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Media and Information

Literate Individual
What is an information
literate individual?

•Evaluate information and its sources

critically.Incorporate selected
information into one's knowledge base.
What is an information
literate individual?
•Understand the economic, legal, and
social issues surrounding the use of
information, and access and use
information ethically and legally.
How to be a media literate
individual? and why is it
-The purpose of being an information and
Media Literate is to angage in a digital
society where one needs to be able to
use, understand, inquire, create,
communicate and think critically, It is
important to have the capacity to
effectively access, organize, evaluate, and
create messages in a variety of forms.
How to be Media and
Information Literate Individual?
Bare in Mind to THINK
Before You Click!

T= Is it True?
H= Is it Helpful?
I= Is it Inspiring?
N= Is it Necessary?
K= Is it Kind
*DON'T share too much information
*DON'T forget to cite your
(legitimate) sources.
*DON'T share unverified information.
*DON'T tolerate cyberbullies.
*DON'T use your social media
accounts to spread hate.
*Learn to think critically
*Become a smart cansumer
of products and information
*Recognize point of view
*Create media responsibly
*Identify the role of madia
in our culture
*Understand the author's

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