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The 5 Secrets of
Highly Successful


The 5 Secrets of Highly Successful Authors

Powerful Lessons to Write Your Bestseller

Copyright © Sweta Samota

All Rights Reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any

form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including
photocopying, recording, or by any information storage
and retrieval system, without permission in writing from
the author.

Sweta Samota asserts the moral right to be identified as the

author of this book.

Limit of Liability/Disclaimer of Warranty: While the author has

used her best efforts in preparing this book, she makes no
representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or
completeness of the contents of this book and specifically
disclaim any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for
a particular purpose. The author shall not be liable for any loss
or profit or any other commercial damages, including but not
limited to special, incidental, consequential, or other damages.

First Edition, Version 1.0

15 May, 2021

Printed in India

Published by Sweta Samota

Copyright © 2021 Sweta Samota

All the authors who want to make a mark in this world and
leave their footprint behind…

Dedicated to Manish, Eva, Mummy, Papa and My Mentors


Words have power. They can transform lives. And books

are the medium to creating that change. A lot of people have
a book inside them but never bring it out in their lifetime.
But this book is going to help thousands of people bring out
their wisdom.

It's really a proud feeling to know Sweta and the amazing

work she has been doing for authors. Being a content
creator and community builder myself, I know the
importance of getting your wisdom into a book format. For
many years I had been procrastinating until I realised that
one book has the potential to change history. One book has
the ability to carry forward your legacy.

I feel honoured to be writing this foreword for Sweta as

I know that she is going to help you discover all the aspects
of getting your thoughts and wisdom into a format that will
not only build your brand, but that will impact a large

By going through this book, you will get the mindset,

skillset and toolsets to successfully launch a best seller. And
the best part is this - it's not as hard as you think it is.

Just follow all the steps given in this book and you will
be amazed at how simple launching your book can actually

Don't let the book in you die with you. Bring it out. Let
your wisdom shine!

Siddharth Rajsekar,
India’s Leading Digital Coach














You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be
~ Zig Ziglar



You are not just holding a book that is going to reveal
the secrets of highly successful authors. Through this
book, you are also going to save all the time, money,
and sweat, and thank me later for saving you from
bleeding in marketing. Do you wonder why first-time
authors always cry about not seeing sales - that they
find it difficult to sell their books?

The reason is that they don’t know the secrets that

I am going to share with you in this book. When I
started my author career in 2015-16 after 12 years in
the software industry and one failed startup, I had no
idea what went in the books industry. I never knew that
so much goes into writing, publishing, and marketing a
book. I didn’t know that one could start earning a good
passive income from books if one followed a certain
system, that one could live a comfortable life and
impact people and earn from their books.

All I knew was that Narendra Modiji had followed

me on Twitter. That I wanted to impact and help
people through words. The way a book (I had received
from Alok Kejriwal in a Rodinhood meeting)
“Autobiography of a Yogi” had changed my life, I
wanted my books to change someone’s life. I wanted
to inform and entertain people through my words. And
I wanted to do it the right way.

Since I had embraced my startup failure after being


a cry baby for almost a year, I was ready to write books

with the purpose of impacting people. I knew I needed
to understand the mechanics of this new industry. So,
I attended a lot of workshops in Mumbai, and joined
author groups. I met people of all kinds – the
naysayers, the demotivators, the opportunists, the
motivators and some good people who helped too.

And after spending 5 years in the industry, having

written multiple bestselling books (fiction, non-fiction
and technical books), and having guided 1000+
authors in their author journey, I clearly understand
what makes an author successful. In this journey, I also
realized the importance of mentors. I had a low phase
when my startup had failed. But all because of one
book, I got my spiritual mentor (Guru) in Babaji, and
then I saw Babaji’s form in different walks of life in my
mentors guiding and blessing me – Milind Soman and
Ajit Pathak helped me become fit through Pinkathon.

Being an ardent follower of Robin Sharma, it

became my goal to fix key aspects of my life to become
the person I wanted to become. I started on a reading
marathon – reading one book a day, and I started
training for the full marathon (42.2 km) and after a few
months into reading, the seed planted by Modiji
germinated. I decided to write a book on him. Being a
Dan Brown fan, I wanted to write his biography in
fiction format – mixing facts with fiction. That’s how
my blockbuster “Nine” was born.

As the fragrance of my success began to spread,

traditionally published authors approached me to
mentor them for their books. I realized that one book


can change many lives. And what if I helped people for

their books – it will create an avalanche of impact on
the world. That’s how my book coaching journey
began. Organically.

I attended Business Growth Summit by Success

Gyan in Jan 2020. When I attended Siddharth
Rajsekar’s session that day, I realized the world had
moved speedily ahead and I was still in 2015.

I never knew something was coming so fast to me.

When I landed from Dubai in March 2020 with my
family, we were home quarantined. I had experienced
anxiety and depression during my startup days. I didn’t
want to suffer that again. In a few days, I found myself
putting my offline book coaching system into a digital
system with the help of Sidz’s system.

And then, there was no looking back. Since then, I

have helped over 1000+ individuals to become
successful authors. Through my experience of helping
so many authors and studying 300+ bestselling books,
I have found the secrets of highly successful authors.

In the following chapters, you will discover these

secrets - one secret at a time. You might feel crazy at
some point of time in the book. But then that is why
they are secrets. People don’t know or people don’t
dare to act upon them for the success of their book.

Do you think it is all about the success of the book?

Your book is going to impact people. So, if your


book becomes successful, it will impact many many


The impact your book is going to make is

directly proportional to the success of the book.

Do you think that the extra mile is worth it to reach

those millions of people through your book?

If you want to make the most from this book, take

action. Apply these secrets to your book. Attend my
complimentary 5-day class (if you haven’t yet) to learn
more and put yourself into action mode.

