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PA117 Managerial Functions

1. To assist in formulation and implementation of

Chapter 2: The Office Manager the policies of top management
Lesson Objectives 2. To design and implement new systems and
procedures 3. To review the systems and
•Define what is a manager. procedures
•Explain responsibilities of a manager. 3. To ensure the adequate staff are provided to
•Present qualities of a manager. meet the workload, the redeployment of surplus
•Identify and distinguish managerial and supervisory staff, etc.
duties/functions of a manager 4. To conduct interviews for and arrange appraisal
interviews regularly
OFFICE MANAGER 5. To purchase equipment when necessary
Office Manager – any person, appointed to head the 6. To prepare, estimate and ensure that budgets
office. He/she is part of the management; responsible are adhered to
for getting the work done in the office and has to ensure 7. To deal with cases of indiscipline
that procedures and policies formulated by his/her 8. To have consultations with trade union
management are observed. representatives/officials in relation to training,
proposed changes in methods, productivity, etc.
Responsibilities of a Manager
•Judgment and decision in determining plans and in Supervisory Functions
using data to control performance and progress against 1. To ensure punctuality of the staff
plans 2. To ensure that the office is clean, well-organized
• The guidance, integration, motivation, and supervision and tidy
of the personnel comprising the enterprise, and carrying 3. To recommend the purchase of equipment when
out its operation required
4. To report areas of work, work problems, staffing
Qualities of a Good Manager difficulties, unsatisfactory equipment, etc.
a. Leadership – the office manager should possess 5. To exercise continuous control over quantity and
an analytical mind to take care of different quality of work
situations arising in the office. It is the ability to 6. To ensure that work is done to meet
enthuse, inspire and guide subordinates. predetermined time schedules and standards, so
b. Personal qualities – office manager must possess that no delays occur because of sickness, annual
tact, self-control, enthusiasm, sincerity, and holidays, etc.
adaptability. 7. To give on-the-job training to subordinate staff
c. Professional interests – the Office Manager has
worked and gained practical experience in the What ‘Management’ Expects Of The ‘Office Manager’
office of an organization doing similar type of 1. One who, with a profit-oriented point of view, can build
business or engaged in similar industry. and direct a smoothly functioning organization that will
perform the office services at a minimum cost
Functions of the Office Manager 2. Management expects the office manager to show his
dynamic leadership by keeping a healthy dissatisfaction
1. Recruitment of staff with the past and present methods of doing the office
2. Training of Staff work, thus to work constantly for new and better
3. Devising methods of work measurement methods of doing the work
4. Coordinating 3. To be willing and able to delegate authority to his
5. Discipline associates and subordinates
6. Controlling stationery and supplies 4. To find and train key personnel and assistants to
supervise the work under his broad supervision
OFFICE DUTIES 5. To set time for his own personnel development
6. To anticipate, visualize, and plan to solve tomorrow’s
1. Managerial Duties 2. Supervisory Duties office problems.
• Flexible
PA117 • Determination and persistence
• Ability to work in harmony with others
• Eagerness to acquire new knowledge
Lesson Objectives • Problem solving skills
• Loyalty
• Present good qualities of an office worker.
• Integrity
• Explain each quality.
• Provide examples that manifest each quality
Types of Flexibility
1. Formal Flexibility – the policies are “officially approved
by human resources, policies as well as any official
policies that give supervisors discretion to provide
Enthusiastic - Being enthusiastic at work is all about
mental stability and acceptance of your work. flexibility.”
2. Informal Flexibility – refers to policies that are not
Efficient - To be efficient means “performing or official and not written down, but are still available to
functioning effectively with the least waste of time and some employees, even on a discretionary basis.
effort.” -When you are effective, you are doing the
intended result. But when you are efficient, you are doing Advantages of Work Flexibility
the intended task, but with the least time and effort. 1. It reduces absenteeism, overtime, sick leave and
Excellence - It simply means that you must give yourself 2. It reduces stress.
some pressure, to strive for better. 3. It improves performance, quality, productivity,
Do not be contented with good. Go for GREAT. and job satisfaction.
4. Increases commitment and job engagement.
Be the “EARLY BIRD” - Starting early for work, to
5. Curbs turnover.
maximize productivity.
• Keep your word
• Fostering teamwork is creating a work culture
• Be reliable
that values collaboration.
• Manage your time well
• In a teamwork environment, people understand
• ALWAYS have good manners
and believe that thinking, planning, deciding and
actions are better when done cooperatively.
• Be discreet
• Be PROFESSIONAL • In a team, the following are important:
• DRESS professionally 1. Trust;
