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GATE : MATHEMATICS - Provious Year Solved py seneietl MILL SLs lL enone 8.1 Introduction and Preliminaries The equation (a xy? + yoos x)dx + (xy? + sin x) dy =0 is exact for (@) 6) ) @ ee [2009 : 1 Mark] Multiple Choice Questions BC Let ybe the solution of vtyelceR y(-1)=0. Then y(1) is equal to 222 b) {c) @ [2016 : 2 Marks) 4. Let y be the curve which passes through (0.1) and intersects each curve of the family =y+x,x>0;y(0)=0, has y=ex*orthogonally. Then y also passes through the poin (a) Infinitely many solutions mnins point (&) Exactly two solutions (@) (2,0) (co) Aunique solution ences % (0,v3) [2011 : 1 Marty © (41) @ (-4,1) © DIPS HOUSE, 28, Je Sarl Haus Ki info@ kturanice ek TELM rm ear tle ae, Near I1.T., New Delhi-110016 0m" & 28.00-22-1986 | | J" xy? is an integrating factor of (oy? + xy) dx + (Oxy + bx*)dyeo where a,beR, then (a) 3a-Sb=0 ) 2a-b=0 () 3a+5b=0 @ 2a+b=0 [2017:1 Mark) # The general solution of the differential equation xy’ = y+ fx? +4? for x>0 is given by (with an arbitrary positive constant k) @ kyaxe ferry? ® iC @ kaye Seay [2018 : 1 Mark] ‘The initial value problem Y=¥S, y(0)=b has 8) A unique solution if b= 0 © No solution if b=1 Infinitely many solutions if b= 2 (a) A unique solutions if b=1 [2020 : 1 Mark] vai, Hauz KI © Dis HOUSE, 28 Jia $2 poe Se, Wear Uh hendiatalad OTC aTT : fa) Compari a ing the given equation with idx + Nay =0 we get, Her “Ts M(x,y) = axy? +ycosx N (xy) =22y? + Bsinx The equation is exact itt 2M _ aN. ey ox S Sexy? +cosx = 2xy" + Bcosx = 8a=2 and g-1 and 6 =1 Hence, option (a) is correct, (a) The given initial value problem Y yaad x Ways, x>0;y(0)<0 guy ax x which is a linear differential equation in y. So integrating factor is ‘hen the solution is aoe ybafbcaceere yextrox since y(0)=0 0=0+¢0 = Infinitely many values of ¢, can be choosen. = Infinitely many solution. So option (a) is correct. 386 jew Delhi-110016 wy 8-0 "aa a = ‘ 3. (a) 2 . 7 i > # Bap: The given diferential equation is z vous To find orthogonal trajectory we replace y' by” vou 2 a y yityex = => yex-l+ece* : For x ya-xtl+ce* Clearly x? +2y? =2, passes through (J3,0)- Since y(-=0 >2+0,e=0 36 6 (a) ee ae Exp: If x°y? is an integrating factor, then = YOAV ce -2er x20 e 2'y? (6y? + axy)dx+ xy? (6xy +bx?)dy=0 | Also, y should be continuous, ie., in exact. lim y(x) = lim yx) = 2(x*y? (6y? + axy)) i ns ov 2 = -trq 21-2 36 =2-2 . 2 (6x + bx?) [ox-p+(2-2)e* x20 = 2axty 4 Saxty? = 24x%y? + Sbr'v = uae one 6 = 3a-sb=0 ee *< Hence, option (a) is correct. 6 © 2) -(2-2)e > y@ (2 2) Hence, option (a) is correct. | 4 : exp: Given curve is y= ex Let yews | ae = Wey ae ee sre HOUSE, 28, Jia Sara, Hauz Khas, Near L1.7,, New Dalhi-110016 —— pips HO F intcotinurantcom’ tel wuwdiecee ne eT! BS e8-00-22-1504 ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION - 81 Introduction and Preliminaries vo ronan DEFEREN TA et OE a 2 ees 28 ya See vt eae Pee ited > ys lg aa tet ee Hence (c) is correct answer. o Viv x 7 @ og(v + Vu? +1) = log x +10gk Exp: Note that y'=y" ; (0,1) and y(0)=0 always have infinite solution pER DES & and unique solution for y(0) = b>0 So option (4) is true. 7 ooe © DIPS HOUSE, 28, Jia Sarai, Hauz Khas, Near I.1.T., New Delhi-110016 88-00-22-1986 @’ @ GATE: MATHEMATICS ~ Previous Yea, Sot * Solved Pa, 8.2 | General Theory of Linear Differential Equation of Higher Order | = Multiple Choice Questions Be WM Eaerr-4) The maximum number of linearly independent solutions of the differential 1 . (Fleer? -2) equation £Y¥_9, with the condition 1 @ Ee? +2) y(0)=1, is 5 ) (a) 4 [2010 : 2 Maris] o) 3 a () 2 wt ‘Assume that all the zeros of