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Solution Draft

Street Light Fault Detection and Location Tracking with LoRaWAN.

In order to address the challenges associated with the maintenance of street lights in
Indian cities, we propose a comprehensive solution that leverages LoRa (Long
Range) technology. This solution aims to provide real-time fault detection, accurate
identification of fault types, and precise location tracking of faulty street lights. By
empowering maintenance teams and local authorities with efficient tools and insights,
this system can significantly improve service quality and optimise street light
maintenance processes. Here's how we will implement it:

Let's dive into the details, starting with the hardware setup.

Hardware Setup
ESP32 Board: We'll use ESP32 microcontrollers as the core of our sensor
nodes. These versatile boards offer low-power capabilities and are suitable
for IoT applications.

LoRa Module: Each ESP32 will be equipped with a LoRa module, enabling
long-range communication. LoRa's low power consumption and extended
range make it ideal for our project.

Light Status Sensor (Photocell): To monitor whether the street light is on or

off. This sensor detects changes in ambient light levels, indicating the light's
operational status.

Current Consumption Sensor (Current Transformer): Measures the

electrical current flowing through the street light circuit. Anomalies, such as
unusually high or low current, can indicate faults like bulb burnout or wiring

Voltage Sensor: Monitors the voltage supplied to the street light. Variations in
voltage can help identify problems with the electrical supply or issues within
the street light itself.

Continuity Sensor(optional): Checks for the continuity of the electrical

circuit, detecting interruptions or cable breaks in the wiring that may lead to
non-functioning lights.

Temperature Sensor: Monitors the temperature of the street light fixture.

Unusually high temperatures can signal overheating or electrical issues.

Humidity Sensor: Measures the humidity level around the street light. High
humidity may lead to electrical problems, such as corrosion or short circuits.
Motion Sensor (Optional): Detects motion or presence near the street light.
This sensor can help in identifying vandalism or unauthorised access to the
street light fixture.

Sound Sensor (Optional): Listens for unusual sounds or noises, which may
indicate mechanical faults or damage within the street light.

Image or Camera Sensor (Optional): Captures images or videos of the

street light surroundings. This can be useful for monitoring the area for signs
of damage, accidents, or tampering.

LoRaWAN Gateways

We will now outline the process of setting up LoRa gateways and configuring them with
street lights, which is a crucial aspect of our centralised monitoring system for street light
fault detection and location tracking. Here's a comprehensive guide:

Setting Up LoRa Gateways:

● Gateway Selection: We will carefully choose LoRa gateways that align with
our deployment needs, considering factors like coverage area, compatibility
with LoRa sensors, and scalability.
● Gateway Placement: Identifying strategic locations for gateway placement is
essential. Our aim is to position them at elevated points for optimal coverage,
which may include rooftops, high poles, or existing infrastructure.
● Gateway Power Supply: We'll ensure a reliable power supply for the
gateways. Depending on their location, this might involve connecting them to
a building's power source, utilising solar panels, or combining power sources
for redundancy.
● Data Aggregation Point: We will establish a central data aggregation point,
either hosted on-premises or in the cloud. This aggregation point will receive,
process, and temporarily store incoming sensor data from the gateways
before further analysis.
● LoRa Network Configuration: Configuring the LoRa settings is crucial. This
includes setting the correct frequency bands, spreading factors, and
encryption settings to match those of our LoRa sensors, ensuring
● Gateway Antennas: For optimal signal transmission and reception, we'll
attach suitable antennas to the gateways. Antenna selection will be based on
the gateway's placement and the desired coverage area.
● Security Measures: Implementing security measures such as password
protection and firewall rules is paramount to safeguard the gateways from
unauthorised access.
● Gateway Testing: To verify functionality, we'll connect each gateway to a
LoRa sensor within its coverage area. This validation step will confirm
successful data reception from the sensors and transmission to our data
aggregation point.

Configuring Street Lights with LoRa Sensors:

● Sensor Selection: We will select LoRa-enabled sensors designed

specifically for street light monitoring, ensuring compatibility with the LoRa
gateway deployed.
● Sensor Placement: Proper sensor placement is crucial. We'll install these
sensors on each street light, optimising their positioning for effective data
collection. For light status monitoring, sensors will be placed to detect
ambient light changes accurately
● Sensor Configuration: To align with the LoRa network settings of our
gateway, we'll configure the sensors. This includes setting the correct
frequency band, spreading factor, encryption keys, and data transmission
● Data Transmission Testing: We'll conduct thorough testing to ensure that
the sensors successfully transmit data to the LoRa gateway. This will involve
checking the gateway's logs or monitoring software to confirm the reception of
data from each sensor.
● Sensor Labelling and Documentation: We'll assign a unique identifier to
each sensor and meticulously document its precise location on a map or
within a database. This information is critical for subsequent fault detection
and location tracking.
● Maintenance and Monitoring: Establishing a routine for sensor maintenance
and continuous monitoring is essential. Regular checks will ensure the
sensors remain operational and maintain adequate battery life. We'll also
implement proactive maintenance measures as needed.

