Advanced Micro Economics Syllabus - 2023

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Sunandan Ghosh
Date: 2022.05.10
1. Name of the Department/Centre/School proposing to : HS 11:57:12 IST
introduce the subject Location: Humanities
and Social Sciences,
2. Name of the subject : Advanced Microeconomics IIT Kharagpur
3. L-T-P and Credit loading of the subject : L-T-P : 3-0-0 Credit : 3
4. Status of the subject
a) Specify the Session,Semester ,from which the : AUTUMN,2021-2022
subject is going to be offered
b) Level of the Subject : PG Level
c) Name(s) of the Programme(s) in whose curricula : 1)5 th Year,ECONOMICS (M.Sc. 5Y) UG.
this subject will be included 2)5 th Year,ECONOMICS (BS-MS 5Y) UG
d) Whether the subject will be offered as : COMPULSORY
Compulsory or Elective
e) The semester in which the subject will be offered. : AUTUMN
5. Prerequisite(s) for the subject, if any Please give the : 1)MICROECONOMICS I.
subject number and names) 2)MICROECONOMICS II
6. Objectives and contents
a) Objectives : Built on Microeconomics I and II fundamentals, this course deals with
the advanced theories of Microeconomics with a more application-
oriented approach.
b) Contents (in 100 to 150 words) : Choice under uncertainty: Concepts of Lotteries, Axioms of choice
under uncertainty, Expected Utility Function and its properties,
Expected Utility Theorem, Violations of Expected Utility Theorem;
Preferences towards risk, risk diversification, Insurance; trade-off
between risk and return
Market structure: Cournot competition with many firms, Bertrand
competition with Product differentiation, Location models; Cartels and
collusion; Tying and bundling, Non-linear pricing; Types of entry
barriers, Conditions of entry: the Dixit Model, Limit Pricing Model,
Predatory pricing; Advertising
Game Theory: Revisiting basics; Mixed Strategy; Review of Extensive
form Games with Perfect Information; The game tree; strategies;
subgame perfection; Repeated Games: Finitely repeated games and
backward induction; infinitely repeated games; The repeated
Prisonersâ dilemma; Folk theorem; Simultaneous move games
with incomplete information (Bayesian games); Strategies; Bayesian
Nash equilibrium; auctions; other applications; Extensive form games
with imperfect information; Strategies; beliefs and sequential
equilibrium; applications
Information: Adverse Selection and Moral Hazard; principal-agent
framework, applications; Signaling games
(Please attach the detailed lecture-wise breakup
and/or list of experiments)
7. Names of the faculty members of the 1)Anwesha Aditya (EC-16088 ) (Dept-HS )
Department/Centre/School who have the necessary
expertise and will be willing to teach the subject
(minimum two faculty members should be willing to
teach the subject).
8. Do the contents of the subject have an overlap with : Y
any other subject offered in the Institute? If yes,
please give details as follows.
a) The number and the name of the existing subject : 1)MICROECONOMICS II (HS21202 )
b) Approximate percentage of overlap : 10
c) Reason for offering the new subject in spite of the : Approximately 90% of this syllabus is completely new

Date :
Signature of the Head/Dean of the Deptt./Centre/School

9. Recommended Text Books : Aliprantis, C. D. and S. K. Chakrabarti. Games and Decision-Making,

Oxford University
Press, 1998
Gibbons, Robert, Game Theory for Applied Economists, Princeton
University Press, 1992.
Gravelle, Hugh and Ray Rees, Microeconomics, Pearson Education,
3rd edition, 2004.
Mas-Colell, A., M.D. Whinston and J.R. Green, Microeconomic
Theory, Oxford University Press, 1995.
Osborne, Martin J., An Introduction to Game Theory, Oxford
University Press, New Delhi, 2004.
10. Reference Books/Materials : Shy, Oz, Industrial Organization: Theory and Applications, MIT Press,
Tirole, Jean, The Theory of Industrial Organization, The MIT Press
11 Names of the Departments/Centres/Schools/ : 1)Humanities and Social Sciences
Programmes whose students are expected to register
for this subject

Date :
Signature of the Head/Dean of the Deptt./Centre/School

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