the polyno Oe a,x! +a, .2! +rayxtdy have eget [2010 : 1 Mark] we | real parts. If u(t) is any solution °° A Let y(x) be the solution of the initial value ordinary differential equation problem ~~ en atu, a Be oyu yy" +4y'~4y=0 0, = Git nas Goer tt Ge =y'(0)=2 yo=v'O then limu(t) is equal to (9) =0 yO) f@ 0 (z 1 Then the value of ¥\ > x) is © (©) n-t ] @ « i 2013: (@) 2 ae” -9) ____— 3 “Sarai, Hauz Khas, Near |..T., New Delhi-110016 38-00-22-198" @B ef AR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION - 82 Gene, pe ORDINARY OURS NAC SRUATION "82 Gonerat Theory of Linear iterena Equations her Order PEE for Linked Answer Questions 4 and 5; pen - Let u be a solution of the differential equation ¢ the Wrénski ; y,)be the ian of two linearly y'+xy=0 andlet ¢=uy be a solution of the ye (br pendent solutions %, and Yy of the equation E differential equation y" +2xy' + (x? +2)y=0 pepe + O=)¥=0- y satisfying g(0)=1 and ¢'(0)=0. Then 4(x) is duct W(y,, Y2) P(x’ Is Me Produc (Yi Ye) P(x) equal: t@) (cos? x) } @ yu ms | 7 ©) (cosxje*? | Mu Ya (yyy ( (l+x)er" @ yy -yiae @ (cosx)e* [2013 : 2 Marks} [2020 : 2 Marks} | Nar: | Numerical Answer Type we u=e* and y, =xe*, then the value of (0) is \8 The minimum possible order of a homogeneous linear ordinary differential a. equation with real constant coefficients | o pe havi ? sit a uti jual te @ 2 ving x’ sin(x) as a solution is equal to @ 2 ——— . [2013 : 2 Marks} [2018 : 1 Mark] 0 let (x) =22 and y,(x)=2"|a| for xeR. we y, (x) =e™ is a solution of the differential Consider the following statements: equation xy"+ay'+#x*y=0 for some real u(x) and y,(x) are linearly numbers @ and f, then af = : independent solution of [2018 : 2 Marks] 2 F4-4x Gt 6y=0 on R Pr wr te ae The Wronskian 1 (a) 2. (¢) 3. (a) (a) Be (x) =p (0) HEH) =0 4) 5) 6. (a) . 7 0) 8. (6) 9. (40 4) forall xeR- Whi TRUE? cece above statements holds TTT Tl es oth Pand Q % ontyp ony oe : , @ Naver nero Exp: The given differential equation is ither P nor : ks] i | [2017 +2 Man LY 9 = m' =0 >m=0,0,0,0 © ops House, 21 ja Sarai, Hauz KN Es" => UX) =(c +e,x 46x? +0,x°) Since y(0)=1 se, =1 yO) ale extegx? teyx? > independent solutions. Hence, option (a) is correct answer. 2. (e) Exp: y'"— y+ 4y'—4y =0 Auxilary equation is m? —m? +4m-4=0 => m?(m-1)+4(m-1)=0 => (m-1)(m* +4)=0 = m=1,+2i = ylx)=c,e" +0, cos (2x) +6, sin (2x) => y'(x)=c,e* — 2c, sin (2x) + 2c, cos (2x) = y"(x) =ce* ~4e, cos (2x) — 4c, sin (2x) y"(0)=0=¢,—4c, =0 (Q) y'(0)=2= 6, +2¢. (2) y(O)=2=6, +e, =2 (3) From (1) - (3) gives “Se, =-2 > Gq = 22346 8x42 +4sin(ex = ylx)= Bet + Zeos (a0) +5 sin(2x) <2 2 Bern 2 Hence, option (c) is correct. 3. (a) . seen dat at eae ees et dus ta,x-+a, then one part of u(t) is ce (008 At + esi At) and when limu(t)=0> 4 ‘Sarai, Hauz Khas, @ DIPS HOUSE. 28. @ There are maximum four linearly FLAT, —_ GATE: MATHEMATICS - Previous Year Solve Paper Se e* (¢, cos ft +c, sin ft)-+0 as a and ¢, cos ft +¢, sin ft is bounded This is true for each part of u(t), So limu(t)=0. Cy) For y"+ p(x)y'+O(x)y=0 We know that p(e) = (us) W (uve => WY ¥2) PO) =-W"(4r¥e) =~ [yus -vaui) [yis + ma yiul yall =[yaui'- wy] Hence, option (a) is correct. ) 2 W (ysis) =| 2 oar 2e* xe + 2xe™| et + 2xe" —2xe"* W' (uj Y2)=4e"* By Abel's formula p(3) = = p(=-48 P(0)=-4 Hence, option (b) is correct. fa) For statements P: 3x? *|-3x7 x20 x<0 yy lx jow Deihi-110016 yf (x) — 423 (20) + By, (x) x20_[12x, x39 x<0 |-12x7, x “¥') =e? [-sinx+¢, cos x] +e"? (-x)[cosx +, sin x] Using ¢'(0)=0, we get o So ¢=e"? cosx Hence, option (b) is true (6) If x? sin(x) is the solution, then keeping in mind that order should be minimum solution will be of the form (x)= {(o, +e.