Please note: This book is NOT for those who are

writing for themselves to decorate their drawing-room.
This book is for those individuals who want to reach
the masses, want to leverage the Power of Now and
impact more and more people through their books,
and eventually become immortal by writing great

You can send an email with the purchase receipt of this

book and attend my 5-day class valued at INR.2999
absolutely free.

Want to make the most from this book? Take it as a

challenge to apply all these secrets for your book and
get yourself an accountability partner and do it the
tasks together.


The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.
~ Walt Disney


It requires wisdom to understand wisdom: the music is
nothing if the audience is deaf.

- Walter Lippmann

What is the worst mistake any author can make?

Well, you may be surprised to know that the worst

mistake is writing that book without understanding the
market. You are not just writing a book. A book is a
tangible product that will be consumed by the reader.
It is very important to understand the market before
you write it.

It is no wonder that most authors struggle in selling

their books because they just write their book without
following any of the secrets that you are going to
discover in this book.

You may be wondering - how do I gauge the

market? How do I find if readers will be excited to read
my book?

Before you jump to that, it is important to clarify

certain things. Clarify between you and your mind.

Books are powerful and universally accepted. And

that’s why you are holding this book in your hands. It’s
your dream. But before you sit to write, can you tell me
why do you want to write a book?

Because it is very easy to start writing a book but


very very difficult to finish writing one. And then

publishing and marketing a book are humongous tasks.
So, it's not like a walk in the park that you can just do
it and forget about it. You need a “deep” purpose.

What is your purpose behind this book?

Your purpose can change the way you write, publish

and market it. If your purpose is just sharing your
experience, then think about how this experience is
going to help the readers. Are they waiting to hear
about such an experience? Think about something that
will make you stick to your book even in adversities.
This purpose is like the string to your kite. Your kite
will be in the air till your purpose is strong.

What is your purpose? Money? Fame? Business?

Impact? Influence? Help?

Write that down. Write how this book is going to

change your life, your reader’s life.

Your book is important. Someone is waiting for

your book and you can become instrumental in
transforming their lives through this book. Take some
time and write your true purpose for this book. Why
are you writing this book? Be honest.

Someone wants to get famous. Someone wants to

get the money. The most important thing should be
something that is not letting you sleep.

Something intangible.


You are going to impact people.

A lot of people.

Through your words.

And these words are going to stay for a very

long time. Even after you are gone.

The book is going to outlive you. You are going to

become immortal through this book.

Is there any other tool that can make you immortal?

Your book is your message to this world. That is going
to stay forever.

Write the purpose behind this book in one to two
Eg.1. Through this book, I am going to help all
those female homemakers become entrepreneurs.
2. This book is going to help all those working
professionals become financially free in 2 years
through deep-value investing.
3. I want to write this book and tell people that it’s
okay to live single and still live a fulfilled life.

Whatever be the purpose, it will be ultimately one

of these three purposes -



Entertain Inform

Persuade means you want the readers to take certain

action on reading your book. Do you want the readers
to consult you or buy your course after reading your
book? Then your purpose is to persuade them. Do you
want your reader to take action in their life? Then your
purpose is to persuade them.

Your purpose will be to “inform” when you are

writing this book to inform your audience about
something – for eg. You are an environmentalist and
you want to raise awareness about a cause. Then your
purpose is to inform your audience. If you are an
educator and want to share something about you have
been working on, then you are informing your

When I started writing, my purpose was Info-

tainment - i.e. inform AND entertain the audience. So,
even your purpose could be a mix of these.

Now that you have the book's purpose clear, are

you ready for the first secret of highly successful

You still need more clarity. Bestselling authors don’t


just start writing their book the moment they get the
book idea. They work on their book idea. Yes?

Authors come to me asking what is the right idea

for the book? Will it sell?

Let me tell you that only you can select the story
idea for yourself. No one else can do that for you. If I
tell you to write on Money management and if you are
a health coach, will you write a book on Money
management? No, right?

A health coach will write something related to

health. And a banker or a financial manager will write
on money. So, select the idea that you are interested in,
that is related to your profession or business.

Everything boils down to your purpose. Based on

your burning purpose, select the right book idea that
serves the purpose.

Book idea is like a seed. What you are going to sow,

the product book will also be of the same seed. That’s
why ensure that you are sowing the seed that is being
demanded by the reader.

But there are so many things demanded by the

reader. Do you have the passion and the expertise to
fulfill any of them?
So, the reason you need to decide the idea based on
your passion and expertise is this - Say, readers are
looking for a book on yoga. But you are not a Yoga
practitioner. So, how can you write a book on yoga?
The journey from learning about Yoga, becoming a


master of it, and then sharing valuable stuff in a book

will become a very long journey - it will take years for
you to do it.

So, don’t decide to write blindly. You should know

your audience.

It’s like the marriage of your idea and the audience.

Like the Venn Diagram - Where the ideas meet the
audience, you get the right idea for the book.

Take another example - you are a Happiness coach.

And readers are looking for “How to stay happy in any
situation?” kind of a book. Can you give this book to
the reader in a short period? Is it possible to do it?

Which one is easily feasible and also helpful to you

in the long run? The second one is actually going to
help you get customers too. So, find the right book idea
based on your expertise.

Work on your book idea keeping in mind the

Before you sit to write, it is very important to identify

the Audience for your book.

Who is your target audience for the book? For

whom are you writing? If you don’t know, then you
need to start thinking about it and nail it.

Many authors start writing their books without

thinking about their audience.


Can you imagine making a product for an audience

you don’t know? How are you going to become
successful? This is yet ANOTHER BIG MISTAKE
first time authors do and it leads to massive failure.

What do you do to find your audience if you don’t

have any idea? For eg. If you are writing for specific
people like people suffering from Diabetes, then it's
pretty clear. But what if you are writing on Mind
Transformation? How do you know who the audience
is? That's when you will feel my audience is everyone.
The hack is to figure out who is that one person who
is going to benefit the most and love this book the

Who is the ideal reader for your book?

