rent, delivery vehicle
rents, web development amount, promotional chargers, office equipment requirements, etc.

After calculating all requirement, it has been identified that the company required 2330,000.00
LKR amount to start the company. It is called as the initial capital requirement.

4.2.11 The Revenue Streams and Cashflow:

Basically, the organization financial activities are deciding the company’s status. The correct
balance of the financial factors is required for any organization, in order to achieve the success.
When considering the revenue streams, they are the mechanisms which are generating cash, or
which are earning by the company. But still there exists some costs and with those cost cash
outflow will be occurred. For the full cart organization cash inflows will be occurred by the
sales and initial financial support will be taken from a bank loan.

5 Discussion, Conclusion and Recommendations
5.1 Proposed Vision and Mission
While considering the company vision and mission, these statements are a requirement for any
company or an organization. To drive the company towards success, it is required to establish
a good vision and mission plan. Vision statements illustrate the desired position that the
company is planning to reach. And the mission statement presents the method to attain the

Vision statement of the full cart: “Become the Leader of Online Shopping World”.

Mission Statement of the full cart company: “All your desires under one roof”.

As per the company vision, the company is expecting to become the leader of the e-commerce
world. To become the market leader company is planning to offer the customer expected
products through the full cart company.

5.2 Marketing Plan

Marketing plan can be considered as apart from the organizational business plan. Solid
marketing strategy is required for any startup company in order to succeed in the marketplace.
As this is a startup company, it is required to have a proper marketing plan to promote company
among the customers.

As the organization focusing customer segment is techno customers who are familiar with the
technology and innovations, it is worthwhile to implement a good marketing plan. The most
suitable marketing technique for the organization is digital marketing, as the key customer
segment is techno customers who are preferred and who are active on the digital world. Then
through the digital marketing company will be able to reach the key customer segment. The
below table illustrate the marketing plan which is made for the organization.

Table 5.1: Marketing Plan of The Full Cart Company

Business Marketing Marketing Marketing Key Actions Dependencies

Objectives Priorities Goals Strategies and Risks
Attract more The Attract more Highlighting Social media Required to
customers to marketing customers. the marketing. provide more
the campaigns advantages. benefits

organization are Reach more Discounts. TV compared to
to earn more processes customers. Loyalty commercials. the
revenue. are carrying Enhance the promotions. competitors
out through number of Search to attract
the digital sales. engine more
marketing optimization. customers at
methods the initial
Source: Author’s own work (2021)

5.3 Operations Plan

The operations plan indicates the set of actions which are required to carry out to achieve the
organizational goals and objectives. Through the operations plan organization will be able to
achieve the organizational goals by following actions which need to carry out at the different

When considering the basic activities carrying out by the full cart company, they can be
summarized as shown below.

• Online order management: The customers are planning the orders through the online
platform. Hence, it is required to carry out the effective and efficient order management.
• Ordering from the suppliers: After receiving an order from customer, the company
required to order that product from the suppliers. This stage also required to carry out
as soon as it can.
• Inbound product management: After receiving the ordered items from the suppliers the
packing and product arrangement required to carry out by the organization.
• Delivery: After packaging stage it is required to carry out the delivery process.
• Customer relationship management: As this is dealing with online customers, it is
required to pay higher attention to the online customers and required to buildup good
connection with them.

At all this stages effectiveness and efficiency can be considered as a requirement.

5.4 Human Resource Plan
While considering about any organization, the human resource of the organization plays a
major role. As this is an online shopping store, the organization can carry out their activities
with the use of minimum number of human resources. The stages which are required human
involvement can be summarized as shown below.


Supply chain Finance

management managemet

Order Human team to
managemet Resource handle the

Figure 5.1 : Human resource involvement stages

Source: Author’s own work (2021)

In every stage human are required to manage effectively and efficiently, in order to succeed in
the marketplace.

5.5 Risk Assessment

Each organization are possessing several risks associated to the organizational activities and
type of the organization. These risks can be minimizing through the identification of the risk at
the early stages. While identifying them at the early stages, company will be able to take actions
to minimize them.

The basic risks associated to the organization is,

• Transaction insecurity
• Technological matters
• Sever breakdowns

• Privacy issues
• Delivery related matters
• Taxations and regulations
• Return of products
• System reliability
• Transaction integrity.

5.6 Financial Plan

To run any organization towards success, it is required to have proper financial plat to
implement. Through the finance plaining organization will be able to manage the organization
financial activities such as capital requirement, financial policies, incomes, expenditures and
procurement related activities wisely.

5.6.1 Quarterly based cash outflow budget

Cash budget for the years 2022, 2023 and 2024 can be presented as below.