% + e,x*)sinx (cy + eq +642) cos x} Since, the number of arbitrary constants are 6, so minimum order is 6. ee ee Near Li.T., New Delhi-110016 (@ 68-00-22-1386 © viPs HOUSE, 26, Jia Sarat, Hauz Khas, @ infow kiturani-c IB -2xe* + 4x%e* -2axe™ +22 pe* 20 9. (404) = Exp: If y,(x)=¢ isa solution of the differential fe) . => (B+4)x?-2(1+a)x=0 ‘equation then it satisfies the equation xy" +ay'+ pty =0 => (f+4)=0 and -2(1+a)=0 = = = Saral, Haz Khas, Near |.|.7., New Delhi-110016 @ 88-00-22-1386 @ info’ BB © DIPS HOUSE, 28, anany DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION - 8.3 Sol oF ee i ee eet y 8.3 n of Linear Differential Equi sgtion of Linear Differential Equation with Constant and Variable Coefficients [2009 : 2 Marks] Common Data for Questions 3 and 4: 1 pe then the value of —2—(x"!) is Let (x) =1+x and y, (x) =e" be two solutions of a (D+) U(x) + PL) (x) + OC) (x) = 0 (@) logx 0 legx er PO= x (ex ( loex o) -1-x * © Be lex (a) [2009 : 1 Mark] [2009 : 2 Marks} Kr U(x)=2 is a solution of the differential \$~ The set of initial conditions for which the quation. u'-(3+4}ow-v)-0. O then w must be ae Fee AY. sy =e" sins, y(0)=0 @ vf x and 24 =3,is b) xf a 24(0)=3, " ©) 1/2 | (a) y(t)=e"(sint + sin2t) ' @ [2012 : 1 Mark] ©) y(t)=e* (sint +sin2t) ' HT (9 y(t)=3e' sint Let f(x) and xf(x) be the particular de ona reat ces (8 e)-aetsin ee 2 jaona : 2 art) y+ R(x) + S(x)¥=0- ' then the solution of the differential equation [Y\ga Numerical Answer Type yi’ R(x)y +S) =F (2) Js | 194 Consider the initial value problem wy y(t a\res | xy" ~6y=0, y(l)=au')=6 i : . ° y oh ye(Sreera)re) If y(x) 20 as x0", then & ise —— yl | og. vol ate (2035: a : sees eee __ ; rou SE, 28, Jia Sarai, Hauz Khas, Noar 1.7, New Delhi-110016 {26-00-22-1986 | @’ gy 4: ORI DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION - 8.3 «, yet oP) FIUD)Y=O, xe), qnere P(x) 24 a(x) are continuous unctions. If us(x)=sinx-2c09(x) ana (2) =28in(x) + e08(x) are two linearly independent solutions of the above equation, then 42(0) + 2q(1)|is equal to __ _. [2016 : 1 Marky Let y(x) be the solution of the following initial value problem 224 ax peye0, x>0, di y(2)=0, Ya) = (a) =4 Then y(4)= 12021: 1 Mark] 5. (b) 6. (a) ‘aw 8. (d) 9. (b) 1 11. (2) 12.(32 to 32) (case of failure) Hauz Khas, Sarai, Hauz Khas, @ intoe kitturar © Dips HOUSE, 28, lution of So option (b) is true, (a) We are given with one Li. solution 4 (x) =x we know by reduction of order method if 4 is one linearly independent solution of + P(x)y'+Q(x)y=0 then other linearly ae solution is given by foc 6 (x aed Ty ¥ Here ¢(x)=x and Po =-(2+1) a= a(x) =4 (0) * I (aco > a (x)= xf= za dx = xe* Hence, general solution is px+axe* = (ae*+A)x So, option (d) is correct answer. (a) : The given ordinary differential equation is xy" (x) + PC) u(x) + Q(x) y(x) = 0 with We) = W (up 4) where y, and yp are two solution of (1) —W'(x) Then P(x) =o = w= # wi Ya = W(x)=e* + xe* => W'(x)-et xe" = (x4 De 4 Exp: If the initial conditions are given at the point of discontinuity of P(x) and Q(x), then differential equation has no solution. lex Hence P(x! has discontinuity at For y(0)=2,y'(0)=1, the differential equation will have no solution. (b) ty" + xy tyax Given equation is cauchy euler, so we Exp: substitute x=e* > z= logx and use x*y"=D(D-1), where p= ae xy'=D > (D(-)+D+)y = (Wi+Dy= => y,(2)=6,cos(z)+e, sin(z) and y, (=e = ylad=y,(2)+y,(2) = 0, cos(z) +e, sin(2) +e" => yx) =e, cos (log (x) + in (log (x)) +5 ylang), exc0n(og 6), 1 4 y@=1sq+pe1se=5 1 1 y@=1>q+3=136=5 = “ylx)=F [cos (log (x) + sin(log()))] + 5 i en = yle)=Zlorl+S @’ a IATHEMATICS - Previous Year Solved py, lise?) = Option (b) is correct. 