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TRUE or FALSE. Write the letter T if the answer is True and F if the answer is False.

1. Many of the earliest telegraph systems used a single-needle system which gave a very simple
and robust instrument. T

2. Another option when receiving Morse code is to simply jot down the dots and dashes and then
use a chart to decode the Morse code message. T

3. The first step in sending our Morse code message is not transposing it to code. F

4. The dot symbolizes a short and abrupt signal that is typically expressed as the sound “di.” T

5. Practicing a dichotomic search tree can dramatically slowing down your Morse code
transmission speed. F

6. Thus the most common letter in English, the letter E, has the shortest code: a single dah F.

7. The time gap between dots and dashes is 1 unit of time—or the same length as one dot. T

8. The codes are transmitted as electrical pulses of varied lengths or analogous mechanical or
visual signals, such as flashing lights. T

9. In addition to dots and dashes, there are also 5 spacing rules or “pauses” that help the receiver
distinguish characters. F

10. Each Morse code symbol is formed by a sequence of dits and dahs. T
Matching Type Questions: Match A and B

1. A mark or position at which a vessel is required to report to the local VTS Station to establish
its position.

a. Reporting point

2. A routeing measure aimed at the separation of opposing streams of traffic by appropriate means
and by the establishment of traffic lanes.

a. TSS

3. Preferably to be expressed in nautical miles or cables (tenths of a mile) otherwise in kilometers

or metres, the unit always to be stated.

a. Distance

4. A mark or place at which a vessel comes under obligatory entry, transit, or escort procedure

a. Receiving point

5. This indicates that the following message informs others about immediate navigational action
intended to be taken.

a. Intention

6. This indicates that the following message is asking for action from others with respect to the
a. Request

7. It is to be used to announce a safety message.

a. Securite

8. It is to be used to announce a distress message.

a. Mayday

9. It is to be used to announce an urgency message.

a. Pan-pan

10. It is expressed in the 24 hour notation indicating whether UTC, zone time or local time is being

a. Time

Filling the blanks with correct answer.

1. It provides telex, telephone and data transfer services between ship-to-ship, ship to shore, and
shore to ship along with a priority telex and telephone service connected to shore rescue

2. A calling service between ship to ship, ship to shore or vice versa for safety and distress
information mainly on high or medium frequency and VHF maritime radio. Ans. 5. Digital
Selective Calling

3. It uses an Inmarsat satellites to provide coverage from about 76 degrees north to 76 degrees
south latitude.

Ans. SafetyNET

4. A satellite follows a circular orbit in the plane of the equator so that it appears to stay stationary
with respect to the earth’s surface. Ans. Geostationary

5. This signal is used by the ship terminals for antenna tracking and receiving channel Assignment
messages from the shore stations. Ans. Shore to ship communication/Inmarsat

6. This Inmarsat service is the successor to the Inmarsat — A and B services. Ans. Fleet 77

7. Each Inmarsat ocean region has a number of which provide the interface between ships at sea
and shore-based telecommunications networks. Ans LESs

8. Each Inmarsat ocean region has a number of which provide the interface between ships at sea
and shore-based telecommunications networks. Ans LESs

9. T is responsible for the overall frequency, signaling and traffic management of its respective
region. Ans Network Coordination Station NCS

10. It is responsible for the overall frequency, signaling and traffic management of its respective
region Ans.

Multiple Choice. Select the best answer

1. One of the predominant reasons for false distress signals is wrong use of GMDSS gear with the
aid of untrained personnel.


2. Few false alerts can be attributed to tools malfunctions, most appear to be caused by using
incompetent operators.


3. If a distress alert is inadvertently transmitted, the first steps to be taken to cancel the distress
alert is to set to channel 16.


4. After sending a false Distress alert on MF the first steps you will going to do is to make a voice
announcement to cancel the alert on 2182.0 kHz.


5. The action should you take after sending a false distress alert on MF is to make a voice
announcement to cancel the alert on VHF Ch. 16.


6. If an EPIRB is activated inadvertently, immediately contact the nearest U.S. Coast Guard unit or
appropriate rescue coordination center by telephone, radio or ship earth station and cancel the
distress alert.


7. EPIRB and Medium Frequency (MF)/High Frequency (HF) Digital Selective Calling (DSC) are
identified as transmitting an excessive quantity of false signals under the modern-day GMDSS.


8. One way to cancel false distress alert on MF DSC is to immediately cancel the distress alert orally
over the telephony distress traffic channel associated with each DSC channel on which the
distress alert was transmitted.


9. False distress indicators continue to be a serious problem, causing unnecessary work and cost if
search and rescue operations are initiated as an end result of such a false alert.

10. Upon receiving distress alert message in HF Digital selective calling, reset the equipment


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