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In 1980, iridium was once used to solve a particular issue.

Around the world, a

thin layer of sediment was found to contain high concentrations of iridium.
The K-Pg boundary, also known as the time of the mass extinction of the
dinosaurs, is a layer that separates the Cretaceous and Paleogene periods. The
theory that the mass extinction event was caused by an asteroid impact was
supported by research into the iridium content of the K-Pg boundary layer. This Iridium was discovered in 1803 by simon
discovery progressed our understanding of the history and development of life thenatit is named after the greek
on Earth and cast a spotlight on the future dangers that could be caused by
asteroid impacts.
goddess iris and it is found in south
Resistance to corrosion: Iridium is highly resistant to corrosion africa, russia and canada
High melting and boiling point: Iridium has one of the highest melting and
boiling points among all elements
iridium oxide is one of
iridium's most popular

h a t i s t h i s Iridium compounds, anyways

iridium is not toxic or
W ?
n t ? is the key to this case reactive or

el e m e flammable!!
Iridium is a transition Number o
f proton
number o s: 77
metal with a atomic f electro
number o ns: 77 r ic a l
f neutro g h el ec t
ns: 115 a s a h i n et ic
mass of 192.222 and color: Sil
very whit boiling p
It h
it y a nd it n o tm ag
Texture: e u ct iv pe w ith
4428oc cond o sh a
atomic number of 77 luster: sh
hard+ bri
t t le m - ve ry di f f ic u lt t
ra c kin g
iny meta elting po ki n g o r c
state: so llic 2 int; br ea
lid 246oC

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