6 (d) Exp: The given differential equation is F(x)y"-4F'(x)u' + 9(x)y=0 Applying change of dependent variable we have y=uv, 8a where u is found to be u=e# where p= 22 in our case = une lie wer wens - | Hence, option (d) is true. 7 (a) Exp: The given differential equation y"+R(x)y'+S(x)y= F(x) Now using variation of parameters, YOI= FOO, y= xf _|fGO af (x) | pe) fod+ (a) = Wye) =e oe aslo) A OF = fx) y, (x)= Au+ Bo, | wae) where 4=-(2R ay and B=S iy" i rhe A We dx w = £9: f 9 ae Up (2) =x 1 [LEE ar 1.7, New Delhi-110016 @ 8-00-22-1386 ‘ yu: ORONARY OFFERENTIAL EQUATION - 83 Solution i ° ee (of LOD: Fadae OEE GS a yld=-x F004 Fx) Xf and y. (x)= (ax + 8) f (x) 2 pld-y,(h+y, (0 2 uo-(-Sraxs) 500 of Linear Linear Differential Equation with Constant This gives ignoring C u(x) = Ju(x)dx= [4+ ae 70 General solution of given differential equation is u(x) = Cu (2) + Cour ( (x Hence, option (a) is correct. -ox+o,(Zuf2244 (2x1 s Alternatively: Exp: Given differential equation is (ees ayy dy (1-7) So - 2x50 + 2y=0 li) ox ae dx = vay then let y=ux is solution of differential a e equation w(=4 0 [aye wes [2 2 Jwe=0 -i) x u'(x) becomes 2 2x v(x) +]=- v(x)=0 +[2--25 "6 ae) _ > v(x] v(x)=0 ()=[2- 7% |v¢ Whose general solution is u(xce ete = ceo tmrnt-*]] Naar ic, Now Datnis40016 1B 96-00-221988 vias Kas, Noa Ta demycom GATE: MATHEMATICS ~ Previous Year Solved Papg, Me so yrer{sin2t+sing] 10. (2) Exp: Given, initial val xty"-6y=0 ue problem is yaj=ay')=6 y using the substitution x=" we get, => ylx= ay (x)+ e422) Corresponding Auxiliary equation is pj] 42-4-6=0 fT 15 ri viv 24 = gaitthtti-3-2 4 2 2 (x) sex |Z > y¥ ete] S Hence, option (d) is correct. ‘the solution of the given differential 2 0) Exp: The given differential equation is equation is y(x)=4e" +4e™ (D2 +20 +5)y=Se"sint On putting z=logx, we get y(0)=0.y'(0)=3 u(x)=ax? tex Auxiliary equation = oyl(x)=3qx7 - 24x Using y(1)=a we get +e, ott) CF =e" [C, sin 2t + C, cos 2t] Using y'(1)=6 we get 1 6 =3¢,-2c2 2) — set sint (+2045) On solving Eqs. (1) and (2), we get co, =6-2a | et — + ___-sint =a-6,= 6 way ao-ys » ac, =a 64 2a = 8a “, ‘The solution of the given equation ® u(x) =(6-2a) x! +(8a-6)** 3 sint -2e"sint 3 +4 40 as x10", 80 = 94-6"? [¢,sin2t+C, cos 2¢ + sint] 11. (2) “(C, sin2t+sint] Exp: Here, y{ = cos(x) +2sin(x)=¥ vy y'=-e*[C, sin2t+sin¢] Ui'=—sin(x) +2cos(x)=—M se" [2C, cos 2t + cost] ‘y) = 2cos (x) - sin(x)=—4 { y'(0)-3 2G 4293 G y= -2sin(x)—cos (x) =“ 28, Jia Sarai, Hauz Khas, ‘Sarai, Hauz Khas, Near 1i.T., New Deihi-110016 (§ 88-00-22-1986 @’ BH @ pips HOUS' are y(0)=9 = G0 ro 5 7 yell ue See oRDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION - 8.3 Solution of a qhus, we have P(x) +(x) YU = (1) and -P(x)¥ +4(*)¥2 = Ye += (2) on solving equation (1) and (2), we get q(x)=1 for all x putting this values in (1) and (2) we get p(x)=0Vxasy,#Y, being linearly independent Thus, |4P(0)+2q(1)|=4x0+2x1-2 (32 to 32) : The given ODE is aay ay 4 =O) 2 FY 4x24 s6y=0, x>0 As we know given ODE is Cauchy Buler form soput x= e*, then our ODEwill be converting into fy sau om +6y=0 Linear Differential Equation with Constant .. Auxilary equation for this differential equation is m? -5m+6=0 > m=3,2 => y=ce* +e,e% ye gxt +ex? (zsinxl | y(2)=0 => 8c, +4c, =0 ef) xy’ =3x¢, + 2x0, | yiQ)=4 >12e,+4c,=4 2) Solving (1) and (2), we get ¢,=1and o So y=x?-2x? Hence, y(4) = 64-216) oe “Near 1.1.T., New Deihi-110016 —§ 68-00-22-1986 wow. | | ee 4 GATE: MATHEMATICS ~ Previous Year Soivegp he 8.4 ca Multiple Choice Questions 47 te initial vatue problem WY ncos(u), we If y(x) satisfies the initial value problem x +y)de=xdy, y(1)=2, xR, y(0)= Yo, where Y is areal constant, (+9) ae has then y(2) is equal to__. (a) unique solution joss: 1 sal (0) exactly two solutions (€)_ infinitely many solutions @ — nosolution [2022 : 1 Mark] ee © DIPS HOUSE. 