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Internal Assessment Compiling the 100% Draft

Compile all the parts of the internal assessment into a single paper:

1. Title (should NOT be its own page)

2. Introduction, inclusive of:

a. Research question - clearly set out in the beginning of the paper - BOLDED
b. Why the problem question is interesting to you
c. Background information inclusive of relevant biological information about the
process/phenomenon of interest and/or the manipulated variable and responding
d. Experimental hypothesis with prediction based on background research

3. Methodology, inclusive of:

a. Cited reference to techniques or methods used as inspiration or guide for the
investigative design
b. Detailed list of all materials used in the investigation, including quantities (I recommend
formatting in columns to save space)
c. Method for performing the investigation, written in past tense. Inclusive of the following,
as relevant to your investigation:
i. Information about the selection and reliability of the database/simulation (if
ii. Explanation about how and why you randomly sampled or selected your
iii. Information about how the manipulated variable/correlation variable #1 was
changed and how data was collected related to the variable.
iv. Information about how the responding variable/correlation variable #2 was
measured, including how you collected multiple trials of data
v. Information about the controlled variables (what was controlled, why it was
controlled, and what data was collected to show it was controlled).
vi. Information about the safety and ethical considerations of the experiment
d. Captioned image(s) of the data collection process.

4. Raw Data, inclusive of:

a. A brief written introduction to the data and how it is being presented
b. Clearly organized table(s) of raw data, including as appropriate:
i. multiple levels of manipulation
ii. multiple trials of measurement of the responding variable
iii. evidence of the control of variables
c. The measurement uncertainty for any quantitative data
d. All measurements written to a correct and consistent number of digits

5. Descriptive Analysis.
a. As relevant to your problem question, include
i. Any preliminary calculations
ii. Skew analysis
iii. Measure of central tendency (mean, median, mode)
iv. Measure of spread (standard deviation, quartile, range)
v. Correlation coefficient
vi. A titled and labeled table of the results of the descriptive analysis (by level of
manipulated variable)
b. For each analysis, you should include:
i. What the resulting number “tells you” about the data
ii. Sample calculation or screenshot of online calculator (cited)

6. Data Presentation/Graph(s) with

a. Descriptive tiles
b. Variables on the correct axis
c. Axis labeled with units
d. Written explanation of the graph(s). As relevant to your problem question, include
i. justification of for the type of graph
ii. comparison of means/medians/modes/frequencies
iii. description of the error bars (SD, quartile or range)
1. relative to the measure of central tendency
2. in comparison to each other
iv. justification for the type of trendline, if added
v. Description of any trend shown in the data (including relative slopes as

7. Inferential Analysis
a. Overview of inferential statistics (what it tells you about your data).
b. Justification of the selected inferential statistic you used
c. Statistical hypothesis (null and alternative)
d. Sample calculation or screenshot of online calculator (cited)
e. Table of result of statistical tests
f. Explanation for accepting or rejecting the null hypothesis

8. Conclusion and Evaluation

a. interpret your data and draw conclusions from the results of the investigation
b. Scientific explanation of your results
c. Errors and limitations of the investigation
d. Suggest improvements and extensions

9. Works Cited
a. In text citations or footnotes
b. Consistent and correct formatting of a works cited list

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