Table 5.2: Cash Budget for the year 2022

Cash Flow Statement 2022/Q1 2022/Q2 2022/Q3 2022/Q4

Initial outflow 2,330,000
Rental for the property 237,500 37,500 37,500 37,500
Rental for delivery vehicles 50,000 100,000 175,000 275,000
Web development 150,000 50,000 50,000 50,000
Water, electricity and internet bill 20,000 40,000 70,000 110,000
Promotion chargers 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000
Salaries 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000
Loan installment 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000
Other Expenses 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000
Total Outflows 3,032,500 472,500 577,500 717,500
Source: Author’s own work (2021)

Table 5.3: Cash budget for the year 2023

Cash Flow Statement 2023/Q1 2023/Q2 2023/Q3 2023/Q4
Initial outflow
Rental for the property 37,500 37,500 37,500 37,500
Rental for delivery vehicles 285,000 295,000 305,000 315,000
Web development 50,000 150,000 150,000 150,000
Water, electricity and internet bill 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000
Promotion chargers 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000
Salaries 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000
Loan installment 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000
Other Expenses 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000
Total Outflows 817,500 867,500 937,500 947,500
Source: Author’s own work (2021)

Table 5.4: Cash budget for the year 2024

Cash Flow Statement 2024/Q1 2024/Q2 2024/Q3 2024/Q4

Initial outflow
Rental for the property 37,500 37,500 37,500 37,500
Rental for delivery vehicles 350,000 600,000 650,000 800,000
Web development 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000
Water, electricity and internet bill 180,000 180,000 180,000 180,000
Promotion chargers 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000
Salaries 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000
Loan installment 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000
Other Expenses 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000
Total Outflows 1,122,500 1,372,500 1,422,500 1,535,000

Source: Author’s own work (2021)

5.6.2 Budgeted Income statement

The budgeted income statement presents the forecasted budget statement fort the organization.
The table below presented the budgeted income statement for the years 2022. 2023 and 2024.

Table 5.5: Budget forecaster for the year 2022, 2023, 2024

Year Quarter Expected Income
2022 Q1 300,000
2022 Q2 500,000
2022 Q3 900,000
2022 Q4 1,300,000
2023 Q1 1,350,000
2023 Q2 1,400,000
2023 Q3 1,550,000
2023 Q4 1,700,000
2024 Q1 2,000,000
2024 Q2 2,750,000
2024 Q3 3,250,000
2024 Q4 4,000,000

Source: Author’s own work (2021)

5.6.3 Budgeted Statement for Financial Position

Budget statement presents the current financial position of the company by considering the
cash inflows and cash outflows.

The below tables depict the budget statements for the years 2022, 2023, and 2024.

Table 5.6:Budget Statement for the year 2022

Cash Flow Statement 2022/Q1 2022/Q2 2022/Q3 2022/Q4

Start of the period - 767,500 795,000 1,117,500
Inflows 3,800,000 500,000 900,000 1,300,000
Owners Capital 1,000,000
Loan 2,500,000
Sales Proceeds 300,000 500,000 900,000 1,300,000
Outflows 3,032,500 472,500 577,500 717,500
Initial outflow 2,330,000
Rental for the property 237,500 37,500 37,500 37,500
Rental for delivery vehicles 50,000 100,000 175,000 275,000
Web development 150,000 50,000 50,000 50,000
Water, electricity and internet bill 20,000 40,000 70,000 110,000
Promotion chargers 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000
Salaries 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000
Loan installment 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000
Other Expenses 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000
End of Period 767,500 795,000 1,117,500 1,700,000

Source: Author’s own work (2021)

Table 5.7: Budget Statement for the year 2023

Cash Flow Statement 2023/Q1 2023/Q2 2023/Q3 2023/Q4
Start of the period 1,700,000 2,232,500 2,765,000 3,377,500
Inflows 1,350,000 1,400,000 1,550,000 1,700,000
Owners Capital
Sales Proceeds 1,350,000 1,400,000 1,550,000 1,700,000
Outflows 817,500 867,500 937,500 947,500
Initial outflow
Rental for the property 37,500 37,500 37,500 37,500
Rental for delivery vehicles 285,000 295,000 305,000 315,000
Web development 50,000 150,000 150,000 150,000
Water, electricity and internet bill 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000
Promotion chargers 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000
Salaries 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000
Loan installment 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000
Other Expenses 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000
End of Period 2,232,500 2,765,000 3,377,500 4,130,000

Source: Author’s own work (2021)

