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Australia's Quad partnership with India, Japan and the United States is a key pillar in
Australia’s foreign policy. The Quad is a diplomatic network of four countries committed to
supporting an open, stable and prosperous Indo-Pacific that is inclusive and resilient. It
complements our other bilateral, regional and multilateral cooperation, including with
ASEAN member states and Pacific partners.

The Quad has a positive, practical agenda to respond to the region’s most pressing
challenges, including health security, climate change, infrastructure, critical and emerging
technology, cyber security, humanitarian assistance and disaster relief, space, maritime
security, countering disinformation, and counter-terrorism.
Quad partners work closely to ensure our efforts complement our deep engagement in the
Indo-Pacific bilaterally and through regional institutions. Quad partners are all long standing
ASEAN Dialogue Partners and steadfast supporters of ASEAN centrality, the ASEAN-led
architecture and ASEAN’s Outlook on the Indo-Pacific. We respect the leadership of the
Pacific Islands Forum and align our work with Pacific priorities including the 2050 Strategy
for the Blue Pacific Continent. We welcome the work of the Indian Ocean Rim Association
(IORA) as the Indian Ocean region’s premier forum for addressing the Indian Ocean region’s

The Quad's origins date back to our collaboration in response to the December 2004 Indian
Ocean tsunami.

Quad meetings and processes

Quad partners engage regularly through Leaders, Foreign Ministers, Sherpas, senior
officials, and experts.

Leaders’ Summits

On 20 May 2023, Prime Minister Albanese convened a Quad Leaders’ Summit

( with India’s Prime Minister Modi, Japan’s Prime
Minister Kishida and US President Biden in Hiroshima. The four Quad Leaders issued a
Joint Statement ( and Vision
Statement (
partners-indo-pacific) .

At the 2023 Summit, Quad leaders reaffirmed their shared commitment to advancing the
Quad’s positive and practical agenda in the region, building on progress made to address
health security, climate change, critical and emerging technology, space, infrastructure, and

Quad leaders announced a series of initiatives (

working-groups) that build on existing areas of Quad cooperation in response to the
region’s needs, including a Quad Statement of Principles on Clean Energy Supply Chains in
the Indo-Pacific (
energy-supply-chains-indo-pacific) and a Clean Energy Supply Chains Diversification
Program; a Quad Health Security Partnership; a Quad Partnership for Cable Connectivity
and Resilience; a Quad Infrastructure Fellowships Program; and the inaugural Open Radio
Access Network (Open RAN) deployment in the Pacific.

On 24 May 2022, Japan’s Prime Minister Kishida hosted the fourth Quad Leaders’ Summit,
the second in-person, with Prime Minister Albanese, India’s Prime Minister Modi and US
President Biden. Leaders were accompanied in Tokyo by Foreign Minister Wong, Japan’s
Foreign Minister Hayashi, India’s External Affairs Minister Jaishankar and US Secretary of
State Blinken. Leaders issued a Joint Statement (
leaders-statement) .
On 4 March 2022, Quad Leaders met virtually to reaffirm their commitment to the Indo-
Pacific and to discuss the ongoing conflict and humanitarian crisis in Ukraine. Leaders
issued a Joint Readout (
releases/2022/03/03/joint-readout-of-quad-leaders-call/) .

On 24 September 2021, US President Biden hosted the first in-person Quad Leaders’
Summit with former Prime Minister Morrison, India’s Prime Minister Modi and then Japan’s
Prime Minister Suga in Washington. The inaugural virtual Leaders’ Summit was held on 12
March 2021 (13 March AEDT). See relevant Joint Statements and Fact Sheets under key
publications below.

Leaders have agreed to meet annually. Australia looks forward to hosting Quad Leaders in
2023. The Quad leaders’ track led by Australia’s Quad Sherpa in the Department of the
Prime Minister and Cabinet.

Foreign Ministers' Meetings

Quad Leaders’ meetings build on extensive engagement by Quad Foreign Ministers.

On 3 March 2023, Foreign Minister Wong participated in a Quad Foreign Ministers’ meeting
in New Delhi following the G20 Foreign Ministers’ Meeting. Foreign Minister Wong met with
India’s External Affairs Minister Jaishankar, Japan’s Foreign Minister Hayashi, and US
Secretary of State Blinken to deepen Quad cooperation. Foreign Ministers issued a Joint
Statement (
statement-quad-foreign-ministers-meeting-new-delhi) . Foreign Minister Wong
participated in a panel event with Quad Foreign Ministers at the Raisina Dialogue on 3

The previous Quad Foreign Ministers’ Meeting was held on 23 September 2022 in New York
quad-ministerial-meeting) . At that meeting, Ministers also signed guidelines to
operationalise the Quad Humanitarian and Disaster Relief (HADR) partnership outlined in
this factsheet (/international-relations/regional-architecture/quad/fact-sheet-guidelines-
quad-partnership-humanitarian-assistance-and-disaster-relief-hadr-indo-pacific) and issued
a statement recognising the harmful effects of Ransomware (/international-relations/quad-
foreign-ministers-statement-ransomware). Earlier meetings were held on 11 February 2022
(/news/news/quad-cooperation-indo-pacific) (Melbourne), 18 February 2021
(/news/news/quad-foreign-ministers-meeting) (virtual meeting), 6 October 2020
(/news/news/australia-india-japan-united-states-quad-foreign-ministers-meeting) (Tokyo),
26 September 2019 (New York).

Quad Foreign Ministers exchange views on regional strategic challenges and lead a
program of practical cooperation on core regional priorities, including maritime security,
countering disinformation, counter-terrorism and humanitarian and disaster relief.
Quad senior officials meet regularly to exchange strategic assessments and progress
practical cooperation led by Foreign Ministers. The Quad Foreign Ministers’ track is
coordinated by Australia’s Quad Senior Official in the Department of Foreign Affairs and

Experts’ engagement
Senior Quad experts engage regularly across the breadth of the Quad's practical
cooperation agenda.

Key publications
May 2023 Quad Foreign Ministers’ Meeting – Hiroshima

May 2023 Quad Leaders’ Summit: Joint Statement (


May 2023 Quad Leaders’ Summit: Prime Minister Media Release


May 2023 Quad Leaders’ Summit: Fact Sheet


Quad Statement of Principles on Clean Energy Supply Chains in the Indo-Pacific


Quad Open Radio Access Network Security Report

Quad Principles on Critical and Emerging Technology Standards
Quad Joint Principles for Secure Software (

Media releases and statements

March 2023 Quad Foreign Ministers’ Meeting: Joint Statement


Quad Leaders’ Summit May 2022: Joint Statement (


September 2022 Quad Foreign Ministers’ Meeting

Quad Leaders’ Summit May 2022: Opening Remarks by PM Albanese

Quad Leaders' Summit March 2022: Joint Statement


February 2022 Quad Foreign Ministers’ Meeting


Quad Leaders’ Summit September 2021: Opening Remarks by former PM Morrison


Quad Leaders' Summit September 2021: Joint Statement


Quad Leaders’ Summit September 2021: Summit Fact Sheet


Quad Leaders’ Summit March 2021: Opening Remarks by former PM Morrison


Quad Leaders’ Summit March 2021: Joint Statement: 'The Spirit of the Quad'

Quad Leaders’ Summit March 2021: Fact Sheet on Quad Summit Outcomes

August 2021 Quad Senior Officials' Meeting (/news/media-release/quad-senior-officials-


February 2021 Quad Foreign Ministers' Meeting


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