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Sales Management in Canada 1st

Edition Mackenzie Test Bank

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MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.

1) An example of a customer benefit approach that may be used to move from the social contact to the 1)
business contact is:
A) using a third party referral name.
B) handing the customer a business card.
C) conducting business on the golf course.
D) explaining the savings the customer will achieve by using this product.
E) demonstrating how the product works.
Answer: D
Explanation: A)

2) A trial close or a __________ can be used at any point in the sales presentation. 2)
A) informative close
B) confirmation close
C) reminder close
D) persuasive close
E) minor point close
Answer: E
Explanation: A)

3) Buyers that have many motives or that seek many satisfactions, look for positive benefits from the 3)
purchase. These satisfactions can relate to the product, the salesperson and the __________.
A) product price
B) sales presentation
C) product features
D) product brochure
E) company
Answer: E
Explanation: A)

4) Successful salespeople develop their own personal selling philosophy which is based on them 4)
valuing personal selling, adopting the __________ concept and becoming a problem solver/partner.
A) societal
B) integrated marketing communications
C) marketing
D) production
E) sales
Answer: C
Explanation: A)

5) Although salespeople often have little control over what is discussed and what happens during the 5)
face-to-face interaction with the prospect, they can plan for different situations by having a
number of __________ scenarios.
A) worst case
B) what-if
C) training
D) best case
E) most likely
Answer: B
Explanation: A)

6) Making the right need-satisfaction presentation depends on two factors; one factor is the 6)
determination of the product solution and the other factor is the determination of __________.
A) how long it takes the customer to make a decision
B) when the customer wants the product delivered
C) where the customer is in the buying cycle
D) what objective criteria the customer uses to make his buying decision
E) what the customer is looking for in the product offering
Answer: C
Explanation: A)

7) If a salesperson wants to create a visual image in the customer's mind, he should use __________. 7)
A) a prototype
B) metaphors
C) a sketch book
D) pictures
E) a chalkboard
Answer: B
Explanation: A)

8) As salespeople and customers recognize the value of closer, longer-term buyer-seller 8)

relationships, the __________ approach has become more prominent.
A) relationship selling
B) persuasive
C) negotiating
D) consultative
E) transactional
Answer: A
Explanation: A)

9) During the approach step of the face-to-face interaction phase, the first few minutes should be 9)
used to attempt a __________ contact.
A) future
B) gatekeeper
C) social
D) business
E) advocate
Answer: C
Explanation: A)

10) A good salesperson will realize that concerns related to price should always be expected from 10)
__________ buyers.
A) relationship
B) rational
C) emotional
D) transactional
E) consultative
Answer: D
Explanation: A)

11) According to Dave Kahle, becoming __________ is one competency that a successful salesperson 11)
should develop.
A) a master of consultative selling
B) a conformist
C) a workaholic
D) a multi-tasker
E) a trusted friend
Answer: E
Explanation: A)

12) When Lynda approached her next business client, she was surprised to discover that she would be 12)
meeting with an eight person buying centre team and not just the vice president of acquisitions.
Lynda obviously did not engage in any __________ activities.
A) pre-planning
B) sales training
C) warm-up
D) exploration
E) relationship building
Answer: A
Explanation: A)

13) In the selling environment, the idea behind negotiating is to reach a __________ agreement between 13)
the buyer and the seller.
A) convenient
B) lose-win
C) mutual
D) win-lose
E) win-win
Answer: E
Explanation: A)

14) Henry is looking to sell twenty golf packages to businesses in the downtown core; after he pitches 14)
his product offering to each store owner, he either makes the sale or moves on to the next business.
Henry utilizes the __________ approach to sell his golf packages.
A) transactional selling
B) quota selling
C) consultative selling
D) relationship selling
E) value based selling
Answer: A
Explanation: A)

15) The goal of expansion selling is to expand business from an existing customer. Expansion selling 15)
should only be done when it is in the __________ best interest.
A) company's
B) salesperson's
C) customer's
D) vendor's
E) seller's
Answer: C
Explanation: A)

16) The use of a __________ when preparing for a sales call ensures that all relevant information gets 16)
collected, that there is a logical sequence of questions that are asked and that the salesperson avoids
asking unnecessary questions.
A) need discovery work sheet
B) sales grid
C) laptop
D) checklist
E) pda
Answer: A
Explanation: A)

17) According to the text, true sales "__________" are often masters of the persuasive presentation. 17)
A) hunters
B) gatherers
C) avoiders
D) influencers
E) developers
Answer: A
Explanation: A)

18) The purpose of the __________ presentation is to reinforce to the buyer what is already known. 18)
A) persuasive
B) canned
C) reminder
D) planned
E) informative
Answer: C
Explanation: A)

19) Full-line selling, cross-selling and up-selling are all techniques used in __________ selling. 19)
A) persuasive
B) reminder
C) informative
D) consultative
E) expansion
Answer: E
Explanation: A)

20) Since many customers will often experience buyer remorse, it is important for the salesperson to 20)
reassure these customers that they have made the right decision; this is accomplished through a
__________ step.
A) congratulation
B) salutation
C) confirmation
D) configuration
E) negotiation
Answer: C
Explanation: A)

21) During the __________, a salesperson needs to gain both prospect knowledge and set sales call 21)
A) face-to-face interaction phase
B) negotiating phase
C) pre-contact phase
D) need discovery phase
E) post-sale phase
Answer: C
Explanation: A)

22) Frieda, the new owner of a home decor store is looking for store fixtures. She is unsure of what is 22)
the best type of fixtures for her small store location. She has contacted two different store fixture
suppliers to help her with her interior space design. One supplier is much better at asking the right
questions, listening to Frieda's ideas and providing the best solutions. This supplier most likely
succeeded because of the effective use of the __________ approach to selling.
A) transactional
B) negotiating
C) relationship selling
D) consultative
E) persuasive
Answer: D
Explanation: A)