This is the first thing to nail. Who is your ideal

reader? What do they look like? What are their

Problem: I want to write for everyone. My

audience is everyone.

An author I was coaching felt that his audience was

everyone. “I want my book to reach every household,”
he said.
Sure, who doesn’t want that? But when deciding the
audience for your book, you need to be specific. You
cannot write for everyone.

Think of one ideal reader. Just one person who

should read your book. Who is that person? What does


he do? What is there in the book that he shouldn’t

miss? List everything about this person -

Social Status
Likes, Dislikes, Habits

When you list down the demographics and

psychographics of this ideal reader, you would then
know who is your ideal audience. You can then derive
your ideal audience from this one ideal reader.

This is crucial for you to identify. Because the way

you write will depend on your audience. Say you are
writing for children of the age 3-6 years old. The way
you write will be different. And the way it will be
packaged and presented will be different. As against
the book for children of the age 6-12 years old.

Take another example - are you writing for the

parents of a teenager who got diagnosed with Type 1
Diabetes? Or are you writing for the teenager who got
diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes? The moment you
look at the audience, the way you present your idea and
knowledge will be different.


So, who is your audience?

Figure out your audience for the book.
Now that you have your purpose, book idea and the
audience, can I tell you the secret number one?

First Secret:

Purpose => Idea => Audience => Book


Highly Successful authors work on their purpose,

book idea, audience and then finally validate their
market before writing the book. Have you observed
posts like “Pre-launch alert” from your favourite
authors like Robin Sharma, J K Rowling, Brian Tracy,
Dan Brown?

Yes, they sell their books first and then write


The secret is to warm the audience. To see if

demand exists in the market or not. To create demand.
And then invest your effort to write that book.
Join my 5-day class to discover the steps to pre-
launch your book before you start writing. On day 1,
you will learn about the tools that you can use to pre-
launch your book, validate your idea, warm your
audience and even earn from the book which is yet to
be written.
The key takeaway is to do your groundwork
and launch your book before writing it.


By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.
– Benjamin Franklin


Good Fortune is what happens when opportunity meets
with planning.

- Thomas Edison

When a filmmaker gets a good script, does he start

making the movie immediately?

When a new-age entrepreneur gets a new

product/service idea, does he start working on it

The answer is No.

There is a lot of planning that goes before they start

working on the idea. The planning decides whether the
idea they are going to execute becomes successful or

In this chapter, you are going to learn the exact

model to follow before you start writing your book and
if you follow it to the T, you are going to see your book
completed very very soon. The secret to writing a book
fast is following this proven 3-step model to write your

This is the scientifically proven model - i.e. the steps

here follow a logical sequence and it will ease and
accelerate your writing process.


Do I get your commitment that you are going to

follow this model? Of course, only if you want to write
your book FAST.

The last chapter was about the first secret of doing

your groundwork and launching your book before
writing it. And now that you know who is your
audience, you need to prepare - not just for the book
but also do mental preparation.

First step in the 3-step model is building a rock-

solid Author Mindset: The author mindset is going to
help you to report to your book everyday even if you
feel you are lost. And the moment you show up to your
book every single day, the book will start showing up

There are three crucial steps to preparing an

Unbeatable Author Mindset -

Step 1: Mental preparation

This is the most important step - preparing your
mind for writing a book. Your mind is very powerful
but at the same time very elusive. It is like that Jinn. It
will do whatever you ask your mind to do. So, if you
tell your mind that you cannot write a book, it is going
to believe it. And if you say, you can do it in the next 2
weeks, the same mind is going to do it for you.

Now, understand that writing a book is not easy.

And sitting every day to write your book is harder.
That's why you need to prepare your mind every single
day to sit to write. It is just like taking a bath every day.
You need to work on your mindset every single day.


Building A Strong Author Mindset involves three

things –
Mental Preparation => Affirmation =>

This is how you prepare your mind by looking at

your book cover and reading your purpose for the
book every day. That's why take a print of the book
cover, write the purpose below it, and put it on your
vision board.

The next step is to write the Author Affirmations.

It's the secret of making your hands doing the thinking
part. When you do something repeatedly, it becomes a
reality. You are going to write the author affirmations
with your hand in a notebook every day.

What are affirmations? Affirmations are outcomes

that you want from the book. They are also the
outcomes of your daily writing. Money, praises, impact,
influence? Write it down.
Eg. My book is a bestselling book on amazon. My
book is loved by the readers and they send fan mail
every day.

You might think this is something stupid. But this

is demanding from the universe and the moment you
start doing this, things will start turning your way. Do
it for the next 30 days and tell me if nothing has
changed for you.


Important is that you write these affirmations in the

present tense as if you already have them.

Writing is the doing part of the brain. That's

why writing with your own hands is important.

After author affirmations, the next step is to start

visualization. This multiplies your effort.

Mental preparation, Affirmation, and Visualization

of your outcome together help you build an
Unbeatable Author mindset.

Visualize every day what is coming. Visualize

holding the book in your hand, imagine you giving a
TEDx talk on this book, a motivational talk in a
professional institute, getting invited as a panelist, as a
guest speaker - everything is happening because of this
book. When you start doing this every single day, you
are strengthening your Author Mindset.

Now that your first step is done, let's look at the

next step. You have your book idea ready. Do you just
start writing it down?

Let me share with you the problem if you start

writing it now.

Starting to write a book is as easy as enrolling to a

gym on the 1st of January. As difficult as showing up
at the gym every day. Yes! And if you don’t have a
destination, how many kgs you want to lose or gain,


the strength you want to build or you want endurance,

if it's not clear, you are preparing for a failure.

So, hold on to that excitement of writing the book.

