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0.09 Voo Hes trea View QUESUUII/ AIISWwel ups Q1 ( ) Let 4 bea 3x3 real matrix such that A =—I, Then ® Is diagonalizable ® Is orthogonal © No such matrix exists © Is skew symmetric Ans: c Exp: Aggy A _ Lys x7 +1=0 ma(x)|x +1 =>m4(x)=27 41 ive. only possible eigen values are +] butch, (x) is of deg. 3 => Jat least one real eigen values. Which is contradiction ive. option (c) is correct. Your Response Correct Answer ®@OO® ©e@ ew Question Analysis & stats Open Technology Partner:Yoctel Soluti 4:06 “Fin! oat! £99 IRE Ov oe (Q2) a a a Let A= | 6) 6; | be anidempotent matrix with rank 2, Then the 4 a-1 a a rankofB=| bb -1 bs | is qe Gl ®, 6, ©; @., Ans: b Exp: a a A=|b by bs Cn 63 2 — 4 endp(A)=2 a-l a a, B=| b, b,-1 by C c, ¢,-1 a4 a a,| |-l1 0 0 B=|b by by\+|0 -1 0 qe 3) [0 0 -T a a a3] [1 0 0 =|b, by b|-|0 1 0 CO & 001 B=A-I Eigen values of 4 are 0,1,1 => eigenvaules of B are—I,0,0 . Q Ais diagonalizable. => B's diagonalizable. => Similar to a diagonal matrix and having eigen values 0,0,—1 p(B)=1 Your Response Correct Answer ®@2GHO®@ @@o0@ View Question Analysis & stats Open Oreo (Q.3) entry zero. Then Let A #0 be an upper triangular matrix with all diagonal ris necessarily diagonalizable ® pcannot be diagonalizable ais diagonalizable if and only if all the non diagonal entries are positive. ® pis invertible Ans: b Exp: _4#O, upper triangular matrix with diagonal entry zero => Ais Nilpotent => Acan not be diagonalizable Your Response Correct Answer @6HoO@ ®2@0@ View Question Analysis & stats Open ions (P) Ltd ao ine On OG) Medium (Q.4) 41-1 Let A=|2 5 -2] choose incorrect 11 2 ® 3 and 5 are eigenvalues of A ® Ais diagonalizable © Ais not diagonalizable @ U =(1,-1,0) and =(1,0,1) are LI. eigen vectors corresponding to eigen value 3. Ans: ¢ Exp: & i = NAB Eigen values of 4 are 2, =3 with G.M =2 and 4.M =2 and, =§ with AM =1,GM =1 Hence J is diagonalizable. also [A—M]X =0 *L => xX) +X) =X; whereX =| XQ %3 Hence U =(1,-1,0) V= (1,0,1) are L.I. eigen vector. Your Response Correct Answer @HoO®@ ®@®O® View Question Analysis & stats Open Technology Partner:Yoctel Solutions (P) Ltd 4:07 Oreo Q5 ( ) Let 4 be the diagonalizable matrix of linear operator 7 ona m— dimension vector space V and A, A,,....4,,4 Sm are distinct eigen values of 4 andB=(A-AJ),1 Ais similar to diagonal matrix. Ais diagonalizable matrix and Ad is also diagonalizable. > (4-A,) is also diagonalizable. => Bis diagonalizable . => Bis similar to diagonal matrix. = p(B) =p(s?) Your Response Correct Answer @®2@®O@ ®2®O® View Question Analysis & stats Open Technology Partner:Yoctel Solutions (P) Ltd 4:07 (Q.6) Given A= . Then. coco coon onoo Nooo ® Ahas two isomorphic eigen spaces of dimension two ® Ahas two eigen spaces of dimension one each © R! has one Tinvariant subspace of dimension one, where T is the operator whose matrix is A @ the geometric multiplicity of the eigen values 2 =2 is 2 Ans: d