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A person is musically educated when he or she is musically independent, performs to

the highest level with a lifetime of musical expression, able to teach/coach others and
can compose, transpose and improvise music.


1. They Possess a Legitimate Love for Music

The best music teacher should not only be passionate about the genres of music they
specialize in. They should express love towards music in general as a form of art.
Having expertise in music only is not enough to inspire students. Rather, learners will
identify better with teachers who are genuinely enthusiastic about the subject.
This passion should be spread across all subjects that the music teacher handles, as
opposed to the exciting lessons only. This will encourage the students to practice and
be more committed to their lessons.

2. They Possess Good Communication Skills

Music comprises of intricate ideas and explaining them clearly can be an arduous task.
Good music teachers are conversant with simplifying complex subjects to make them
easy to understand.
They also give students sufficient time to practice with musical instruments during
practical lessons. As a music teacher, you should be a skilled and approachable listener
that students can contact with difficult questions easily.

3. They Understand the Importance of Fundamental Elements

Great music teachers know the importance of fundamental elements in terms of theory
and technique.
A qualified music instructor knows that training in, and implementation of fundamental
aspects such as; posture, hand position, and breathing should be upheld as the
students get more conversant with their instrument.
Great music teachers also understand the importance of fundamental music theory
ideas in helping children to; personalize, understand, and relate to music as they
enhance their skills.
Qualified music teachers always remember the role there principal lessons play.
Further, they are always ready to refer to them when the need arises regardless of the
amount of progress accomplished.

4. They Understand Student Capabilities

Different students respond differently to grasping music lessons and mastering how to
play an instrument. The best music teacher understands the importance of
accommodating each student depending on his individual needs.
A good teacher invests in the students fully and lets them understand that he is focused
on helping them succeed. He or she discusses the struggles and achievements that
come with learning a new musical instrument with the students.
A music teacher also develops practical goals for each student. The student can
achieve them at a pace that meets their needs and musical capability.

5. They are Patient

An effective music teacher should be emotionally intelligent, people-oriented, and

sufficiently patient. It’s worth mentioning that different students develop their musical
skills at different rates.
Some students will take longer to understand critical concepts. The best music teacher
takes time to listen to students as they play their instruments. They then identify the
areas the students need to improve on, and work together to achieve success.
Further, music teachers should be in a position to offer positive criticism to help
students conquer challenges. The best music teacher understands the importance of
repetition when it comes to mastering a musical instrument. He will be more than willing
to support all students regardless of their ability levels.

6. They Learn Constantly

A good music teacher understands that learning and practicing how to play musical
instruments is a continuous pursuit. Not only does he teach his students, but he also
identifies and seizes opportunities to enhance his own skills.
In today’s evolving music industry, new music styles are coming up every so often. The
best music teacher is keen to establish new styles and seeks to learn more about it from
his peers.
A great music instructor will be willing to share any new developments with his students.
He also guides students towards identifying different ways to enhance their
performance regardless of their proficiency level.

7. They Prepare Students to be Independent

The best music teacher is aware of the fact that one day they will become irrelevant in
the student’s musical journey. They also understand that this is important if the student
is to become self-reliant.
They work relentlessly to help the student gain the skills they need to improve their
creativity and gain independence. Qualified music teachers know when students are
ready to advance to the next step. They play a big role in helping them develop a robust
foundation of skills that help them scale their music.

8. They Make Lessons Fun

While learning music can be a daunting task, the experience should not be depressing.
The best music teacher knows how to make music lessons exciting and fun amidst the
hard work involved.
When students enjoy their music lessons, they will be more inspired to do their best to
achieve success. There are various ways of making a music lesson exciting. For
instance, some teachers are enthusiastic about music and this alone can make the
lessons fun. A great teacher offers to collaborate with his students in playing musical
Students will be excited to participate in playing competitions in the company of their
instructors. When it comes to music theory, teachers can allow students to connect with
popular musicians. This will help the students learn more from the experts, and strive to
be as successful as their mentors.
Organizing music lessons in a different setting can also help students have fun as well
as enhance their skills.

9. They Integrate Targets and Assignments

A great music teacher knows how to integrate student lessons with their objectives,
targets, and assignments. They always ensure that students have assignments for
specific practice sessions.
The best music teacher should help students prepare a record-keeping strategy such as
a music lesson journal. This helps them maintain organization and comes in handy to
help evaluate student progress.
A good teacher is one who helps students to practice and understand how to retain
information. A good way of doing so is by having the students take comprehensive
notes or record their lessons. This way, they will have something to refer to during their
free time.

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