Table 5.8: Budget Statement for the year 2024

Cash Flow Statement 2024/Q1 2024/Q2 2024/Q3 2024/Q4

Start of the period 4,130,000 5,007,500 6,385,000 8,212,500
Inflows 2,000,000 2,750,000 3,250,000 4,000,000
Owners Capital
Sales Proceeds 2,000,000 2,750,000 3,250,000 4,000,000
Outflows 1,122,500 1,372,500 1,422,500 1,535,000
Initial outflow
Rental for the property 37,500 37,500 37,500 37,500
Rental for delivery vehicles 350,000 600,000 650,000 800,000
Web development 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000
Water, electricity and internet bill 180,000 180,000 180,000 180,000
Promotion chargers 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000
Salaries 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000
Loan installment 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000
Other Expenses 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000
End of Period 5,007,500 6,385,000 8,212,500 10,677,500

Source: Author’s own work (2021)

5.6.4 Ratio Analysis
Current ration basically presents the ration between current assets and current liabilities.
Basically, this ratio illustrates the ability to pay the liabilities. The table below shows the
current ratio variation over the time.

Table 5.9: Current Ratio Calculation

Year and Quarter Current Assets Liabiltities Current Ratio

2022/Q1 767,500 1,500,000 0.512
2022/Q2 795,000 1,410,000 0.564
2022/Q3 1,117,500 1,320,000 0.847
2022/Q4 1,700,000 1,230,000 1.382
2023/Q1 2,232,500 1,140,000 1.958
2023/Q2 2,765,000 1,050,000 2.633
2023/Q3 3,377,500 5,005,000 0.675
2023/Q4 4,130,000 4,915,000 0.840
2024/Q1 5,007,500 4,825,000 1.038
2024/Q2 6,385,000 4,735,000 1.348
2024/Q3 8,212,500 4,645,000 1.768
2024/Q4 10,677,500 4,555,000 2.344

Source: Author’s own work (2021)

Return on capital employed (ROCE) measures the company’s performance. It is measuring the
organization performance with respect to the capital investment. The below table presents the
ROCE for the three years’ time period.

Table 5.10: ROCE calculation for the Full Cart

Year and Quarter Operating Profit Capital Employed ROCE

2022/Q1 300,000 (732,500) (0.41)
2022/Q2 500,000 (615,000) (0.81)
2022/Q3 900,000 (202,500) (4.44)
2022/Q4 1,300,000 470,000 2.77
2023/Q1 1,350,000 1,092,500 1.24
2023/Q2 1,400,000 1,715,000 0.82
2023/Q3 1,550,000 (1,627,500) (0.95)
2023/Q4 1,700,000 (785,000) (2.17)
2024/Q1 2,000,000 182,500 10.96
2024/Q2 2,750,000 1,650,000 1.67
2024/Q3 3,250,000 3,567,500 0.91
2024/Q4 4,000,000 6,122,500 0.65

Source: Author’s own work (2021)

5.6.5 Cost Management
The cost management plays a major role in any organization. Without control of the cost
organization cannot be driven towards success and an organization will not be able to attain a
profit through the organization.

To manage the costs of the organization the organization required to have good finance
manager who is well experienced and possessing proper ability to manage the organizational
finance. Also, the organization required to move as per the prepared budget.

Also, while organization is driving towards the success, organization required to go through
some performance evaluations time to time. Through this performance evaluations
organizations will be able to identify the moves required to take and modifications required to
carry out.

Conductance of trainings and educations will be supported to drive the organization towards
success through the proper management of finance.

5.7 Schedule for Implementation

The schedule for the business implementation can be presented as shown below.

Table 5.11 Gantt Chat of Implementation of Full Cart

month 1 month 2 month 3 month 4 month 5 month 6 month 7 month 8

Conducting market survey
Developing e-commerce website
Developing marketing plan
Implementation of marketing plan
Contacting suppliers and documentation
Location establishment
Human Resource Recruitment
Business execution

Source: Author’s own work (2021)

5.8 Conclusion
Basically, this research work has been carried out to identify the feasibility of implementing an
online shopping store with considering the current pandemic situation. This can be identified
as a timely requirement.

As per the research conducted through the utilization of secondary data, it has been identified
that the product required to sell through the organization is, grocery products, medical products,
baby products, cleaning products, food and beverages, work from home products, health and

wellness products, toys, household items, beauty and care products, outdoor products,
electronics, sport and fitness products etc. Through the analysis it has been identified that there
exists no online store which is having possibility to offer all these products. Hence, this can be
identified as a good opportunity to attract more customers towards the organization.

• While considering the requirements of the customers, the customer is possessing e-

commerce platform related expectations. Some of them can be summarized as,
Convenience of the e-commerce platform.
• Expecting easiness in the access over all devices such as mobile phone, laptop, tab etc.
• Omnichannel assessing ability is another expectation related to the e-commerce
• Effortless payment or easiness of the payment methodologies are another expectation.
• Fast, secure, safe, and reliable delivery.

Also, through the market analysis, industry analysis, financial analysis, identified that, it is
possible to implement the organization.

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