Grammar - Past Perfect - Revisión Del Intento

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Área personal / Mis cursos / 2023-C-3-1192-471-ING-003 / TEMA 3 / Grammar: Past Perfect

Comenzado el Thursday, 2 de November de 2023, 14:08

Estado Finalizado
Finalizado en Thursday, 2 de November de 2023, 14:18
Tiempo 10 minutos 1 segundos
Calificación 1.89 de 2.00 (94%)

Pregunta 1 Change the verb into the correct form.


Se puntúa 1.89
sobre 2.00 1. I had studied (study) Japanese before.

2. She had baked (bake) a lot before she opened (open) her shop.

3. We had (have) a lot of trouble because we had lost (lose) our passports.

4. Brian knew (know) many people at the club because he had been (be) there many times.

5. They had studied (study) English before they moved (move) to Canada.

6. You enjoyed (enjoy) the movie because you had read (read) the book.

7. She really liked (like) him because he had helped (help) her.

8. Amy had studied (study_ a lot before she took (take) the test.

9. We had got (get) into the restaurant only because we had reserved (reserve) our places.

10. I had been (be) to India before 1986.

◄ Teacher's Evaluation Ir a... Past tenses Review md. 1 ►

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