23) When managing dissatisfied customers, one thing that a salesperson can do is: 23)
A) hang-up on the customer.
B) stop the customer from complaining.
C) express his perspective on the problem.
D) ask for help from the sales manager.
E) fire the customer.
Answer: C
Explanation: A)

24) The term used to describe 'a connector between what the salesperson says and the prospect's 24)
emotions' is __________ link.
A) emotional
B) connector
C) chain
D) sales pitch
E) persuasive
Answer: A
Explanation: A)

25) Mark is a sales manager responsible for ten new salespeople; one piece of advice that he likes to 25)
give to these new salespeople regarding complaining customers is:
A) it is better to ignore your customer than acknowledge your customer.
B) it is better to encourage rather than discourage your customer from complaining.
C) it is better to accept personal responsibility for the complaint rather than try to remedy the
D) it is better to have the sales manager handle complaining customers rather than deal with the
complaint yourself.
E) it is better to forget than forgive.
Answer: B
Explanation: A)

26) __________ questions are the type of questions used to expose the buyer's concerns, fears, 26)
frustrations or anxiety.
A) Need-satisfaction
B) Probing
C) Survey
D) Rhetorical
E) Confirmation
Answer: B
Explanation: A)

27) The idea of connecting features to customer benefits and gaining customer reactions, helps to 27)
ensure that:
A) the salesperson spends at least five minutes with the customer.
B) the salesperson spends at least ten minutes with the customer.
C) the product features are matched up with the right product.
D) the customer understands or values the benefits being discussed.
E) the salesperson understands the product.
Answer: D
Explanation: A)

28) Bob is proficient in using all three types of selling approaches. This proficiency allows Bob to 28)
successfully match the appropriate selling approach to the customer and the __________ .
A) buyer
B) target audience
C) target market
D) seller
E) situation
Answer: E
Explanation: A)

29) If a salesperson fears closing a sale, she most likely experienced problems in the __________ phase 29)
and the __________ phase of the selling process.
A) functional; market
B) awareness; exploration
C) expansion; commitment
D) exploration; expansion
E) pre-contact; face-to-face interaction
Answer: E
Explanation: A)

30) One reason that Mr. Plunkett is such a good salesperson is that during needs discovery, he always 30)
__________ to try to understand his customers.
A) ask questions
B) tells stories
C) uses metaphors
D) conducts a Google search
E) takes pictures
Answer: A
Explanation: A)

31) Michael's customer is expressing some concern about the product. The concern is that the product 31)
is new and untried. Michael should perhaps deal with this concern by taking this customer on a
tour of the plant and showing him the product model; in other words, Michael should use
__________ to deal with this concern.
A) up-selling
B) cross-selling
C) full-line selling
D) proof devices
E) expansion selling
Answer: D
Explanation: A)

32) The post-sale phase of the selling process model involves three steps; they are __________, 32)
expansion selling and managing dissatisfied customers.
A) crafting effective sales presentations
B) closing the sale
C) negotiating buyer concerns
D) setting sales call objectives
E) servicing the sale
Answer: E
Explanation: A)

33) Coined by Dr. Leonard Zunin, the term the 'four-minute barrier' expresses the critical importance 33)
of the __________ in the face-to-face interaction phase.
A) four minute mile
B) approach
C) commute
D) relationship
E) close
Answer: B
Explanation: A)

34) The selling process model consists of three major phases; they are the __________ , the face-to-face 34)
interaction phase and the post-sale phase.
A) post-contact
B) awareness
C) exploration
D) pre-contact
E) contact
Answer: D
Explanation: A)

35) The consultative selling approach dates back to the late 1960's. For this type of approach to 35)
continue to succeed, there are two necessary conditions. The first condition is that the product or
service being sold must have a significant dollar value; the second condition is that:
A) the salesperson is looking to dump the product.
B) the salesperson must be able to tailor customized solutions to meet each customer's needs.
C) the salesperson makes the least amount of commission on the product being sold.
D) the salesperson sees the product or service as being unimportant in the product line offering.
E) the salesperson makes the most amount of commission on the product being sold.
Answer: B
Explanation: A)

36) Full-line selling is different from cross-selling in that the expansion products in full-line selling 36)
are __________ and in cross-selling these products are __________.
A) unlimited; limited
B) related; unrelated
C) inexpensive; expensive
D) limited; unlimited
E) unrelated; related
Answer: B
Explanation: A)

37) The __________ technique used to handle buyers concerns, shows prospects that other customers 37)
have successfully overcome the same concerns.
A) portfolio
B) feel-felt-found
C) reverse marketing
D) cold calling
E) framing
Answer: B
Explanation: A)

38) In order for Peter to be a success, he needs to develop a relationship strategy. Although he projects 38)
a professional image and engages in ethical selling, Peter has failed to adjust his __________ to the
preferred style of the customer.
A) communication style
B) dining etiquette
C) business attire
D) selling approach
E) voice intonation
Answer: A
Explanation: A)

39) Buying conditions are typically discovered as __________ questions are asked. 39)
A) rhetorical
B) survey
C) confirmation
D) need-satisfaction
E) probing
Answer: C
Explanation: A)

40) "__________" is an example of a confirmation type question. 40)
A) Please describe the current layout of your plant floor.
B) Are you concerned with the possibility of bringing in too many machines?
C) Do you currently have enough machines to meet production demands?
D) To summarize, you are telling me that your biggest concern is space optimization.
E) Are there any other benefits you see from making these floor changes?
Answer: D
Explanation: A)