Exp: Jordan Block of order 2 wth=1 Jordan Block of order 1 wrth=2 dim(£ 4 j=l dim(#;,, )=2 GM of A=2 is2 Your Response Correct Answer @®O@ OROROK View Question Analysis & stats Open Technology Partner:Yoctel Solutions (P) Ltd 4:07 © Sin! aut! B22 M88 Ono 7 (a7) Let M be a 3x3 non-zero, skew-symmetric real matrix. If / is the 3x3 identity matrix, then ® Mis invertible ® The matrix J + M_ is invertible © There exists a non-zero real number @ such that @J + M is not invertible @ All the eigenvalues of M are real Ans: b Exp: M= [a, |... real skew-symmetric matrix. Every skew symmetric matrix of odd order has determinant = 0. «Mis not invertible. Also, eigenvalues of skew symmetric matrix are either 0 or purely imaginary = Eigenvalues of J + M_ is always non-zero. => 14M < isinvertible. Also, eigenvalues of @/ +M_ fornon-zero @ (real) are always non-zero. => al+M_ isalways invertible. Your Response Correct Answer 260®O® @@O60 View Question Analysis & stats Open ‘octel Solutions (P) Ltd 1 8 MR Ovrnoe Let A and B be 2x2 matrices. Then which of the following is ® det (A +B)+det(A -B)=det A +detB ® det(4+B)+det(A —B)=2det A —2detB © det (4 +B)+det(A -B)=2detA +2detB det (A +B)-det(A -B) =2det A -2detB [26 Nov. 2020 (3 Marks)] Ans: ¢ Exp: (a) Consider 4 and B as 2x2 identity matrix, then det(A +B) =det(2/)=4 det(4 -B)=0 det (A) =det(B)=1 Andwe see det(4 +B)+det(A —B)=4_ whichis not equal to det (A)+det(B) oF 2det(A)—2 det (B) So option (a), and (b) are false. Also det (A +B)—det(A —B) =4__, whichis not equal to 2det(A)—2det(B) So option (d) is also false. ab ef rout a-[2 8D ace fe £ ate b+f a-e b-f then A+B = and A-B= ctg dth e-g d-h Then det(4 +B) =-be +ad —cf —bg — fg +ah +de the det(A —B) =-be tad +c¢f +bg —- fg -ah —de the det(4+B)+det(A -B) =-2be +2ad -2 fg +2he =2det(4)+2det(B) Hence option (c) is true. Your Response Correct Answer ®@®OO®@ OROK XO) View Question Analysis & stats Open Ox» OG) (0.9) Determine the values of a,b andc so that (1,0, —1) and 211 (0,1, -1) are eigenvectors of the matrix,Ja 3 2 3 be @ a=1,b=2,¢=3 ® a=2,6=3,c=4 © a=3,b=4,.¢=5 @ a=4,6=5,c=6 Ans : b Exp: 21171 1 a 3 2]} 0}=A} 0 3 b c]f-l -1 1 0 | is an eigenvector. -l 1 A = |a-2]=| 0 3=c =A => A=la=2,c =4 2 1 1/, 0 0 Again,Ja@ 3 2 1j=Aa) 1 3 b cll-l -l 0 0 > 1 |=] a b-c| |-1 > A=1,b=3 Your Response Correct Answer ®®O®@ @@oO@® « 3:27 “Vin! atl RS ME i View Question / Answer Open Medium 10 (9.10) Let 4 bean xn matrix such that the set of all its non-zero eigenvalues has exactly r elements. Which of the following statements is true? @® Rank 4 r 000 So option (a) is false ol Consider A -[ 0] sthen p(A)=n -1=1 andr =0 So option (b) is false 1 0 [1 0 (d) Consider A = vthen A? = and we see that A has 2 Oo -l ool distinct eigenvalues but 4? has 1 distinct eigenvalue. So option (d) is false. Your Response Correct Answer @HoO@ ®@®O® View Question Analysis & stats Open 0.00 yoo 1 aoe ee (Q.11) 5 ) vae(} | then 42° equals ) @ far 40 40-39 ® 41 40 ) 40 39 © rar +0 40-39 @ ar 40 40 39 ICSIR-NET 26 Nov. 2020 (3 Marks)] Ans: b Exp: al? 8]? 