This is what needs to be done next.

Step 2: Research

Yes, you need to know what you are going to

research before starting to write.
Do you really need the research? Or you don’t.
Can you get into the research mode while writing
the book?
No, you won’t.

Why most first-time authors don’t end up writing

their book? Because they get lost in Research.

First and foremost - it's not easy to get into creative

flow. So, the moment you get to research, you are on
square one. To build the same creative flow you were
in a minute back, is difficult. It's kind of a trance. You
get into a flow of thought. But it gets broken by
researching in between.

And you know what happens? Then you go on

google search, you start reading about the stuff you are
looking for. And then you search more, read more,
without a clear destination, you get lost in the sea of
knowledge. Time flies... And an hour of research
extends to a few days and then even months… And
that’s how some authors never return to their writing.
So, the book never happens. Are you one of them?


Some authors do return for some time. Some hit a

block… Since they left the creative flow, they lose the
track of what they were writing. Finding that the
thoughts are flowing well, they also leave it there…
Probably thinking that writing this book is not their
cup of tea. Maybe they need more experience, more
practice, and so on.

And some authors are able to sail ahead with more

research hiccups on the way. And only 0.1% of these
individuals tend to finish their first draft. And that too
over more than a year or maybe two or more years.

Where did it go wrong?

Well, it all started with one research activity.

That’s the reason why you shouldn’t be researching

while writing. Figure that out before sitting to write. Or
while writing, if you feel the itch to research, then note
it down in a comment, and continue writing your draft.

Once you realize that this is what is to be done, you

need to know how it is to be done.

The first thing that you need to answer for yourself –

Do you really need to research? Or you can

write your book with all your knowledge?

Most of the time, research is not required. You have

been doing it day in and out. You are an expert in the
field. So, you know it all. You have so much knowledge
that you can write multiple books.


So, answer question number 1 - Do you really need

to research for writing your book?

Maybe you need to research. How do you know if

you need to research or not?

Who needs to research?

Who are not experts but are planning to write
something they care about, are passionate about or
want to learn and share. In that case, do the research
before you sit to write.


Set a particular deadline for the research. There is

so much knowledge out there that it is very easy to get
lost in it for years and technology is changing so fast
that the time you take to acquire a knowledge, it might
change over that time. So, put a hard deadline that you
are going to research for a month or say 2 weeks or just
a week.
Another option is - Can I do the research bit after
writing the book?
Yes, this is very much an option if your book
doesn’t depend on your research. Ask yourself, can I
research about it after the first draft is written?

For eg. When I was writing Nine, I needed to know

about Ashokan pillars and their history. I decided to
research them after the draft was written. And then
edited that part with the researched knowledge. The
plot was not dependent on it. The flow of the story was
not dependent on that knowledge.


But, another research point for Nine was knowing

everything about Narendra Modi. Because my book
depended on it completely. So, I had to research it
before starting to write.

This is how you can decide whether you need to

research before or after writing your manuscript.

But never research while writing the book.

Especially for minute things, words and such stuff…
Leave that to be fixed while editing.

Now that you know when to research and how to

do it, should I give you the next step?

If I had not attended a few workshops in Mumbai,

I would have just started writing the book only to
realize it is an unending task... And I would have never
got published.

There are three types of authors in this world. The

first type of authors who want to write a book but take this book
to their grave. They don’t know this 3-step model or they
are too lazy to follow it. They do all the wrong things.
They are habitual procrastinators. Their book never
sees the day on Amazon.

The second type of author keeps breaking the 3-step model.

For them, book-writing becomes a burden. But they
somehow finish it but struggle in sales and hence
always tell people that books don’t sell. These are the
people who demotivate other authors with their sad
stories of zero sales.


The third type of author follows the 3-step model

religiously. They are smart. May be lazy. But they are
smart to follow the hacks of the people who have made
it. They stumble sometimes. But they persist and reach
the end of the maze. They write fast and effortlessly.
They publish. They make a lot of money. They become
successful authors.

These third types of authors know the last step in

the 3-step model. The step after building an unbeatable
author mindset and research is the process of outlining
your book. They see the big picture before they start

The reason why some authors are able to publish

their books every month while some are not able to
publish even one in their lifetime, is the model they are
using to write their books.

The outline is as important as the book itself.

Because outline helps you come up with an interesting,
compelling, coherent book. Outlines are like a
roadmap to your destination. If you have it, you will
never get lost on the way. You will be prepared for
highways, village roads, and some bumpy rides too, the
fuel required and the time required to reach your
destination. Whereas, if you don’t have an outline, it's
like going out on an unplanned road trip without a clear
destination. All you have clear is - the fuel in the tank
and the money in your pocket. Before they run out, you
have to either reach the destination or come back

Starting your book without a deadline is like


preparing for a failure - it's like starting a project

without a requirements specification. You don’t know
what will come out of it and how much time it's going
to take and how you are going to do it.

It's a strict no-no to start writing the book without

an outline.

Outlines help you to finish your book much faster.

Like in a few weeks. Or just over a weekend. They are
that powerful. Individuals who have followed this
model have written their first drafts in a few days. The
reason is, they never get lost. They know what is to be
written every time. They never hit writer’s block
because it's all decided before they sit to write.

You are not done yet. Authors don’t just stop here
and go and write their book. They understand that it is
way more important to understand Reader
Psychology before you can outline your book.

That’s what you are going to discover in the third

secret. See you in the next chapter :).

Key Takeaway:

Successful Authors always work on their mindset.

They research before or after they start writing it. And
of course, they make a blueprint before the
construction of their bungalow. I mean the big
picture before starting to write the book.


The customer’s perception is your reality.
- Kate Zabriskie


It all depends on how we look at things, and not how they are
in themselves.
Carl Jung

Let us begin with a simple yet profound question:

Who are you writing your book for?
Yourself? :)

Most authors will answer that they are writing the

book for themselves. They want to impact the world,
make more money in the process.