41) Also known as an information gathering question, a survey question can be both __________ and 41)
A) personal; business
B) clear; vague
C) long; short
D) direct; indirect
E) general; specific
Answer: E
Explanation: A)

42) In the development of a customer strategy, salespeople must have an understanding of general 42)
customer behaviour, they must learn as much as possible about individual customers and they
must have a system of how they __________ for customers to ensure they always have a quality list
of potential customers.
A) barter B) bid C) bargain D) dig E) prospect
Answer: E
Explanation: A)

43) Although becoming a product expert is essential for salespeople, there is a tendency to sell the 43)
features rather than the __________ :
A) service package
B) benefits
C) extended warranties
D) accessories
E) product
Answer: B
Explanation: A)

44) Studies have found that 50 to 70 percent of customer __________ is due to poor customer service. 44)
A) complaints
B) referrals
C) attrition
D) frustrations
E) apathy
Answer: C
Explanation: A)

45) The transactional selling approach is applicable in today's selling environment when either of two 45)
conditions exist. The first condition is that the salesperson has a limited product offering; the
second condition is that:
A) the customer initiates a consultative relationship strategy.
B) the customer pays in cash only.
C) the customer sees the product or service as having significant differentiation among
D) the customer invests a significant amount of time in the relationship.
E) the customer sees the product or service as having little differentiation among suppliers.
Answer: E
Explanation: A)

SHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the question.

46) Identify six things that can be done to manage dissatisfied customers. 46)
Answer: The six things that can be done to manage dissatisfied customers are...
a) Encourage the customer to complain.
b) Accept responsibility.
c) Clarify anything that is not clear.
d) Express your perspective on the problem.
e) Problem solve with the customer.
f) Gain the customer's commitment.

47) Identify the five strategic steps that are prerequisites for a successful professional selling 47)
Answer: The five strategic steps that are necessary prerequisites for a successful professional
selling career are...
a) Develop a personal selling philosophy.
b) Develop a relationship strategy.
c) Develop a product strategy.
d) Develop a customer strategy.
e) Develop a presentation strategy.

48) Is there a selling approach that is best under all conditions? Yes/No. Explain. 48)
Answer: No, there is no one selling approach that is best under all conditions for all
companies. Although some companies may use a single selling approach, there are
other companies that require their salespeople to be proficient using all three
approaches. These salespeople need to be able to select the best selling approach to
use...transactional, consultative or relationship...based on what is being sold, the
dollar value of the transaction or the potential long-term dollar value of the account
and the needs of the particular customer. The success of the salesperson will depend
on the ability to match the appropriate selling approach to the customer and the

49) When a salesperson is deciding which type of presentation to make, he can choose from 49)
three different types. Identify and describe these three types of presentations.
Answer: The three different types of presentations are...
a) Informative presentations...primary purpose is to inform the buyer concerning
factual information about the product, its superior benefits and its technical or
operating specifications.
b) Persuasive presentations...primary purpose it to influence the buyer's beliefs and
attitudes and ultimately move the buyer to take action and make a buying decision.
c) Reminder presentations...primary purpose is to remind or reinforce to the buyer
what is already known.

50) Explain what is meant by the term 'trial close'. When is it used in a sales presentation? 50)
Answer: A trial close (sometimes called a minor point close) is the act of providing a
comment or a question to help the salesperson discover how close the prospect is to
making a purchase decision. A trial close can be used at any point in the sales
presentation and it can be used several times during a sales presentation.

51) The selling process model consists of three steps...the pre-contact phase, the face-to-face 51)
interaction phase and the post-sale phase. Why is it that many salespeople fail during the
face-to-face interaction phase?
Answer: Many salespeople fail at the face-to-face interaction phase because they bypass
planning. These salespeople are typically more interested in action or the
face-to-face interaction activities. Without the necessary pre-contact planning, they
may call on the wrong customers, talk too much or ask the wrong questions and
waste valuable time for both the customer and themselves. Only the most
successful salespeople realize the importance of the pre-contact phase. With proper
pre-call planning, the salesperson can gather appropriate information about the
prospects, set objectives for the sales call and plan for the presentation and

52) The post-sale phase of the selling process consists of three activities. What are these 52)
activities? Identify and briefly describe them.
Answer: The post-sale phase of the selling process consists of the following three activities...
a) Servicing the sale...providing post-sale service that facilitates or enhances the
purchase and use of the product.
b) Expansion selling...the use of one of three techniques (full-line selling,
cross-selling and up-selling) to expand business from an existing customer.
c) Managing dissatisfied customers...the process of dealing with complaining
customers to ensure that they express their complaints rather than exit the

53) Identify and briefly describe the four types of questions that can be used during the need 53)
discovery stage of the sales presentation.
Answer: The four types of questions are...
a) Survey question...designed to gain knowledge concerning the buyer's current
b) Probing question...designed to help the salesperson uncover and clarify the
buyer's problem
c) Confirmation question...designed to verify the accuracy and assure a mutual
understanding of information shared between the buyer and seller
d) Need-satisfaction question...designed to move the buyer to commitment and

54) Assume that you are training a new salesperson. What suggestions would you give to that 54)
person regarding persuasive sales presentations?
Answer: Topics to teach a new salesperson concerning persuasive sales presentations...
a) What they are/when they are used...primary purpose of persuasive sales
presentations is to influence the buyer's beliefs and attitudes and move the buyer to
action and make a buying decision. They combine both rational and emotional
appeals and they are appropriate when it is clear that the buyer will benefit from the
product solution being presented. They are the type of sales presentation that
requires the most planning, practice and skills.
b) Guidelines for persuasive sales emphasis on the relationship,
always connect features to customer benefits and gain customer reactions, place the
strongest appeals at the front and end of the presentation, target emotional links, tell
stories, use metaphors and supply testimonials, and, use an appropriate
demonstration when possible.