28, Ss Shen Beg N ia Saral, Hauz Khas, Barat LL, New Deini-tvo018 @ 68-00.22-1088 @ iniookitorn'com’ BH wwwdipsaceasmy eon | oS te 5 pp Suppose f is a real valued continuous | oRDINARY DIFFERENTIAL Eure 84 u Pisa (a) function on the plane |x| alery ¥ ae x+k > If bexse x > y=xtsex Using y(1)=2, we have 2=l+e>c=l1 Now, y(x)=x2 +x y(2)=2?+2=6 + GATE: MATHEMATICS ~ Previous Year Solved Paper Hay muttipte choice Questions ~ [7g Numerical Answer Type ve ‘The critical point of the differential equation ©Y oq Ws pty20,a>f>0,isa Got 2a + pty =01 a> A>0, (a) Node and is asymptotically stable (&) Spiral point and is asymptotically stable (©) Node and is unstable (@ Saddle point and is unstable [2021 : 2 Marks} eG x(t) and y(t) are the solutions of the ee) Se ax) ana & , system 25 y and 4.x with the initial conditions x(0)=1 and y(o) » then x(#/2)+u(z/2) equals __ [2017 : 1 Marty © DIPS HOUSE, 28, Let A be a 3 = 3 matrix with real entries. If three solutions of the linear system of differential equations z(t) = Ax(t) are given ef -e” ) [26 ~e et +26 by|-e'+e*|,]o% e+ | and|et—2e' |, etre™ | le +e wet +20! then the sum of the diagonal entries of Ais equalto___ [2018 : 2 Marks] Consider the system of linear differential equations dx, Se asx, -2x,, ts 4 at 4%, with the initial conditions (0) = 0, x, (0) Then log, (x, (2)~ x, (2)) is equal to —— [2019 : 2 Mari) Sarai, Havz Khas, @ invownatz Khas, Near 11.7., Now Deihi-tzoo16 -00-22- & 088-00-22-1386 ‘tturanhcom com B a; INARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION oro System Paster @) the given differential equation is #Y rq + py =0,a>6>0 ae at Let us find discriminant at differential equation D? + 2aD +f? =0 Root of this equation are Both -a+,a*+ 6? and ap? are teal and negative by a > f >0 conditions so asymptotically stable node. Hence, option (a) is true. Aliter: We can convert this ODE into system °fODE and we will reach to same conclusion. Aliter: Take a=2,f=1 and check for options. (0) Be @x_dy dt? dt = @x ae +x=0 + x(t)=¢,cost +c, sint Stmilarty, U(t)=~c, sint +c, cost x(0)=1¢,=1 pe 5 Khas, ia Sarai, Hav! © DIPS HOUSE, 26, Jia Sarat a om Ni of Ditferen tial Equations y(0)=1=3¢, =1 x(t)=cost+sint y(t) x(t)+u(t)=2cost a)a)-° ~sint +cost Alternatively: eo dt at = [xo [2 Blas y(t] [-1 Olly. L toy x A x Eigenvalues of A are +i and eigen vector corresponding to i is given by [A-itly, =0 > GARE = »-|] Now (cost +isint a tenperse cost -sint +(e) sint cost, ( (3) tion is Sotutionis |) oral Since, x(0)=1, y(O)=1 fear I.1.T., New Del IG 3. Exp: (:°)- (eee ) y(t)) \-sint+cost = (gag) (2 to 2) Observe the solutions, the different values of k, in e*, is -1,1,2. These are nothing, but the eigenvalues of A, and sum of diagonal entries of 4 is the trace of A which is -14+14+2=2. (1.95 to 2.05) omy = 5x, -2: = Sx, ~ 2x, Sea at 2 Eigen values of the coefficient matrix A -[5 a are given by ‘The roots of |A~21|=0 ie, 42-(4)a+3=0 72-4243=0 a(4-3)-(4-3)=0 (a-1)(4-3)=0 => 4513 (say 4 =1,4, =3) Rigen vector corresponding to Say, », is given by [4-ary, =0 4 -2]f.]