Well, that may be all good but who are you writing
the book for?

If you are writing the book for yourself, then you

can stop here and gift this book to someone who wants
to write for the readers.

Yes, you read it right. You are writing your book for
the readers. So, isn’t it necessary to understand reader
psychology before you write your book?

Most first-time authors write their book in over-

confidence that they know how to write a book. But
fail miserably. It is like developing a mobile app
without understanding the consumer.

If you understand reader psychology, you can clone

your wisdom in a way that they become your fan after
reading your book. They will see you as an expert in


your field and would love to buy more products from

you. That’s what my Most Trusted Author Model is all

Do you know what is the highest paid skill in the

Sales? Education? Medicine? Banking?
Investments? Software? Spirituality? Fitness ...
Do you have the slightest idea of what you need to
work upon? If you work upon this skill, your life can
change. I mean literally skyrocket in the direction you

The highest paid skill in the world is the skill of

communication. You may be in any field - if you make
your communication better, you can start earning a
very high income.

Are you working on it?

Now you would ask me, what it has to do with
Reader Psychology?
I would say - everything. But, before I tell you how,
tell me what are those two skills you can work on right
now to double your income instantly?

Before I give that away, yes, let me reiterate - it has

to do with reader psychology.
Any guesses? Come on… Write that down or start
Two skills that can double your income instantly.
No, it is not stock market trading;)

No, you don’t have to rob the bank to double your

income instantly. The two most important skills that


are a subset of the highest-paid skill of communication

are - speaking and writing. These skills are the ones that
can turn around your business and personal life.

According to Warren Buffett, if one can work on

these skills, they can increase their worth many folds.
Now, what are these skills based on? Who do you
speak or write to? And what is the vehicle for these

Words! And you use words to communicate

with the readers.
Reader Psychology becomes most important if you
want to improve your communication. Let us start with
your thoughts. Why do you like to read a certain book?
Have you read your favorite book multiple times? Like
- I read Alchemist almost every year. I have read it
many times. The same goes with Jonathan Livingston
Seagull by Richard Bach or 5 AM Club by Robin
Sharma or 4-hour Work Week or Eat that Frog or
Harry Potter Series or Twilight Series. I am a sucker
for good books. That was about me. Have you read
books multiple times? Can you list down your reason
for reading a book again and again? Things that you
already know but you read them again and again? Or
stories you already know but you like to read them
again and again?

Wondered what happens inside your body when

you read them again and again? Why do you love it?
Have you watched movies many times? Any web series
in one go despite being tired? Any book that you were
not able to put down?


As an author, your job is to create that kind of

experience in your book. You are not writing a book.
You are creating an experience for the reader through
the book.

Number one key takeaway from Reader

Psychology - readers don’t give a shit about your
flowery, Shashi Tharoor style vocabulary or great
language. While it is imperative to give an error-free
experience to the reader, but nothing more than that.
Readers don’t really care about it. If language was that
important to the readers, Fifty Shades of Grey
wouldn’t have become a global bestseller. It has a lot
of mistakes, yet it worked.

Are you still wondering, how to create that kind of

experience for the reader? So that writing becomes

First things first - how do you get the attention

of your reader? Your job as an author is to first get
the attention of the reader and then hold it till the end
of the book. And for the reader to talk about the book,
they have to remember the book. And for them to
remember, they need to experience something inside
the book that is worth sharing and re-reading.

Our brain is programmed to notice abnormalities…

notice breaks… It doesn't notice the monotonous
stuff. It doesn’t notice the routine stuff. So, if you have
to get the attention of the reader, you need to start your
book with something that breaks the pattern.


How to hold the attention of the reader?

Now that you have the attention of the reader, it is
time to hold it. Humans are very selfish by nature. If
you tell them that this is good stuff for them. They will
probably give it a miss. But if you tell them that it is
going to solve their age-old problem, they are going to
listen to you. That’s one way to hold it.

The second way is to leverage biology - the changes

that happen in a human body when they experience
something. Wondered how you can watch or read a
book despite being tired. When you read a story, the
story anesthetizes a part of your brain that tells
that you are reading a story and you become a part
of it. Stories are the world's first virtual reality -
dates back to the time when even language was
not invented. Your brain thinks in terms of questions
and answers. It looks for stories in everything around -
every information that you come across - you look for
stories. So, if you want to make your book memorable,
you need to leverage the power of stories.

Want to understand how to do it? You may think -

I already know how to write one. That’s like telling me
I know how to open and close my eyes. Yeah?
Now, if I didn’t know how to do it and I asked you
- tell me how to open my eyes?

What will you say? Just open it :D?

I have no idea how to open my eyes. Can you tell

me which muscles are used? What signal needs to be
transmitted by the brain so that my eyes open?
Gotcha… You don’t know it.


Well, it's the same with stories. If you want to learn

the mechanics and biology of stories, attend my 5-day
class here -

Attend the 5-day class and start noticing stories in
the way you communicate and store information in
your head.

Now, don’t put your book in a monotonous way.

That’s the mistake most authors make. They think that
they are writing non-fiction. They have cutting-edge
knowledge. But my dear friend, the reader can
understand, store and repeat information easily in the
form of stories. So, if you want to make your book
memorable, you need to leverage the power of stories.

Have you read books like 5 AM Club by Robin

Sharma? Read Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert
Kiyosaki? Or The Psychology of Money by Morgan
Housel? Or any of the books by Seth Godin. You take
any bestselling book - these books are memorable and
thereby successful because the author has leveraged
stories to share their thoughts.

Your book (be it fiction or nonfiction) should have

life in it. If it has life, the reader is going to enjoy it and
share it.

