Exercises Differential Geometry Sec5

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1.3.3 The simplest type of singular point of a curve γ is an ordinary cusp: a point p
of γ , corresponding to a parameter value t0 , say, is an ordinary cusp if γ̇γ (t0 ) = 0
and the vectors γ̈γ (t0 ) and γ (t0 ) are linearly independent (in particular, these
vectors must both be non-zero). Show that:
(i) the curve γ (t) = (tm , tn ), where m and n are positive integers, has an ordinary
cusp at the origin if and only if (m, n) = (2, 3) or (3, 2);
(ii) the cissoid in Exercise 1.3.2 has an ordinary cusp at the origin;
(iii) if γ has an ordinary cusp at a point p, so does any reparametrization of γ .
1.3.4 Show that:
(i) if γ̃γ is a reparametrization of a curve γ , then γ is a reparametrization of γ̃γ ;
(ii) if γ̃γ is a reparametrization of γ , and γ̂γ is a reparametrization of γ̃γ , then γ̂γ is
a reparametrization of γ .
1.3.5 Repeat Exercise 1.3.1 for the following curves:
(i) γ (t) = (t2 , t3 ), t ∈ R.
(ii) γ (t) = ((1 + cos t) cos t, (1 + cos t) sin t), −π < t < π.
1.3.6 Show that the curve
' (
γ (t) = 2t, , t > 0,
1 + t2

is regular and that it is a reparametrization of the curve

' (
2 cos t π π
γ̃γ (t) = , 1 + sin t , − <t< .
1 + sin t 2 2

1.3.7 The curve

γ (t) = (a sin ωt, b sin t),
where a, b and ω are non-zero constants, is called a Lissajous figure. Show that
γ is regular if and only if ω is not the quotient of two odd integers.
1.3.8 Let γ be a curve in Rn and let γ̃γ be a reparametrization of γ with reparametriza-
tion map φ (so that γ̃γ (t̃) = γ (φ(t̃))). Let t̃0 be a fixed value of t̃ and let t0 = φ(t̃0 ).
Let s and s̃ be the arc-lengths of γ and γ̃γ starting at the point γ (t0 ) = γ̃γ (t̃0 ).
Prove that s̃ = s if dφ/dt̃ > 0 for all t̃, and s̃ = −s if dφ/dt̃ < 0 for all t̃.
1.3.9 Suppose that all the tangent lines of a regular plane curve pass through some
fixed point. Prove that the curve is part of a straight line. Prove the same result
if all the normal lines are parallel.

1.4.1 Show that the Cayley sextic

γ (t) = (cos3 t cos 3t, cos3 t sin 3t), t ∈ R,

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