_fo} le ~le)-(2) iy GATE: MATHEMATICS ~ Previous Year so, vy] _ ft v2} (2. Bigen vector corresponding to 4,25. gy 88yy, is given by 2 (¢ 2] /-) > [}E] The solution is [% Jroets soe™y, % Ved Pay So log. (x2 (2)- x, (2)) og, (26? ~e* -e4 +e") = log, (¢*) y one oo Boundary Value Problems Ca Multiple Choice Questions (a) For @=1, the BVP has infinitely many solutions, eee eres Sichelesradanier the (0) For ¢=1, the BVPhas a unique solution y=3e" +e" —ax is the solution o! (©) For @=-1,k <0 the BVP has a solution intial vatue problem “Hs py-dax u(x) such that y(x)>0 for all x€ (0,7) y(0)=4 and $4 (0) =1, where a, BeR, then (0,7) x @ Fora , > 0, the BVP has a solution ) a@=3and p=4 yx) such that y(x)>0 for all a=land g=2 x«(0,z) © a@=3and p= 01 ks] [2019 : 2 Mart « a=tandp=-2 La the eigenvalues of the boundary value [2017 : 1 Mark] problem a vy ° Consider the boundary value problem (BVP) Bexar 4U= 0» x6(0,7),2>0» gy fall real de *@y(x)=0,aeR (the set of al (0) = 0, y6n)- Low “Smbers), with the boundary conditions ere given by 4)=0, y(x)=k (k is a non-zero real (@) A=(na¥,n=1,2,3, Sumber, (e) A=n?,n=1,2,3,.. *2 which one of the following statements (©) 4=k, where kn=12,3,.. are the stRUED roots of k—tan(kz)=0 ‘© DIPS HOUSE, BO. ye Sarai, Hauz Khas, Neer 1L7., New Delhi-ri00v6 @ 66-00-22-1066 4 @’ EH 414 @ k2, where k,,n=1,2,3,... are the roots of k + tan(kz)=0 [2021 : 1 Mark] If eigenfunctions corresponding to distinct eigenvalues 4 ofthe Sturm-Liouville problem @y_,dy ax ~ dx iy, O4=0 since y(z)=k>-4 = k=, So no solution exist fo) Same as (a) (ol For @=-1, y"-y=0 = ylx)=qe" +ee* Since y(O Since y(x)=k = qe" +c," =k =e, (1-e* ., New Delhi-110016 PT Eee i kage eae DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION - 8.6 Boundary Vat ea fary Value Problem a pene a ROINARY or ge e0 = y(2)<0 since co ens , prom option (c) since K>0 wehave yso go option (2) is correct. on So option (a) is correct. - a given boundary value problem is 5 (2) £0, ry-0 250 Exp: Given differential equation is oe yl tay=0 soiution of ODEis given by For a-o: y=o,cosV2x +e, sinVAx y" 20> ylx)=0, +0 applying initial conditions sae too-oca 25 vO Since y'(z)=0 +0, =0 2 ylx)=e, sinvax a. = y(x)=Vie, cos Vax => 2=0 is not an eigen value. For 2>0,2=47,4#0 a Aas n)- 24.2) =0 y(r)- 2x) > yl+fy=0 > m+y?=0 => m=tipz = ¢,sinVax- Vi = sinJin=JAcosVaz => yx) =e, cos (ux) +c, sin (ux) > tanvizr= Va => y'(x)=-eusin (ux) + ue, cos (ux) azk Since y(0)=0 34, =0 > k-tank r=0 Since y'(x)=0 Hence, option (c) is true. = cyucos(un)=0 + a) = cos(yn)=0 ' Given Sturm-Liouville problem is fy 344. ay, o : =0 o (x) =1, a, (x)=-3 and a, (x) their difference is 2. Weight function is ort 5] auz Khas, Near | © Dips House, 28, iat are etonteom fe 8.1 Power Series Solution I E co Multiple Choice Questions LO If y= D'c,x"™ is assumed to be a solution of the differential equation x?y’—xy'-3 (1+x?)y=0, then the values of rare (a) lands (b) -Land3 () 1land-3 (@) -1and-3 [2012 : 1 Mark] / Consider the following statements P and Q: Pi @y"exy’ 21) Oo hh x -G)y-0 has two linearly independent Frobenius series solutions near x=0. xy"+3sin(x)y'+y=0 has two linearly independent Frobenius series solutions near x=0 Which of the above statements hold TRUE? (a) Both PandQ 6) Only {ce} OnlyQ (@) Neither P nor Q [2016 : 1 Mark] ang Numerical Answer Type \37 Let @ and g with a> B be the roots of the indicial equation of (x? ~ S4, (+) B-y=0 atx Then @—4f equals [2017 : 2 Marks) A the ‘The number of regular singular points of differential equation [(«-1" sinx|y" + [cos xsin(x-1)]¥’ a] 3 equ! +(x-1)y=0 in the interval [9.3] ise « . © paore 1 m0 PS HOUSE, 28, Jia Sarai, Hauz Khas, Near 1.l.7., New DeIhic -00-22-1386 oo ©’ www dipsacesery ries © SF 88002 j Py es ‘oRDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION - 8.7 Power ny Serie Slaton Oe differential equation Cot / @y ody a FY WY ay rex) 4-984 + 7y <0. eau ofthe roots ofthe indicial equation rape Frobenius series solution for the above erential equation in @ neighborhood of o is equal to [2019 : 2 Marks] suppose that 4 and 4 are linearly