Have you visited a hospital? Do you know how they

check life in a person? On that device that keeps
showing some moving pattern. When the person dies,
the device shows a flat line.


Yes, don’t write your book flatly. Insert life in it.

Ups and Downs in it. Emotions in it. Stories in it. Put
life in your book by sharing stories, events, examples,
real-life experiences.

Your book is like music. Readers won’t like to hear

just one note. You have to ensure you create a

Now that you know that you have to include stories

in your book. Tell me who is the main character of your
Wondering that you haven’t decided? That you are
the main character?

Hint: The main character of every book for both

fiction and non-fiction is the SAME :D.

This is very very important to understand. Because

once you get it, your writing style and the content will

On to the next thing in Reader Psychology - why do

you read a book? Why does a reader read a book? To
escape reality? Or to find a solution to their problems?

Be it fiction or nonfiction, the reader immerses

in the book to find a solution to their problems. If
they are reading fiction, they are becoming the main
character and going through the experience and
somewhere also seeing their own life problems in it and
navigating through it through the book.


When they grab a self-help book, they are looking

for a transformation and they expect that the book
would fulfill it step by step. They expect that after they
have read the book, they will be an improved version
of themselves.

Action: What is the problem you are solving

through your book? (Irrespective of genre)
Fiction: What is the problem/conflict of your
Non-Fiction: What is the problem of your


The skill of writing is to create a context in which other people
can think.
- Edwin Schlossberg



You can reach timelessness if you look for the essence of things
and not the appearance. The appearance is transitory – the
appearance is fashion, the appearance is trendiness – but the
essence is timeless.
-Massimo Vignelli

While knowing reader psychology will help you to

write your book in a way that the reader will become
your fan, but it won’t guarantee timelessness to your
book. What if things change rapidly? What if your
concept becomes redundant or meaningless with time?
How do you add timelessness to your book?

Works by Shakespeare, Dickens, Doyle and many

more authors are still relevant. How? Authors are gone.
But their books are still being read.

That’s the fourth secret successful authors use in

their books. It is something that keeps their book
relevant even if times change. It adds depth to their
book. It adds more meaning to their content and
readers are able to relate all the more to it.

If content is king, this secret is the kingdom. If you

put this secret in your content, it closes the gap. If
reader psychology strategies are 1, 2, 3, 4 ... then this is
the base i.e. “0”.

Yes, the fourth secret is the Context. Context is


more important than content. Without context, your

readers will not understand the depth of your content.
And with the right context, readers will get the
complete picture.
For eg. Year 2020
Do you get the context when I say 2020?
Yes, it is the year when one virus got the world to a

Let me give you another example. A love story set

in Bengal in 1947. Got the context? I don’t even have
to tell more.
When your content is around real-world events, you
can use the years and place for the context.
For eg. You are writing a book on women. This is
really broad and I don’t get the context. Because
women in a village will be different than women in a
city of India. And women in Europe will be different
than women in the US unless your book is about
science and something that is same across all the
women. Then also, it is necessary to set the context.

When do you set the context in the book?

Totally depends on what book it is. Maybe the
context is part of the suspense. Then the context
comes last. For eg. A serial killer murder mystery where
the context of why that person is killing everyone
comes at the end of the book.

What is the context?

Context could be a place, time i.e. setting. It could
be historical, political. It could be even socio-cultural.
For eg. Dowry system in India or customs followed by
any religion in India.


Context could be related to human nature too like

greed, selfishness, need for respect, selfless love,
spirituality and so on…

So, that’s context. It is time to ponder about the

context of your book.

Work on the context of your book and share it with


Write Without Fear, Edit Without Mercy


“Gosh, I know nothing about publishing my book.
Can you help?”
“Yes, we need 3 sample chapters of your book to
evaluate, and then we can tell if we will publish your
book or not.”
You email it to this reputed publisher.
“We will charge Rs. xx lacs to publish your book. It
will include these services… and so on,” comes the
Sounds familiar?

When Robin Sharma started his author journey, he

learned the nuances. Do you think he paid to publish
his first book?
What about J K Rowling?
Yes, highly successful don’t pay to publish their
work. They become worthy of it. They polish their
work. They work on their book.

When it comes to polishing the work, I am very

strict about when it is done! A book should be edited
after the first draft is complete. If you edit as you write,
you are slowing down the process of writing your book
and probably increasing the time taken to write the
book by over 100 times. Yes, it is that bad and
discouraged to edit while writing. Edit after you are done
with your first draft.

Take the example of an author Shantanu (name

changed) who came to me when he had just started
writing the first chapter of the book. He was always
editing the chapter as he went from one to the next. I


even told him that this is hampering his progress. But,

he was adamant. He thought he was doing it the right
way. What do you think happened with the book?

Well, it's not that it didn’t happen.. He took several

months to come with the first draft of the book. Now,
here is what more interesting thing happened. When
he started self-editing, he saw some paragraphs were
not required in some chapters. He had already spent
time editing them while writing it. Now, they had to be
removed. That was double the time wasted.

Why you shouldn’t edit before the first draft is

complete -

Editing is an activity that is logical, and analytical. It

requires you to move in the critical mode. Whereas
writing is the opposite of this activity. Imagine you
editing and writing alternately. While it is easier to
switch to editing, it is many times difficult to come
back to the creative mode. So, people who edit in
between writing, get into self-doubt very easily and
leave writing their books in between. Editing becomes
the culprit - the thought that I am not a good writer
stems up and that’s how half-written books get created.

Another reason being the time taken to write your

book increases dramatically because of switching time
between editing and writing and editing in between
doesn’t guarantee any quality. It also is kind of double
work for you considering that those words that you are
polishing may get deleted in the self-editing phase. So
why edit now?


While it is discouraged to edit while writing, it is

imperative to edit after writing your first draft.
While it is a known fact that you should edit your
book, editing your book is so powerful that it can take
you from zero to hero.