55) Identify the major phases in the selling process model and list the main activities 55)
preformed at each phase.
Answer: The three major phases and the main activities performed at each phase are...
a) Pre-contact phase...prospecting and pre-call planning
b) Face-to-face interaction phase...approaching, presenting negotiating and closing
c) Post-sale phase...enhancing relationships, expansion selling and solving post-sale

56) There are five general concerns that a salesperson should learn to anticipate. Identify and 56)
describe these five concerns.
Answer: The five general concerns that a salesperson should learn to anticipate are related to
need, the product, the source, price and time.
a) Concerns related to need...the customer is questioning whether or not he/she
really needs this product
b) Concerns related to the product...the customer is questioning the product with
respect to three potential scenarios...the product is new, the product was not liked by
another customer and the product may not be a good seller
c) Concerns related to the source...the customer is expressing concern about buying
from that particular vendor
d) Concerns related to price...the customer is hesitant about spending due to price
and budget issues
e) Concerns related to time...the customer expresses the fact that he/she needs more

57) List the sales call objectives that a salesperson may identify when planning for the 57)
buyer-seller interaction.
Answer: There are five sales call objectives that a salesperson may identify when planning for
the buyer-seller interaction; they are...
a) Introduce the salesperson or the company to the prospect and qualify the prospect
to ensure she does have a need for the product.
b) Identify who all of the members of the buying centre will be, and establish the
buying process that will actually be used to make the purchase.
c) Collect information on the prospect's usage history, including what he bought,
how much he uses, where he bought it, what his purchase criteria were, how
satisfied he is with current suppliers, etc.
d) Make a formal presentation of a sales proposal and involve the customer in a
product demonstration.
e) Provide post-sale service and secure one or more referrals for additional

58) Compare and contrast full-line selling, cross-selling and up-selling. 58)
Answer: Full-line selling, cross-selling and up-selling are all techniques used as part of
expansion selling or attempting to expand business from an existing customer.
Expansion selling is easier to conduct once a customer has a relationship with a
salesperson. All three techniques should only be conducted when the salesperson is
sure it is in the customer's best interest.
Full-line selling is different from cross-selling in that with full-line selling the
additional products are related to the original product that the customer is
Up-selling is different from full-line selling and cross-selling in that the salesperson
is trying to sell a better product rather than additional products.

59) The 'approach' is a critical first step in the face-to-face interaction phase. Why? What are 59)
the three main objectives of the approach?
Answer: The approach is a critical first step in the face-to-face interaction phase because the
salesperson has a very short period of time to create a positive first impression. The
three main objectives of the approach are build rapport, gain the prospect's full
attention and make the transition to the need discovery stage of the sales

60) Explain the two conditions that should exist when the transactional selling approach is to 60)
be used.
Answer: The two conditions that should exist when a transactional selling approach is to be
used are...
a) The salesperson has a limited product offering and uses a relatively scripted sales
presentation to 'push' products on customers.
b) The salesperson is attempting to sell to customers who see the product or service
as having little differentiation among suppliers and who are not interested in
long-term supplier relationships.

TRUE/FALSE. Write 'T' if the statement is true and 'F' if the statement is false.

61) When customers are not interested in long-term supplier relationships, the salesperson needs to 61)
focus on creating value.
Answer: True False

62) Dillon likes to add additional related items to a sale; he is engaging in up-selling. 62)
Answer: True False

63) Unplanned sales calls are a waste of time because there is no objective attached to that sales call. 63)
Answer: True False

64) Dissatisfied customers are a liability for a company when they exit the relationship rather than 64)
voice their complaint.
Answer: True False

65) The selection of a product that satisfies the buying motives of the buyer takes into consideration the 65)
product, company and salesperson satisfactions.
Answer: True False

66) Companies that encourage customers to complain will most likely turn that customer into a loyal 66)
Answer: True False

67) The 'feel-felt-found' technique is utilized to express empathy when dealing with customer 67)
Answer: True False

68) The transactional selling approach is applicable today when the salesperson has a limited product 68)
Answer: True False

69) Of the three selling approaches, transactional selling, consultative selling and relationship selling, 69)
the best approach is consultative selling.
Answer: True False

70) Customer satisfaction is the salesperson's ultimate goal when utilizing the consultative selling 70)
Answer: True False

71) Telling stories is a great way to get customers to buy a product. 71)
Answer: True False

72) It is a good idea for Jason to make reminder presentations with his business accounts that make 72)
infrequent purchases in order to keep Jason's company and product 'top of mind'.
Answer: True False

73) A trial close such as 'we can deliver the product to you by next week' should only be used in the 73)
last five minutes of the sales presentation.
Answer: True False

74) Yolanda deals with complaining customers on a regular basis; she has probably learned that it is a 74)
good idea to accept responsibility.
Answer: True False

75) To be a successful salesperson, you must value personal selling, adopt the marketing concept and 75)
see yourself as a consultant or partner to your customer.
Answer: True False

76) The need discovery step of the sales presentation is important because it helps to establish the need 76)
in the prospect's mind.
Answer: True False

77) Dora likes to distribute brochures when she approaches customers; she likes to engage in the 77)
customer benefit approach to establishing business contact.
Answer: True False

78) As part of a presentation strategy, a salesperson must prepare the sales presentation objectives, 78)
prepare a presentation plan to meet these objectives and renew commitment to provide
outstanding customer service.
Answer: True False

79) The development of a relationship strategy, a product strategy, a customer strategy and a 79)
presentation strategy is critical to the development of a personal selling philosophy.
Answer: True False