jadependent solutions of the differential cquation 2x2y"~(x+22)y'+ (x2 -2)y=0, and ¢(0)=0- Then the smallest positive integer n such that lim x" #(%) 9 is__. oa () — [2020 : 2 Marks} vy y=S.qx*,(a, #0) is the power series solution of the differential equation éy a. 4_24x?y=0, then “= * cs [2021 : 2 Marks] a the ordinary differential equation x20, <%=, > 0 hasa solution of the form g(x) =x" }1a,x" , where a,'s 4re constants and a, #0, then the value of 41 [2022 : 1 Mark] mond 1 wy 4 2. (b) 3. (2) , 5, (10 to 10) 6. (3 t0 5) Beane —_ 7, Hauz Khas. Ni © Dips HOUSE, 28, Jia Saral. a are Seen z 1. (b) Exp: Let y= 3ic,x""" Slremegx™ Ses mr+m—Veqx"? BL (re mr tm—Veqx =x re meg -3(14+x2)e,x™ =0 = Llr+m(r+m-e,x™ (r+ m)oyx™ =>) on™ (r-De - r2-r-r-3=0 > = r-2r-3=0 => -3r+r-3=0 = r(r—3)+1(r-3)=0 3-1 Hence, option (b) is correct. 2. (b) at exp: P: yt ey +(* -4) redy -2s) 7 = vetye(-ae 9-00-22-1386 __ J, New Delhi-tto01e & ‘yw ‘Comparing it with u y yu uy y+ PCy +Q()y=0 xP(x)=1 #ot)=(x-1) 1 Indical equation is r(r—1)+r-7=0 Bee r?-2 20 a real 2 ‘Two linearly independent Frobenious series solution. x7y" +3sin(x)y’+y=0 3sin (x) and x70 (x Indical equation is r(r-1)+3r+1=0 r?42r+1=0 (r+? =0 rail Only one Frobenious series solution. Only Pis correct. Hene, option (b) is correct. = (e- Nnerntr-De, (x41) GATE: MATHEMATICS ~ Previous Year Solved Paper Sine Nner-Ve, C+" +Get DE (n+ Ne e+) co (x1 =O = (-P Y(nenrer-De, e+)" 4D(nene, (e+ Ye, e+" =0 SS (e-1)? =(e 41-2)" = (x41) +4-4(x40) = Yarn@er-De, (er ‘ad +Ven(nsr-de, (+L 4D (nt Nntr-Ve, e+" +E ane, e+ Ye (n + => Indical equation is 4r (Dey +705 = 4r(r-)4r-1=0 3. (2) = 47? -4r4r-1=0 pxp: Let y= oe, (e+ > 4r(r-1)41(r-1)=0 Se yeDdintne (e+e =e — House, Sarai, Hauz Khas, Near I..T., New Delhi-110016 @% 68-00-22-1386 @’ gH 1, ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION ~ .@ ve (0? a(x =o , feosxsin(x-0],. av | (e-1)'sinx |. iy sinx]y” + [cos xsin(x—1)]y’ cos x sin(x-1) Here, P(x)= ao ame is discontinuous at x P(x) _; has pole of order 2 But since ¢ So 1is not regular sigular point => Oand a are only regular singular point & (10 to 10) bp let y= Sayx!™ > y=dalermx y’= Da, (e+ m+ m-D* Putting y, y’.y" in given ODE, we Bet xs) Say (ke m\k+m-Dxr* “Yay (+m) 47a =O famed * Sa Germ rm-0* + © DIPS HOUSE, 28 Gara, Havz Khas. @ intog Power Series Sotution Near 11.T eww +d ay (e+ mmx"? 93a, (km) x" +S a,x" =0 Comparing coefficient for k =0, we have a4 (m) (m= 1) x" +9 (-9)(m) => m-m-9m=0 m? -10m=0 So m=0 orm=10 Hence, sum of roots = 0 +10=10 6 (8to3) Exp: Let y= a,x" Sinema, Fine myn em—Dagx* Puting in differential equation 25 (m+n)(n+m—Da,x SF (mtndanxt™ +d (mene an 25x Comparing coefficient of lowest term, We get => 2m(m-1)-m-2=0 4 3 in ' vie 1 and m=2in¥ then we get two put m=-3 linearly independent solution: men cetaooin (8 or ee EME ROT GATE : MATHEMATICS - Previous Year Soived py, > &= ay +a,x+0,22...] A=? [a ta.x+a,x2..] and 9(0)=0 x7 [ay tax] = n=3 so that limx* So answer will be 3. (2 to 2) : The given differential equation is @y 2, £Y p4x2y-0 a y Let* be the power series solution of differential equation => y= Sa, (e(e-D) x? Putting y" and y is given ODE, we get ak (k= 1) x"? - 24x a,x" =0 Now shifting the indices > a (k(k-1)) x*? - 245 a,xt? =0 Says (+ DR +2)x° 24S a: xk =0 (HOUSE, 28, Jia Sarai, Hauz Khas, Near 1..T., New Dolhi-t10018 @ infowkituranicom” [ 2 agg (k+2)(R+D=240,, Ore 24 DED Put k=2 Hence, S a) ‘The given ordinary differential equation Th xa p= > x>0 ay has a solution of form (x)= x'Sa,x" Simplifying, we get Fle), 140) , ge) f+ 6(0)=0 we Comparing it with 6x) + P(x) 2 5 6(x)=0 P(x)=4 and Q(x)=1 Now P, Jim (x= x9) PCO = tim x and Q)= lim (x x)’ Q(x)=x7 120 ‘Then, indicial equation is -r(r-1) + Pr #Qy = 0 So r?