Why should “you” edit your book?

Let me take an example. Another author Ajaya

wanted to write and publish his book in 5 days.
“Are you sure?” I asked him.
He was dead sure. He had been seeing the 5-day
authors mushrooming around him. He did publish his
book in 5 days. But when people started reading his
book, he started getting 1-star and 2-star reviews. He
shared his heart out to me.
“Well, did you edit your book before publishing it?”
I asked.
“Yes,” he replied, “a little.”
I saw his face. He hadn’t edited the book.
He went back and spent another few days polishing
his stuff and republished it.

The first draft is like you telling the story to yourself.

It is not to be shared with anyone. It is like that
monument/statue that is just raw and not to be shared
with the public. Because if you share, the public is not
going to appreciate it. For them, it would look like a
practice work of some amateur. So, always edit your
work until you are proud of it.

Edit because your reputation is tied to your

book. If you deliver excellent work, the readers will
assume the same excellence in all your products and


you will become a trusted author. One sale will lead to

many sales for you.

Edit because readers will buy looking at some page

of your book if they are strolling in a retail bookstore.
And if they are on Amazon, they will be looking inside
using the “Look inside” feature on Amazon. So, if they
encounter even one mistake while reading your book,
they are not going to buy your book thinking that you
have not taken the time and effort to write your book.

Editing is done to ensure that your content is

interesting, impactful, flowing logically and effortlessly
through the chapters. Effortless reading is the outcome
of good editing.
Here are the three simple steps to edit your book -

1. Edit for Content and Impact

In this step, you will be reviewing and editing your

book multiple times. You will read first, take notes of
what change is required and then make those changes.
And then read again.
You are not going to go to the next step until you
are sure of the content, coherency, and impact your
content is putting on the readers.

Editing always starts from far to near. i.e. first you

read your book from start to end. Analyze it from the
perspective of logical flow, overall theme, coherency,
and impact.

If you yourself feel bored reading your book, do you

think your readers are going to enjoy it? Before you


impart knowledge and wisdom, understand that your

book is not just a book. It is an experience.

When you read your book, if you are not enjoying

it, you need to find why. You need to find what parts
are not enjoyable, what parts are going flat, what parts
you are feeling sleepy, what parts make you put your
book down. Take notes. Look at the big picture. Fix it.
Read again. Take notes. Fix it. Repeat till you have a
satisfactory product in hand. And yes, this stage
doesn’t include fixing grammar, punctuation and all
that stuff that can be fixed by a machine.

2. Edit for Influence

Once you are sure of the content and structure of
the book and it's frozen, it is time to take a closer look
now. From the overall book now, it is time to repeat
the same process for every chapter, every page, and
every paragraph - in that sequence only.
Fix, read, fix, read, and so on until every chapter

3. Read it aloud
You may be satisfied with your book now. But it is
not done yet. Take a print of your book and read it
aloud. Now, it is time to fix all the minute things you
were so itching to fix - all the nitty-gritty.
The fifth secret of highly successful authors is
that they understand and self-edit their work
before they blow up their money. Remember, your
book is your baby. You are the best person to polish it
before you hand it to someone else to polish it for you.
Action:Attend the 5-day class to discover the tools
that you can use to edit like a professional.


Do you think Stephen King paid someone to get
published? Or J K Rowling paid? Or Robin Sharma
paid? James Patterson? Jack Canfield? John Grisham?
Dr. Seuss? Anne Frank?
Highly successful authors didn’t give up. They
never paid to get published. Either they self-published
and kept improving or they polished and polished it till
a publisher accepted their book. And yes, rejection is
the stepping stone to success.

Never pay to get published!


What other authors have to say about

Sweta and the Most Trusted Author Model
“What came first - The Author or the Book? None!
The journey starts with the Coach. I’m blessed to find
one in Ms. Sweta Samota, whose teachings turned me
and many into a Bestselling Author.”
Sandeep Bogra, Bestselling Author, Life & Relationship

“Sweta's book coaching is simply fabulous!!! She

helps you traverse some very difficult paths to writing
with remarkable ease!!! Thanks to Sweta, I obtained a
lot of clarity on how to take my book forward!!!”
Dr. Lavanya Seshayee, Author of "Against All Odds -
Rising Above Schizophrenia - 1”

“My book would not have been half as appealing

without Sweta's coaching, with emphasis on polishing
your work to create a masterpiece. And thanks to her
guidance on launching and marketing, my book got the
bestseller tag on the first day of publishing.”
Dr. Thomas T. Thomas, Author of “Adventures of a
Countryside Doctor”

“Sweta is a gem of a person. While she has mastered

the art of creating a bestseller, she pours all her
knowledge into you, the author ensuring your book is
a bestseller from content, Layout, size, Marketing &
Capt Manmeet Chadha, Master Mariner, Ad Fellow
Nautical Institute, Serial Entrepreneur, Master NLP Coach,


“Sweta's success as a coach lies in the simplicity of

her approach, coupled with a firm resolve to guide her
protégés to achieve their goals. Her timely inputs and
constructive criticism keep us on our toes and inspires
us to do our best.”
Sujoy Basu, Author and A seasoned HR Professional and
Coach at HeadSpace HR and LeapLearner India

“Sweta Samota taps the ‘you’ in ‘you’. It is pure bliss

to be a part of her Authors Programme as she makes
you explore the untouched regions of your mind with
such confidence that in no time you are ready with a
story idea and you have started your journey as an
author. Her phenomenal guidance, support, and
motivation have brought my dormant aspirations to
the fore; what might have been only a dream, translated
into’ dream come true. From the basic ‘story idea’ to
publishing and marketing, I found her standing firmly
beside me, with me, instilling the much-needed
confidence, ‘you can do it’.”
Shashikala Gadepally, Author of multiple books, Educator