80) 'Do you have any major financial concerns other than retirement planning' is an example of an 80)
open survey question.
Answer: True False

81) The primary purpose of a persuasive presentation is to sell a product/service to a customer 81)
knowing that the customer will not benefit from the product/service.
Answer: True False

82) The objective of expansion selling is to increase revenue without any concern for the needs of the 82)
Answer: True False

83) The marketing concept aims to co-ordinate all activities, create satisfied customers and achieve 83)
company goals.
Answer: True False

84) Strategic/consultative selling evolved as a result of increased competition, more complex products 84)
and an increased emphasis on customer needs.
Answer: True False

85) When a salesperson is going through the process of collecting customer knowledge, he must collect 85)
both personal information and business information.
Answer: True False

MATCHING. Choose the item in column 2 that best matches each item in column 1.

Match the following:

86) Understand the buying process A) Develop a presentation strategy

Answer: A
B) Avoid crossing into personal space
87) Customers request this type of selling
Answer: C C) Relationship selling

88) A work sheet designed to ensure that D) Encourage the customer to complain 88)
all relevant information gets collected
during the sales call
E) Pre-call planning
Answer: S
F) Informative presentation
89) Type of presentation used by sales
G) Product bundling
Answer: U

90) An example of expansion selling H) Matching vendor gift to customer interests

Answer: M
I) Build rapport
91) Example of a persuasive word used as
an emotional link J) Develop a personal selling philosophy
Answer: O
K) Consultative selling
92) Something a salesperson should do
when dealing with a complaining L) Distribute business cards
Answer: D M) Full-line selling

93) Adopt the marketing concept

N) Product approach 93)
Answer: J
O) Enhanced
94) An approach objective
Answer: I
P) Fire the customer

95) Leads to success in the face-to-face

Q) Survey questionnaire 95)
interaction phase
Answer: E
R) Brilliant
96) A way to move from the social contact
to the business contact S) Need discovery work sheet
Answer: N
T) Develop a customer strategy

U) Reminder presentation

97) Helps to clarify the buyer's problem A) Need-satisfaction questions
Answer: C
B) Relationship selling
98) Cluster of satisfactions
Answer: E C) Probing questions

99) Traditional selling approach D) Buyer, seller and stakeholder 99)

Answer: F
E) Product, company and salesperson
100) The selling process model
Answer: G F) Transactional selling

G) Pre-contact, face-to-face interaction and


H) Need recognition, alternative search,

alternative evaluation, purchase decision
and post-purchase evaluation

ESSAY. Write your answer in the space provided or on a separate sheet of paper.

101) Provide an example of a buying situation that would be conducive for a salesperson to utilize the transactional
selling approach, the consultative selling approach and the relationship selling approach. Explain your answer.
Answer: Below is an example of the conditions necessary for each type of buying situation...students can come up
with any example that fits these conditions.
a) Transactional selling approach...the salesperson has a limited product offering and uses a relatively
scripted sales presentation to "push" products on customers; the salesperson is attempting to sell to
customers who see the product or service as having little differentiation among suppliers and who are not
interested in long-term supplier relationships
b) Consultative selling approach...the product or service being sold must have a significant dollar value
as there is an increased allocation of resources by both the salesperson and the customer; the salesperson
must completely understand the customer's needs and is required to tailor customized solutions to meet
each customer's needs
c) Relationship selling approach...often initiated by the customer because they need highly customized
product solutions, guaranteed inventory and quick supply of less complex supplies; salespeople may
attempt to focus on relationship selling when the products or services they sell have become
commoditized and there is a need to differentiate themselves based on their ability to establish and build
long-term relationships

102) Explain the five strategic steps involved in becoming a successful salesperson.
Answer: The five strategic steps involved in becoming a successful salesperson are...
a) Develop a personal selling philosophy...value personal selling, adopt the marketing concept and
become a problem solver/partner.
b) Develop a relationship strategy...project a positive, professional image, practise communication style
flexing and behave ethically
c) Develop a product strategy... become a product expert, sell specific benefits and configure value-added
d) Develop a customer strategy... understand customer behaviour, discover customer needs and develop a
prospect base
e) Develop a presentation strategy...understand the buying process, prepare objectives and provide
outstanding service.

103) Bill is not a planner; as such, he typically likes to skip the pre-contact phase of the selling process model.
Explain to Bill how prospecting and pre-call planning will help him to become a more successful salesperson.
Answer: Bill sounds like he is a man of action; however, it shouldn't be difficult to convey to him the importance
of the pre-contact phase of the selling process. Ask Bill if he has ever done one of the following...
a) Called on the wrong customer?
b) Talked too much or asked the wrong questions?
c) Felt awkward and unsure of how to handle customer questions?
d) Wasted valuable customer and personal time?
e) Lost potential customers as a result of any one of the above occurrences?
If Bill would take the time to prospect (identify potential customers), qualify these customers and plan the
sales call, he will be much more effective as a salesperson. By prospecting and qualifying these prospects,
considerable information and knowledge about the customer can be gained. Since building long-term
relationships is important, it is necessary to be able to relate to each prospect on an individual basis. From
knowing how to properly pronounce the customer's name, to finding out background educational, work
history and personal information, Bill will be better equipped to interact with the customer when the
time comes. Bill also needs to know that he must have an objective to his sales call; otherwise it is a
wasted sales call. Some valid reasons for making a sales call or some possible objectives are...
a) Introduce the salesperson or the company to the prospect and qualify the prospect to ensure she does
have a need for the product.
b) Identify who all of the members of the buying centre will be and establish the buying process that will
actually be used to make the purchase.
c) Collect information on the prospects usage history.
d) Make a formal presentation of a sales proposal and involve the customer in a product demonstration.
e) Provide post-sale service and secure one or more referrals for additional prospects.
Finally, Bill needs to also consider the interaction with the prospect; he needs to plan for different
outcomes and have "what-if" alternatives.