8] [7 6 “(8 -7\[8 -7] [16 -15 ge aft? ~lelfi7 -16)_[33, -32 “16 -15][16 -15] [32 -31 A” 2 At Als _[9 -8][33 32 “(8 -7][32 31 _f41 40 [40 39 Poceeding in the same way, gn [tt 40 40 39 Alternatively: Lt 21 J.C. form of A ws lt i] and A = PJP ,and e-[; ‘| and A spy*p? [2 1]ft 20]fo 1/2 | _f4l 40 “[40 -39 Your Response Correct Answer @e@o0@ @e@0®o View Question Analysis & stats Open 3:28 Oreo Medium (Q.12) then Ifthe determinant of an a xm matrix Ais zero, @ Rank (A) p(A)s<(n-1) Thus option (a) is wrong. Tl (b) Take A= 1 such that |4|=0 but7r(4)=140 . Thus option (b) is wrong. (c) because |A|=0 0 must be an eigenvalue of A Thus ooption (c) is true. (d) because p(A) Ois aneigenvalue of P Pv =v fornon-zero vector v => (P-l)jv=0 => 1isan eigenvalue of P 1 2/5 2 1 Also P| O}=| 0 =F 0 -1 2/5 -l is also an eigenvalue of p u wy Cn, (e)=x(e-1)(x-2)}-0 => x? =E (1 2x) =x = 20 2x) Your Response Correct Answer @®O®@ 2@0@ View Question Analysis & stats Open 3:28 (Q.15) Oreo Medium Let Q, A, B be matrices of order # xn_ with real entries such that Q is | orthogonal and A is invertible. Then the eigenvalues of @"4~'BQ_ are always the same as those of ® 4B ® Q’A"B © pag @® Bat Ans: d Exp: because AB and BA have same eigenvalues. => AB and BA have same eigenvalues and Q'A"BQ~ A'B . Your Response Correct Answer @O®O®@ @®O®e View Question Analysis & stats Open chnology Partner:Yoctel Solutions (P) Ltd} 3:29 “fin! atl i33 te Orv O@) Tough (0.16) Let P and Q are idempotent matrix of the same order. If I —(P+ Q) is non singular then © A(P)= p(0)= (1 -(P+0)) © 9(P)- o(0)-r(P+2) © 5(P)=0(2)=0(?0) © 4(P)+0(0) Ans: c EXP! as [-(P+Q) is invertible = p(P)=p(PU-P-9)) =o(P-P* - PQ)= p(-PQ)= (PQ) =p(PQ) Similarly P(P)= p(Q)= (PQ) Your Response Correct Answer e@HoO@ ®@®eO® View Question Analysis & stats Open Technology Partner:Yoctel Solutions (P) Ltd 3:29 fin! atl do M8 Oro (Q.17) Let T, 21 *? >]? such that T,(B)=AB . Where Aisa fixed 3x3 matrix with |A| = 32 and the minimal polynomial of A, m,(x)=(x-4)(x—2) then choose the incorrect ® A= 4 is an eigen value of 7, with algebraic multiplicity 6 ® |r,|=2" © rr.) =30 © T, is not diagonalizable Ans: d Exp: we know forsuch transformation ym, (x) = my (x) =(x~-4)(x-2) On Ais 3x3>C,(x)=(x-4)Y (x-2) Or (x-4)(x-2)° But as |4|=32 => C,(x)=(x-4)"(x-2) on |d)= a, = 44.2 moreover G2) =(Cy(x))' =(2-4) (x2) A=4 is aneigen value with 4M =6 |1,|=44..°2 =2" =|4p =[2°? =2" Tr(T,)=44+44+4444+44+44+24+24+2=30 = sum of eigen values Your Response Correct Answer @OO®@ ®2®e©e®@ View Question Analysis & stats Open Technology Partner:Yoctel Solutions (P) Ltd one (9.18) Let 4 @j 55 such that 4? = 4 then )| @ (I-A) =1-2A4 © Rank (I — A) # Rank A © A is a diagonal matrix with entries 0 or 1. @ A can never be diagonalizable Ans: b Exp: for (a) (1-4) =1-A For (b) Rank (I — A)# RankA > n(A) #rank A Which is true as 9(A)+rank A =5 For (c) takes a For (d) idempotent operators are always diagonalizable. Your Response Correct Answer ®2®O@ 2@0® View Question Analysis & stats Open hnology Partner:Yoctel Solutions (P) Ltd 3:29 “itl eal 02 RE One 1 for) Given to m xA matrices A and B with entries in £ , consider the following statements: P: IfAand B have the same minimal polynomial, then A Is similar to B. Q: If Ahasn distinct eigenvalues, then there exists yg ¢ £* such that Wy Adlyoesy AY "Hare linearly independent, \Which of the above statements hold TRUE? © canpensa ® cave © oaya © wemerP nora [2017 : 2 Marks} Exp: For statement P: Consider the matrix = 00 200 2 0| ana@=|0 3 0 02 003 then both have ( ~2)( —3) ‘minimal polomia but they ae not similar, For statement Q:Let Let 4,4y.4, be the distinct eigenvalues and u,t,,8, be thelr respective eigenvectors. let uy tu, tu, Then Au =A(u, +H; +45) u, +du, +Auy My + Atty + Att fury + Au, + Alay Now let gyda €F such thet agu +a,du +a,7w =0 then a, (uj +m, +) +a, (Au,+Au, +n) +a, (Au, + Au, + Au, )=0 (ay + Aa, + Hay) + (dy + Aa, + Aa, Jay +a, +40, +2%a,), Now 1,4¢),t#, being eigen vectors of distinct eigenvalues are linesrly Independent. So a,+4a,+Ha, a, + Aa, + Ha, = TAR = laa 148 ha a aun a a] =(4-a)(4- A) -A) 0 ha a Ms Ath hth heh (because eigenvalues are astint) 50 a, 4, =0 isthe only solution. Hence u, Au, A*u is tinearly independent We have prove this m =3 ,by symmetry of the proof for m =3 , we can see that itis true for any natural number Thus w is the required vector Your Response Correct Answer @68e@ @0®e® 3:90 ‘Sil all Li RE oxom@ fo) Lot M be 2 3:3 real symmetric matt with eigenvalues 0.2 and a with the respective eigonvctorsa =(4,b,2)" -¥ = (-1,2,0)" and Lb Consider tne following statements: | atb-e=10 30 satlofies Mx =v +1 1 resecora a4 22 ik Forany d espam fusy.w) Mx =d_ hse. solution I. Thetrace ofthe metix af? +2Mr 68. (97 denotes the transpose ofthe vector) Wich ofthe above statements are TRUE? @ nentonty © sananony © anivony ® inanatv ony [2019: 2 Marks] ns: Exp: For statement Given Af isa 3 x3 real symmetric matrix and eigenvectors comesponding to Gistinet eigenvalues of real symmetric are orthogonal Thus yey! =0 = 4426 end 3 4tbte=0 > cmb ha? Also yw! = 14240 S0¥ and w corresponds to same eigenvalues = 4-2 Thus a =2,b =2,6=-6 ond a tbe =242-C-6 So statement lis true. For statement it vw =(-1,2,0) #41) =(0,3,1)' (4) oot M(ES) Law ote) Kw sw) 1 lv 420) So statement iis tue For statement it AS W,¥ end w_arolineasy independent, spam {u,v,w} is complete ; ¥,but 1M notinvertbie so Mr =d_willnot be consistent for come which is notin Range (M) So statement ile faloe For statement V; igervalues of Mare 2,2, so cigerwalues of M? 42M are 07 +2(0)=0 2 +202) 2 42(2)=! ond hence trace of M? 42M is 048+ So statamant Vi false ‘Your Response correct Answer ®OO®@ 2e@0@ View Question Analysis & stats open 7 3 64 vt A=|-6 21 -7 5 3 0 Then @® Minimal polynomial does not split into linear