“If I would not have attended her masterclasses, I

could not have published my book. From making
initial draft to post publishing marketing, everything I
have learned from her and still learning. It has been a
motivating, and great learning experience for me.”
Chandan Sarkar, Author of "Beyond the horizon with You
& Life"

“It is tough to put Sweta under a single label, but

Author coach comes nearest to it. If there was one
word that encompassed inspired leadership, mentoring
and channeling your energies towards a higher goal one


would be happy to use it. Yes, she is the best when it

comes to giving you value-added, step-by-step,
comprehensive track and mentorship in getting your
book published. I have looked forward to my morning
sprints with her, as well as her insightful Mastermind
sessions. As a communication coach myself, I would
like to add that I definitely appreciate her straight and
fuss-free coaching.”
Mohita Datta, Author and Communication Coach

“A thorough professional, Sweta Samota has been

a wonderful Coach, Mentor, and Guide. She weaves
magic as she pays individual attention to each and every
individual who approaches her for assistance in
"creating" a book. Her enthusiasm and energy is highly
infectious and she infuses lots of positivity as she
gently explains the nuances of creating a "best seller".”
Jayaraj Chandrasekharan, a Spiritual Seeker and a
Passionate Teacher

“Sweta is a mentor who stands with you in every

aspect and facet of your author journey. From
guidance to motivation, to hand-holding, to being a
strict disciplinarian, and a friend who truly wants the
best for you, she’s been there and done that. I’m
fortunate to have embarked on my author journey with
Preeti Nair Nayak, Urbanist and Author

“Writing is a phenomenal growth for any person. It

changes the entire thinking process which now wants
to make sense and see where it leads to if stretched
Sweta Samota herself being a wonderful writer, has


made a huge difference to me. Has given easy

technique with hand-holding at every crucial self-
doubting moment in the process of writing. She
handles all disciplines and types of students at various
stages with aplomb. Most importantly, she makes you
realise the necessity of writing, in one's journey. She
has given me a direction to grow in life.
Wish her success, more so, because of her
impeccable simple, and direct style. It is world-class.”
Ravi Sangvai, Chief General Manager-Office in Charge,
Reserve Bank of India, Sikkim with upcoming fiction family
saga Red Diary

“I generally don't trust FB ads but I am glad I

clicked this one. Which is proved to be a turning point
in my life. I always wanted to be an author. But never
knew how to achieve that. Sweta made it very simple
and clear. Her Masterclasses are inspiring and
motivating. She knows the best yet she's very humble
and generous with a motive of making difference in the
society at large. I am blessed to flourish under her
Shilpa Salve, Author, Life and Health Coach

“I think the best thing about Sweta's book coaching

is the confidence that she instills in people from all
walks of life, to start getting words on paper and then
see it through to publication. Her systematic
approaches towards publishing, useful tips, community
support, and discussions have indeed been integral to
my author journey. Whether one is starting to write
from scratch or stuck in publishing dilemmas, Sweta's
courses are definitely recommended for all because
there's always something new to learn from her!”


Chitra Padmana, Scientist and Author of 'Linger, When

You're Gone'

“I have read a lot of books on how to write and

theories, etc but this course of Sweta takes all those
things to the next level in a simple, easy and methodical
manner as much as possible with a book writing
course. Her work is substantial and she is very prompt
and timely in her help.”
Piyush Jain, Author, Businessman, Educator, Lecturer

“Sweta is a skillful book coach who knows the in

and out of book writing. She has researched and
created a unique niche. Her techniques are very
effective and no wonder she is premier Book coach.”
Manohar Grandhi, Author of “My Sleepless Nights” and
Software Lead

“Sweta as a coach has helped me start my journey

as an author. She helped me create a step-by-step
outline for the book, setting writing goals, editing and
publishing without any hurdles.”
Niraja Bandi, Author of “Empower to transform” and
Operations Manager

“It will not be an exaggeration to say that she is one

of the best coaches who have in-depth knowledge of
book writing in India. Her coaching will give you a
competitive advantage even in the highly competitive
genre like fiction and help you to be a bestselling
author. Her insights on self-publishing, self-editing,
and writing planning are praiseworthy and ensure
churning out the best writer version in you.”
Prabin Sharma, Author of "The Way I Learn", Senior Banker



Sweta Samota is India’s Leading Book Coach and
Amazon Bestselling Author. She has authored several
bestselling books – fiction and non-fiction both.
Having coached 1000+ individuals in their author
journey, she has now become the most sought-after
book coach of India.

She is on her 12th book right now. She is on a

mission to help 1,00,000 individuals to becomes
successful authors and create their legacy.

She is the creator of one of the fastest trusted

author methods - The Most Trusted Author that helps
people become trusted authors in less than 5 days.

Over the past 3 years, Sweta has mentored more

than 1000 individuals about how to write a great book
in just 30 days and become bestselling authors, using
her two unique methods.

Trained under Blair Singer (BSTA – Gold

Certification, Master Facilitator), Siddharth Rajsekar
(Digital Lifestyle Coach), and Gopal Krishnan (Binge
Marketer), Sweta Samota is a great trainer and coach.

She is the winner of TheStoryAward by

Being a changemaker herself (2 social causes to
victory), her 8th book talks about change-making in
India using the petition platform.


She is also a frequent speaker at many literary events

in India. She is invited as a panelist and judge at several
events in colleges and professional institutes.

She is also followed by Shree Narendra Modiji on

Twitter and frequently interacts with him and other
influential leaders of India and the world.

Sweta is a marathoner and Pinkathon Ambassador

of her region. She has conducted Pinkathon Day
events for her region twice. When she is not writing
and coaching, she is running and sweating out on the

Books by her –

Facebook Page:

For group coaching for your book and becoming a

published author in 30 days, join the 30-Day Author








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