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Assalamualaikum wr. Wb.

, good morning sir, my name is muhammad aldiansyah al rizqi, and i will

presenting my assignment about observation of vacuum distilation coloumn on vacuum distilatiuon
unit second train pt tri wahana universal.

This is my point of presentation, the first chapter is preface, the second is profil of pt tri wahana
universal, the third is literature review, the fourth is data analysis, and the last are conclude and

This is the first chapter

My reason thats way i choose to take observation about vacuum ditilation coloumn is because it can
refine the long residue which has very high boiling point and separate it into the fraction which has
hig prices tha long residue. Surely, the company get more profit and this is very good for them.
This is my purposes of my observation
the important one is i can increase my knowledge about refining process, actually vacuum ditilation
this is the scope of discussion
first is observation of operation
second, process variabel
third, condition of operation
fouth, trouble shooting

second chapter, profil of pt tri wahana universal

pt tri wahana universal is the first refining petroleum private company in indonesia whis is located at
sumengko village, bojonegoro. They have two train which the capacity of each is 6000 and 12000
barel per day. They refine crude oil which is transfered by pipe from mobil cepu limited field along 5
they have some facilities such refinery area, off site facilities, filling section, laboratorium, and HSE
they produce SRG, HSD, and VTB

Third chapter, literature review

Distilation is a process which is separate the componen of hydrocarbon into the fraction base on the
different of boiling point range. There is some process in the distilation such a vapor-liquid contact,
and mass transfer.
There are 3 kind of distillation, the first is atmospheric distillation, and than high pressure distilation,
and vacuum distilation. The dissent of each is condition of distillation. The atmospheric distilation
has 1-1,5 atmosfer, pressure distilation is above 1 atmosfer, and vacuum distilation is under 1
Vacuum distilation is the distillation process of petroleum in the vacuum condition. It is required for
decrease the boiling point of each fraction of long residue to prevent the thermal cracking. Because
it is very bad for product quantity and quality and it can decrease efficiency of refining tools.
The main tools of vacuum distilation process are cloumn distilation and vacuum tools, there are 2
kind of vacuum tools such jet ejector and vacuum pump.

Fourth chapter
The function of Vacuum distillation unit are distilling the long residue which is the bottom product of
atmosferic distillation unit into the each fraction base on the different boiling point, it has main tool
for vacuum distillation and also process variabel.
This is flow diagram process, so long residiue which is bottom product of atmosferic distillation unit
is pumped to the furnace for heating and than its feeding into the vacuum distillation coloumn for
ditilling process, it produce LVGO, HVGO, and VTB. LVGO are pumped into the in line pipe blending
for HSD blending requirement, and than HVGO and VTB product are pumped into the storage tank.
And than main tool of vacuum distilation unit, the are coloumn D-3000, exchanger air 3130 and
3230, vessel D3100 and 3200, and Vacuum pump 3810 A/B/C
Coloumn distillation D-3000
This is place for distilation vacum process, it has 9 feet in diameter, and 39 feet in high, the internal
stuf is packing with pall ring type, in addition it has some feature for supporting vacuum distilation
process such a liquid distributor, bed limiter, support packing, liquid aqumulator, vortex breaker,
and demister. For safety tool, it equiped bay pressure safetry valve and by pass pressure. And this is
the specification of coloumn D-3000
And than fin-fan, are functionate for condenting partially the overhead product into the liquid
Vessel are functioate for separatating between liquid and gas
Vacump pump is the most important one, because it create the vacuum condition in the coloumn D-
Vacuum coloumn has many variabel processes which relating each other such temperature,
pressure, flowrate, and level. If one of those is changed, it will influence the other variabel.
Vacuum Coloumn D3000 equiped with instrumentation tools, such temperature indicator, pressure
indicator, level indicator, and flowrate indicator
And this is condition of operation vacuum coloumn for 5 days
Look at this, the flowrate intake is increasing from date 6 until 8, it make the outlet temperature
from furnace H-3040 are decreasing, also at pressure top kolom and temperature bottom coloumn,
but the significant point is shown at the cold reflux from LVGO, from this cases we can conclude that
reflux is the main for controlling the process variabel in the operation
And this is the result of laborotary LVGO analize, there are some product not required in the
parameter, but we have to know that LVGO is the middle product, it will be blended will kerosin and
diesel to bacome HSD product. HSD has to pass all parameter, because HSD is finished product
And thid the result of HVGO and VTB
They are 4 trouble in the operataion of vacuum distilation coloumn, such overpressure of vessel D-
3200, drop temperature of outlet furnace H-3040, trip of vacuum pump, and flooding. Genereally
the caused of the trouble is deviate of process variabel
Treatment and maintenence, there are 3 activities of it, such amine inject, this is for neutralizer pH
and filming pipe to preventing from corrotion
And than toughen the flange, it will take some act to toughen if field operator found some trouble at
And than cleaning strainer, it will take some act if the differential pressure shown the high value

Fifth chapter,
So from all, the conclution is vacuum condition is aim to decrease the boiling point to prevent the
thermal cracking
Vacuum distilation coloumn has packing for internal tool
Normal pressure condition at the top is38 torr and at bottom is 92 torr
The process variabel that always be keep are temperature, pressure, flowrate, and level.
The problem that might be happen are overpressure at vessel D-3200, flooding, drop temperature of
outlet furnace H-3040, and trip of vacuum pump
Vacuum distilation unit is produce LVGO, HVGO, VTB.
i have some suggestion that, some parameter like level indicator at vessel D-3200 and flowmeter at
the inlet furnace H-3040 are should be repaired, because the variabel that measured by these
parameter are very important for keeping the stabil operation


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