+1=0+1=1 So answer is 1. oot ee 96-00-22-1380 | | i i); ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION - 88 Laptaco Tr lace Transform en gl [ El Multiple Choice Guestions fa) 2e'sin3t Wf Let y be the solution of the initial value ieee ss ay (9) 2e*sin3¢ problem £¥4y=6c0s2x, y(0 @ Ge*sin3t we j 2012 : 2 Marke y(0)=1. Let the Laplace transform of y be U s] F(s). Then, the value of F(1) is wi The inverse Laplace transform of g 2-4 is . 5 (s-3)(" w 1s (@) (sthet+Ze% 5 2 @ ) S+tet+2t isk 3 3 @ 2 ) 3 : 2 Marks] [2011 : 2 Mai A ‘The solution of the initial value problem oma Y's2y ae +2y vioy=65(t), y(0)=0: YO)=O7 4, Let UC®) be the solution of the inital value Where 5 ; nion t) denotes the Dirac-delta function . is ® problem FY aS anya fi, 27070, a#b,a?-4b=0) y(0)=0> Bo)=0" obtained by the method of Laplace transform. Then (a) ylt)=fre* f(t-2de e? f(t-s)ar © ylt)=fre® ft-vdae @ yW=ferse-Hae [2021 : 2 Marks] Ea Numerical Answer Type - the Laplace transform of y(t) is given by 2,2 =2* 2(s-3)° be ¥()=2UO)=3E-7 then y(0)+y'(0) [2018 : 1 Mark] Consider the differential equation 1FY oda y=0,t>0,you= at* dt If ¥ (s)is the Laplace transform of y(t), then the value of ¥ (1) is (round off to 2 places of decimal). (Here, the inverse trigonometric functions principal values only) [2019 : 2 Marks] assume ee Sarai, Hauz Khas, Near L-T., Now Delhi-110016 @ infoakituranicom’ g_ GATE: MATHEMATICS ~ Previous Year Solved Paper EN pono 1 2. (e) 3. (e) 4. (a) 5 (1) 6. (0.76 to0.83) qe EXPLANATION om Lo Exp: The given initial value problem is yy =6cos(2x), y(0)=3 ¥'(0)=1 ‘Taking Laplace transform both sides, we get cly"}+ Ly) = £[6cos(2x)] s*c{y]-su(0)-9'(0)+ [4] 6 4_6+20_26_13 52°92 10 10 5 = F()= Hence, option (b) is correct. 2 Exp: Taking Laplace transformation both sidé of differential equation L(y") +L (2y')+ L(10y) = L(66 (0) = S*¥(s)-sy(0)-y'(0) +29¥ (9) =2y(0)+10Y (s)=6 Now using initial conditions, y(o=" y'(0)=0 we have y(s)[s*+2s+10]=6 ee & 08-00-22-1986 ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL Equary ION ~ a —— 8 tant a fe) Bap: (s'-s-2)=s?+2s+s5-2 =5(s-2)+1(s~2) =(s+1)(s~2) = a 2en4 (s-3)(s +1)(s —— (s-2) = dst -4 = A(s +1)(s-2) +B(s-3)(s-2) 4c(s-3)(s+1) Put s=2 & aec(-H0) ico— 3 ' we () (2) Khas, Neat! saral com _—— »_S2P18¢8 Transform 2 ¥0- appre“ ime 7 710 (S41 a @P axing Laplace inverse and 2 faeces using shifting ? . Put s=3 > D(¥(s))=2e'sing: jt § 14=a(4)(1) 2 ylt)=2e" sin(3t) aaa > So option (c) is correct. : “ From (1), (2) and (3), we get 2-4 (s-3)(s+ 16-2) Gea) es 6 = G+" . (3) a) Hence, option (c) is correct. (a) : The given initial value problem £4. aMheny= FO a>0,b>0 ‘raking Laplace on differential equation, we have e¥(s)-s¥(0)-¥'O* a(s¥(s)) -y(0) + bY (s)= FCS) snitiat condition 4(0) “0 y(0)=0r = F(s) a aos e using we have (s? +as+b)¥( New belhi-11001™ @ viPs HOUSE Sara Ni » ¥(8)= 305-3) (8-3) (s) F(s) S?+as+b a staseD 4 => ¥(s) (By a? 4b =0 and b=} Taking Laplace inverse both sides vores Using properties of Laplace inverse and convolution theorem 1A(F(S)G(s))= [Ft 2) gar 2 yle)=fre“epe-nar poe (+3) @-pi 2) Hence, option (a) is true. @ 2 1 - "2(s-3) Take inverse laplace transform, both sides, c(r(s))=¥) Exp: L1.T., New Delhi-110016 @ info@'’ By GATE: MATHEMATICS ~ Previous Year Solved Paper (0.76 to.0.83) ty" +2y'+t=0, y(0)=1, y'(0)=0 Taking laplace transformation and using Result: 1 (+ /()) a Gero we have -[fs*y%s)- sy(0)-y'(0)] +2[sy(s)~y(0)]-y'(s)=0 ~s?y'(s)+2sy(s)+1+2sy(s)-y(s)=9 | = y(s)[-s*-1]= So y(s)=tan™(s) Hence, y(1)= tan = = = 0.80 oot @ 88-00-22-1986

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