Now that the data has reached our databases:

Upon receiving the sensor data at our central data aggregation point, we will
initiate a multi-step process in the backend to ensure efficient fault detection
and presentation of malfunctioning street lights on the admin dashboard:

Data Preprocessing
● Data Validation: We will perform initial data validation to ensure data
completeness and accuracy. Any data anomalies or missing values will be
addressed at this stage.
● Data Transformation: Sensor data will be transformed into a structured
format suitable for analysis. Timestamps, sensor IDs, and geolocation data
will be integrated into the dataset.

Fault Detection and Analysis:

● AI Model Integration: We will employ AI and machine learning algorithms to

analyse the incoming data in real-time. The AI model will consider parameters
like light status, current consumption, and cable health to detect faults.
Historical data will also be used for predictive maintenance.The Algorithm to
be used is a Convolutional Neural Network for multiclass classification.
● Fault Classification: Detected faults will be classified based on severity,
such as non-functioning lights, current leakage, or cable breakage. Each
classification will trigger specific alerts for appropriate action.

Integration with QGIS

We will utilise the following plugins and extensions within QGIS to enhance our
street light monitoring system:

QuickMapServices Plugin: By integrating the QuickMapServices plugin, we will be

able to seamlessly overlay street light data onto background maps, such as satellite
imagery or street maps. This will provide valuable visual context, enabling our
administrators and maintenance teams to easily identify the locations of
malfunctioning street lights.

TimeManager Plugin: When working with historical sensor data, we will employ the
TimeManager plugin to create dynamic time animations. This feature will allow us to
visualise the evolution of street light conditions over time, identify recurring issues,
and track the maintenance history effectively.

GeoProcessing Tools: QGIS's geoprocessing tools will be instrumental in our

spatial analysis efforts. For instance, we will use these tools to calculate the
distances between malfunctioning street lights and maintenance depots, optimising
our maintenance routes for greater efficiency.

QGIS2Web Plugin: To provide our administrators with real-time access to interactive

web maps, we will leverage the QGIS2Web plugin. This tool will empower
administrators to view real-time maps, complete with highlighted malfunctioning
street lights, directly from their web browsers. This accessibility will enhance
decision-making and response times.

QGIS interface example:

Live Layer Plugin: Real-time monitoring demands the Live Layer Plugin, which we
will incorporate. It will enable us to establish a connection to our sensor data source
and refresh our maps at specified intervals. This dynamic updating process will
ensure that our maps display the most current information regarding street light
status and faults.

PostGIS Database Integration: If our sensor data resides in a PostgreSQL/PostGIS

database, we will seamlessly integrate it with QGIS through the PostGIS extension.
This integration will grant us convenient access to our data for mapping and analysis

QGIS Cloud Plugin: The QGIS Cloud Plugin will be employed to share our real-time
maps and monitoring dashboards with key stakeholders, including local authorities
and the public. This transparent sharing process will facilitate public reporting of
issues and enhance community involvement.

DB Manager: Within QGIS, we will utilise the DB Manager to connect to our data
management system. This will streamline our interactions with the street light
database, allowing us to perform queries and updates as needed.

GeoNode Integration: For advanced data sharing and collaboration requirements,

we will integrate QGIS with GeoNode. This integration will serve as a centralised
repository for all geospatial data related to street light monitoring, promoting efficient
data sharing and collaboration among various stakeholders.

Plugin Builder: In situations where specific functionalities are not met by existing
plugins, we will employ the Plugin Builder to create custom plugins tailored to the
unique needs of our street light monitoring system.

Citizen Involvement in Street Light Monitoring:

● QR Code Scanning: When a citizen encounters a

malfunctioning or problematic street light, they can simply
use their smartphone to scan the QR code on that specific
street light. This action initiates the reporting process.
● Complaint Submission: Scanning the QR code
will redirect the citizen to a user-friendly complaint
submission form on their smartphone. The form will include
fields for essential information such as the street light's
location, type of fault observed (e.g., non-functioning light,
flickering, damaged fixture), and any additional comments
or details.
● Photo Upload: To provide visual evidence of the reported issue, citizens can also
upload photos of the problematic street light directly through the form. This visual
data can be invaluable for maintenance teams to assess the situation accurately.
● Data Validation: Upon submission, the system will perform basic data validation to
ensure the completeness and accuracy of the reported information. This step helps
prevent spam or incomplete submissions.
● Complaint Database: Validated complaints will be recorded in a central complaint
database, which acts as a repository for all reported issues. Each entry will include
information about the street light's location, the type of fault reported, the date and
time of submission, and any attached photos.
● Real-Time Display: The complaints recorded in the database will be made available
in real-time on the admin dashboard. This ensures that administrators and
maintenance teams have instant access to the most recent citizen-reported issues.
● Prioritization and Assignment: Administrators can review and prioritise the
reported complaints based on severity and location. They can then assign
maintenance teams to address the issues promptly.
● Notification and Updates: The citizen who submitted the complaint can receive
automated notifications about the progress of their reported issue. This keeps
citizens informed and engaged in the resolution process.
● Resolution Confirmation: Once the reported issue is resolved, the responsible
maintenance team can update the status in the database. Citizens will receive a
notification confirming the resolution, fostering transparency and accountability.
● Historical Data: All complaints, their statuses, and resolutions will be archived in the
complaint database, creating a historical record. This data can be used for trend
analysis, performance evaluation, and future maintenance planning.

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