factors in £ ® There exist an eigen value of 4 which is even. © A is diagonalizable over £ @ A is invertible Ans: b,c,d Exp: |4—xt|=0 => (x-8)(x—a)(x-f) =0 Where @ =-J130+10 B= -V130-10 Your Response Correct Answer 2e0e0e@ ®2e0e0e View Question Analysis & stats Open echnology Partner:Yoctel Solutions (P) Ltd one NwoHe worn or Nw Then ® Ahas four distinct eigen values. © If 1. is eigen value of 4 then } (Conjugate of 2, )is also eigen value of 4 © Ais diagonalizable over £ © A is not diagonalizable over ; Ans: a,b,c,d Exp: Given matrix is circulant matrix So, A=O0.1+1.P+2.P°+3.P° Where P= ar coon oor oe o-c fo o =(1,4,3,2) So, 1,-1,i & -i are eigen value of 4 => 6,-2,-2i-2,-2+ 2i Your Response Correct Answer eee ee0eo View Question Analysis & stats Open ‘octel Solutions (P) Ltd hnology Pa 3:30 (Q.23) Abean nxn matrix defined over 0 Such that 4? =]; Pisa prime number such that p>n+1 Then ® Ais diagonalizable matrix. © Minimal polynomial of 4 is irreducible over & © Minimal polynomial of 4 splits into linear factors. ® such matixis always identity matrix. Ans: a,b,¢,d Exp: P(x) =xP-1 m(x)| p(x) = m(x)|(x- I(x" +x? ?L x+l) =>m(x)=x-1 as x? 44? ?L x41 isireducible. > m(A) =A-I =>A=!I Your Response Correct Answer @®O@ eo00 View Question Analysis & stats Open 3:30 (Q.24) 1100 2011 Consider the 4x4 matrix T= -Then which of the 1001 3 111 following is correct? © There is a non-zero vector which is not in the image of T ® There is a non-zero vector which is in the kernel of 7 © There is a non-zero vector which is not in the kernel of 7 @ None of these Ans: a,b,c Exp: 100 011 001 111 ww p(T)=3 &n(T\=1 .". There is a non-zero vector which is not in the image of T. ., There is a non-zero vector which is in the kernel of There is a non-zero vector which is not in the kernel of T . Your Response Correct Answer View Question Analysis & stats Open chnology Partner:Yoctel Solutions (P) Ltd} 3:31 fin! aut! B22 M8 Oro Medium (Q.25) Let 4 bea 3x3 matrix with eigenvalues 1,—1 and 3 then @® A +A is singular ® A —A is singular © A’ +3A is singular ® A’ -34 is singular Ans: a,b,d Exp: 43,3 and eigenvalues are 1,—1,3 3x3 7” => Ais non-singular. Eigen values of 4? and 1,1,9 Eigen values of 4? 4 4 =2,0,12 Eigen values of 4? — 4 =(,-2,-6 Eigen values of 4? +34=4,-2,18 Eigen values of 4? -34=-2,4,0 i.e. option (a), (b), (d) are correct Your Response Correct Answer ee0e@ e©e00 View Question Analysis & stats Open octel Solutions (P) Ltd 31 3p) ap) 11,0 vou a ’ q 3:31 Hin! aut! dao MRE Oo» OG) Tough (0.26) Abe 4x4 matrix given by 4= then - o-oo o-oo roto o-oo choose incorrect ® A is diagonalizable ® A =2 eigen value with A.M =2 © A =-—2 eigen value with A.M = 2 ® A =0 eigen value with A.M =1 Ans: b,c,d Exp: oro 0 1 A= 0 1 om o- -creo Since each row sum is 2. => 2 is an eigen value of 4 withA.M. 1. 