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Hidayatullah National Law University


International Relations

Documentary review: Syria: The World's Largest Refugee Crisis

Submitted by: - Submitted to: -

Name- Bhawesh Ranjan Mr. Aasutosh Aahire

Class- 3 B

Roll- 50

Registration number- 22/2022/2637

Semester- III
Documentary review: Syria: The World's Largest Refugee Crisis


The documentary title Syria: The World's Largest Refugee Crisis was
released on Feb 16, 2016, with a runtime of about 26 minutes provides a
comprehensive overview of the Syrian refugee crisis, stemming from the Arab
Spring uprising in 2011 and subsequent brutal civil there. It puts emphasis on
the impacts caused in neighbouring countries along with the humanitarian
costs, economic strain, and the global responses.

The review of this documentary is aimed at comprehensively analysing the

different aspects and methodologies adopted by the creator in its making and
to analyse whether the objective of making has been accomplished or not.


This documentary explores the origins of the conflict in Syria, starting with
nonviolent protests against the Assad regime and demonstrating how these
protests evolved and got converted into a brutal civil war. The terrible
humanitarian cost is demonstrated by the fact that millions of Syrians have
been uprooted and are now looking for asylum in neighbouring countries. The
negative effects that the influx of refugees has had on the host nations,
particularly Jordan, Lebanon, and Turkey has also been discussed. The
documentary also highlights the global effects of the crisis, such as the rise of
extremist groups like ISIS and the need for foreign assistance.

Narrative Structure:

The chronological portrayal of documentary of the Syrian refugee problem is

presented in a linear, factual narrative style. It effectively communicates the
severity of the issue using storytelling techniques which incorporates cause-
and-effect relationships, facts, and examples from the real-world situations.
Personal anecdotes such as the arrest of youths in Daraa, gives the narrative
an emotional dimension. The documentary also includes the roles of several
factions as well as foreign powers in order establish an intricate framework.


The documentary explores in-depth investigation on the causes, repercussions,

and global ramifications of the Syrian refugee crisis. The
documentary effectively conveys the seriousness and scope of the issue,
emphasising the challenges faced by both host nations and the migrants. Since
the documentary uses facts and real-world instances, it acquires more

Theme and Message:

The key themes of the documentary revolves around the Syrian refugee crisis
as a humanitarian catastrophe, the complex geopolitical concerns at hand, and
the need for both immediate and long-term solutions . It highlights the human
cost of the conflict and the strain on the neighbouring countries by turning
regular citizens into refugees. The message is unambiguous: in order to
resolve the crisis the authorities need to provide employment and educational
opportunities for refugees, and contribute to putting an end to the Syrian
tragedy, the global community must act swiftly and consistently. The
documentary also argues that the issue will have significant effects on global
security and therefore warrants concern.

Impact and Relevance:

The documentary on the Syrian refugee situation has emotional and

intellectual impact. As the human suffering and geopolitical complexities of
the issue are depicted well, readers are left with a deep sense of empathy and
concern. In order to address the societal repercussions, the documentary
emphasises the cost on host nations and the potential for destabilisation. Its
connection to current events is also clear considering how the Syrian conflict
and refugee crisis continue to affect world politics and humanitarian efforts.

Target Audience:

The documentary's target audience appears to be those with an interest in

geopolitics, humanitarian issues, and global events. It effectively gets its point
over to this audience by providing a thorough and well-researched picture of
the Syrian refugee problem. However, readers who are not familiar with the
topic may find the documentary lengthy and for their better understanding a
briefer summary would be more helpful.

Constructive Criticism:


1. Comprehensive Coverage: The documentary offers a thorough

examination of the Syrian refugee crisis and also covers its origins,
impact on host nations, and global implications.

2. Emotional Appeal: The documentary effectively uses personal

anecdotes, such as the arrest of adolescents in Daraa, to evoke a sense
empathy in readers and relate to the crisis faced by the people in Syria.

3. Geopolitical Analysis: The documentary successfully highlights the

involvement of foreign powers in the Syrian conflict and how their
geopolitical ambitions are contributing to the suffrage of the local

1. Lengthy and Dense: The documentary can be too long due to the
sheer volume of information presented. People who are no so familiar
with the topic may find it difficult to understand the phenomenology
being discussed.

2. Lack of Solutions: While the documentary effectively outlines the

problems but fails to provide deeper analysis on the potential solutions
to the crisis.

3. Updates: The documentary's knowledge cutoff date is given to be

2016, an update on this situation and recent developments could
enhance its relevance.


The documentary provides a comprehensive analysis of the Syrian conflict and

its numerous impacts. It begins by outlining the history of the conflict, which
started as peaceful protests against the Assad regime in 2011 but developed
into a horrific civil war after the government's lethal retaliation. The
humanitarian impact is a key topic, with emphasis on the horrific death toll,
the millions of displaced people, and the deplorable living conditions that
Syrians experience both inside and outside of their own country.

The study of the conflict's global and regional dimensions places special
emphasis on the involvement of multiple parties and foreign powers, who have
turned Syria into a theatre of proxy warfare, such as Saudi Arabia, Iran,
Hezbollah, Turkey, the United States, and Russia. The documentary highlights
concern over the emergence of extremist groups like ISIS and how they might
endanger national security. The impact on host countries like Lebanon, Turkey,
and Jordan is highlighted, along with the economic and social repercussions
that result in problems like employment competition, lower wages, and rising
costs. The documentary also emphasizes the expenses of providing education
to the Syrian refugees and the efforts made by various host countries to
overcome this difficulty. It also discusses the effect of such situation on
education. Donor fatigue and the worldwide response to the crisis are
emphasized along with an awareness of the financial burden and the need for
continuous assistance from the international community. Among the political
and social repercussions discussed are concerns about maintaining delicate
power balances as well as the destabilization of countries like Jordan and

The documentary suggests that in order to resolve the Syrian conflict,

neighboring countries like Saudi Arabia and Iran may need to engage in active
discussion. It highlights the value of fast and generous international assistance,
as well as opportunities for employment and education for refugees. One
particularly effective example is Lebanon, where 1.2 million officially
registered Syrian refugees make up approximately 25% of the population. The
film does a fantastic job of explaining how economic pressure and the ensuing
social discontent have increased competition for jobs and resources, reduced
wages, and raised costs. This example demonstrates how the crisis impacts the
populace of a host nation in real life.

Conclusion and Suggestions:

The documentary provides an in-depth analysis of the Syrian refugee problem

which is both emotionally and intellectually powerful. The seriousness of this
crisis, its connection to current global challenges, and its intricate geopolitical
implications are all skilfully conveyed. While it succeeds at giving a thorough
explanation, it should be better organized, have shorter summaries, and put
more emphasis on suggested solutions. The documentary highlights how
urgently nations must work together to address one of the worst humanitarian
disasters in modern history.

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