104) Bill (the non-planner), typically thinks that his job is done after he has closed the sale. Is Bill's line of thinking
correct? Explain your answer.
Answer: No, Bill is definitely not correct. Unless Bill is utilizing the transactional approach to selling, his job
continues after the sale is closed. There are three areas in the post-sale phase and it appears that Bill
needs some training. The three areas are...
a) Servicing the sale...Bill needs to be able to facilitate or enhance the purchase and use of the product...he
does not want to lose a customer due to poor customer service
b) Expansion selling...Bill should not miss out on any opportunities to expand business from an existing
customer...if the primary needs of the customer are met, he may be able to full-line sell, cross-sell or
c) Managing dissatisfied customers...Bill should realize that a dissatisfied customer that exits the
relationship is worse than a dissatisfied customer that complains; as such, there are six things that Bill
should do when dealing with dissatisfied, complaining customers...
a) Encourage customers to complain.
b) Accept responsibility
c) Clarify anything that is not clear
d) Express your perspective on the problem
e) Problem solve with the customer
f) Gain the customer's commitment

105) According to Dave Kahle, author of Take Your Sales Performance Up a Notch, salespeople are compelled to build
competencies in six areas. Why? Describe these six areas.
Answer: The six areas that salespeople are required to build competencies in or the six different hats that
salespeople are required to wear are...
a) An astute planner...salespeople must be able to organize and manage information and plan their time
effectively across their accounts.
b) A trusted friend...salespeople must be able to establish, build and maintain trusting relationships with
their customers because people do business with people who they trust and like
c) An effective consultant...salespeople who can help customers solve buying problems and make good
purchase decisions can identify opportunities better and are able to match customized product solutions
to specific customer needs
d) A skillful influencer...salespeople need to understand tactics and strategies that are important
throughout the entire sales process
e) An adept human resource manager...salespeople are responsible to manage themselves; they need to be
self-motivated and be able to handle stress and rejection
f) A master learner...salespeople must be dedicated to lifelong learning; superior salespeople must
constantly seek to upgrade their skills and knowledge
Salespeople are required to be competent in these six areas because the selling environment is
characterized by rapid discontinuous change in technologies, products and customers which means that
salespeople must work harder and smarter to keep up.

106) The face-to-face interaction phase is where the "salesperson's planning and selling skills are put to the test".
Explain all of the activities that are conducted during this phase.
Answer: The activities involved in the face-to-face interaction phase are...
a) Approaching the customer...the approach is the critical first step...the three objectives are build rapport,
gain the prospect's full attention and make the transition to the need discovery stage of the sales
presentation; typically, the approach is more socially oriented, the salesperson can utilize the product
approach, the referral approach or the customer benefit approach to become more business oriented
b) Crafting effective sales presentations...developing a strong sales presentation requires the salesperson to
implement the process of need discovery, select the product that satisfies the needs and matches the
buying motives of the buyer and decide on the appropriate type of presentation to deliver (informative,
persuasive or reminder)
c) Negotiating buyer concerns...the salesperson must work to find a solution that both parties can agree
on and that will create satisfaction for each of them; the salesperson must consider the buyer's concerns
(concerns related to need, product, source, price and time) and work to reach a win-win solution
d) Closing...the close is typically the point in the process where salespeople feel fear; this fact highlights
the importance of the pre-contact phase...the more the salesperson has planned for the face-to-face
interaction, the less there is to fear; at any point in the sales presentation, the salesperson can attempt a
trial close to assess where the customer is in the purchase decision process; once the customer says 'yes',
the salesperson should reassure the customer that he has made the right decision (confirmation step); if
the customer says "no", the salesperson should ensure that the customer remains open for future business

Answer Key
Testname: C6

1) D
2) E
3) E
4) C
5) B
6) C
7) B
8) A
9) C
10) D
11) E
12) A
13) E
14) A
15) C
16) A
17) A
18) C
19) E
20) C
21) C
22) D
23) C
24) A
25) B
26) B
27) D
28) E
29) E
30) A
31) D
32) E
33) B
34) D
35) B
36) B
37) B
38) A
39) C
40) D
41) E
42) E
43) B
44) C
45) E

