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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Nama : ………..……………………………………….

Hari / Tanggal : ............................................... Kelas : III (Tiga)

I. Berilh tanda silang (X) huruf a,b,c atau d, pada jawaban yang dianggap benar !
5. The color of eraser is...
1. selamat pagi in English is?
a. Good night a. Red
b. Good afternoon b. Green
c. Good evening c. Blue
d. Good morning d. yellow

2. Respon yang tepat untuk “Good afternoon” adalah 6. Meja in English is…
a. Good afternoon
b. Good evening a. chair
c. Goodbye b. table
d. Goodnight c. ball
d. blackboard
3. What color is this?
7. Satu hidung in English is….
a. Yellow a. a head
b. Green b. one nose
c. Blue c. two lips
d. Red d. ten fingers

4. This is my … 8. twenty five in indonesia is…..

a. Mother a. dua puluh

b. Grandfather b. dua puluh satu
c. Father c. dua puluh lima
d. Grandmother d. dua puluh tiga

5. How do you write the number 5 in English? 9. I have … hands.

a. Five a. One
b. Fiv b. Two
c. Fif c. Three
d. Fife d. four

6. Putih in English is …. 10. I have … nose.

a. Yellow a. One
b. Green b. Two
c. Purple c. Three
d. White d. four

7. Aisyah: Good morning Cici 11. this is my…..

Cici : .... Aisyah.
a. Good evening a. nose
b. Good morning b. mouth
c. Good night c. eyes
d. good bye d. fingers

3. Cici : Hi Aisyah, how are you? 12. Saya punya dua bibir
Aisyah : Hi Cici.... The English sentence is ….
a. I am fine
b. I am aisyah a. I have two ears
c. I am cici b. I have two lips
d. good night c. I have two elbows
4. Made: what number is it? d. I have two heads
Joshua: it is number... 13. My lip is red
a. Six The Indonesian sentence is ….
b. Seven
c. Eight a. Bibirku ada dua
d. ten b. Gigiku berwarna putih
c. Bibirku berwarna merah
d. Rambutku berwarna merah
1. This object below is called …..
14. Father, mother, brother and sister are my ...
a. parents 2. “Thank you” dalam Bahasa Indonesia artinya …
b. children
c. family 3. Alfy : Hai Rosa, how are you?
d. grandparents Rosa : … and you?
15. I have a father and mother. They are my ...
a. family 4. 15 + 6 = 21 in English is………
b. parents
c. childrer 5. selamat siang in English is ……
d. grandparents
16. ayah in English is… . Jodohkan!
a. mother
b. father
1. Eraser ( ..... ) a. Abu - abu
c. daughter
d. son
17. grandmother in Indonesia is….. 2. Bag ( ..... ) b. hijau
a. kakek
b. nenek 3. shoulder ( ..... ) c. Penghapus
c. ayah
d. ibu 4. mother ( ..... ) d. kakek
18. Adit : What fruit do you like?
Budi : I like. . . . 5. mouth ( ..... ) e. Tas
a. apple
b. strawberry 6. Grey ( ..... ) f. mulut
c. banana
d. grape 7. watermelon ( ..... ) g. ibu
19. Adit : What fruit do you like?
Budi : I like. . . 8. granfather ( ..... ) h. semangka
a. apple
b. strawberry 9. apple ( ..... ) i. apel
c. banana
d. grape
10. green ( ..... ) j. bahu/pundak
20. RABBIT : ar - ei - bi - bi - ai - ...
a. bi
b. si
c. ti
d. way
21. Nadin : Hello Chandra, how are you?
Chandra : ……….
a. I am fine thank you
b. Good bye
c. Good morning
d. thank you
22. I have .... books. (enam belas)
a. fourteen
b. fifteen
c. sixteen
d. seventeen
23. twenty minus eight equals ....
a. twelve
b. thirtee
c. fourteen
d. eleven
24. Ten plus ten is … .
a. twelve
b. twenty
c. fourteen
d. eleven
25. Tommorow is Sunday. Yesterday was …

a. monday
b. tuesday
c. saturday
d. Friday

I. Isilah Titik-titik di Bawah ini

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