2. Competence;
Being Professional - To be a professional depends on how 3. Commitment;
you work, your attitude towards work, and your behavior 4. Consistency; and
towards other people and your workplace. These traits 5. Cohesion
make you a valuable asset to an organization.
Something to ponder: • Integrity can be defined simply as being true to your
“ The master may get better work from an UNTRAINED word, being authentic in your actions and speech,
APPRENTICE than from a SKILLED REBEL.” demonstrating the kind of behavior that you would like
to see your employees have.
Other traits of an Office Worker • Integrity, like leadership skills, is something that you
• Communication skills
have to practice.
• Honesty
• It takes effort to honor your word everytime and to be
• Technical competency
example you want from your employees even when you
• Good worker
are under stress or simply have a personality conflict
PA117 3. Maximum utilization of floor space. Every employee
CHAPTER 4: OFFICE LOCATION, LAYOUT, AND WORKING must be given adequate space to ensure his health and
ENVIRONMENT efficiency.
4. Space requirements for staff and equipment.
OFFICE LOCATION Adequate space must be provided in between desk to
• The location of the office can contribute much to reduce congestion and allow free movement.
better business because of its convenience to 5. Effective supervision. Employees should face the
the public and to the working staff, as well as the supervisor whose seat should be placed towards the near
facilities it offers for doing business of the working group.
expeditiously and at less cost. 6. Flexibility and uniform appearance of office. The
• There are several factors to be considered in the equipment used in the office should be of uniform type
choice of location for the office. to ensure greater flexibility and uniform appearance of
Office Location 7. Office systems and procedures. This can be attained
1. Size of the office staff only when the placement of employees and equipment
2. Relation of the office activity is in such a way that they are fit in with the office system
3. Accessibility to clients and all other interested and procedures in operation.
person 8. Proper lighting. placement of desks and chairs should
4. Mailing and communications facilities be in such a way that no employee faces an objectionable
5. The general character of the neighborhood light source (e.g glares).
6. Cost of floor space 9. Employee morale. Office layout should ensure job
7. Employee transportation facilities satisfaction and morale of employees.
8. Local tax policie 10. Number of private offices. Private offices are
9. Possibility for expansion of office space separate rooms, cabins or cubicles which are positioned
off from the other parts of the office.
Office Layout Objectives And Principles Questions that 11. Ventilation. Fresh air is necessary for efficient
must be answered before drawing your blueprint: performance of work.
a) What are the floor space requirements and what 12. Expansion. The additional equipment need to cope
should the size of the building would be? with the additional staff members.
b) Where shall each of the different office space 13. Service facilities. Drinking waters, wash rooms,
functions be located? canteens, lifts or transportation services, rest rooms,
c) Is it possible and desirable to lease portions of computer, internet services are needed for the physical
the building to others? comfort and well being of the employees.
d) What maintenance and repair work will be 14. Balance. Pleasing appearance improves the image of
necessary? the office in the eyes of the customers and the general
e) How much can the company invest in the public.
property? 15. Safety. An office should provide an adequate number
of safety measures. Sturdy cabinets must be used to
Principles Of Office Layout maintain old files, and fire and hazard systems must be
1. Inter-department relationship. The degree of installed to prevent damage to property and lives of
relationship of one department to another department is employees
taken into consideration.
2. Flow of work. The manager has to make the flow of
work as regular as possible; regular flow of work
minimizes bottlenecks and easily performance of work
Office System
➢ Is a network of procedures which are integrated Principles of Office System
and designed to carry out a major activity,
1. To avoid interruption in the flow of work
Three factors that are involved in office work: 2. To avoid duplication of work and records
• People 3. To avoid unnecessary movements
• Form 4. To avoid unnecessary writings
• Equipment 5. To avoid using unnecessary forms
6. To prepare the best use of specialization
Office System 7. To adopt labor-saving machines
➢ Office system means planning of an office work 8. To minimize staff works
systematically to achieve the main and subsidiary 9. To apply the principle of management
objectives of an organization within minimum 10. To have simple, economic, efficient, and practicable
efforts and costs. system and procedures
➢ It is an orderly arrangement of whole activities of 11. To avoid unnecessary verification
an office and framing of procedures to be 12. To use simple forms to be filled in
followed for the effective and economic 13. To avoid use of machines
performance of work. 14. To increase the efficiency of office work
15. To achieve goals at the minimum cost.
Importance of Office System

