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Roads to Democracy(ies)

A European Joint Masters Program in Contemporary Studies

80 points, 120 ECTS credits

1. Guidelines and Decisions

Upon completion of the program a student will receive a Master of Arts degree in History (Magisterexamen
med ämnesdjup i historia). The Department of History is responsible for the program. The program was
approved by the board of the Department of History 2005-05-18.

2. Aim

The purpose of the joint program is to provide students with knowledge of and insights into the development
of democracies in Europe. The program will consider how this came about by tracing political, economic,
social, and cultural aspects of the development of democratic ideas, institutions, and structures in Europe in
general. Because the expertise of the partners differs, the pooling of resources provides a more qualified and
complete program than would be possible at any of the individual partner universities.

3. Learning outcomes and competences

Learning outcomes

The student will:

 acquire an awareness of the diversity and complexity of and variations in the processes of the social and political construction of democratic
ideas, institutions and structures.
 develop a broad, comparative understanding of the mechanisms behind democratic transitions in a historical perspective.
 be able to assess present-day democratic developments on the national as well as on the supra-national level.
 gain a high level of consciousness on the fragility of democratic institutions and of the relevance of citizenship and participation in the
democratic process.


The student will:

 acquire the capacity to plan, manage and execute complex tasks.

 attain extensive skills in problem identification and solving, communication, and knowledge sharing.
 develop creative skills
 acquire a concern for quality.

4. Content

The program consists of five parts.

Part 1. Course: Introduction, 10 points/15 ECTS credits.

Part 2. Course: Theory and methods, 5 points/7.5 ECTS credtis.
Part 3. Course: Four thematic courses 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 points/7.5 + 7.5 + 7.5 + 7.5 ECTS credits.
Part 4. Seminar participation, 5 points / 7.5 ECTS credits
Part 5. Thesis, 40 points/60 ECTS credits.

At least 10 points/15 ECTS credits of course work must be taken at a partner university.

5. Organization

The program is structured so that both thesis work and course work take place simultaneously throughout
the program, although not necessarily on an equal basis each semester. Teaching, which includes seminars,
lectures, and individual and group tutorials, will to a certain extent be co-ordinated with the teaching of the
graduate students (Ph.D. candidates). Active participation in all forms of instruction is obligatory. The student
has the right to tuition only during the ordinary program period.

6. Prerequisites

The completion of a Bachelor degree relevant for the program and a good knowledge of English are required
for admission.

7. Examination and grades

Examination forms include an active participation in seminars, writing papers, and writing and defending a
research thesis. Grades are given for each part and for the program as a whole. Grades will be given in
accordance with the Swedish grading system and ECTS grading system. The following grades will be used:
Väl Godkänd (corresponds to A or B), Godkänd (corresponds to C, D or E), Underkänd (corresponds to F).

8. Additional information

Examination of the course work is done by the teaching staff and recorded where the courses are taught. The
thesis is completed and evaluated at the home university. All partners agree to automatically accept all
results. A Diploma Supplement will be issued by all partners in English and in all of the vernacular languages
of the participating partners. The degree is granted by the home university and is fully recognised by all
partners. The degree may be transformed into a multiple degree or joint degree granted by two or more of
the partners, if all of the partners agree.

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