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Excellent Good Acceptable Partial Minimal

5 4 3 2 1
Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Remembers a
excellent good knowledge of some knowledge few of the steps/
knowledge of the knowledge choreography. of choreography, movements and
choreography. of Keeps up with but unsure of tries, but looks
and does it well. choreography. group. Some some lost and out of
Knowledge of Keeps up with errors. movements. sync with others
Choreography group. Few Sometimes
errors, however hesitates/
it watches others
does not and makes
interfere several errors
Dance performed Dance Dance Only some Although
with great performed performed understanding of remembers some
attention to with attention with attention technical of dance, little
quality of to to elements (i.e. attention paid to
Technical skills movement, body details of most details footwork, quality how movements
position, technique has of of movements, are done or other
placement on attained technique, body positions) details of dance.
stage and other proficiency in but demonstrated in
details dance style hasn't performance.
proficiency in
dance style
The dancer The dancer The dancer The dancer is The dancer is not
creates a communicates communicates generally very focused,
believable with other with other focused, but only concentrated or
Performance character on dancers and dancers and some attempt committed to
Skills stage and is able audience audience made to performance.
to engage the through through communicate
audience eye contact and eye contact with others on
completely facial and body and stage or
through their expression. facial and audience.
performance body
Shows a Accurate in Generally Shows a basic Attempts to keep
complete beat, accurate in understanding of a rhythm, but
understanding of tempo, beat, tempo and beat, gets off beat and
tempo and beat rhythms tempo, but falls behind speeds up or falls
Rhythm/ and stays on of dance rhythms and/or speeds up behind often.
Tempo rhythm sequences of dance in places or Doesn't follow
throughout the throughout the sequences makes errors in beat in music.
dance. dance. most rhythm.
of the time.

Holistic and Analytic Rubrics for Dance Performance

Role Play Rubric

Excellent Proficient Adequate Limited

4 3 2 1
Participation in Always willing Usually willing Sometimes Rarely willing
Preparation and focused and focused willing and and focused
and during group during group focused during during group
Presentation work and work and group work and work and
presentations. presentation presentation presentation
Presentation of Convincing Competent Adequate Limited
Character communication communication communication communication
of character’s of character’s of the character’s of character’s
feelings, feelings, feelings, feelings,
situations, and situations, and situation and situation and
movies motives. motives. motives.
Achievement of The purpose is Purpose is clearly Purpose is Purpose is
Purpose clearly established and established but vaguely
established and generally may not be established and
effectively sustained sustained. may not be
sustained. sustained.
Use of Non- Impressive Good variety of Satisfactory Limited variety of
verbal Cues variety of non- non-verbal cues variety of non- non-verbal cues
(voice, verbal cues are are used in a verbal cues used are used in a
gestures, eye used in an competent way in an acceptable developing way.
contact, props exemplary way. way.
Imagination Choices Choices Choices Choices
and Creativity demonstrate demonstrate demonstrate demonstrate
insight and thoughtfulness awareness and little awareness
powerfully and completely developing and do little to
enhance role enhance role acceptably enhance role
play. play enhance role play.

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