Answer Key
Testname: C6

46) The six things that can be done to manage dissatisfied customers are...
a) Encourage the customer to complain.
b) Accept responsibility.
c) Clarify anything that is not clear.
d) Express your perspective on the problem.
e) Problem solve with the customer.
f) Gain the customer's commitment.
47) The five strategic steps that are necessary prerequisites for a successful professional selling career are...
a) Develop a personal selling philosophy.
b) Develop a relationship strategy.
c) Develop a product strategy.
d) Develop a customer strategy.
e) Develop a presentation strategy.
48) No, there is no one selling approach that is best under all conditions for all companies. Although some companies may
use a single selling approach, there are other companies that require their salespeople to be proficient using all three
approaches. These salespeople need to be able to select the best selling approach to use...transactional, consultative or
relationship...based on what is being sold, the dollar value of the transaction or the potential long-term dollar value of
the account and the needs of the particular customer. The success of the salesperson will depend on the ability to
match the appropriate selling approach to the customer and the situation.
49) The three different types of presentations are...
a) Informative presentations...primary purpose is to inform the buyer concerning factual information about the
product, its superior benefits and its technical or operating specifications.
b) Persuasive presentations...primary purpose it to influence the buyer's beliefs and attitudes and ultimately move the
buyer to take action and make a buying decision.
c) Reminder presentations...primary purpose is to remind or reinforce to the buyer what is already known.
50) A trial close (sometimes called a minor point close) is the act of providing a comment or a question to help the
salesperson discover how close the prospect is to making a purchase decision. A trial close can be used at any point in
the sales presentation and it can be used several times during a sales presentation.
51) Many salespeople fail at the face-to-face interaction phase because they bypass planning. These salespeople are
typically more interested in action or the face-to-face interaction activities. Without the necessary pre-contact
planning, they may call on the wrong customers, talk too much or ask the wrong questions and waste valuable time for
both the customer and themselves. Only the most successful salespeople realize the importance of the pre-contact
phase. With proper pre-call planning, the salesperson can gather appropriate information about the prospects, set
objectives for the sales call and plan for the presentation and interaction.
52) The post-sale phase of the selling process consists of the following three activities...
a) Servicing the sale...providing post-sale service that facilitates or enhances the purchase and use of the product.
b) Expansion selling...the use of one of three techniques (full-line selling, cross-selling and up-selling) to expand
business from an existing customer.
c) Managing dissatisfied customers...the process of dealing with complaining customers to ensure that they express
their complaints rather than exit the relationship.
53) The four types of questions are...
a) Survey question...designed to gain knowledge concerning the buyer's current situation
b) Probing question...designed to help the salesperson uncover and clarify the buyer's problem
c) Confirmation question...designed to verify the accuracy and assure a mutual understanding of information shared
between the buyer and seller
d) Need-satisfaction question...designed to move the buyer to commitment and action

Answer Key
Testname: C6

54) Topics to teach a new salesperson concerning persuasive sales presentations...

a) What they are/when they are used...primary purpose of persuasive sales presentations is to influence the buyer's
beliefs and attitudes and move the buyer to action and make a buying decision. They combine both rational and
emotional appeals and they are appropriate when it is clear that the buyer will benefit from the product solution being
presented. They are the type of sales presentation that requires the most planning, practice and skills.
b) Guidelines for persuasive sales emphasis on the relationship, always connect features to
customer benefits and gain customer reactions, place the strongest appeals at the front and end of the presentation,
target emotional links, tell stories, use metaphors and supply testimonials, and, use an appropriate demonstration
when possible.
55) The three major phases and the main activities performed at each phase are...
a) Pre-contact phase...prospecting and pre-call planning
b) Face-to-face interaction phase...approaching, presenting negotiating and closing
c) Post-sale phase...enhancing relationships, expansion selling and solving post-sale problems
56) The five general concerns that a salesperson should learn to anticipate are related to need, the product, the source, price
and time.
a) Concerns related to need...the customer is questioning whether or not he/she really needs this product
b) Concerns related to the product...the customer is questioning the product with respect to three potential
scenarios...the product is new, the product was not liked by another customer and the product may not be a good seller
c) Concerns related to the source...the customer is expressing concern about buying from that particular vendor
d) Concerns related to price...the customer is hesitant about spending due to price and budget issues
e) Concerns related to time...the customer expresses the fact that he/she needs more time
57) There are five sales call objectives that a salesperson may identify when planning for the buyer-seller interaction; they
a) Introduce the salesperson or the company to the prospect and qualify the prospect to ensure she does have a need for
the product.
b) Identify who all of the members of the buying centre will be, and establish the buying process that will actually be
used to make the purchase.
c) Collect information on the prospect's usage history, including what he bought, how much he uses, where he bought
it, what his purchase criteria were, how satisfied he is with current suppliers, etc.
d) Make a formal presentation of a sales proposal and involve the customer in a product demonstration.
e) Provide post-sale service and secure one or more referrals for additional prospects.
58) Full-line selling, cross-selling and up-selling are all techniques used as part of expansion selling or attempting to
expand business from an existing customer. Expansion selling is easier to conduct once a customer has a relationship
with a salesperson. All three techniques should only be conducted when the salesperson is sure it is in the customer's
best interest.
Full-line selling is different from cross-selling in that with full-line selling the additional products are related to the
original product that the customer is purchasing.
Up-selling is different from full-line selling and cross-selling in that the salesperson is trying to sell a better product
rather than additional products.
59) The approach is a critical first step in the face-to-face interaction phase because the salesperson has a very short period
of time to create a positive first impression. The three main objectives of the approach are build rapport, gain the
prospect's full attention and make the transition to the need discovery stage of the sales presentation.
60) The two conditions that should exist when a transactional selling approach is to be used are...
a) The salesperson has a limited product offering and uses a relatively scripted sales presentation to 'push' products on
b) The salesperson is attempting to sell to customers who see the product or service as having little differentiation
among suppliers and who are not interested in long-term supplier relationships.
63) TRUE
Answer Key
Testname: C6

64) TRUE
65) TRUE
66) TRUE
67) TRUE
68) TRUE
70) TRUE
71) TRUE
72) TRUE
74) TRUE
75) TRUE
76) TRUE
78) TRUE
83) TRUE
84) TRUE
85) TRUE
86) A
87) C
88) S
89) U
90) M
91) O
92) D
93) J
94) I
95) E
96) N
97) C
98) E
99) F
100) G
101) Below is an example of the conditions necessary for each type of buying situation...students can come up with any
example that fits these conditions.
a) Transactional selling approach...the salesperson has a limited product offering and uses a relatively scripted sales
presentation to "push" products on customers; the salesperson is attempting to sell to customers who see the product or
service as having little differentiation among suppliers and who are not interested in long-term supplier relationships
b) Consultative selling approach...the product or service being sold must have a significant dollar value as there is an
increased allocation of resources by both the salesperson and the customer; the salesperson must completely
understand the customer's needs and is required to tailor customized solutions to meet each customer's needs
c) Relationship selling approach...often initiated by the customer because they need highly customized product
solutions, guaranteed inventory and quick supply of less complex supplies; salespeople may attempt to focus on
relationship selling when the products or services they sell have become commoditized and there is a need to
differentiate themselves based on their ability to establish and build long-term relationships