2 =—2,0 are not eigen values of 4 Since 4 is symmetric => diagonalizable. i.e. option (b), (c), (d) are correct. Your Response Correct Answer @®OO®@ ®2@e00e View Question Analysis & stats Open 2) aid YR Owe (Q.27) vy" Lety ej withy’y #0 Let P=/-2~0_, where/is the vy k xk identity matrix. Then which of the following statements is (are) TRUE? ® P'=1-P ® -1 and 1 are eigenvalues of P © pap © (1+P)v =v Ans: b,c Exp: . , - w ve; ‘with y’y #0 andP=s-2"7, viv x let vej' andv= = els] x? oxy > wre | and y'y =x? +y? xy y r Hence, P = —2¥e— vy yr=x? 9 -2xy Yay? x+y? 2_ 2 -2xy x? -y yay? x? ay? Tr(P)=0 , |P|=-1 Ch, (x)=2-1=0 > A=dl Also plap Because -1 is an eigen value (P+1)v =0 = (1+P)vev Thus option (b) and (c) are true. Your Response Correct Answer ®OO®@ 2008 Ox» OG) Tough Q.28 ( ) Let P be a 2x2 real matrix such that every non-zero vector in ; ? is an eigenvector of P. Suppose that 4, and A, denote the eigenvalues of P and 2 A? V3 2 = (/ forsomet ej . Which of the following statements is (are) TRUE? @ jer AA, =2 2 isan eigenvalue of P © 2 @ V3 is an eigenvalue of P Ans: b,c Exp: P be a 2x2 real matrix and every non-zero vector is an eigenvector of P. => Ithas two. eigen vectors which makes eigen space — i 2. => Phas unique eigenvalue, i.e., if 4, and 4, are eigenvalues then A, = A, . oo HE 2 v2} 4 > > is an eigenvalues of P. = AdAzv2V2=2 | Your Response Correct Answer ®@OO®@ eo® View Question Analysis & stats Open Technology Partner:Yoctel Solutions (P) Ltd 3:33 “Sil atl B99 MRE O»o® 29 (9.29) Let P be ann xn non-null real skew-symmetric matrix, where n is even. Which of the following statements is (are) always TRUE? ® Px =0 has infinitely many solutions, where Q ej ” ® px = ax has aunique solution for every nonzero Aci © fQ=(1,+P)(1,-P)' .then 970 =1, ® The sum of all the eigenvalues of P is zero Ans : b,c,d Exp: Pbeanm xn non-zero real skew-symmetric matrix, nis even. (a) Q niseven. .._ Itis not necessary that ‘0’ is an eigenvalue of P. = [P| may be non-zero. => PX =0 may have unique solution (b) PX =AX must have unique solution as for every 0 # Aj |P-all#0 © o7a=[(, +P)(1, -P)T [(, +P) PY" | =[0, Py], Py PE, Py" os [(asy - Bra?) =[0, =P]. PG, PV, =P)" " [(4+3y =A? +57 and P* =P] =(1, +P)! (ly +P)(In —PYIn =P)! +: (1, +P) and (7, —P) commute= 1, (d) Yes, sum of all eigenvalues = Tr (P) =0 [because diagonal elements of skew-symmetric matrix are zero] Your Response Correct Answer ®@®O®O®@ e008 Jiew Question Analysis & stats Open 3:33 “Sin! wat! 229 Yee Ox» O@) (Q.30) 2 0 0 0 0 -2 0 2 0 0 2 0 Let A= oo 2 2 0° then 0 0 2 2 0 0 020 0 2 0 20 00 0 2 ® p(4)=3 ® Ais diagonalizable © C4(x)¢m,(:) @ det A=2° Ans: a,b,c Exp: observe that 4=-2P+42/ A=(-2)(P-1) where P is a permutation matrix. govern by o= (16)(25)(34) So, eigen value of P an 1,—1,1,—1,1 and —] Clearly eigenvalues of (P- 1) are 0,—2,0,—2,0,—2 => eigenvalues of A= (-2)(P =1) are 0,4,0,4,0,4 . So, clearly det 4=0 Moreover J is diagonalizable as 4 is symmetric. Clearly C,(x)=33(x— ay ma(x)=x(x~4) So,Cy (x) 4m, (x) As Ais diagonalizable pla) = number of non~ zero eigen values of 4 =3 Your Response