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Manalastas, Angelica Victoria Deontological Theory

BSN 2 – Y1- 18 10/24/23


1. If you were Ben, what should you do? Should you go home and pretend you
didn’t see anything?
- If I were Ben, I would inform Tyler that, despite no hard evidence of cheating
(cheating is cheating), I witnessed you flirting with Lucy and being in the same
room as her. I'll point out that what he's doing is a form of micro-cheating. I would
also tell him that I would alert Kendra of his actions. By talking to Tyler first, I will
give him a chance to explain himself. Even though it is not my business, I am
concerned with Kendra's feelings. Moreover, I would tell him, "I'm not comfortable
with what you are doing." Cheaters must face negative consequences.

2. Should Ben tell Kendra what he saw, so that she doesn’t get hurt? If he does
that, where does that leave his friendship with Tyler?
- Kendra has a right to know if her partner is cheating on her that's why I would tell
Kendra what I saw at the party. I would suggest that she confront Tyler. I will not
lie for someone who is cheating. Also, I will ask Kendra if she needs someone to
talk and if she says yes, I will message my female friends that Kendra needs
emotional support. I would acknowledge whatever consequences, including the
impact on our friendship. Tyler might be upset with me for revealing the truth;
however, I will tell him clearly that I do not condone cheating. Also, if Tyler refuses
to come clean with her partner, it may influence my decision.

3. How this ethical theory of duty ethics will advise Ben to resolve this dilemma?
- In deontology, it is an approach that distinguishes right from wrong. Since we all
know that cheating is bad, I'll talk to Tyler to confess what he was doing that night,
tell Kendra he was sorry, and admit the choices that he made action with Lucy. If
you find yourself in a position involving cheating, it is critical to analyze the ethical
and moral implications and make decisions that are consistent with your beliefs and

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