Answer Key
Testname: C6

102) The five strategic steps involved in becoming a successful salesperson are...
a) Develop a personal selling philosophy...value personal selling, adopt the marketing concept and become a problem
b) Develop a relationship strategy...project a positive, professional image, practise communication style flexing and
behave ethically
c) Develop a product strategy... become a product expert, sell specific benefits and configure value-added solutions
d) Develop a customer strategy... understand customer behaviour, discover customer needs and develop a prospect
e) Develop a presentation strategy...understand the buying process, prepare objectives and provide outstanding service.
103) Bill sounds like he is a man of action; however, it shouldn't be difficult to convey to him the importance of the
pre-contact phase of the selling process. Ask Bill if he has ever done one of the following...
a) Called on the wrong customer?
b) Talked too much or asked the wrong questions?
c) Felt awkward and unsure of how to handle customer questions?
d) Wasted valuable customer and personal time?
e) Lost potential customers as a result of any one of the above occurrences?
If Bill would take the time to prospect (identify potential customers), qualify these customers and plan the sales call, he
will be much more effective as a salesperson. By prospecting and qualifying these prospects, considerable information
and knowledge about the customer can be gained. Since building long-term relationships is important, it is necessary
to be able to relate to each prospect on an individual basis. From knowing how to properly pronounce the customer's
name, to finding out background educational, work history and personal information, Bill will be better equipped to
interact with the customer when the time comes. Bill also needs to know that he must have an objective to his sales call;
otherwise it is a wasted sales call. Some valid reasons for making a sales call or some possible objectives are...
a) Introduce the salesperson or the company to the prospect and qualify the prospect to ensure she does have a need for
the product.
b) Identify who all of the members of the buying centre will be and establish the buying process that will actually be
used to make the purchase.
c) Collect information on the prospects usage history.
d) Make a formal presentation of a sales proposal and involve the customer in a product demonstration.
e) Provide post-sale service and secure one or more referrals for additional prospects.
Finally, Bill needs to also consider the interaction with the prospect; he needs to plan for different outcomes and have
"what-if" alternatives.
104) No, Bill is definitely not correct. Unless Bill is utilizing the transactional approach to selling, his job continues after the
sale is closed. There are three areas in the post-sale phase and it appears that Bill needs some training. The three areas
a) Servicing the sale...Bill needs to be able to facilitate or enhance the purchase and use of the product...he does not
want to lose a customer due to poor customer service
b) Expansion selling...Bill should not miss out on any opportunities to expand business from an existing customer...if
the primary needs of the customer are met, he may be able to full-line sell, cross-sell or up-sell
c) Managing dissatisfied customers...Bill should realize that a dissatisfied customer that exits the relationship is worse
than a dissatisfied customer that complains; as such, there are six things that Bill should do when dealing with
dissatisfied, complaining customers...
a) Encourage customers to complain.
b) Accept responsibility
c) Clarify anything that is not clear
d) Express your perspective on the problem
e) Problem solve with the customer
f) Gain the customer's commitment

Answer Key
Testname: C6

105) The six areas that salespeople are required to build competencies in or the six different hats that salespeople are
required to wear are...
a) An astute planner...salespeople must be able to organize and manage information and plan their time effectively
across their accounts.
b) A trusted friend...salespeople must be able to establish, build and maintain trusting relationships with their
customers because people do business with people who they trust and like
c) An effective consultant...salespeople who can help customers solve buying problems and make good purchase
decisions can identify opportunities better and are able to match customized product solutions to specific customer
d) A skillful influencer...salespeople need to understand tactics and strategies that are important throughout the entire
sales process
e) An adept human resource manager...salespeople are responsible to manage themselves; they need to be
self-motivated and be able to handle stress and rejection
f) A master learner...salespeople must be dedicated to lifelong learning; superior salespeople must constantly seek to
upgrade their skills and knowledge
Salespeople are required to be competent in these six areas because the selling environment is characterized by rapid
discontinuous change in technologies, products and customers which means that salespeople must work harder and
smarter to keep up.
106) The activities involved in the face-to-face interaction phase are...
a) Approaching the customer...the approach is the critical first step...the three objectives are build rapport, gain the
prospect's full attention and make the transition to the need discovery stage of the sales presentation; typically, the
approach is more socially oriented, the salesperson can utilize the product approach, the referral approach or the
customer benefit approach to become more business oriented
b) Crafting effective sales presentations...developing a strong sales presentation requires the salesperson to implement
the process of need discovery, select the product that satisfies the needs and matches the buying motives of the buyer
and decide on the appropriate type of presentation to deliver (informative, persuasive or reminder)
c) Negotiating buyer concerns...the salesperson must work to find a solution that both parties can agree on and that
will create satisfaction for each of them; the salesperson must consider the buyer's concerns (concerns related to need,
product, source, price and time) and work to reach a win-win solution
d) Closing...the close is typically the point in the process where salespeople feel fear; this fact highlights the importance
of the pre-contact phase...the more the salesperson has planned for the face-to-face interaction, the less there is to fear;
at any point in the sales presentation, the salesperson can attempt a trial close to assess where the customer is in the
purchase decision process; once the customer says 'yes', the salesperson should reassure the customer that he has made
the right decision (confirmation step); if the customer says "no", the salesperson should ensure that the customer
remains open for future business


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