1. Improve operating efficiency

2. Maintain uniform procedure
3. Optimum utilization of resources
4. Reduce office expenses
5. Minimize the operating expenses
6. Fixation of responsibility
7. Facilitating the introduction of new checks
8. Achieving organizational goals
9. Simplify the training
10. Reducing errors
11. Smooth running of an office
12. Prevention of fraud
13. Better coordination
PA117 7. The principle of management by exception
Office Systems and Procedures should be used.
8. Only a few exceptions to the functional
Organizational undertakings have certain well –defined procedure should be allowed.
objectives. These objectives can be attained only when it 9. Unnecessary checking should be avoided.
is approached in a systematic way. The Organization itself 10. Possibilities to make best use of machines
is a system comprising of several sub-systems. should be provided.
11. The system should be simple and easy to
➢ Office systems are a continuation of several understand
procedures integrated together in such a way as
to attain the needed objectives Office Procedures
➢ It is defined as a network of routines, which are The term procedure denotes a planned sequence of
designed and integrated to carry out office work. operations for handling recurring transactions uniformly
In other words Systems comprises of various and consistently.
interconnected routines.
➢ According to Miltion Reitzfeld “Success in Definition of “Procedure”
business, government and non-profit venture is ➢ Procedure is a routine, which has been planned
determined by the maximum utilization of in order to handle recurring operations uniformly
people, information and resources. Such utilities step by step. It is a guide to management as to
can be achieved only through the development, who should do, what, how, and when.
installation and supervision of appropriate ➢ According to Charles O. Liberty “Office
systems and procedure procedures are a series of clerical acts organized
➢ According to Terry, “A system is a network of under supervision to accomplish the purpose of
procedures which are integrated and designed to the office”
carry out the major activity”
➢ According to Littlefield, A system may be defined
as, “a ground of interrelated and interdependent
parts operating in sequence according to a FLOWCHARTING
predetermined plan in order to achieve a goal or It is a technique used to arrange the sequence of steps
a series of goals required for the operation of a program.

Principles of Office Systems

• Every office has its own systems. The systems are
not identical in all offices. They vary with the type
and size of business. However, whatever system
is evolved, it should ensure maximum efficiency.

1. Good flow of work without bottlenecks should

be ensured.
2. Unnecessary duplication of work and records
should be avoided.
3. Movement of staff should be kept to a minimum
4. Unnecessary writing would be avoided.
5. Best use of specialization should be made.
6. The amount of paper work should be the
absolute minimum.
Importance of Systems and Procedures

1. Reduce errors and waste motion of machine

2. The cost of performing routine office work is
3. Responsibility can be easily fixed.
4. Good office system and procedure helps in
smooth running of office and help to reduce
delay in work.
5. It helps for speedy dispatch of work.
6. Systems & Procedure include internal checking;
they assist in the prevention of fraud and have
control on work.
7. Good system helps to maintain better Co-
ordination between departments
8. Helps the management to train the staff.
9. A good system will reduce the chance of error
and improve the efficiency of the organization.
10. A good system will give instructions to
employees what has to be done, when and
where and gives information on the organization
supporting various systems

Limitations of Systems and Procedures

1. The efficiency of the system depends on

planning. If the planning is not done properly the
whole systems would fail.
2. Strict adherence to a system makes it inflexible
and it may not work smoothly.
3. The system may not be useful when changes take
4. The efficiency of the system should be evaluated
and decided by making a cost-benefit analysis of
it. If the cost is more we cannot use that system.

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