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PED05A – Facilitating Learner-Centered Teaching

Learner-Centered Psychological Principles: Activity Module 1

Name: John Vincent N. Aranilla Date: 10-06-2023

Read a research or study related to Learner-Centered Psychological Principles (LCP ).
Fill out the matrix below.

The purpose of this study was to determinewhether having an adult facilitator trained inthe application of
LCPs to support secondaryschool students while they finish an onlinedistance education course is an
effectivestrategy to boost student engagement and rate of completion of an online course. The purpose
was to see if educating local facilitators to use LCPs would boost students' progress and completion of
online distance education courses more than if facilitators did not receive this training.
Research Methodology
A cluster-randomized control trial was used in this study. Schools were matched, and then schools within
each matched pair were allocated to the intervention and control conditions at random.
Title and Source: ( Complete APA bibliographical entry format )
Hannum, W. H., Irvin, M. J., Lei, P. W., & Farmer, T. W. (2008). Effectiveness of using learnercentered
principles on student ‐retention in distance education courses in rural schools. Distance Education, 29(3),
In summary, regardless of whether length ofparticipation or dropout was analyzed,treatment and
instructor effects werestatistically significant. Of particular interest inthis study was the treatment effect.
Holdinginstructor constant, students in the treatmentcondition were more likely to perseverethrough the
difficult AP course in the firstsemester than students who were not. Thedifference in average length of
participationwas nontrivial (about four weeks).


Distance education courses often have substantially lower rates of course completion. The purpose of this
study was to explore the initial efficacy of providing training to school-based facilitators in following
more learner centered practices to support secondary students taking an online course. Students in the
intervention condition completed the first semester at a statistically higher rate than did students in the
control condition, where the facilitators did not have this training
PED05A – Facilitating Learner-Centered Teaching
Learner-Centered Psychological Principles: Activity Module 1

Name: John Vincent N. Aranilla Date: 10-06-2023



1.Describe what can you do to advocate the use of the 14 Learning-Centered Psychological

Advocate for policy changes: If you have the opportunity to advocate for policy
changes in your school or district, consider advocating for the incorporation of
the 14 principles into curriculum development and teaching practices.

2.Advocate the use of the 14 learning principles by means of any of the following:
a. PowerPoint presentation consisting of 5 slides or less
PED05A – Facilitating Learner-Centered Teaching
Learner-Centered Psychological Principles: Activity Module 1

b. a 3-minute speech
First and foremost, it's crucial to raise awareness of these principles and their importance for student
growth and learning. These ideas and how they might enhance teaching and learning should be made
known to educators, parents, and students. This can be accomplished by giving speeches, holding
seminars, and producing educational materials that outline these principles.

Through professional development programs and courses created to teach educators how to use these
ideas in their teaching methods, it is possible to gain a deeper grasp of these concepts. For the
execution of these concepts, continuing education for teaching professionals can be organized within
a variety of educational institutions or organizations. By fostering an environment that values
creativity and ensuring a beneficial effect on students' learning,

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