Correct Answer e000 @000 View Question Analysis & stats Open one (Q.31) Let 4, Be; “4 such that 4 and B are diagonalizable then which of the following is always true. @® A+B is diagonalizable ® AB is diagonalizable © A+] is diagonalizable @ B-—1 is diagonalizable Ans: c,d Exp: Take A= tl B= oo 00 O01 11 Then A+ B= 01 1 110 0 ol AB= = 0 ojjo 1 00 Clearly (A+B) and AB are not diagonalizable. For (c) and (d) Aisa diagonalizable > P'AP=D, ,forsome P Clearly P'(A+/)P =(Pl4P)+(PUP)=D, +1 =D, So, A+J is diagonalizable. Similarly (B - 1) is diagonalizable. Your Response Correct Answer @®O®@ ®@®ee@ View Question Analysis & stats Open 3:34 “Sind aut! B22 MS Oro (Q.32) Let 4e; ™7 . Define S={Ae; |det(A-Ar) =det(AI—A)} then © |s|=7 Ans: b,c ©" observer that det(4—AF)=(-I)' det(ar- A) (0) Consider det (A~ AI) = det(Al ~ A) => (-I)det(ar— A) =det(AF— A) (ov 0) => det(ar—A)=0 =} Lis an eigen value of 4 So, § contains all possible real eigen values of 4 Clearly option (b) and (c) are correct. Option (a) is not correct as take Your Response Correct Answer ®®O@ 2008 View Question Analysis & stats Open 3:34 “Sind aut! 222 MS O»noz (Q.33) Let 4, Be; * then ® Cup (x) =Cya(*) © Tr( AB) =Tr(BA) mag (x)= mpy (x) © det( 4B) = det( BA) Ans: a,b,d Exp: we know that let Ae ™mand Be, ™™ Then x"C yy (x)=x"C,, (x) So, if m=M clearly Cyy (%) = Cy, (%) But ra (¥) =a (2) Is not true in general ol 0 Take A=||0 0 0 9s. 00 0 B= [° 9 Os Your Response Correct Answer @2@®O@ e000 View Question Analysis & stats Open Technology Partner:Yoctel Soluti 3:34 (9.34) AB Let A and B be #xM realmatrices andletC =|) | . Which of the following statements are true? @ « 2 isan eigenvalue of 4 +B then 4 is an eigenvalue of C ® x 2 isan eigenvalue of 4 —B then 4 isan eigenvalue of C © « A is aneigenvalue of 4 or B then J is aneigenvalue of C © All eigenvalues of C are real [CSIR-NET 26 Nov. 2020 (4.75 Marks)] Ans: a,b Exp: If A and B are square matrices of same order then aci| i deel +B)det (A —B) A-Al B Now consider C — Al -| | . B A-AI then characteristic polynomial of C is det(C—Al)=det(A -A1+B) det(A—Ar-B) =det(A +B —Al)det(A —B — AI) Thus if J is eigenvalue of 4 +B or 4 —B ,then det(A+B-AI)=0 of det(A—B -A41) =0 => A iseigenvalue of C Thus option (a), (b) are true. ol Now consider A =[0], B =[1] then C = 1 and eigenvalues of Care not 0 real. So option (d) is incorrect. Also here 0 is eigenvalues of 4 and 1 is eigenvalues of B But eigen values of C are notO and1 So option (c) is incorrect. Your Response Correct Answer @®O®@ @e@0o « 3:35 tind aut! ial? ee 35 (035) Let 4 bean # xm matrix. We say that 4 is diagonalizable if there ) exists a nonsingular matrix pP such that p4p~! is a diagonal matrix. Which of the following conditions imply that 4 is diagonalizable? ® There exists integer & such that Ae Minimal polynomial of 4 consists of distinct linear factors. Hence 4 is diagonalizable. (a) Let X,; 1

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