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Physics First


Honors POGIL: Temperature, Thermal Energy, and Heating In our time together we have already learned about one method by which energy is transferred into or out of a system. This is the concept of working, in which energy is transferred by force acting over a distance. In this POGIL we will become familiar with heating, the process by which energy is transferred because of a difference in temperature. Before tackling this concept we will familiarize ourselves with different units of temperature and energy. Temperature, Thermal Energy, and Heating Temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy per particle of a substance. A substance with a higher temperature has particles with a higher average kinetic energy. There are three common scales we use to measure temperature. Kelvin (K): Water freezes at 273.15 K and boils at 373.15 K. Fahrenheit (F): Water freezes at 32F and boils at 212F. Celsius (C): Water freezes at 0C and boils at 100C 1. The forecast for the town of Kalamazoo is for a high of 40F. The forecast for the town of Veracruz is for a high of 40C. (a) Which town will have warmer weather?

(b) In which town will the air molecules be moving faster, on average?

2. Which represents a greater change in temperature: an increase in temperature of 1C, 1F, or 1 K? Justify your answer.

Thermal Energy Thermal energy is the total kinetic energy of all particles in a substance. It is commonly measured in Joules (J), just like any other energy storage mechanism. We will occasionally come across units of calories (cal), which is equal to 4.19 J. 3. Suppose we sit on the shores of Lake Maxinkuckee one winter day sipping hot cocoa. The temperature of the lake is 5C and the temperature of the cocoa is 85C (a) Which has molecules with higher average kinetic energy: the cocoa or the lake?

(b) Which has more thermal energy: the cocoa or the lake?

(c) Justify your answers to (a) and (b).

Physics First


4. Compare and contrast temperature and thermal energy. How are they the same? How are they different?

5. What properties of an object determine its thermal energy?

6. The sparks from a sparkler have a temperature of around 2000C. Why do they not burn your hand when they strike it?

Heating Heating is energy that is transferring between two objects because of a difference in temperature between them. Since it is a measure of energy, it is also measured in Joules, or sometimes calories. Heating always flows from a high temperature region to a low temperature region. 7. We continue to sip hot cocoa by the shores of Lake Maxinkuckee on a cold winter day. The air temperature is 2C and the temperature of the cocoa is 85C. (a) Will heating flow from the air to the cocoa or from the cocoa to the air? Justify your answer.

(b) As a result of the heating: i. will the temperature of the cocoa increase, decrease, or stay the same?


will the temperature of the air increase, decrease, or stay the same?


Justify your answers to parts i and ii above.

Physics First


(c) As a result of the heating: i. will the thermal energy of the cocoa increase, decrease, or stay the same?


will the thermal energy of the air increase, decrease, or stay the same?


Justify your answers to parts i and ii above.

(d) Suppose the cocoa loses 100 J of energy by heating. How much energy is does the air gain?

(e) Why is the change in temperature of the air negligible, while the change in temperature of the cocoa more significant?

8. Compare and contrast working and heating. How are they similar? How are they different?

9. What is the difference between heating and thermal energy?

Specific Heat Capacity The specific heat capacity is a property of different substances. It tells us the amount of energy that must be transferred to or from the substance to change a certain mass of the substance by a certain temperature. The specific heat capacities of several substances at room temperature are shown below. Substance water iron/steel copper air Specific Heat Capacity (J/g-C) 4.19 0.452 0.387 1.05

Physics First


As an example, note that the specific heat capacity of water is 4.19 J/g-C. This means that to increase the temperature of 1 g of water by 1C, we must add 4.19 J of energy. To decrease the temperature of 1 g of water by 1C, we must remove 4.19 J of energy. 10. How much energy must be transferred to change the temperature of: (a) 1 g of water by 2C?

(b) 1 g of water by 3C?

(c) 1 g of water by 5C?

(d) 2 g of water by 1C?

(e) 5 g of water by 1C?

(f) 250 g of water by 20C? 11. A 1500 g steel hammer, initially at 25C, is left in a cold garage at 10C. (a) Does the hammer lose or gain energy?

(b) Where does this energy come from or go to?

(c) How much energy is transferred?

12. How much energy must be added to a 50 g copper wire to increase its temperature from 5C to 70C?

13. Suppose we add 2000 J of energy to equal masses of water, air, steel, and copper. List the substances in order from LEAST temperature change to HIGHEST temperature change.

Physics First


SUPER CHALLENGE PROBLEM 14. A 400 g piece of copper, initially at a temperature of 90C, is immersed in 800 g of water at 10C. (a) Will the thermal energy of the copper increase, decrease, or remain the same? Justify your answer.

(b) Will the thermal energy of the water increase, decrease, or remain the same? Justify your answer.

(c) Will heating flow from the copper to the water or from the water to the copper? Justify your answer.

(d) Will the final temperature be less than 10C, between 10C and 50C, equal to 50C, between 50C and 90C, or greater than 90C? Justify your answer.

(e) Setup and solve an equation for the final temperature of the copper and water.

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